FF CoMa v2 7

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FlexFlow Configuration Manager (CoMa) 2.

User Guide
Table of Content
Table of Content .......................................................................................................................................... 2
Document Revisions and History.............................................................................................................. 6
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Launching FF ConfigManager ................................................................................................................... 8
Logging In ................................................................................................................................................. 9
Creating a new .ini file ........................................................................................................................ 10
Creating a Default CoMa User ........................................................................................................... 11
Config-Manager locked ...................................................................................................................... 12
Working with the Configuration Manager (CoMa) ................................................................................. 13
The Extras Menu .................................................................................................................................... 15
Info-Center.......................................................................................................................................... 15
Using INI-File...................................................................................................................................... 15
Using CSV-Loader.............................................................................................................................. 16
Using Tasks........................................................................................................................................ 17
Add-Ins ............................................................................................................................................... 18
Using Logging..................................................................................................................................... 18
Options ............................................................................................................................................... 20
Working with Data Grids ......................................................................................................................... 25
Customizing Data Grids ..................................................................................................................... 27
Changing Data Grid View ................................................................................................................... 28
Changing Column Width and Position................................................................................................ 31
Hide and Unhide Columns ................................................................................................................. 32
Sorting Data........................................................................................................................................ 34
Filtering Data ...................................................................................................................................... 35
Grouping Data .................................................................................................................................... 35
Alphabetic Grid Structure ................................................................................................................... 37
Tips for New Users.................................................................................................................................... 38
Change your Password .......................................................................................................................... 39
Customizing your Toolbox ...................................................................................................................... 40
Offline InfoCenter.................................................................................................................................... 42
Forward Logistics Tab ........................................................................................................................ 45
Traceability Tab .................................................................................................................................. 50
Error Messages....................................................................................................................................... 54
Working with Data-Manager..................................................................................................................... 55
Using the Employee and Security Manager ........................................................................................... 56
Employee-Groups............................................................................................................................... 56
Employee............................................................................................................................................ 57
Group Access ..................................................................................................................................... 58
Access to Station Types ..................................................................................................................... 59
Meaning of Signature ......................................................................................................................... 61
Access to Trace-Processes................................................................................................................ 62
Notification.......................................................................................................................................... 64
Using the BOM-Manager .......................................................................................................................... 66
Part-Family-Type .................................................................................................................................... 67
Part-Family.............................................................................................................................................. 68
Parts........................................................................................................................................................ 71
Construct Product-Structure ................................................................................................................... 77
Creating a New Structure ................................................................................................................... 79
Viewing Existing Product Hierarchy ................................................................................................... 81
Removing Part(s) from Existing Product Hierarchy............................................................................ 82
CSV-Loader ............................................................................................................................................ 83
Dependences.......................................................................................................................................... 88

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Viewing Existing Dependency Structure ............................................................................................ 89
Modifying Existing Dependency Structure ......................................................................................... 90
Estimated BOM....................................................................................................................................... 91
View Estimated BOM.......................................................................................................................... 91
Construct Part-Family Structure ......................................................................................................... 93
Configuration Overview .......................................................................................................................... 96
Part Change............................................................................................................................................ 97
Config Part Change Rules ...................................................................................................................... 99
Using the Label-Manager ....................................................................................................................... 100
Label Families....................................................................................................................................... 101
Label ..................................................................................................................................................... 102
Format on Label.................................................................................................................................... 103
Label Field Definition ............................................................................................................................ 105
Add db field....................................................................................................................................... 107
Add function...................................................................................................................................... 108
Add string literal................................................................................................................................ 112
Add parameter.................................................................................................................................. 112
Using the Serial Number-Manager ........................................................................................................ 113
SSN Family ........................................................................................................................................... 114
SN Type ................................................................................................................................................ 115
SN Formats........................................................................................................................................... 116
Creating User-defined Serial Number .............................................................................................. 118
Creating FIX Part.............................................................................................................................. 118
Creating UDF Part ............................................................................................................................ 120
Creating Date/Time Part................................................................................................................... 122
Creating Counter Part ...................................................................................................................... 124
Creating Counter Part Reset ............................................................................................................ 126
Viewing and Deleting Section........................................................................................................... 128
Creating Serial Numbers Pool.......................................................................................................... 128
Creating Pool: Key-in the serial number into the grid....................................................................... 129
Creating Pool: Paste from Clipboard................................................................................................ 129
Creating Pool: Use the CSV Loader................................................................................................. 131
Available SN ......................................................................................................................................... 135
SN Sections .......................................................................................................................................... 136
Using the N-Strike Rule Manager .......................................................................................................... 137
Viewing N-Strike Rules ......................................................................................................................... 138
Creating N-Strike Rules ........................................................................................................................ 140
Applying the N-Strike Rule Group ........................................................................................................ 143
Using the Rework Manager .................................................................................................................... 144
Rework Action....................................................................................................................................... 145
Failure Code ......................................................................................................................................... 146
Customized Defect Code...................................................................................................................... 147
Standard Defect Code .......................................................................................................................... 148
Standard Defect Code from XML ..................................................................................................... 148
CSV Loader .......................................................................................................................................... 151
Using the SPC Manager.......................................................................................................................... 155
Abnormality Rules................................................................................................................................. 156
Measurement Parameter ...................................................................................................................... 157
Squeegee Direction .............................................................................................................................. 158
Using the OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) Manager.............................................................. 159
Stop Reasons ....................................................................................................................................... 161
Stop Reasons Structure........................................................................................................................ 162
OEE Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 163
Periodic Downtime Scheduler............................................................................................................... 164
Eventual Downtime Scheduler.............................................................................................................. 166
Using Detail-Attributes .......................................................................................................................... 168

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Using the Production Order-Manager................................................................................................... 169
Production Orders................................................................................................................................. 170
Force-Close a Production Order ...................................................................................................... 172
Line Orders ........................................................................................................................................... 173
Priority Monitor...................................................................................................................................... 175
Timeline Monitor ................................................................................................................................... 176
Using the RMA Manager......................................................................................................................... 177
Import Product ...................................................................................................................................... 178
RMA ...................................................................................................................................................... 183
Using the Route-Manager....................................................................................................................... 186
Route Names ........................................................................................................................................ 187
Route Drawing Tool .............................................................................................................................. 188
The Drawing-Box.............................................................................................................................. 189
Constructing a New Route ............................................................................................................... 191
Multiple Outgoing Links (Any State) ................................................................................................. 202
Joining Routes.................................................................................................................................. 204
Deleting Routes ................................................................................................................................ 205
Route Mapping...................................................................................................................................... 206
Calculating Route ID............................................................................................................................. 207
Template Details ................................................................................................................................... 208
Using the Line-Manager ......................................................................................................................... 209
Lines ..................................................................................................................................................... 210
Station Types ........................................................................................................................................ 211
Stations ................................................................................................................................................. 212
Online Info Center Tabs........................................................................................................................ 213
Copy Line.............................................................................................................................................. 214
Physical Station Tool ............................................................................................................................ 215
Physical Stations Configuration........................................................................................................ 216
Using Unit State/Status .......................................................................................................................... 222
Template Generator ................................................................................................................................ 224
Viewing and Copying Template ............................................................................................................ 225
Creating User-Defined Template .......................................................................................................... 226
Import/Export........................................................................................................................................... 230
Using Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 234
Validation Tool (Debugger) .................................................................................................................... 235
Initializing the Validation Tool ............................................................................................................... 238
Using the Validation Tool ....................................................................................................................... 239
Using the Validation Tool: Manual Test Single Station ........................................................................ 240
Using the Validation Tool: Manual Test Multiple Stations .................................................................... 241
Using the Validation Tool: Auto Run All Stations.................................................................................. 242
Changing Station Configuration............................................................................................................ 244
Creating Simulated SN ......................................................................................................................... 245
Working with Traceability....................................................................................................................... 246
Using the Hardware Overview .............................................................................................................. 247
Using the SMT Machine Manager ........................................................................................................ 248
Machine Model Family ..................................................................................................................... 248
Machine Model ................................................................................................................................. 249
Machine Table Attribute ................................................................................................................... 250
Machines .......................................................................................................................................... 251
Machine Model/Attribute from CSV .................................................................................................. 254
Using the Cart Manager........................................................................................................................ 258
Cart Model ........................................................................................................................................ 258
Cart ................................................................................................................................................... 259
Using Print Label .................................................................................................................................. 260
Using the Loading List Manager ........................................................................................................... 262
FMS Loading List.............................................................................................................................. 263

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LL/PP Loading List ........................................................................................................................... 265
Load FMS or LL/PP From File.......................................................................................................... 266
Using the Station Material Consumption Manager ............................................................................... 272
Using Rules and Alert ........................................................................................................................... 274
Default Classification Configuration ................................................................................................. 275
Classification Configuration.............................................................................................................. 280
Existing Jobs .................................................................................................................................... 282
Using the Material Route Manager ....................................................................................................... 283
Material Route - Toolbar................................................................................................................... 284
Material Route - Drawing Objects and Workspace .......................................................................... 285
Using the Tester Interface Manager ...................................................................................................... 286
Section Header ..................................................................................................................................... 287
Section Detail........................................................................................................................................ 288
Adding Section Detail - Predefined fields ......................................................................................... 290
Adding Section Detail - Call a stored procedure .............................................................................. 291
Adding Section Detail - Import from ImportProduct table................................................................. 292
Adding Section Detail - Save when tester generates....................................................................... 293
Adding Section Detail-Constant ....................................................................................................... 294
Adding Section Detail-Generate as Serial Number.......................................................................... 295
Adding Section Groups .................................................................................................................... 296
Using Project-Settings............................................................................................................................ 297
Using Master-Slave Servers ................................................................................................................. 299
Using Customer Logo............................................................................................................................. 301
Using Language.................................................................................................................................... 303
APPENDIXES ........................................................................................................................................... 305
APPENDIX I: SAVERESULT.XML........................................................................................................... 306
APPENDIX II: Loading Lists and FMS ................................................................................................... 308
XML Tags.............................................................................................................................................. 309
Loading Lists and FMS Samples .......................................................................................................... 312
Index ......................................................................................................................................................... 326

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Document Revisions and History
Rev. Date Author Revision Changes
June 9, 06 Janice Lim 1 Changes in Adding Section Detail - Call a stored
procedure, Parameters Interface
November 6, 06 Shereen 1.1 Update for FF 2.4: Master/Slave configuration in Project
Yeoh Settings
January 19, 07 Shereen 2.0 Updates for FF2.5
September 18, Shereen 2.1 Updates for FF2.6
07 Yeoh
January 31, 08 Shereen 2.2 Updates for FF2.7

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FLEXFLOW is a comprehensive shop-floor control and data-collection system that helps to improve
production efficiency and product quality. FlexFlow was developed in-house and is the standard shop
floor application for Flextronics. Currently FlexFlow controls well over 200 production lines and is now
FDA-compliant for medical device manufacturing.

FlexFlow 2.x is built on cutting edge .Net technology and offers better configurability and usability and is
21 CFR Part 11 compliant (electronic records). It includes an advanced configuration module that allows
non-developers to implement quickly over 40 station templates that are configurable, and an off-line
reporting database that includes both standard reports and a report builder.

In version 2.7, traceability functionality is now supported by FlexFlow.

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Launching FF ConfigManager
To launch the configuration manager:

1. Double click the ConfigManager icon to launch the application.

2. Next, you will see the Authentication dialog box.

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Logging In
After starting the application, you have to login with a valid User-ID and your password.

1. Choose an appropriate .ini file.

2. Key-in your Username and Password.
3. Press <Enter> or click on the Login button.

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Creating a new .ini file
Each ini-file listed in Use IniFile field, represents a connection to a special database. It allows you to
collect and manage more databases. To create a new .ini file:

1. Click the create a new ini icon.

2. You should see the Connection Settings dialog box.

5 4

3. Enter the Server, Database-Name, UserName, Password and Command-Timeout (Default : 60).
4. Click the OK button to save the settings in the default file called ‘Config.ini’.
5. Click the Save as button.

6. Key-in an appropriate file name.

7. Press <Enter> or click on the OK button.

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Creating a Default CoMa User
Once you connect to a new database, the next step is to create a default CoMa user for the database.
With this default user you will be able to login to the new database and configure employees and the
authentication for the Config-Manager and the stations.

It is recommended that you use this feature only on the first time you run the application because this will
delete all existing authentication-setting of Config-Manager.

1. Click the create database default Config-Manager user icon.

2. Next, you will see the Default User dialog box.

3. Enter the Server name, Database name, UserName and Password to the database.
4. Click the OK button and you should see the following message box with the default
Username: ’Admin’ and Password: ‘admin’.

Now you are able to login to the system where you should delete the default-user and define new user
groups, users and assign their access rights accordingly.

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Config-Manager locked

Version 2.6 Onwards

The CoMa will be locked if the Station is left idle for a specified time. This time interval depends on the
CoMa-Auto-Logoff settings in Project Settings. (Refer to Using Project-Settings p 297)

The CoMa can also be manually locked via the User > Lock CoMa menu

You will see the following screen when the CoMa is locked:

 To continue using the CoMa, enter your Password and click Unlock.
 Click Logoff and Relogin to logout and relogin as a different user.
 Click Exit to logout and end FF CoMa.

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Working with the Configuration Manager (CoMa)
Once you have successfully login into CoMa, you will be able to see the following screen.


Fig. 1 CoMa Main Screen

You will be able to find the following components in the CoMa main screen:
1. Title bar
You will find the application name and version/release, server name and database name on the Title
2. Menu bar
Allow you to navigate CoMa with drop-down menus.
3. Toolbar
Consist of icons to commonly used CoMa functions.
4. Toolbox
There are eight (8) segments of the Toolbox, namely: Security, Configuration Data, Client Data,
Business Data, Configuration, Interfaces, Project and External Modules. You can start an event by
selecting a corresponding icon in one of the segments.
5. Status bar
The Status bar is partitioned into three (3) sections, from the left: user name, status of current
process (such as loading data, reading data, save changes, etc.) and current date and time.
6. Overview and Helpbox
It provides a short overview to each module in Data Manager and Configuration.

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To see the overview:

a. Scroll the mouse cursor over to one of the icons.
b. You will see a brief introduction at the bottom of the Helpbox. For instance, when you move the
cursor over to Employee and Security module, you should see “Use the Employee and Security
Manager for managing all your Employee-groups, Employees and access to the FF-Applications!”.
To close the Overview and Helpbox, click on the - Symbol on the top-right corner. To view it again,
select View menu > Show Overview and Helpbox.

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The Extras Menu
The Extras menu allows you to access special functions in CoMa.

The special functions are:


Refer to Info-Center p 15 for more information.

Using INI-File
The INI-File option under the Extras menu launches the New INI-File dialog box. Refer to Creating a
new .ini file p 10for more information.

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Using CSV-Loader
CSV-Loader option allows you to import data into various tables in the database.

To import data:
1. Choose the destination table for the data you want to import.
2. Click the OK button.
3. Next, you will see the CSV-Loader wizard dialog box. There are six (6) steps in the wizard. Please
refer to CSV Loader p 151 for example and more information.

