21st Century Literature Answer Sheet

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Content – 3pts Organization - 2 pts

1. Which character in the story do you think you can connect with and why?
Personally, I think the character whom I relate to the most were the children of
the rich man. Although the characters and I aren't similarly alike in all aspects, but their
isolation somehow resonates with the situation that we're dealing with right now. That
aside, not much connects with these characters to

2. What is the significance of the story to what is happening in the present times?

The story tells the tale of a rich man who had thought to be robbed of their spirit,
when in fact it was their fault for isolating themselves from the joy of the outside world
and blaming everything to those under them. The story itself can be seen in the world
where those who have the upper hand in the society often abuse their power on the
poor, causing them to face gruesome consequences.

(Submit these papers only)

Week 1 – Module 1




I. Directions: Discuss the following questions with a pair at home. Write the answers on
the space provided.
Content – 3
Organization – 2

1. How did the American Regime change or influence our culture and literature?

The American regime had introduced its greatest achievement to the Philippines
- public school systems. The latter became their medium to propagate the American
English language to the poor and rich, as the system centered on being egalitarian on
the people. Most Filipinos could now write using English, which had sprouted the birth
of literature works such as: newspapers, novel, and periodicals. However, the American
regime had also influenced colonial mentality amongst the Filipinos.

2. What are the main themes of literature during the American regime?

Unlike the Spanish era which had centered on religious themes, the American
regime had brought the focus on nationalism and the daily lives of the Filipinos; giving
light on being more realistic rather than a romanticized lifestyle.

3. Give 2 examples of literature written during the American Regime.

Kahapon, Ngayon at Bukas (Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow) written by
Aurelio Tolentino and Malaya by Thomas Remigio were both an example of the many
plays that were present in the Philippines during the American regime.

II. Directions: Create an old American newspaper page on this page. You may search, print, write, and paste
images and articles to make it look like one.
Content – 5
Organization – 5
Creativity – 5


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