Microprocessor Architecture

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Internal Data Operations
• General-Purpose Registers
- used to store 8-bit data during a program
- the register identified as B, C,D, E, H and L
Internal Data Operations
• Accumulator
- store 8-bit data and to perform 8-bit
arithmetic and logical operations
- store the result of an operation
Internal Data Operations
• Status Register/ Flag Register
- 8-bit register shows the status of the
microprocessor before/after an operation
- each register divided into individual bits
called “flag”
Five Different Types of Condition
• Negative Flag/Sign Flag
- used for indicating the sign of the data in
the accumulator
- the sign flag is set if negative (1 –negative)
- the sign flag is reset if positive (0 +positive)
Five Different Types of Condition
• Zero Flag
- is set if result obtained after an operation
is 0
Five Different Types of Condition
• Carry Flag
- is set if there is carry or borrow from
arithmetic operation
Five Different Types of Condition
• Auxillary Carry Flag
- is set if there is a carry out of bit 3
Five Different Types of Condition
• Parity Flag
- is set if parity is even
- is cleared f parity is odd
Internal Architecture
• Program Counter (PC)
- is a register that is used to control the
sequencing of the execution of instructions.
- always hold the address of the next
- the act of “getting” an instruction is usually
referred to as fetching the instruction.
Internal Architecture
• Stack & Stack Pointer
- Stack is an area of memory used to hold data
that will be retrieved soon.
- Stack Pointer is also a 16-bit register that is
used to point into memory.
- usually accessed in a Last In First Out (LIFO)
Internal Architecture
• Stack & Stack Pointer
- the act of putting of data in the stack is
called “Pushing” data onto the stack.
- removing data from the top-of-the-stack is
called “Popping or Pulling” data from the
Internal Architecture
• Instruction Register & Decoder
- Instruction is stored in IR after fetched by
- Decoder decodes instruction in IR
Direction: Identify the following, choose the correct answer in the box.

General-Purpose Registers Negative flag

Status Register Pushing
Fetching Accumulator
1. A register store the result of an operation.
2. A flag produce a negative number.
3. In what register are the flags located?
4. The act of putting a piece of data in the stack is called_____.
5. The act of “getting” an instruction is_____.
Key to Correction
1. General-Purpose Registers
2. Negative flag
3. Status Register
4. Pushing data/Pushing
5. Fetching

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