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Using Tasks
Here, you can view the Production Order calendar by day, week, or month.

The Production Order-Tasks allows you to:

1. View all PO according to their Requested Start Time defined in the Production Order Manager.
2. Reschedule appointment using the drag and drop method. Changes made here do not affect the
actual PO.
3. Change the display of the calendar using the Day, Work Week, Week, and Month buttons.
4. Use Page Setup to define how the calendar will be printed. You can also print the calendar together
with its header and footer.

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This module enables you to execute external add-in functions from within the FlexFlow workspace.

You will be able to:

 Upgrade/Downgrade FF-Database
 Use the Route XML Checker to check your configured routes
 Run the Microsoft SQL Query Analyzer

Using Logging
This module is use for monitor and control purposes. It records of all the changes made to the database.
The information recorded on the log file includes:

• Employee who made the changes

• Type of changes made, which include Update, New or Delete
• Function used to make the changes
• The affected Table and Record
• Date and time of the operation

You can change the way information are presented on this screen:

1. By default, the information is grouped by the Category field. You can remove the grouping by
removing the Category field from the top of the grid. You may group the record by another field by
dragging the column header back to the same area (Refer to Grouping Data p 35for more
2. You can view records between two specific dates by adjusting the value in the from and to box.

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3. You can also filter the information by entering the criteria entered in the Time, Employee and
Category field.

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This module enables you to customize the look and style of FlexFlow.

In the Style Tab, you will be able to define the style of FlexFlow.

 Select the general color scheme to be applied to FlexFlow from the General section.
o Use System Setting: If selected, the color scheme will follow the default system setting.
o Green: Click to use a green color scheme for FlexFlow.
o Strong color for all grids, button-bars and explorer-bars: Select the dominant color to
be used for all grids, button-bars and explorer-bars.
o Weak color for all grids, button-bars and explorer-bars: Select the passive color to be
used for all grids, button-bars and explorer-bars.
o Use always default header: If selected, the default heading is used always in windows.
o Use a special color for headers: If selected, the selected special color will be used for
headers instead of the default color.
o Reset to default style settings: Click to reset the color scheme to the default settings.
 In the Tool-Boxes area, select whether to use large or small icons for the route drawing objects
and templates tool-box.

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In the Data-Managers tab, you will define how grids behave in FlexFlow.

 Default: Click to reset all grids to their default settings.

 Auto save grid settings on leave: If selected, the grid settings (e.g.: column width) will be saved
and used to display the grid the next time the grid is accessed.

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In the External Modules tab, you can define external modules (assemblies) which should be allowed to
be executed from within the Config-Manager.

 Enter the name which will identify the external module in the toolbox in Name in Toolbox
 Enter the assembly name in Assembly-Name (.dll). Note that this field is case sensitive and that
the *.dll extention should be excluded.
 Enter the class name in Class using FFCoMaInterface. Note that this field is also case sensitive.

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In the Configuration tab, you can specify the behavior of the Configuration Data modules (i.e.: BOM,
Label, Serial Number, etc.).

 Show the specified parts on the default screen after loading the configuration screen: If
selected, the specified parts on the default screen will be displayed when the configuration screen
is loaded.
 Allow to add additional customized tasks (basic-functions): If selected, you are able to add
additional customized tasks.
 Allow to add additional customized tasks (basic-functions) in default-task-groups: if selected,
you are able to add additional customized tasks in default task groups.

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In the Info Center tab, you can define customized pages which can be displayed in the Info-Center
window. The additional forms (tabs) must follow a specified interface.

 Displaying Description: Enter the description which will be displayed for the additional form.
 Assembly-Name (.dll): Enter the dll filename for the additional form. Note that this field is case
sensitive and that the *.dll extention should be excluded.
 Starting Form Name: Enter the starting form name of the additional form.

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Working with Data Grids
Data in most of the modules are shown in grid, which you can add new entries, delete or modify existing

Required fields have RED colored text and an asterisk (*) sign in their column headers.


Row header

You will see the following symbols on the Row header:

Used to mark the currently selected row.

You will see this on the row header of the empty row used to create new record. The
empty row is normally placed at the top of the grid, and in some cases at the bottom.
This symbol appears on the row header of the record that you are editing. While editing
you can restore the original value of a cell by pressing the escape (ESC) key.

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To delete a record:

1. Click once on the row header to select a row.

2. Press DEL or Delete key on the keyboard.

3. You will be prompted to confirm the operation. Selecting YES will delete the record permanently.

Searching for a required record maybe cumbersome as the number of records grows. You can quickly
search for every occurrence of a specific word or phrase using the Find function.

1. Select Find from the Edit menu (Press Ctrl + F).

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2. Enter the text that you want to search for.
3. Click the OK button.
4. The record with the matching value is highlighted.
5. Select the Find Next (Press F3) or Find Previous (Press Shift + F3) option under the Edit menu to
find the next or previous matching value.

Apart from using the Edit menu and the hotkeys you can also use the Find, Find Next and Find Previous
button on the toolbar: .

Customizing Data Grids

System allows you to customize the table according to your preference. For example, changing the data
grid view, adjusting the column width, and changing the position of the columns.

All customisation made need to be saved. The settings can easily save using the following methods:
• Select the Save user defined settings -icon on the menu bar
• Press the Ctrl + S keys
• Select Save Settings option on the Edit menu.

You can also pre-configure the system to automatically save all grid settings:

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1. Go to Options under the Extras menu.
2. Choose the Data-Managers tab.
3. Select the Auto save grid setting on leave check box.
4. Click the OK button.

Changing Data Grid View

Data can be shown as a table, card or single card.

• Grid as Table: Is the default view, where data will be arranged in rows and columns.

• Grid as Card: In this view, each record will be shown a card in which fields will be displayed vertically.
You will be able to see multiple records (cards) on a screen.

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• Grid as Single Card: Here, each record is also shown as a card but you can only see a single card
at a time. You can move between records using the record navigation bar.

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To display the grid as card or single card:

1. Click once on any cell in the table.

2. Choose the View menu, and select Grid as Card or Grid as Single Card.
3. Save the setting.

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Changing Column Width and Position
You can change the width and position of columns in a table according to your needs.

To change column width:

1. Position the mouse pointer on the column header, close to the right border of the required column.
The mouse pointer changes to a double headed arrow ( ).
2. Click and drag to the left or right to adjust the width.
3. Double click and system will automatically adjust the width of that column to fit the longest entry.
4. Save the settings.

To change column position:

1. Position the mouse pointer on the header of the column you would like to move.
2. Click and drag the selected column to a new position which will be marked by a pair of red arrows.
3. Save the settings.

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Hide and Unhide Columns
You can hide and unhide the columns in a table using the field chooser.

To hide column(s):

1. Choose Show Field-Chooser under the View menu.

2. Move the mouse pointer over to the header of the column you wish to hide.
3. Click and drag the column header into the Field Chooser dialog box.
4. Repeat Step 2 and 3 to hide more columns.
5. Close the Field Chooser using the X-button.
6. Save the settings.

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To show hidden column(s):
1. Choose Show Field-Chooser under the View menu.

2. Select the field to unhide from the Field Chooser dialog box.
3. Click and drag the selected field to a desired position in the table. The position will be marked by a
pair of red arrows.
4. Repeat Step 2 and 3 to unhide more columns.
5. Close the Field Chooser using the X-button.
6. Save the settings.

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Sorting Data
You can arrange the records in the table based on any column in the table.

To sort the data:

1. Click once on the header of the column you would like to sort by.
You will see an up-pointing black triangle on the selected column header. The triangle indicates that
all records are sorted in ascending based on that column. Click again on the same column to sort the
records in descending order. This time you should see a down-pointing triangle.
2. Save the settings.

You can rearrange the records according to the default sort order by removing the sort by column.

To remove the sort by column:

1. Hold the control (CTRL) key and click once on the sort by column.
2. Save the settings.

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Filtering Data
Filtering temporarily hides rows you do not want to display. System displays only the rows that meet the
criteria you specified. Criteria refer to conditions you specify to limit which records are included in the
result set of a filter.

To filter records:
1. Choose Show Filter-Row under the View menu.

2. You will see an extra row above the grid. Enter the criteria in the appropriate field(s). You can click
the X-button to delete the content of that cell.
3. Click once on any cell at the bottom. System shows the records that meet the criteria specified in
Step 2.

To remove the Filter-Row, choose Hide Filter-Row from the View menu.
You can also show or hide the filter row using this two buttons on the toolbar: .

Grouping Data
System allows you to group data by any column in the table. You can also create multi-level grouping.

To group data:

1. Drag and drop a column header on to the box on top of the grid. The box is labelled with Drag a
column header here to group by that column.
You can create multi-level grouping by dragging another column header onto the same area.

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2. Click the plus (+) or minus (-) sign to show or hide the records in a group.
You can also expand or collapse all the groups by selecting Expand Grid (Ctrl+P) or Collapse Grid
(Ctrl+L) from the View menu.
3. Save the settings.

To remove the grouping:

1. Position the mouse pointer on the column name.

2. Drag and drop the column name back to its original position.
3. Save the settings.

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Alphabetic Grid Structure
This function allows you to sort and group records by alphabetical order of a selected column. A group is
created for each alphabet from 0-9 and A-Z, if there is a matching entry.

1. Select Show Alphabetic Grid Structure from the View menu.

2. Select a field from the list.

3. Click the OK button.

Select Remove Alphabetic Grid Structure from the View menu to remove the grouping.

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Tips for New Users
The following is a list of tasks that new users frequently perform during the first weeks running CoMa.

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Change your Password
Change the password that administrator gave you. Be sure to keep track of your new password so that
your administrator does not have to reset it for you.

To change your password:

1. Choose the User menu, and select change Password.

2. Key-in your existing Password.

3. Enter you new password.
4. Re-enter your password from item 3.
5. Click the OK button.

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Customizing your Toolbox

Not applicable for Version 2.5 and above. Note that the toolbox GUI has been changed from Version 2.5
onwards and can no longer be customized.

You can customise the appearance of your Toolbox to suit your work habits and personal preferences.

To change the display style:

These settings will be saved to the current user’s profile. If more than one person uses your computer,
each person can customize the Toolbox without erasing another person's settings. CoMa automatically
saves the settings for each user and activates that user's settings when the user logs on.

1. Move the mouse pointer onto the Toolbox. The pointer will change to a -Hand cursor.
2. Right click and you will see the Style context menu.
3. Point and click at your preferred view. Style Outlook
Style .NET
Tree View
Style Outlook Style .NET Tree View

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You can also change the Toolbox display style using the Options dialog box.

To launch the Option dialog box:

1. Select Options under the Extras menu.

2. Select a style from the Style of main tool-box combo box.

3. Click the OK button.

This screen also allows you to configure the colour scheme for CoMa windows and style for other

(b) To hide and show the Toolbox:

1. You can hide the Toolbox by clicking on the - Symbol on the top-right corner. This will change
Toolbox into a Toolbox-Button.

2. By clicking on this button you can make the Toolbox visible again.

In addition, you can change the order of the icons using the drag & drop method.

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Offline InfoCenter
This is a powerful search engine that allows you to view information related to production. Users are
given the flexibility to query the information by entering: Unit Serial Number, Package Serial Number, PO
Number, or Part Number.

Version 2.7 Onwards

An additional tab for Traceability-related information has been added.

Version 2.6 Onwards

Serial numbers can be copied from the Info-Center through a context menu.

Access the context menu by right-clicking the serial number.

 Copy Current Serial-Number: Copy the selected serial number to the clipboard.
 Copy all Serial-Numbers: Copy the entire list of serial numbers to the clipboard.
 SQL using current Serial-Number: Copy the selected serial number to the clipboard as an SQL
statement. (E.g.: select * from ffUnit u inner join ffSerialNumber s on u.ID = s.UnitID where Value =

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 42 of 328

To launch the Info-Center:

1. Select Info-Center from Overview and Helpbox.

2 3

2. Next, you will see the Info Center window.

Enter a Unit-SN, PO-Number, Package-SN or Part Number.
3. Click the Apply button.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 43 of 328

4. You can customize the way results are shown using these check boxes:
• show limited count of units in list: allows you to restrict the number of serial numbers
displayed on each page the result list
• anchor unit list: when selected the result list will be fixed at the left side of the window. If cleared
the results list can be moved and resized.
• link unit from list in new window: displays unit details on a new window when user selects a
serial number from the result list

Alternatively, you can search for a Unit using the Find Units button. Selecting the Find Unit button
launches the following dialog box which allows you to query with a different set of criteria.

Info-Center also allows you to search for Lot Information by selecting Lot-Info button. Here, you can view
Lot information by selecting a Machine, Supplier, Part-Number or Lot-Code.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 44 of 328

Forward Logistics Tab
The Forward Logistics tab is the existing tab which has been found in previous versions of FlexFlow.

You will see the following tabs on the Info-Center screen:

(i) Unit Info

Fig. 2 InfoCenter > Forward Logistics Tab > Unit Info Tab

 Shows unit details which include Unit State, Status, Creation time, and etc.
 View the unit status history from the bottom of the tab.

(ii) Consumption

Fig. 3 InfoCenter > Forward Logistics Tab > Consumption Tab

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 45 of 328

 Displays information of child component consumption.
 The unit-component detail is also displayed, as well as the trace consumption information.

(iii) Test

Fig. 4 InfoCenter > Forward Logistics Tab > Test Tab

 Shows results and details of various tests performed on a particular unit

(iv) Package

Fig. 5 InfoCenter > Forward Logistics Tab > Package Tab

 Displays information related to packages such as the package hierarchy and history.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 46 of 328

 Allows you to check the content and status of a package

(v) RMA

Fig. 6 InfoCenter > Forward Logistics Tab > RMA Tab

 Shows RMA details and history for the unit.

(vi) Part

Fig. 7 InfoCenter > Forward Logistics Tab > Part Tab

 Shows Part details which include Revision, Description, UOM, etc.

 Also displays the product structure and dependencies.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 47 of 328

(vii) Production Order

Fig. 8 InfoCenter > Forward Logistics Tab > Production Order Tab

 Contains PO information, such as status, quantity, start date and etc.

(viii) Route Info

Fig. 9 InfoCenter > Forward Logistics Tab > Route Info Tab

 Shows route name, line name and the next possible station type for a particular unit.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 48 of 328

(ix) Action Log

Fig. 10 InfoCenter > Forward Logistics Tab > Action Log Tab

 Logs information such as Time, Station, Description, etc. of actions made by Users

(x) Cookbook

Fig. 11 Info-Center > Forward Logistics Tab > Cookbook Tab

 Displays a graphical representation for the Failures, Defects and Rework done for a selected part or
individual unit.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 49 of 328

Traceability Tab

Version 2.7 Onwards

The Traceability tab in the Offline InfoCenter displays traceability-related information.

You will see the following tabs on the Info-Center screen:

(i) FMS

Fig. 12 InfoCenter > Traceability Tab > FMS Tab

 Displays the Family Matrix Setup (FMS) details for the selected production line and FMS
 Double click the loading list to view its details in the Loading List Tab.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 50 of 328

(ii) Loading List

Fig. 13 InfoCenter > Traceability Tab > Loading List Tab

 Click a Table Slot to show the material units which is mapped to it.
 Double click the Machine to display more details in the Hardware Tab.

(iii) Hardware

Fig. 14 InfoCenter > Traceability Tab > Hardware Tab

 Click a table slot to view the Material Units that are mapped to it.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 51 of 328

 In the Material Unit Information grid, you can view the material unit serial number, status and part

(iv) Kitting

Fig. 15 InfoCenter > Traceability Tab > Kitting Tab

 Both online and offline kitting information is displayed on this tab.

 The Station Kitting grid displays information for kitted material units which belong to the Line.
 The Machine Table Kitting grid displays information for kitted material units which belong to the FMS.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 52 of 328

(v) Online Material

 Shows information for material units which are kitted on an online machine.

(vi) Material Unit

 Contains material unit information.

 Enter the TCID (Material Unit serial number) to view the transaction details of that Material Unit

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 53 of 328

Error Messages
Error messages will be displayed when errors are encountered in FlexFlow.

Version 2.6 Onwards

Taking a screenshot of the error message:

 You can now save a screenshot of Error Message windows. This is useful when you need to get help
in identifying errors which you cannot resolve.

 Click Screenshot and you will be prompted to select a filename and location to save the image.

Getting more information about the error message:

 Click Details to view additional information about the error message:

 Right-click the details box to access the Copy context menu. You can copy the text in this area this

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 54 of 328

Working with Data-Manager
Different data managers are available to address each business process.


Version 2.5 onwards

The layouts of all data manager windows have been updated from previous versions of FlexFlow:

1. Data Manager Heading: displays all functions of the selected manager.

2. Data Manager Function: allows you to view data and perform operations related to the selected

Note: Data Grids and fields use RED color column header and an asterisk (*) sign to signify that it is a
required field.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 55 of 328

Using the Employee and Security Manager
The Employee and Security Manager allows you to define the FlexFlow user groups, users and assign
user permissions.

Functions of Employee and Security Manager include:

 Station Access
 Meaning of Signature

If you are a first time user, your first task is to create Employee Groups. Once you have defined your
groups, you can create users and assign them to a group. Only groups granted permission by the System
Administrator can access this page to create, delete, or edit user accounts.

To create a new Employee Group:

1. Click once in the Description* cell.

2. Key-in the group name and press <ENTER>.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 56 of 328

The Employee screen allows you to create employees and assign them to a group.

To create a new Employee record:

1. Click once in the UserID* cell, complete the user details, and press <Enter>.

2 3

2. Retype the Password.

3. Press <ENTER> or click on the OK button.
4. System generates an ID and places the record under the respective group.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 57 of 328

Group Access
The Group Access screen is used to configure the access permissions for a group.

To set the access rights for a group:

1. Select an Employee Group from the list of existing groups.

3 2


2. You should see the selected group name on the top right hand corner.
3. You can set permissions at different levels, click the plus sign (+) or minus sign
(–) to display or hide the sublevels respectively:
4. Select the appropriate check boxes to set access permissions. The first checkbox assigns read/write
permission, while the second checkbox will assign read only permission. Note that read only
permission is only possible for CoMa, since it would not make sense to have Stations in a read only

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 58 of 328

Access to Station Types
The Access to Station Types screen is used to configure access permission to station types created in
Line-Manager > Station Types module.

(a) To set the access permission to station types:

1. Click once on the Access to StationType link.

2. Choose one of the users from the list of all existing users.
3. Select the appropriate check boxes to set permissions to station types. Station types list changes as,
they are created or deleted using the Line-Manager>Station Types module.

(b) The current view can be customized according to your preference. To show or hide the group
title from the existing users list:

1. Select or clear the Group User by Employee-Group check box.

2. Note the changes in the user list.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 59 of 328

(c) To view permissions by Station-Type:

1. Select the by Station-Type radio button.

2. Station types are now listed in the left pane, and Users in the right.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 60 of 328

Meaning of Signature

Version 2.6 Onwards

For double-checking purposes, FlexFlow can be set to require users to re-authenticate their identities
during certain stages in the production line. FlexFlow can also be configured to allow a person of higher
authority (e.g.: a Line Supervisor), to approve a certain task or to authorize a responsibility transfer in the

By using the Meaning of Signature function, you can define what each user’s signature represents.

To assign users with their “meaning of signature”,

 Select the User
 Select the appropriate “Meaning Of Signature” checkbox

The “meaning of signature” can be any or all of the following:

 Authorized – The user is authorized to perform the task
 Responsible – The user is responsible for the task. Usually used to identify the task
 Reviewer – The user serves as a reviewer for the task
 Transferring – The user can transfer his/her authorization to another user so that the task can be
continued by the person who received the transfer of authorization.
 Witness – The user serves as a witness to the task

Specify how you want the employee records to be listed:

 By User: Display the “meaning of signature” assignments according to each individual user.
 By Meaning of Signature: Display users according to their “meaning of signature” assignments.
 Click the Group User by Employee-Group checkbox to group users according to their employee

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 61 of 328

Access to Trace-Processes

Version 2.7 Onwards

Use this screen to allow/disallow users from using traceability-related processes. This screen is similar to
Access to Station Types p 59.

(a) To set the access permission to trace processes:

1. Click once on the Access to Trace-Processes link.

2. Choose a user from the list of all existing users.
3. Select the appropriate check boxes to set permissions for the trace processes.

(b) The current view can be customized according to your preference. To show or hide the group
title from the existing users list:

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 62 of 328

1. Select or clear the Group User by Employee-Group check box.
2. Note the changes in the user list.

(c) To view permissions by Process Name:

1. Select the by Process Name radio button.

2. Station types are now listed in the left pane, and Users in the right.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 63 of 328

This new feature allows you to send notification e-mails to selected employees when any of these
scenarios are encountered:

1. Exceed Login Attempt Limit: A FlexFlow UserID will be locked when the Login Attempt Limit is
exceeded. Please refer to Using Project-Settings p 297 for more information.
2. Serial Number Reach Limit: Serial Number range pre-configured in the Serial Number Manager
is reached.
3. SPC Reach Abnormalities Rule: An out-of-control or abnormal situation is spotted from the
trend in the SPC chart. Abnormality rules are configured using the SPC Manager.
4. Unit State Changed: When user changes the state of any unit at the client terminal.
5. Unit Status Changed: When user changes the status of any unit at the client terminal. For
example, from Processing to Complete.
6. Unit Reprint: When a label is reprinted at client terminal.

To create/add recipient(s) of the notification email:



4 5

1. Select the Notification link.

2. You will see six (6) notification actions on the left pane. Select those applicable actions.
3. You will see a list of existing Employees on the right pane. Select the employee(s) that should receive
the notification email. Only employee with complete email address should be selected.
Note: If no Employees record is displayed, verify to make sure that the show all check box is
4. Select the is enabled check box to enable the notification to be sent at the selected time interval.
Clear the check box, if you do not want the job to be run immediately after it is created. For example
disable the job, if you want to test the job before it is scheduled to run.
5. Edit Recurring Job Schedule, by adjusting the time interval to run the job.
6. Click the apply in db button.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 64 of 328

You are advised to check if the notification has been configured correctly. To check the configuration:

1. Choose an existing recipient.

2. Select send test mail to selected employee from the Action box.
3. Next, you should see a message informing you that the email has been sent successfully.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 65 of 328

Using the BOM-Manager
The Bill of Materials (BOM) Manager allows you to define the relationship between a manufactured item
and its component materials.

Functions of BOM-Manager include:

i. Part
 Construct Product-Structure

ii. Estimated BOM

 View Estimated BOM
 Construct Part-Family

Construct Product-Structure and Construct Part-Family support the Build-to-Order (BTO) and Configure-
to-Order (CTO) manufacturing respectively.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 66 of 328


Version 2.5 onwards

Part Family Type was added to the BOM structure to enable Part Family details to be inherited by Part
details. Part details and task settings can also be copied to/from a different Part Family.

To create a new Part Family Type:

1. Click once in the Name* cell, complete the information, and press <Enter>. The record will be placed
at the bottom of the table.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 67 of 328

The Part Family screen allows you to view, create, and modify Part-Families. Related parts can be
assigned to a Part-family so that they can be filtered, sorted, and grouped.

(a) To create a new Part-Family:

1. Click once in the Name* cell, complete the information, and press <Enter>. The record will be placed
at the bottom of the table.

(b) To enter Part-Family Details

1. Click on the Detail button to launch the Details dialog box.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 68 of 328

(c) The Details dialog box allows you to enter additional information for a part-family.

To enter the additional information:

2 3

1. Check the part information in Detail Settings to ensure you have selected the correct Part-Family.
2. Select an attribute from the existing attributes list (Refer to Step 4, if the desired attribute is not in list).
3. Type-in a value for the selected attribute (or choose content from either label/serial number data), and
press <Enter>.
4. Copy settings to/from other Parts by clicking on the Copy Settings link.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 69 of 328


5. Click on the Attributes link to create new attributes.

6. Click once in the Description* cell, key-in the new attribute name and press <ENTER>. Repeat Step
2 to enter the value for the new attribute; or
7. Click the Close (x) button to close the dialog box.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 70 of 328

The Parts screen allows you view, create, edit, delete, modify, group, and sort parts information. You can
also upload parts information into the system.

Version 2.5 onwards

If the text color is:
 Grey: configuration was inherited from the Part-Family
 Black: configuration is from the part itself

(a) To create a new Part record:

2 3

1. Click once in the PartNumber* cell, key-in the Part Number, Revision, Description, and Unit of
Measurement (UOM).
2. Select a Product-Family from the combo box. The information displayed in the combo box is
extracted from the list created in Part-Family module.
3. Select the is Unit* check box, if the part is a manufactured item/top assembly.
4. Press <Enter>.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 71 of 328

(b) To enter advanced information of a part:

1. Click on the Detail button to launch the Details dialog box.

2. Click on the RefDesignator button to launch the RefDesignator dialog box.

(c) The Details dialog box allows you to enter additional information for a part.

To enter the additional information:

2 3

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 72 of 328

1. Check the part information shown in the left pane of the Detail-Settings tab, to ensure you have
selected the correct Part.
2. Select an attribute from the existing attributes list (Refer to Step 4, if the desired attribute is not in list).
3. Type-in a value for the selected attribute (or choose content from either label/serial number data), and
press <Enter>.
4. Copy settings to/from other Parts/Part-Family by clicking on the Copy Settings link.

5. Click on the Attributes link to create new attributes.

6. Click once in the Description* cell, key-in the new attribute name and press <ENTER>. Repeat Step
2 to enter the value for the new attribute.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 73 of 328


7. Click Configuration to access the route configuration settings for the Part. You can define the task
settings for that part from this screen, something which you can also perform in the Route Manager.
8. Select the Route and click on the Task link to configure the task settings related to this Part in that

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 74 of 328

9 10

9. Click the Reference Designator link. Use this section to define the location on the PCB where the
part will be mounted.
10. Select a Parent Part from the drop-down menu and enter a Location. Press <Enter>.

(d) The Reference Designator (RefDesignator) dialog box allows you to specify the location(s) of a part
on board. (Note: Complete the Product-Structure before using the RefDesignator function. Refer to
Construct Product-Structure p 77 for instructions.)

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 75 of 328

To enter locations of a part:

1. Select a Parent-Part from the combo box.

2. Key-in the part location and press <ENTER>.
3. The new location will be displayed at the bottom of the list. Repeat Step 1 to enter the next location;
4. Click the Close (x) button to close the dialog box.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 76 of 328

Construct Product-Structure
This component of the BOM-Manager allows you to create, modify and view the product hierarchy.

The Construct Product-Structure tab is divided into three (3) sections:

1 2

1. Part pane, displays existing parts list. Note that the list is filtered.
2. Product-Structure Pane, displays product hierarchy; and
3. Actions box and Legend box:
 Actions box, displays all available functions.
 Legend box identifies the colors code used for different part types.
4. Load a Structure (Version 2.6 Onwards): Select which Product Structure will be displayed from the
Top-Level Parts and Other Parts with structure drop-down menus.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 77 of 328

The Part pane, by default, displays only parts that are not built in. However, you can filter the list in
several ways:

1 2 3

1. Click on the show all button, to view all existing parts

2. Use the show just not built in parts button, to view those parts that have yet to be included in any
assembly (the default).
3. Use the Filter By Family combo box, to view only parts from a particular family.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 78 of 328

Creating a New Structure
To create a new structure:

1 2

1. Double-click a Parent Part number in the Part Pane. Alternatively, you can drag and drop the part
from the Part Pane, to the Product-Structure pane.
2. The selected part will be shown in the Product-Structure pane.


3. Drag and drop a Child part or multiple parts, from the Parts pane, onto the Parent part in the Product-
Structure Pane. Multiple parts can be selected using Shift or Control key as in other windows
• To select consecutive parts, click the first item, press and hold down SHIFT, and then click
the last item.
• To select parts that are not consecutive, press and hold down CTRL, and then click each

4. System converts the part from Step 1 to a Parent part (Unit).

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 79 of 328


5. A Part Position is required, when a Child part that already exists, is added in the structure.
6. Key in the position and click the OK button.

7. The postion entered in Step 5 can be modified using the Part properties box. The properties box will
be visible only when you have selected a child part.

The Part properties box also allows you to mark a part as critical, for Lot Control purposes (component
tracking). To mark a selected part as either critical or non-critical:

8. Choose the mark selected as critical button or mark selected as not critical button; or
9. Select or clear the is critical check box.

Note: Part number of critical parts is RED in color.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 80 of 328

Viewing Existing Product Hierarchy
The Product-Structure pane allows you to view the relationship of a selected Parent assembly and its
components. Select a Parent part, using one of the following methods:

1. Select a part from Top-Level Part/Other Parts with structure combo box; or
2. Double-click a Parent-Part number from the existing parts list; or
3. Click the Clear Screen button to clear the Product-Structure pane. Drag and drop a part from the
existing parts list, to the Product-Structure pane.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 81 of 328

Removing Part(s) from Existing Product Hierarchy
To remove all parts or a selected part from an existing structure.


1. Select a structure using one of the methods mentioned in Viewing Existing Product Hierarchy p 81.
2. Use the Split all button to destroy the whole structure.
3. Select a part from the structure.
4. Choose the Split selected button to remove the selected part.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 82 of 328

CSV-Loader allows you to import parts and structure information into the system from a .CSV file. Follow
the instructions in the step-by-step wizard. A BOM file originates from the BaaN (*.csv file) which is then
imported into FlexFlow.

To launch the CSV-Loader wizard, click the Load the BOM from a file link:

1. Click the Load BOM from a file in the Actions box.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 83 of 328

The wizard has six (6) steps:

Step 1 - Choose the Source-File

1. Click the Choose the file you want to import link.

2. Select the file you want to import from the appropriate folder.
3. Click the Open button.
4. The selected file name will be displayed in the text box.
5. Click the Next >> button.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 84 of 328

Step 2 - Load Data from File

2 3

1. Select the First row is caption check box, if the .CSV file has a header row.
2. The default separator used is Comma (,). You can choose the appropriate Separator using the ellipse
(…) button.
3. Click the Load File button.
4. The system displays the content of the .CSV file on the window.
5. Click the Next >> button.

Step 3 – Match File and Table Columns

1. Select fields from your file that are equivalent PartNumber, Revision, Description, UOM and
Component Location (Ref. Designator), using the five (5) combo boxes.
2. Click the Next >> button.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 85 of 328

Step 4 – Configuration Overview

1. Check the fields listed on the screen to ensure that you have matched them correctly. Click the <<
Back button, to return to Step 3 and make the necessary changes, if required.
2. Click the Next >> button.

Step 5 – Structure Overview


1. Select the It is a multilevel import check box, to import a product structure.

2. Select a field in the file that represents the Parent and Child relationship.
3. The system displays the Product hierarchy.
4. Select the Position field in your file, if two (2) or more parts in the hierarchy have the same part
5. Click the Next >> button.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 86 of 328

Step 6 – Load to Database

1. Click the Import now button to start uploading. You will need to confirm your selection by choosing
the Yes button.
2. The time required to import the file differs, depending on the size of your file. The  symbol and No
Error in the Status and No _ErrorDetail column respectively, indicates that the record has been
imported successfully.
3. Click the Finish button to close the Wizard.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 87 of 328

Part dependencies are set up to assist in the disassembly of components. For example, when an
operator has to repair or replace component ‘D’ of a unit, he should first remove other components (A, B,
C) to reach component D. In the Dependences section of the BOM-Manager, you can define a
dependency-structure that indicates the order in which components should be disassembled. At the de-
assembly station the operator will be forced to disassemble components in this order e.g. after
repairing/replacing component D, he will be forced to rescan the removed components A, B, and C to be
sure the assembly is reassembled in the correct order.

The Part-dependences window is used to view, create, and modify dependency structures.

To create a new dependency structure:


1. Select a Parent part from the Part with structure dialog box.
2. Click the create from structure button to create a Dependency structure, by duplicating a Product-
3. Drag and drop the part from the Product Structure pane, to the Part-Dependences pane.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 88 of 328

Viewing Existing Dependency Structure
The Product-Structure pane allows you to view existing dependency structure. Select a part with
dependency assigned to it, using one of the following methods:


1. Select a part from the list of all top-level parts that have an existing dependency structure, from Parts
with dependences combo box.
2. Select a part from all Parent parts, which have an existing product structure, from Parts with structure
combo box.
3. Select a part from the list of all parts that are part of a dependency structure or product structure, but
are not top level (level 1 onwards) from other Parts combo box.
4. Click the ellipse (…) button, which launch the Select Parts dialog box. Here, you can select a part
from the list and click the OK button. It provides five (5) buttons, allowing you to organize the list in
various ways:

i. Show Parts Organized By Structure: Shows all Parent parts.

ii. Show Parts Grouped By Product Family: Shows all parts grouped by Family.
iii. Show Parts Without Grouping: Shows all parts in alphabetical order.
iv. Set a Filter: Allows you to establish criteria(s) for view ii and iii.
v. Remove the current filter (show all again): Deactivate the filter set in iv.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 89 of 328

Modifying Existing Dependency Structure
You can modify an existing structure by removing part, changing the sequence of parts, and indenting a

Before going through any of the following functions, you need to first select a dependency structure, using
one of the methods mentioned in Viewing Existing Dependency Structure p 89.

(a) To remove all parts or a selected part from a dependency structure:

2 1
1. Use the remove all button to destroy the whole structure
2. Select a part from the structure.
3. Choose the split selected button to remove the selected part.

(b) To change the sequence parts:

Drag and drop a part, to a new position in the hierarchy.

The New Structure (b) below shows the effect of moving part HPM-1000-02 on top of HPM-1000-01 in
the Original Structure.

(c) To indent a part in the hierarchy:

Hold the Control key, drag and drop a part onto its parent.

The New Structure (c) below shows the effect of indenting part HPM-1000-03 onto HPM-1000-02 in the
Original Structure.

Original Structure New Structure (b) New Structure (c)

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 90 of 328

Estimated BOM
This is a new feature which allows you to create “adaptable product structure” used for CTO
manufacturing. The actual parts to be used during assembly are fixed only when customer places an
order. This information is entered into BaaN system, which in turn transferred to FlexFlow database
through BaaN adapter.

View Estimated BOM

This function allows you to view actual parts to be assembled to a Unit. Parts to be consumed are
grouped by Production Order number.

To view the parts associated with an order:

1. Select the Estimated BOM link.

2. Choose a production order from the tree view.
3. All parts to be assembled will be listed on the right pane.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 91 of 328

Version 2.6 Onwards

Parts which are obsolete in the Estimated BOM can now be defined:

 Select the Obsolete checkbox to mark if there is an obsolete part in the Estimated BOM.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 92 of 328

Construct Part-Family Structure
With Construct Product-Structure mentioned in Construct Product-Structure p 77, related parts are tied
together to form a product tree. It is used when the components making-up a Unit are known. The
diagram below is an example of Product-Structure.

On the contrary, construct Part-Family Structure is used when parts to be assembled are not known. Part-
Family structure ties together related product-family, forming the possible combination of Parts to be
assembled. The diagram below shows a Part-Family structure.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 93 of 328

To create a new part-family structure:

1 2

1. Select a Parent Part-Family from the Part-Families Pane.

2. Drag and drop the selected part-family to the Part-Family Structure Pane.

3. Drag and drop a Child Part-Family from the Parts-Families pane, onto the Parent Part-Family created
in Step 2.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 94 of 328


4. You can change the status of a part-family in the structure from Active to Inactive or Deleted.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 95 of 328

Configuration Overview

Version 2.5 onwards

Use the configuration overview to see the overview of your BOM configurations.

4 5

1. Click Configuration Overview in the Advanced box to view an overview of the BOM-Manager
configurations. Here, you will be able to view and edit the configurations you have made for the Part
Family Type, Part Family and Parts details.
2. This is the Overview Tree area. You are able to choose what will be displayed for details of the Part
Family Type, Part Family and Part by applying the appropriate filter settings
3. Select the Filter Settings for the overview tree here. Click the Advanced link to see more options.
4. The Detail settings for a Part Family or Part can be changed here accordingly.
5. Copy settings to/from other Part Families/Parts by clicking on the Copy Settings link.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 96 of 328

Part Change

Version 2.6 Onwards

Use this function to configure part number changes. This is done for a number of reasons such as when
the part has a new revision, is obsolete, has been recalled, is defective, etc.

Part substitution rules are done according to top parts or child parts. Rules can be defined in Config Part
Change Rules p 99.

These settings are not related to and will not affect any Assembly template task settings. To define
alternate parts for Assembly stations, change the “Alternate Part To Assembly” settings in the Assembly
template instead.

Click the Part Change link in the BOM Manager.

To define a top part substitution, select the Top Part Substitute Part Change option:

1 2 3

1. Select the Original Part from the drop-down menu. This is the part which you want to
2. Select the Destination Part from the drop-down menu. This is the new part which will be used in
place of the original part.
3. Enter a Description for the part change and press <Enter> to add the record.

There are some optional settings you can provide:

 The Expiry Date setting allows you to specify the period that this part substitution will be allowed.
Specify the end date from the calendar menu. Note that this date will be validated against the server
 The Status setting must be active in order for the part substitution to be allowed.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 97 of 328

Version 2.7 Onwards

To define a child part substitution, select the Child Part Substitute Part Change option

2 3 4

1. Select the top part that contains the child part. The Product Structure list will be refreshed to
reflect the selection.
2. In the data grid, specify the original child part from the Original Part column.
3. specify the substitute child part in the Destination Part column.
4. Enter a Description for this part substitution record and press <Enter> to create the record.

There are some optional settings you can provide:

 The Expiry Date setting allows you to specify the period that this part substitution will be allowed.
Specify the end date from the calendar menu. Note that this date will be validated against the server
 The Status setting must be active in order for the part substitution to be allowed.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 98 of 328

Config Part Change Rules

Version 2.7 Onwards

This screen is used to define the rules which will be applied for part substitutions.

Click the Config Part Change Rules in the BOM Manager

 If Part Family is checked, the substitute part must be in the same part family as the original part.
 The Product Structure Level option is always enabled and cannot be changed. Hence, all part
substitutions must come from the same product structure level.
 If Location is checked, the substitute part must have the exact same location settings are the original
part. Part location is defined in BOM Manager > Parts > RefDesignator.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 99 of 328

Using the Label-Manager
The Label-Manager allows you to create and maintain product labels, label families and define the label
format and fields. A label is usually printed at the end of the Station Process but this can change
depending on the user settings.

Once Labels are defined, the system will be able to generate various types of output files including ZPL,
tmpZPL, LWCSV and LMCSV. The system can also interface with third party software such as Loftware
and Labelmatrix, and print labels on DeskJet, LaserJet or impact printers.

Functions of Label -Manager include:

 Label Families
 Format on Label
 Label Field Definition

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 100 of 328

Label Families
The Label Families screen allows you to view, create, and modify Label-Families. Label-families can be
used to group related labels.

To create a new Label-Family:

1. Click once in the Name* cell, key-in the family name and description.
2. Press <Enter> and you will see the new record at the bottom of the table.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 101 of 328

The Label screen allows you to define label properties such as label path, label type and label printing

Version 2.7 Onwards

New label types for Traceability added from this version onwards.

To create a new Label record:

2 3

1. Click once in the Name* cell, complete the label name, family, description, label type, output type and
the following information:

a. Target Path: is the file created by the system to store the labels generated in FlexFlow
Client. Key-in or select the path using the ellipse (…) button.
A complete path should include the file extension (such as, .TXT or .CSV). For instance,
C:\Label.txt would be valid target path and C:\Label an invalid.
You are advised to ensure that all directory and folders used in the target path exist.
b. Print CMD: is the DOS command that will be triggered, used when the output type is
c. Source Path: is the template file that the system uses when the Output Type is ZPL
replace Template label.
d. Page Capacity: Number of Unit SN to be printed in a single page.

2. Select the Label Type from the drop down menu.

3. Press <Enter> and you will see the new label record at the bottom of the table.

Note: Loftware is the standard printing tool for FF2.x. ZPL supports only unit information label.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 102 of 328

Format on Label

As the name of this module implies, it allows you to design the layout of labels. You can choose where to
place the fields created in the Label Field Definition module.

Note: You need to create field definitions before using this module. Refer to Label Field Definition p 105
for instructions on how to create field definitions.

The Format on Label tab is divided into three (3) sections:

1 2 3

filtered and grouped

1. Label pane: List of existing labels, created in the Label module. The list can be
using the buttons on the Filter-bar:
i. Show labels grouped by family: Shows all parts grouped by label family.
ii. Show labels without grouping: Shows all labels in an alphabetical order.
iii. Set a Filter: Allows you to establish criteria(s) for view i and ii.
iv. Clear filter (show all): Deactivate the filter set in iii.
2. Header and Line pane: Reflect the current content of the Header and Line section of a selected label.
3. Fields-Toolbox: List of fields, created in the Label Field Definition module. By default, the toolbox

is hidden; click the button to maximize it.

You can hide the Toolbox by clicking on the Symbol on the top-right corner.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 103 of 328

To format the label:

1 2

1. Select a label in the label pane.

2. Drag and drop a field, from the Field-Toolbox, onto the Header or Line section.

Field from the Header or Line section can be removed, by dragging the field out of that section.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 104 of 328

Label Field Definition
The Labels Field Definitions section allows you to create various fields on a label.

To create a new field:

1. Click once in the Name* cell, key-in the field name and description.
2. Click the ellipse (…) button to launch Label Field Definition dialog box.

3. The links in the Attributes box allow you to create different segments that make-up the information to
be printed on the label. These items here are explained in the next section of this document.
4. Click the plus (+) or minus (-) sign to show or hide the attribute(s) under the Formula hierarchy.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 105 of 328

5. Use the buttons in the Action box to assist you accordingly. For instance, deleting or copying an
6. Refer to the Help box for context-sensitive help and useful information.
7. Click the OK button upon completion.

8. You should see the selected attributes in the Definition* field. Press <Enter> to insert the record.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 106 of 328

Add db field
Here, you can create a field definition by selecting data field created in various modules. For instances,
Part Number, Description, and Revision in Part manager.

3 4

1. Select a table Name from the Module name dialog box,

2. Choose a column from the table selected in Step 1.
3. Selecting the SubSet check box allows you to print part of the data in the selected column, starting at
the From position until the To position you specify. For instance, if From=1, To= 4, Module=Part,
Field=Description, and the Description=ABCDEFG, you will get ABCD.
4. Click the OK button.

Apart from standard database fields, you can write your own UDP to retrieve the required information.
Select UDF under the Module Name field and select the appropriate UDP from Field Name. The stored
procedure must have the following parameters interface:

CREATE procedure [SP_Name]

@Label varchar(200),
@SN varchar(200),
@TargetID int,
@elm varchar(200) OUTPUT
-- with encryption
Script goes here

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 107 of 328

Add function
The Add function module provides you with various math, text, and date & time function (similar to Ms-

To add a function:

1. Select the appropriate function from the Function dialog box.

2. Click the OK button.
3. The function will be listed under the Formula hierarchy.
4. Choosing a function in the hierarchy enables to see its argument(s) and description in the Help box.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 108 of 328

The table below provides you with a brief description for the existing functions. You will see two (2) types
of functions:

i. Function with no value in the parenthesis indicates that it does not work on other data. For instances,
Century(), Day() and Month().
ii. Function with value(s) in the parenthesis indicates additional argument(s) is required. Examples of
functions that require two (2) arguments are, Add(IntExp1, IntExp2), Left(StrExp, n), and
ApplyMap(StrExp, charmap).

Function Description
Add(IntExp1, IntExp2) Adds IntExp1 and IntExp2

ApplyMap(StrExp, charmap) Replaces keys in StrExp with the constant value in charmap.
Charmap is a string constant in this format--
Century() Returns the first to digit of current year.

Day() Returns a value from 1 through 31 representing the day of the


DayOfYear() Returns a number that indicates where the day falls numerically
within a year, ranging from 001 to 366

DecToHex(StrExp) Converts StrExp from Decimal to Hexadecimal.

DecToOct(StrExp) Converts StrExp from Decimal to Octal.

Div(IntExp1, IntExp2) Divides IntExp1 by IntExp2

HexToDec(StrExp) Converts StrExp from Hexadecimal to Decimal.

Hour12() Returns the hour section of current time in 12-hour format,

ranging from 01 to 12.

Hour24() Returns the hour section of current time. The hour is given as an
integer, ranging from 0(12:00 A.M.) to 23(11:00 P.M.).

If(BoolExp, StrExp1, StrExp2) Returns the value of StrExp1 when the Boolean
Expression(BoolExp) is true, otherwise StrExp2 is returned.

Left(StrExp, n) Returns a string containing n number of characters from the left

side of a string (StrExp).

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 109 of 328

Function Description
Len(StrExp) Returns the length of StrExp

Minute() Returns the minutes section of current time, ranging from 0 to 59

Mod(IntExp1, IntExp2) Divides IntExp1 by IntExp2 and returns only the remainder

Month() Returns the month of a date, ranging from 1(January) to


Multiply(IntExp1, IntExp2) Multiplies IntExp1 by IntExp2

OctToDec(StrExp) Converts StrExp from Octal to Decimal.

PrinterName() Provides the printer name, where the label will be printed on.

Right(StrExp, n) Returns a string containing n number of characters from the right

side of a string (StrExp).

Subst(IntExp1, IntExp2) Subtracts IntExp2 from IntExp1.

Substr(StrExp, startpos, len) Returns the substring of StrExp starting at startpos and the
length specified by len.

WeekofYear() Returns a number that indicates where the week falls

numerically within a year.

Year() Provides the last two digits of current year.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 110 of 328

To add an argument(s):

1. Select a function from the Formula hierarchy.

2. Use the appropriate method based on the argument name/type. Refer to the follow table as a guide.

Argument name Method Instructions

Starting with IntExp Add db field Refer to
Starting with StrExp Add string Literal, Refer to
Add db field Refer to
len, startpost, n Add parameter Refer to

3. You will be able to see the argument at the bottom of the function.
4. Repeat Step 1 to insert the next argument, if necessary. You can use the drag and drop method to
rearrange the sequence of arguments in the hierarchy.
5. Upon completion, click the Validate button to check if the arguments have been defined correctly.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 111 of 328

Add string literal
This screen allows you to key-in a fixed text to be printed on a label.

1. Key-in the data to be printed on the label.

2. Click the OK button.

Add parameter
Here, you can create arguments for function to work on.

1. Key-in a numeric value in the text box.

2. Click the OK button.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 112 of 328

Using the Serial Number-Manager
The Serial Number (SN) Manager allows you to create and maintain product Serial Numbers, SN families
and define the SN format and fields and types. A Serial number is a unique identification for a unit in a

Functions of Serial Number-Manager include:

 SSN Family
 SN Type
 SN Formats
 Available SN
 SN Sections

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 113 of 328

SSN Family

The SSN Family screen allows you to view, create, and modify Serial Number Families, which can be
used to group related SN Formats.

To create a new SSN-Family:

2. Click once in the Name* cell, key-in the family name and description.
3. Press <Enter> and find the new family and a system generated ID at the bottom of the table.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 114 of 328

SN Type
This section allows you to create different types of Serial number for each Unit.

To create a new SN-Type:

1. Click once in the Description* cell, and key-in the description.

2. Press <Enter>. The new Type will be placed at the bottom of the table.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 115 of 328

SN Formats
The SN Formats section allows you to define Serial number properties such as SN Family ID, SN format,
whether the Serial number is part of a pool, etc.

To create a new SN Format:

1. Click once in the Name* cell, complete the SN Name, Description, SSN Family and the following
 is Pool check box: Select this box if the Serial number is part of an existing pool instead of
automatic generated
 Format: You can use the following symbols to customize the serial numbers generated according
to the user-defined format (Refer to Creating User-defined Serial Number p 118 for details on
creating user-defined format).

Symbol Meaning
(space) Display spaces as literal characters.
Alphanumeric Characters: Display all alphanumeric and special
characters as literal characters.
A-Z, a-z, 0 – 9

All special Characters, such as:

!, /, – (except @)

@ Replaced with a character from the serial

number generated according to user-
defined format.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 116 of 328

Following are examples of customized Serial Numbers:
Format Setting Original SN Final SN
@@@@ 7001 7001
700105 7001
PRD @@@@ 7001 PRD 7001
@@@-@@-@@@@ 465043799 465-04-3799

Note :
- Original Serial Numbers are generated according to user-defined format. System uses this as
Final SN, if no Format is specified.
- Format has no effect for serial number drawn from a Pool (Refer to for information on
Creating Serial Numbers Pool).

2. Press <Enter>. System generates an ID for the record, and places it at the bottom of the table.
3. Click the Details button of the appropriate record, which will launch the SN-Formats Detail dialog box.
There are two (2) types SN-Formats Details dialog boxes, which allow you to create:

i. User-defined serial number: Refer to Creating User-defined Serial Number p 118 for
ii. Pool of serial numbers: Refer to Creating UDF Part p 120 for instructions

The system automatically launches the second type when the is Pool check box is selected.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 117 of 328

Creating User-defined Serial Number
This window allows you to define, view and delete the different section(s) of a serial number. System
uses these parts to generate serial numbers.

A serial number can have one (1) or more sections. There are five (5) Section Types: FIX, UDF,
Date/Time, Counter and Counter Part Reset.

Creating FIX Part

Here, you can create FIX part, where you can key-in fixed text as part of the serial number.

To create a FIX section:

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 118 of 328


1. Select the add new section button.

2. Select FIX in the Section Type combo box.
3. Key in a fixed phrase n the Section Parameter.
4. Click OK button.
5. You should be able to find the part you just created in the Sections pane.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 119 of 328

Creating UDF Part
This module allows you to set a connection to a User Defined Function. System executes this function
when generating serial number.

This provides you with greater flexibility. You can create stored procedure that produces SN that meets
your unique requirements. The stored procedure must have the following parameters interface:

To create a UDF section:

CREATE procedure [SP_Name]

@SNFormat varchar(200),
@xmlProdOrder text = null,
@xmlPart text = null,
@xmlStation text,
@xmlExtraData text = null,
@strSNbuf varchar(200),
@strOutput varchar(200) OUTPUT
-- with encryption
Script goes here

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 120 of 328


1. Select the add new section button.

2. Select UDF in the Section Type combo box.
3. Key in your stored procedure name in the Section Parameter.
4. Click OK button.
5. You should be able to find the part you just created in the Sections pane.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 121 of 328

Creating Date/Time Part
Here, you can define a date/time part that changes according to the system date/time when the actual
product serial number is generated.

3 4

To create a Date/Time section:

1. Selecting the add new section button.
2. Select DateTimePart in the Section Type combo box.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 122 of 328

3. You can define a date/time section by entering mask definition (such as Y-year, M-Month, D-day), in
the Section Parameter field; OR
4. Click the ellipse (..) button to select the mask from the Define a Date Time-Part dialog box.

5 6

5. Click the buttons listed on the left accordingly. For example, if you would like to have the year 2005
as part of your serial number, click the Y button four (4) times.
6. You can delete the mask by selecting the -symbol.
7. Click OK button to return to the Serial Number Section dialog box.
8. Click OK button to create the section.
9. You should be able to find the part you just created in the Sections pane.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 123 of 328

Creating Counter Part
This section allows you to define a counter part that increases each time a serial number is generated.

Similar to creating FIX, UDF and Date/Time Sections, you need to select the add new section button.
Proceed with the following steps:



1. Select CounterPart in the Section Type combo box.

2. You can define a counter section by entering mask definition (such as D-number 0-9, A-alphabetical
counter A-Z), in the Section Parameter field; OR
3. Click the ellipse (..) button to select the mask from the Define Counter Parameters dialog box.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 124 of 328


4. Click the buttons listed on the left accordingly. For example, if you would like to have a four (4) digit
counter, click the D button four (4) times.
You can delete the mask by selecting the -symbol. Click OK button to return to the Serial Number
Section dialog box.
5. Next, set the value for the Increment field, which determines how the serial number runs. For
example, if the last used serial number is 1001, and increment is 2 then the next serial number would
be 1003.
6. Key in the Invalid Characters, this defines the characters you want to exclude from the current
setting. For example, you have chosen a alphabetical counter ranging from A to D, but exclude C
then you will get A, B, D instead of A, B, C, D.
7. Click the Apply button.
8. Define the range for your Serial Number by clicking the Starting ellipse (…) button. Select the first
serial number and click the OK button. Next, proceed to define the ending number. Click the OK
button to return to the previous screen.
9. Click OK button to create the section.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 125 of 328

Creating Counter Part Reset

Version 2.7 Onwards

The Counter Part Reset is an extension of the features in the Counter Part format which enables the
counter to reset to the start number when the numbers reach the last usable number. This SN Format is
only used for Table and Table Slot number generation.

Similar to creating FIX, UDF and Date/Time Sections, you need to select the add new section button.
Proceed with the following steps:


6 5


FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 126 of 328


1. Select CounterPart in the Section Type combo box.

2. You can define a counter section by entering mask definition (such as D-number 0-9, A-alphabetical
counter A-Z), in the Section Parameter field; OR
3. Click the ellipse (..) button to select the mask from the Define Counter Parameters dialog box.
4. Click the buttons listed on the left accordingly. For example, if you would like to have a four (4) digit
counter, click the D button four (4) times.
You can delete the mask by selecting the -symbol. Click OK button to return to the Serial Number
Section dialog box.
5. Select the Reset checkbox to enable the counter to reset to the start number when the end number is
6. Next, set the value for the Increment field, which determines how the serial number runs. For
example, if the last used serial number is 1001, and increment is 2 then the next serial number would
be 1003.
7. Key in the Invalid Characters, this defines the characters you want to exclude from the current
setting. For example, you have chosen a alphabetical counter ranging from A to D, but exclude C
then you will get A, B, D instead of A, B, C, D.
8. Click the Apply button.
9. Define the range for your Serial Number by clicking the Starting ellipse (…) button. Select the first
serial number and click the OK button. Next, proceed to define the ending number. Click the OK
button to return to the previous screen.
10. Click OK button to create the section.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 127 of 328

Viewing and Deleting Section
The Sections pane displays all existing sections of a serial number.

To view or delete a section details:

1. Select a section from the sections pane.

2. Click show detail button to view all information about the selected section.

3. You can also click the remove selected section button or the -symbol remove selected section.

Creating Serial Numbers Pool

This window allows you to define a collection of serial numbers. System draws numbers from this pool for
parts using this SN format, instead of generating them. The serial number status is changed to Used
when it is assigned to a unit.

The four (4) filter buttons in the Actions box allows you to:
i. show all: view all existing serial numbers in ascending order
ii. show all used: view all Used serial number
iii. show all unused: view all New serial number
iv. 100 last entries only: view the last 100 records from view i, in
descending order

You can create/update the pool using one of the following methods:
 Key-in the serial number into the grid
 Paste from Clipboard
 Use the CSV Loader

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 128 of 328

Creating Pool: Key-in the serial number into the grid
Entering the serial number manually into the system may not be practical when you have a long list.

To insert a serial number into the Pool:

1. Click once in the Value* cell, key-in the serial number and
2. Select the appropriate Status from the combo box.
3. Press <ENTER>. System places the new record in the table.

Creating Pool: Paste from Clipboard

This screen allows you to paste serial numbers copied from:

 A column from any word-processor or spreadsheet table; and

 Data separated by paragraph marks from a word processor.

Ms-Word Table Ms-Excel Table Data separated by

Paragraph Marks

SN-1008-01 SN-1008-01
SN-1009-01 SN-1009-01
SN-1010-01 SN-1010-01
SN-1011-01 SN-1011-01

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 129 of 328

To paste data from clipboard:

1. Make sure you have copied some data from one of the abovementioned source.
2. Click on paste from clipboard button.
3. Check the serial numbers listed in the preview window. Click the OK button to import the data.
4. You will see the new records in the table.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 130 of 328

Creating Pool: Use the CSV Loader
CSV-Loader allows you to import serial numbers into the pool from a .CSV file. Follow the instructions in
the step-by-step wizard.

The wizard has six (6) steps:

Step 1 - Choose the Source-File

1. Make sure you have launched the loader by selecting the use the CSV Loader file link.
2. Click the Choose the file you want to import link.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 131 of 328

3. Select the file you want to import from the appropriate folder.
4. Click the Open button.
5. The selected file name will be displayed in the text box.
6. Click the Next button.

Step 2 - Load Data from File

1. Select the First row is caption check box, if the .CSV file has a header row.
2. Click the Load File button.
3. The system displays the content of the .CSV file in the window.
4. Click the Next button.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 132 of 328

Step 3 – Match File and Table Columns

1. Select fields from your file that are equivalent the SNFormatID, Value, and Status, using the three (3)
combo boxes.
2. Key-in the default values to be imported, if there is no matching column in the .CSV file. For example,
if there is no Status column in the file, you can key-in zero (0) in the StatusID Default Value box to
indicate that all Serial Numbers to be imported as New (unused).
3. Click the Next button.

Step 4 – Configuration Overview

1. Check the fields listed on the screen to ensure that you have matched them correctly. Click the Back
button, to return to Step 3 and make the necessary changes, if required.
2. Click the Next button.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 133 of 328

Step 5 – Structure Overview (Optional)
This is an optional step, used mainly for importing file holding multi levels information. For example,
Defect-Codes and Rework-Actions.

1. Select the It’s a multilevel import check box.

2. Select a field in the file that represents the Parent and Child relationship. A top-level entry must
always have stage=0. Next, system displays the hierarchy on the screen. Proceed to select the
Parent ID field from the database.
3. Click the Next button.

Step 6 – Load to Database

1. Click the Import now button to start uploading. You will need to confirm your selection by choosing
the Yes button.
2. The time required to import the file differs, depending on the size of your file. The  symbol, indicates
that the record has been imported successfully.
3. Click the Finish button to close the wizard.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 134 of 328

Available SN
This section provides an alternative way for you to view and create/update the pools of serial numbers in
the system.

The screen has two (2) panes:

1. Formats: Allows you to select a SN Format from existing Is Pool SN Formats. The list is grouped by
SN Families.
2. Available SN to PackageSN: Displays all available serial numbers for the format selected in Step 1.
The layout and functions available in this pane is similar to the screen for Creating Serial Numbers
Pool. Please refer to Creating Serial Numbers Pool p 128 for the operating instructions.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 135 of 328

SN Sections
This is an alternative way for viewing and configuring Serial number sections.

The screen has two (2) panes:

1. Formats: Displays all existing SN Formats, except for is Pool. You can select a format from the list,
grouped by SN Families.
2. Sections: Displays all the sections in format selected in Step 1.
The layout and functions available in this pane is similar to the screen for Creating User-defined
Serial Number. Please refer to Creating User-defined Serial Number p 118 for the operating

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 136 of 328

Using the N-Strike Rule Manager
This section allows you to create N-Strike Rules. These rules restrict the number of times a unit can
return to a station.

E.g.: A defective unit can be repaired a maximum of 3 times only. Once the unit is repaired more than 3
times, the unit will be scrapped. This is done because with each repair, the cost of repairing the unit may
exceed the original cost of producing the unit in the first place. Therefore, it is not profitable to continue
repairing the unit.

When you open the N-Strike Rule Manager you will see:

1. Groups and Rules box: Contains groups and rules that you or others have created. This information
are displayed in a hierarchical format.
2. Category Details box: Shows the Rule-Types available in the selected category. Currently, system
provides only Basic-N-Strike Rule category.
3. Category Content box: List existing groups in the selected category.
4. Actions box: Contains various tools to assist you in creating new rules.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 137 of 328

Viewing N-Strike Rules
You are advised to check the existing rules/group before creating your own. This is to avoid creating
redundant rules/group that are the same as those currently available.

To view existing rules:

1. Select a group name from the Category Content box.

2. Expand a group by selecting the plus (+) sign next to the group name

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 138 of 328

3. Select a rule from the Rules box.
4. Select a rule from the hierarchy.

5. Finally, you will see the general information and settings of the selected rule.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 139 of 328

Creating N-Strike Rules
There are three (3) steps in creating a new rule:
i. Add New Group
ii. Add New Rule
iii. Configure the Rule

Step 1 is optional, as new rules can be added to an existing group.

Step 1: Add New Group

1. Select Add a new group from the Action box.

2. Choose the appropriate N-Strike Category. As abovementioned, there is only one (1) category
available for now.
3. Key-in the Description and click the OK button.
4. Next, you will see the new group in the Groups and Rules box.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 140 of 328

Step 2: Configure the Rule

1. Select Add a new rule button at the bottom of the screen. Alternatively, you can click on the Add a
new rule option from the Action box.
2. Complete the Name, Description and select the desired N-Strike Group.
3. Choose the appropriate N-Strike Type, depending on whether you want the restriction to be imposed
on Station, Station Type or Unit State.
4. You can opt to impose the Rule on a particular Part or Family by selecting the appropriate option
button and Part/Family from the combo box.
5. Click the OK button.
6. Next, you will see the new rule in the Groups and Rules box.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 141 of 328

Step 3: Configure the Rule

1. Choose a rule from the Groups and Rules hierarchy.

2. Change the Part or Family settings defined in Step 2, if necessary.
3. Settings box is where you define the number of times a unit can enter a Station/Station-
Depending on the N-Strike type you selected at Step 2, choose the desired Station, Station-Type, or
Unit State from the combo box.
4. Key in the Limit. Operators at the client terminal will see the one (1) of the following error messages
when a unit has reach the predefined limit:
• “The current unit has already reached the limit for this station
• “The current unit has already reached the limit for this station-type
• “The current unit has already reached the limit for this state
5. Press the <ENTER> key. Repeat step 3 – 5 to insert additional limit records.
6. Click the Save button.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 142 of 328

Applying the N-Strike Rule Group
Rule Group(s) need to be assigned in template settings to take effect. Please refer to Step 3 of
Constructing a New Route p 191 for more information on template settings.

To assign rule group(s):

1. Select the Enforce Basic N-Strike Rule check box.

2. Choose one (1) of the Rule Groups from the combo box.
3. Press the <ENTER> key.
4. Repeat Step 2-3 to assign the next Rule Group.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 143 of 328

Using the Rework Manager
The Rework Manager section allows you to work with the repair stations and provides a list of
rework/repair actions that can be performed to fix the defects and failures.

Functions of Line -Manager include:

 Rework Action
 Failure Code
 Defect Code

Version 2.5 onwards

Failure, Defects and Rework Action will be based on Station Type, Part-Family and Part. Thus, you will
need to configure Top-Level structures from this version onwards. This means that duplicated
Failure/Defect/Rework records are possible for each distinct top-level.

To add a new Top-Level Structure:

1. Click the New Top Level… link

2. Select the appropriate checkboxes to include any or all of the following: Station-Type, Part-Family,
Part. Select the details from the corresponding combo boxes.
3. Checking this option will clone the default structure to the new structure.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 144 of 328

Rework Action
The Rework Action section allows you to define the various rework actions that can be performed and set
the parent-child relationship between these actions.

To create a new rework action record:

1. Enter the Rework Action Code, Description and Status field, then press <Enter>.
2. You will also be able to view all records in a hierarchical format in the Structure-Tree pane. To
reorganize the structure (parent-child relation), simply drag and drop the items in the tree. To move
new entries into the tree-structure, double click a row in the grid.

The New Hierarchy below shows the effect of dropping Replace Part onto Replace from the Original

Original Hierarchy New Hierarchy

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 145 of 328

Failure Code
The Failure Code section allows you to define the various failure codes that can be found on a part and
set the parent-child relationship between these codes. In this version of CoMa, you can categorize the
failure into three (3) categories—Major, Minor and Hidden.

To create a new failure code:

1. Click once in the Failure Code* field, key-in the failure code and description. Press <Enter>.
2. You will also be able to view all records in a hierarchical format in the Structure-Tree pane. To
reorganize the structure (parent-child relation), simply drag and drop the items in the tree. To move
new entries into the tree-structure, double click a row in the grid.

The New Hierarchy below shows the effect of dropping FailureX onto FC0001 from the Original

Original Hierarchy New Hierarchy

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 146 of 328

Customized Defect Code

Version 2.6 Onwards

The Customized Defect Code section allows you to create user-defined defect codes that can be used to
identify part and set the parent-child relationship between these codes.

To create a new defect code:

1. Click once in the Defect Code* field, key-in the defect code and description, and press <Enter>.
2. You will also be able to view all records in a hierarchical format in the Structure-Tree pane. To
reorganize the structure (parent-child relation), simply drag and drop the items in the tree. To move
new entries into the tree-structure, double click a row in the grid.

The New Hierarchy below shows the effect of dropping DefectY onto DC0001 from the Original

Original Hierarchy New Hierarchy

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 147 of 328

Standard Defect Code
Standard Defect Codes are populated by default in the database. They cannot be changed or edited in
any way.

Standard defect codes can be of two types:

1. By Default: These are standard defect codes which are auto-populated into the database by
default. They are filtered according to Station Type and Defect Type.
2. By Project: These standard defect codes are imported into the database via an XML file. They are
filtered according to Station Type, Defect Type, Top Part, Child Part and RefDesignator.

Standard Defect Code from XML

To import standard defect codes from an XML file:

1. Click Standard defect code from xml in the Action box

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 148 of 328


2. Select the appropriate filter to view the standard defect codes

3. Click Load Defect Map from XML File to start importing standard defect codes from an XML file

4. Click Choose the file you want to import to select the XML file, then click Next

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 149 of 328

5 6

5. Click the Assign RefDesignator checkbox if the XML file contains RefDesignator information.
6. Click the Load XML File button to load the contents of the XML file.
7. Click Import to begin the import process

8. You will see the screen above if successful

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 150 of 328

CSV Loader
The Rework Actions, Failure Code and Defect Codes from CSV links in the Action box allow you to
launch the CSV loader wizard, which allows you to:

 Upload standard defect codes from an XML file (See Standard Defect Code from XML p 148)
 Upload rework actions from a .CSV file
 Upload failure codes from a .CSV file
 Upload customized defect codes from a .CSV file

Each wizard has six (6) steps, and the screens layouts of all the three (3) wizards are similar. You can
use the following instructions to import defect codes from CSV as a guide.

To import defect code:

Step 1 - Choose the Source-File

1. Click the Choose the file you want to import link.

2. Select the file you want to import from the appropriate folder.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 151 of 328

3. Click the Open button.
4. The selected file name will be displayed in the text box.
5. Click the Next button.

Step 2 - Load Data from File

1. Select the First row is caption check box, if the .CSV file has a header row.
2. Click the Load File button.
3. The system displays the content of the .CSV file on the window.
4. Click the Next button.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 152 of 328

Step 3 – Match File and Table Columns

1. Select fields from your file that are equivalent DefectCode, Description, ParentID, State, and Status,
using the five (5) combo boxes.
2. Key-in the default values to be imported, if there is no matching column in the .CSV file. For example,
if there is no Status column in the file, you can select Active from the default value combo box to
indicate that all Defect Codes to be imported as Active.
3. Click the Next button.

Step 4 – Configuration Overview

1. Check the fields listed on the screen to ensure that you have matched them correctly. Click the Back
button, to return to Step 3 and make the necessary changes, if required.
2. Click the Next button.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 153 of 328

Step 5 – Structure Overview (Optional)
This is an optional step, used mainly for importing file holding multi-leveled information.

1. Select the It’s a multilevel import check box.

2. Select a field in the file that represents the Parent and Child relationship. A top-level entry must
always have stage=0.
3. Next, system displays the hierarchy on the screen.
4. Proceed to select the Parent ID field from the database.
5. Click the Next button.

Step 6 – Load to Database

1. Click the Import now button to start uploading. You will need to confirm your selection by choosing
the Yes button.
2. The time required to import the file differs, depending on the size of your file. The  symbol, indicates
that the record has been imported successfully.
3. Click the Finish button to close the wizard.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 154 of 328

Using the SPC Manager
Statistical Process Control (SPC) is an optimization methodology for continuous process quality
improvement using statistical techniques to measure and analyze the variation in processes.

FlexFlow now has the capability to generate various SPC charts. These charts can be used to monitor the
consistency of processes to ensure the product manufactured is consistent with design and intention (in a
manufacturing environment). By using SPC, user can quickly determine and out-of-control situation with
the process, thus remedy action can be taken to correct the variation.

SPC is not about Listening to the voice of customer (conformance to specifications). SPC is about:
 Listening to the voice of the process (variations)
 Identifying special-cause variation from common-cause variation
 A way of thinking with some tools attached

The goal of SPC is not the use of statistics and graphs, but to take the proper actions to ensure quality

Functions of SPC-Manager include:

 Abnormality Rules
 Measurement Parameter
 Squeegee Direction

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 155 of 328

Abnormality Rules
This module allows you to view and configure Abnormality Rules. Based on these rules, system can
identify out of control situations for each chart type. System can be configured to send email notification
to selected employee when abnormal situation occur. Please refer to Section 5.1 Using the Employee-
Manager for more information on email notification.

2 3

To define abnormality rules:

1. Choose a chart type from the Control Chart combo box.
2. Select the applicable Abnormality Rule(s).
3. Key-in the parameters accordingly.
4. Select the Save button to store the changes made.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 156 of 328

Measurement Parameter
Here, you can view, delete and define new Measurement Parameters. These parameters will be used in
Measurement Test SPC stations.

To define Measurement Parameter:


1. Click once in the new cell and key-in a new measurement parameter.
2. Press the <Enter> key and you will see the new record at the bottom of the table.
3. Click the Save button to update the information. You will be prompted to confirm the operation.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 157 of 328

Squeegee Direction
Here, you can view, delete and define new Squeegee Directions. Records created here will be used in
Measurement Test SPC stations.


To define Squeegee Direction:

1. Click once in the new cell and key-in a new squeegee direction.
2. Press the <Enter> key and you will see the new record at the bottom of the table.
3. Click the Save button to update the information. You will be prompted to confirm the operation.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 158 of 328

Using the OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness)

Version 2.6 Onwards

OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) is used to measure how well machines are running in comparison
to an ideal plant.

OEE is defined as:

OEE = Availability Rate x Performance Rate x Quality Rate

To calculate OEE, three main parameters need to be considered:

 Availability Rate – the ratio between the Planned Production Time (the planned time that the
machine is supposed to be operational) and the Operating Time (the actual time that the machine is
operational). Here, we will need to track the downtime events in order to track the availability rate of a
machine. The functions in the Stop Reasons and Downtime Scheduler will be used for this purpose.

Availability Rate = Operational Time / Planned Production Time

 Performance Rate – the ratio between the total units produced (actual run rate) and the number of
units which should be produced based on the engineering standards for that specific time frame (ideal
run rate). The functions in Configurations will be used to track the actual run rates.

Performance Rate = Actual Run Rate / Ideal Run Rate

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 159 of 328

 Quality Rate – the overall yield percentage of the machine. This value will be calculated in the OEE
MES Report.

Quality Rate = Total Pass / Total Inspected.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 160 of 328

Stop Reasons
Maintain your Stop Reasons records here. Stop Reasons are used to track the Availability Rate of the
machines for OEE purposes.

 Enter the stop reason code in the ReasonCode column.

 Enter a description for the stop reason code in the Description column.
 Click once in the StopReasonType column and select the type of stop reason record this is. It can be
either: Catalog, Group, or Reason. Reasons can be grouped directly under a Catalog, or they can be
grouped into a Group first and that Group will be grouped under a Catalog. Refer to Stop Reasons
Structure p 162 for more information.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 161 of 328

Stop Reasons Structure
Use this function to define the relationship between the Stop Reason Catalog, Stop
Reason Group and Stop Reason.

 Construct the Stop Reasons Structure by dragging and dropping the Stop Reason Code Groups and
Reasons to the Stop Reason Catalog in the Stop Reason Structure window.
 Stop Reason Catalogues are identified with the following icon
 Stop Reason Groups are identified with the following icon
 Stop Reasons are identified with the following icon
 Stop Reasons can be grouped directly to a Stop Reason Catalog. They can also be grouped under a
Stop Reason Group before being grouped under a Stop Reason Catalog.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 162 of 328

OEE Settings
Configure a Station’s cycle time and idle limit for a specific Part and Station. The configuration settings
here will be used to determine the Performance Rate for OEE.

 Select the station-type which will supply the yield information for quality rate calculations.
 Select the station-type which will supply the completed units count information for performance rate
 If Down-Time event should happen automatically is checked, the User will not be prompted for
confirmation before a downtime event executes at the Station:

 Select the Part from the drop down menu.

 Select the Station from the drop down menu.
 Enter the Cycle Time for the Part. This defines the ideal cycle time for the machine (i.e.: the time it
takes for a unit to be processed in an ideal factory). This setting can be by default (_Default) or by
 Enter the allowed Idle Limit for the Part. If the station is left idle for a time greater than the time
specified here, a downtime will be recorded for the station. This setting can be by default (_Default) or
by part.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 163 of 328

Periodic Downtime Scheduler
Use this function to schedule periodic downtimes. These are downtime events which will occur
consistently for an undefined period of time. (E.g.: downtime which happens every Saturday at midnight
and lasts for one hour).

Downtimes such as these are considered planned downtimes.

When you enter the Periodic Downtime Scheduler screen, you will see a calendar displaying the 7-day
week. Any periodic downtime records will be displayed here.

The display of the calendar can be changed by selecting the option in the View drop-down menu:

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 164 of 328

To schedule a downtime,
 Select the Line from the drop down menu
 Click the New link, the Periodic Downtime Event pop-up window will be displayed:

 Specify the days when the downtime will occur by selecting the relevant checkboxes
 Choose the stop-reason from the list.
 Specify the Start Time, End Time and Duration.
 Click OK to enter the periodic downtime event into your calendar.

To edit a periodic downtime, simply double-click the downtime record in the calendar display to bring up
the Periodic Downtime Event pop-up window again.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 165 of 328

Eventual Downtime Scheduler
Use this function to schedule eventual downtimes. These are downtime events which will occur once on a
specific date and time. (E.g.: downtime which will happen on 25 December 2007 at midnight).

Downtimes such as these are considered planned downtimes.

When you enter the Eventual Downtime Scheduler screen, you will see a calendar displaying the dates
for the next 7 days. Any eventual downtime records will be displayed here.

You can scroll to other dates by clicking on the arrows on the calendar bar, or you can click on the
Calendar icon to select the date you need.

The display of the calendar can be changed by selecting the option in the View drop-down menu:

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 166 of 328

To schedule a downtime,
 Select the Line from the drop down menu
 Click the New link, the Eventual Downtime Event pop-up window will be displayed:

 Choose the stop-reason from the list.

 Specify the Start Time, End Time and Duration of the downtime.
 Click OK to enter the periodic downtime event into your calendar.

To edit an eventual downtime, simply double-click the downtime record in the calendar display to bring up
the Eventual Downtime Event pop-up window again.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 167 of 328

Using Detail-Attributes
Here, you can define additional attributes about different objects in FlexFlow. These attributes are use to
store additional information about Debug, Lot Recording, Package, Part, Production Order, Repair, RMA,
Unit Component, AML, Part-Family, Unit-Detail, Import Product, Measurement Section, Measurement
Group, Measurement Sub-Group, and Failure Category.

The steps to define attributes for all the objects are the same:


1. Select one (1) of the Categories.

2. Click once in the ID cell and key-in a unique ID. This is not a mandatory field. If left blank, system
automatically generates the ID when the record is submitted.
3. Enter a name for the attribute.
4. Press <Enter> to submit the record. The new record will be displayed at the bottom of the table.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 168 of 328

Using the Production Order-Manager
The Production Order Manager allows you to create and view production order information. You can also
monitor Priorities and Timelines.

Functions of Production Order -Manager include:

 Production Orders
 Line Orders
 Line Monitor
 Timeline Monitor

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 169 of 328

Production Orders
A Production Order is the production plan to manufacture a particular part. It includes information such
as Part, Order Quantity, and Requested Start Time. Production orders are typically imported into
FlexFlow from another system.

Version 2.6 Onwards

From this version onwards, you can define part numbers which can be upgraded to the current part
number in a Production Order in the Incoming Part Number field. This allows you to effectively perform a
product change at the Production Order level.

To create a new Production order:

1. Click once in the Production order* cell. The fields in a Production Order record can be divided into
three (3) types categories:
i. Mandatory: Production Order Number, Part, Order Quantity, Status, Requested Start Time,
Requested Finish Time
ii. Optional: Description, UOM, Priority by ERP, is Lot Audit Completed, Incoming Part Number.
iii. Generated: Employee, Time of Creation, Last Update, Actual Start Time, Actual Finish Time,
Ship time, Sent Time
Complete all the Mandatory fields and provide as much Optional information as possible. The
Generated field will be included automatically from the client station accordingly, for instance when
the production starts.
2. Press <Enter> and you will see the new record at the bottom of the table.
3. Click on the appropriate Detail button to insert additional information for the production order.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 170 of 328


5 6

4. You will see the selected production order details on the left pane.
5. Select an attribute from the existing attributes list (Refer to Step 7, if the required attribute is not in
6. Key-in a value for the selected attribute and press <Enter>.
7. Click on the Define Attributes tab to create new attributes.

8. Click once in the Description* cell, key-in the new attribute name and press <ENTER>. Repeat Step
5 to enter the value for the new attribute; or
9. Click the Close (X) button to close the dialog box.

The filter button allows you to view the production order records according to Time of Creation,
Production Order Number, or Production order Status.

Use the cancel filter button to view all records.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 171 of 328

Force-Close a Production Order
The system allows you to force close a Production Order before the order quantity is met.

To force-close a production order:

1. Click in the Order Quantity field of the appropriate record.

Change the value in the field to a figure lesser than the original quantity and lesser than or equal to
the Started Quantity. Press <Enter>.
You can view the Started Quantity from the Line Order Module (Refer to Line Orders p 173 for more
For instance, if the original order quantity is 200, and the started quantity is 5, you may key-in any
value lesser than or equal to 5.

2 3

2. You will see a message warning you that this is an irreversible action. In other words, you will not be
able to change the production order status if you select Yes.
3. Select the Yes button to force close the production order.
This will also change the status field of the affected record to read only.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 172 of 328

Line Orders
The Line Orders module is an integral part of the Production order manager, as it allows you to assign
production orders to a line or lines.

A production order can be assigned to one or more lines. For example, you can fulfill an Order Quantity of
200 by assigning it to two (2) lines–Line A to produce 150 units and Line B to produce 50 units. Each
assignment is known as a line order.

To view a production order and its line order details:


1. Select a production order from the existing production orders list. The list can be customized using
the buttons on the grouping and filter bar:

i. Show production order grouped by part: By default, the production orders are grouped
according to units. Click the plus (+) or minus (-) sign to expand or collapse a group.
ii. Show production order without grouping: Displays all production orders in an alphabetical
iii. Set a Filter: Allows you to establish criteria(s) for view i and ii.
iv. Clear filter (show all): Deactivate the filter set in iii.
2. Information about the selected production order will be shown on the top right pane.
3. You will also be able to see the line order(s) information at the bottom right pane, if the selected
production order has been assigned to line(s).
4. Click the use a tool to define Line Orders link or the Define Line Orders link in the Actions box
to launch the line order dialog box, which can be used to add new line order.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 173 of 328

To create a new line order:

4 5


6 9

1. Choose the add new line order button.

2. Key-in a description for the line order, adjust the value in the Quantity box and choose a production
line using the combo box.
3. Click the OK button.
4. You will see the new line order on the screen. Click and drag the quantity indicator (slide bar) to
adjust the line order quantity.
5. Alternatively, move the mouse pointer over to the line order quantity. Click on the quantity when you
see the I pointer. Edit the figure and click the Apply or OK button.
6. The total quantity of all line orders is shown at the bottom of the window. System uses three (3) color
codes for the quantity indicator and total:
 Green when the total is equal to the required Order Quantity.
 Yellow when the total is lower than the required Order Quantity.
 Red for total exceeding the required Order Quantity.
7. You can delete a selected line order using the -button or the remove selected line order button in
the action box.
8. You can change the description for the line order using the rename selected line order button.
9. Repeat Step 1, if necessary to create new line order(s) for the balance order quantity; or Click the OK
button to close the line order dialog box.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 174 of 328

Priority Monitor
This section allows you to prioritize the line orders based on the business need. You can also switch off
line priority when it is not needed.

A station can be configured to automatically load the Production Order with Priority 1. Refer to
Constructing a New Route p 191 for information on station type and template settings.

To view the priority settings:


1. Select a line from the existing production lines.

2. All line orders associated with the selected line will be shown in the right pane.
The line order with the highest priority will be shown in the first position with a green bar. Blue bars
are used for all other line orders.
You will also see a priority code below the bar. Priority code one (1) is used for highest priority, two (2)
for second highest priority, etc.
3. You can change the line order priority by dragging and dropping the bar to the new position.
4. Click the on/off button to activate or deactivate the line priority. You will need to confirm you selection
before the settings will be applied.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 175 of 328

Timeline Monitor
This section allows you to view the timeline for production orders.

The Timeline Monitor tab is divided into two sections:

1. The Toolbar has the following options:

i. Filter button: for you to filter the orders by Time of Creation, Production order Number
and/or Production order Status.
ii. Cancel filter (show all) button: for you to deactivate the filter set in i.
iii. View by day, week, month and year button: allows you to change the display of the
iv. Show weeks check box: allows you to show the work week on the scheduler header.
2. The scheduler shows the actual start date and end date for each production order grouped by

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 176 of 328

Using the RMA Manager
This section allows you to configure and upload RMA (Return Material Authorization) information into
FlexFlow. This information allows FlexFlow to rectify a customer identified problem and send the
corrected unit back to the customer.

Functions of RMA-Manager include:

 Import Product

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 177 of 328

Import Product
This module allows you to view information of returned units. The View box has three (3) option buttons
for you to view:

i. Imported only: records of units that have been loaded onto production line.
ii. Not Imported only: records of units yet to be loaded onto production line.
iii. Show all: all records of returned units.

You can import details of returned units using the CSV loader wizard. The wizard has six (6) steps.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 178 of 328

Step 1 - Choose the Source-File

1. Click the Load from a csv-file link to launch the wizard.

2. Click the Choose the file you want to import link.
3. Select the file you want to import from the appropriate folder.
4. Click the Open button.
5. The selected file name will be displayed in the text box.
6. Click the Next button.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 179 of 328

Step 2 - Load Data from File

1. Select the First row is caption check box, if the .CSV file has a header row.
2. Click the Load File button.
3. The system displays the content of the .CSV file on the window.
4. Click the Next button.

Step 3 – Match File and Table Columns

1. Select fields from your file that are equivalent the columns of the table, using the combo boxes.
SerialNumber, RMANumber and Partnumber are mandatory columns.
2. Use the scroll bar to view the rest of the fields. There are 20 reserved fields for you to add additional
information into the system.
3. Key-in the default values to be imported, if there is no matching column in the .CSV file.
4. Click the Next button.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 180 of 328

Step 4 – Configuration Overview

1. Verify the fields listed on the screen to ensure that you have matched them correctly. Click the Back
button, to return to Step 3 and make the necessary changes, if required.
2. Click the Next button.

Step 5 – Structure Overview (Optional)

This is an optional step, used mainly for importing file holding multi levels information.

1. Select the It’s a multilevel import check box.

2. Select a field in the file that represents the Parent and Child relationship. A top-level entry must
always have stage=0. Next, system displays the hierarchy on the screen. Proceed to select the
Parent ID field from the database.
3. Click the Next button.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 181 of 328

Step 6 – Load to Database

1. Click the Import now button to start uploading. You will need to confirm your selection by choosing
the Yes button.
2. The time required to import the file differs, depending on the size of your file. The  symbol, indicates
that the record has been imported successfully.
3. Click the Finish button to close the wizard.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 182 of 328

This section summarizes the returned units’ information. It shows the total number of records with the
same RMA number and date/time the RMA number is imported. It also allows you to create new RMA
record and define new attribute for the record.

To create a new RMA record:

1. Click once in the RMA Number*, complete the information accordingly.

2. Press <Enter> and you will see the new record at the bottom of the table.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 183 of 328

To define new attribute for a RMA record:

1. Click on the Detail button of the appropriate RMA record to launch the Details dialog box.


2. You will see the RMA details on the left pane.

3. Select an attribute using the combo box (Refer to Step 5, if the required attribute is not in list).
4. Key-in a value for the selected attribute and press <Enter>.
5. Select the Define Attributes tab to create new attributes.

RMA Status can be:
1. Active – RMA units are ready to be worked on.
2. Closed – RMA is closed for that unit
3. Completed – RMA is complete.
4. On-Hold – RMA is on hold. The unit will be blocked.
5. Planned – RMA units are being processed.
6. Released – RMA unit is released from RMA.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 184 of 328


6. Click once in the Description* cell, key-in the new attribute name and press <ENTER>. Repeat Step
2 to enter the value for the new attribute; or
7. Click the Close (X) button to close the dialog box.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 185 of 328

Using the Route-Manager
A Route is a road map for a production line. A route contains line, part, and part family information. It
defines the workflow for the parts/assembly in the manufacturing process.

Functions of Route-Manager include:

 Route Names
 Route Drawing Tool
 Route Mapping

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 186 of 328

Route Names
This section allows you to create, modify and delete route names and route description.

Not applicable for Version 2.5 and above.

To create a new route record:

1. Click once in the Name* cell, key-in a unique name and description for the route.
2. Press <Enter>. System generates an ID for the new record and places it at the bottom of the table.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 187 of 328

Route Drawing Tool
This section allows you to graphically create and/or configure Routes. You can define starting point, end
point, and station types in a Route.

Templates are used to define the function(s) of a Station types. Built-in templates are available to provide
general functions. You can also create your own template to fulfill unique requirements.

This screen is partitioned into three (3) sections:

1. Drawing-Box: Contains various components that can be added to a route.

2. Workspace: This is the actual area to draw and configure your routes.
3. Route Mapping Pane: Allows you to view, delete and assign line, product-family and part to the route.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 188 of 328

The Drawing-Box
The Drawing-Box has two (2) views: Drawing objects view and Assign Template view. Click the view
header to toggle between the two (2) views.

i. Drawing objects view has three (3) sections. Click on the individual section header to see the
 Station Types: lists all existing Station types.
 Special: consist of objects like End, Start, Join and Comment
 All: consist of all Station types and special objects.

The context menu provides shortcuts for you to add a new station type and open the Line Manager. You
can also choose small icons option from the menu to optimize the use of space. Right click the section
header to get the context menu.

Large Icons Small Icons

Version 2.6 Onwards

You can search for a specific Station Type in the textbox at the top of the drawing box:

1. Enter the search text here to search for a station type, instead of having to scroll through a list.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 189 of 328

ii. Assign Template view displays all existing templates that can be assigned to Station type. There are
two (2) types of templates: standard or user defined (Refer to the Template Generator portion in the
Configuration section of this guide for more information on user-defined templates). The standard
templates are grouped according to their functions. For examples, Unit Creation, Test and Assembly.
Click the group header to see the available templates. Similarly, you can use the context menu to
change the size of the icons.

Large Icons Small Icons No Icons

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 190 of 328

Constructing a New Route
Generally, there are four (4) steps to construct a new route:
i. Add Special Node and Stations Type.
ii. Define Route Mapping.
iii. Assign and Configure Template.
iv. Determine the Unit State.

Step 1: Add Special Node and Station Type

Here, you identify and insert all the Special Node and Station Type required.

Normally, a route would have two (2) special nodes: Start and End, which can be found under the Special
or All section of the Drawing Object View.

To insert a node/station type:

1. Select the appropriate section from the Drawing Objects view.

2. Drag and drop a node/station type onto the workspace.
3. You can move and delete nodes/station types in the workspace.

 To delete: - Press Delete key to delete a selected object; or

- Right-click on an object and choose remove node…
 To move: Position the mouse pointer onto the object. Click and drag the object to a required
location. You can only move the object using the arrow cursor. Hand cursor is use
to create the unit state arrow.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 191 of 328

4. Click the X button to minimize the drawing box, for a wider workspace.
5. You can save the route using the save diagram button on the toolbar. The system will prompt you to
key-in a name and description for the route. This information is required only when you are saving the
route for the first time. System uses the same route name for subsequent updates.
6. Upon successful saving, the route name on the title bar changes from New documents to the name
you entered. This also implies that a new record has been created in the Route name module.

Step 2: Define Route Mapping

Next proceed to define the Line, Product-family, and Part that make-up the Route using the Define Route-
Map module. Double-click the Route Mapping Pane to launch this module.

Note: Always start with assigning Line to the route, and proceed to Part or Product-Family to the Line.

To define the relationship among these components:


1. Select an object from the Lines, Parts, or Families section.

You will see a common object called Each in the Lines, Parts and Families section. When assigned
to a route, it creates a relationship between the route and ALL Lines, Parts or Product-Families.
2. Drag and drop the selected object into the configuration area.
3. Repeat Step 1 and 2 to assign additional lines, parts, or families.
4. Save the relationship.

Version 2.6 Onwards

There is now a filtering feature for the Lines, Parts and Families lists.
 Filter currently opened list by typing in the Filter textbox.
 Check the Filter in all groups checkbox to apply the filter to all lists (i.e.: Lines, Parts and Families).

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 192 of 328

Step 3: Assign and Configure Template
A template is a group of related tasks and settings. It determines the action(s) or function(s) of a Station

There are two (2) methods to assign a template to a station type:

Method 1: Drag and Drop

1. Click on the Assign Template header.

2. Select the appropriate templates group.

3. Drag and drop a template onto the station type icon on the workspace.
4. Note the differences between the layouts of the station type box--before and after a template is

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 193 of 328

Version 2.5 onwards

From this version onwards, you can additionally access the template configuration via the right click
context menu.

1. Right-click on the station type icon to get the context menu.

2. Select Assign Template option.
3. Select the appropriate templates group.
4. Move your mouse pointer over to the right and choose a template from the list.

Click once to assign the selected template.

Note: Assigning a template to a Station type that already has a different template will OVERWRITE the
original Template. The affected Station type will be removed from all other Routes. You will need to
redraw all affected Routes.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 194 of 328

After assigning a template, your station type box should have 3 sections:

Before After


1. Template Name
2. Station Type Icon
3. Task of the station type. A station type can have more than one (1) task.

You can shrink or expand a station type box using the minus (-) or plus (+) sign next to the template name.

Once templates are applied to Station Types, double-click the Station type icon to configure the template
properties. Following is the layout of the Template Settings screen:

1. Task Groups pane: Displays the tasks/functions in the template in a hierarchical format. You can
add or remove additional task from the hierarchy.
i. To Add task: Right-click on the appropriate task group. Select a task from the Additional Tasks
ii. To Delete task: Right-click on a task and choose Delete Task. You can only remove task added
using the Additional Tasks menu.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 195 of 328

You can change the sequence of task using the drag and drop method. New Task Groups bellow
shows the effect changing the sequence of the tasks in the Original Task Groups.

Original Task Groups New Task Groups

2. Properties Settings pane: Allow you to view and configure the properties in the template. These
properties are categorized according to tasks or task groups. Properties from same category will be
highlighted when you select a tasks or task groups from the Task Groups pane.
3. Legend box: Identifies the colors codes and symbols used in the Properties Settings pane.
4. Selection box: The Choose a route and Choose a station type combo box allows you to switch
between the existing routes and station types. You can view the route flow on this screen by selecting
the Show route flow check box.
5. Physical Stations button: Launches the Station Configuration dialog box, which allows you to view
and configure individual physical stations of the selected Station type.
6. Filter box: You can see all parts or product-families assigned to the current route in the filter box.
Select one of the parts/families to view its properties settings.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 196 of 328

By default, all configurations made in the Properties Settings pane applies to all parts and families
assigned to the current route. You can create unique settings for each part and family by:

1. Right-click on one of the Properties.

2. Choose the appropriate part/family from the specify configuration menu.

3. The selected part/family and the associated properties will be added into the hierarchy. See the area
highlighted with a dashed red box for example. Changes made to this section of the properties apply
only to that particular part/family.

Save the settings by selecting the Apply or OK button at the bottom of the screen. The Apply button
allows you to continue with the configuration, whereas the OK button closes the current window.

Upon completion, system changes the station type icon from red to green color.

Refer to Template Details p 208, for more information on the properties of each template.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 197 of 328

Step 4: Determine the Unit State
Up to now, the station types and nodes are standalone objects. A complete route should show the flow
between these objects.

Unit State line is used to connect two (2) related objects. It is depicted using an Arrow with ID number.
Unit State represents the completion of tasks in the Station type at the tail of the arrow, and the start of
another group of tasks in the Station type at the arrow head. For instance, Unit State-100 below, signify
the completion of Unit Creation and the start of Manual Test.

It can also be used to link the tasks within the same station type.

To create the flow:

type. The pointer will

1. Position the mouse pointer close to the name of a node or task box of a station

change to a -Hand cursor.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 198 of 328

2. Make use toggle ports, if you find it difficult to get the Hand cursor in Step 1. Toggle ports: Small
diamonds or circles that appear at the border a node or task box.
Click the Toggle Ports button to show and hide them. Position the mouse pointer over one of the
toggle ports to get the Hand cursor.
3. Drag and drop onto the task box of the next station type in the route.
4. Select a unit state ID using the combo box. You may also key-in a new ID if the required state id is
not in the list. You should use whole number not exceeding 10 digits for the ID. Examples of state id
are, 100, 200, and 300.
The Unit State from the Start node must be (new unit, unitstateid = null).
5. Repeat Step 1 to 4 to link all related objects. Save the diagram. System automatically launches the
Missing Unit-State dialog box, if you entered new state id in Step 4.

6. Complete the Description field(s).

7. Click the OK button.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 199 of 328

You may also define new unit states using the Unit States module (Refer to the Unit State portion in
Configuration section of this guide for more information).

You are advised to check the Unit State Properties. Double-click a unit state arrow to launch the Select a
Unit State dialog box from which you can view and change the unit state properties.

1. All existing unit states are listed under the Select a Unit-State box. Icon of the current unit state is
displayed in green color. You can change the current unit state by selecting a different unit state from
the list.
2. Use the Create new… button to define a new unit state, if necessary. You need to key-in a unique ID
and Description for the new unit state.
3. Choose an output-state definition from the combo. The definition will appear next to the unit state
number in the Route Drawing.
Special output-state definition is required for node with the following templates:

Output-State Definition
ManualTest Pass or Fail
OBA (OBA Result Task) OBAPass or OBAFail
AutoTester (GetUnitInfor Task) TestGetUnitInfoOK

Please refer to the Sample Route below for better overview.

4. Only one outgoing link box lists all the outgoing unit states. Map the current state with one of
outgoing link by selecting the appropriate check box. (From FlexFlow 2.5 onwards, you can define
unique outgoing links.)
5. Click the choose a color button to bring up a color palette from which you can choose a color for the
selected outgoing link.
6. Click the OK button.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 200 of 328

Sample Route

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 201 of 328

Multiple Outgoing Links (Any State)

Version 2.5 onwards

From FlexFlow 2.5 onwards, you will be able to define unique outgoing links for Manual Test, Inspection
and Repair stations.

In previous versions, the same outgoing links were used to access different stations. Because the
outgoing links are not unique, we could only tell what units have passed through a specific station. We
had no way to determine which station the units ended up in after passing through the station.

Outgoing Links Prior to FlexFlow 2.5

Notice that the outgoing links for Assign_PN can only be either 421 (for PASS conditions) or 525 (for FAIL
conditions). There are no unique links.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 202 of 328

Outgoing Links used in FlexFlow 2.5

Notice that the outgoing links for Assign_PN can be 421, 422 and 423 (for PASS conditions) or 525 and
526 (for FAIL conditions). Each link is unique. With this enhancement, units can be tracked to their
destination stations.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 203 of 328

Joining Routes

Upon completing the routes, you may choose to link up related routes using the Join station type.

To join two (2) routes:

1. Drag and drop the Join station type onto the child route.
2. Select a station type in the parent route that you would like to connect with. Click the OK button.
Note: Always choose the station type where the child’s SN will be scanned.
3. Join the station types with the appropriate unit state lines.
4. Finally, map the child part onto both the child line and parent line.

Child Route

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 204 of 328

Deleting Routes

Version 2.5 onwards

Routes can be deleted by clicking on the Delete button in the toolbar.

You will be prompted to confirm the route deletion.

Click OK to delete the route. Note that this will mean that your diagram and configurations for the Route
will be deleted.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 205 of 328

Route Mapping
This section displays all existing Routes and allows you to view and define the relationship between
Product-family, Part, Line and a selected Route.

The purpose of this module is the same as the Define Route-Map module in Route Drawing Tool p 188
Tool. The former allows you to define the relationship in a graphical format, but this module in table form.

You can launch the graphical module from this screen using the Use a tool to define the Mapping link at
the bottom of the screen or the define route map button in the Action box.

To define the relationship:

1. Select a route from the list.

2. Select a Product-Family, Part and Line using the combo boxes.
Each in the Product-Family, Part, and Line signify ALL Product-Families, Parts and Lines
3. Press <ENTER> to insert the new record.

Not applicable for Version 2.5 and above.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 206 of 328

Calculating Route ID
System identifies the Route ID for a Unit using the PartNumber, PartFamily and Line combination. System
selects a route by performing multiple checks in the following sequence. The route that matches the
combination with the highest priority will be selected.

Sequence Priority PartNumber Line PartFamily

1 1 (Highest) X X *
2 2… X * *
3 3… * X X
4 4… * X *
5 5… * * X
6 6 (Lowest) * * *
X … exact matching
* … WildCard

For instance, if you have the following scenario :

Serial Number: X-1019

Part Number : Part C

Product Family: Family C

System will select Route A as PartNumber + Line combination has higher priority than Line + PartFamily

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 207 of 328

Template Details
Refer to the Template Details (FF_TemplateDetails.pdf) document for a listing and explanation of all
available templates for the FlexFlow application.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 208 of 328

Using the Line-Manager
The Line Manager is used to create and configure Manufacturing Lines and Stations. A Line is a
sequence of physical stations.

Functions of Line -Manager include:

 Station Types

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 209 of 328

The Lines screen allows you to view, create, and delete Lines.

To create a new line record:

1. Click once in the Description* cell, key-in the description and location.
2. Press <Enter> and you will see the new record at the bottom of the table.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 210 of 328

Station Types
A Station type is a logical grouping of physical manufacturing stations. A station is a point along a
manufacturing line that captures data and sends it to FlexFlow. Stations that share the same action(s) are
assigned a Station type. Examples of Station types are Repair, Manual Test, and Assembly.

To create a new Station Type record:

1. Click once in the Description* cell, complete the description and press <Enter>
2. System generates an ID and places the record at the bottom of the table.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 211 of 328

The Stations screen allows you to create physical station records and assign them to a line.

To create a new Station record:

1. Click once in the Description* cell, key-in the description, and select the appropriate Station Type
and Line for the new station.
2. Press <ENTER>. System generates an ID and places the record under the respective group.

Stations on the same line will be grouped together. A group can be collapsed or expanded using the
minus sign (–) or the plus sign (+) next to the line name.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 212 of 328

Online Info Center Tabs

Version 2.7 Onwards

Use this screen to configure the tabs which will appear at the station’s Online Info Center Tabs.


1. Select this checkbox to group the stations types by category.

2. Select the Station Type.
3. Select the default tab to display in the Online Info-Center Tab at the Station. Note that only one
default tab can be selected.
4. Check the additional tabs to be displayed at the Station.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 213 of 328

Copy Line
The Copy Line section allows you to make a copy of an existing line along with all its stations.

To copy a line:

3 4

1. Select the copy line button from the Actions box to launch the Copy Line dialog box.
2. Select the line you would like to copy from the Line to copy combo box.
3. Key-in a name and location of the new line.
4. Click in one of the New Stations fields to change the station name suggested by the system.
5. Click the OK button.

6. You will see the new line and its station on the Stations link.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 214 of 328

Physical Station Tool
This section allows you to graphically view, assign or delete the stations in a line.

To view or configure the stations:

1. Choose a line from the combo box.

2. Station(s) associated with the selected line will be displayed in the stations pane.
3. Select the group by Station-Type check box to change the way information is presented in the
station pane.
4. You can assign new stations to the selected line by double-clicking a station type in the Station-Types
list. Alternatively, drag and drop a station type from the Station-Types list, to the stations pane.
5. You can view Station-Types associated to a particular route by selecting a route in the filter box.
6. You can delete, rename, and change the status (active, inactive, deleted) of a selected station using
the delete selected station, rename selected station, and change status of sel. station button. System
creates physical stations for all existing station-types when you select the create all stations from
list button.

Note: Making changes here do not affect the actual route.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 215 of 328

Physical Stations Configuration
In the Stations Pane, double click a station icon to access the physical station’s configuration screen.

The following are explanations for the fields which can be configured:
 Check Line: If enabled, the unit will not be able to cross lines and only be allowed to run on the
unit creation line itself.
 Command Prompt: Select this checkbox so that the command prompt will only accept input from
a scanner (i.e.: Every action is performed via a scanner). If unselected, mouse clicks and input
from a scanner will be possible.
 Check Production Order: If this checkbox is selected, the unit’s production order must be active
and the priority must be set to 1.
 Use PLC Control: Select this checkbox to use PLC Control. PLC Programmable Logic Control is
widely used in the manufacturing industry to control simple automatic solutions.
o Tack Time - This parameter defines how frequent the PLC recalculates its internal state.
Default value: 50ms
o Number of Output - Initializes the number of Output ports. This value depends on the
limitation of the hardware. Default value: 8
o Number of Input - Initializes the number of Input ports. This value depends on the
limitation of the hardware. Default value: 8
o Program File Name - Defines the file path and name of the control program. Without this
there is no PLC! e.g.:C:\ItsPath\ConveyorControl.txt
o Input - Defines keyword mappings to a specific input port; where n is between the port
number from 0 to the declared value in the Number of Input field. The higher declarations
will be not processed. These declarations must match the messages from the Application.
 GOOD When the task list completes without any errors the application sends this
message to the PLC.
 BAD When an error occurs during processing, the application sends this signal
to the PLC.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 216 of 328

 RESET When the User presses the reset button on the form, the application
sends this word to the PLC.

o Output - Defines keyword mappings to the specific output port; where n is between the
port number from 0 to the declared value in the Number of Output field. The higher
declarations will be not processed. These declarations must match the messages from
the Application. Currently this function not in use.
o Communication porttype - The type of the communication. Possible values are:
o Display control box – Select this checkbox to display the PLC Control box

 DashBoard Name: Determines the Chart which to be displayed at the bottom of client screen.
Here, you can configure either an Efficiency Chart or an SPC chart.

Efficiency Chart
i. Target: Quantity target, it would be displayed in the chart.

ii. Number of hours: The Efficiency chart would display information within the hours
user configured.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 217 of 328

iii. Show Capability Chart (variable chart only): Display Capability Chart at the left
side of Dashboard.


 Error Message Form DLL: Enter the DLL name of your customized Error Messasge Form here.
 Form Name: Enter the form name of your customized Error Message Form here.
 Set the focus in Error-Form to OK: If this checkbox is selected, the OK button will be
automatically focused on all Error Message forms.

Board Count (Version 2.7 Onwards)

 Use Board Count Control: Check this checkbox to configure the Board Count station.
 SMT Machine Handled: Select the SMT Machine which will be linked to this board count
station from the drop down list.

 Validate Group Unit SN: Validate that the scanned serial numbers are originating from
the same source. (Used when panels are produced).

 Number of SN Handled by Each Port: Configures the number of serial numbers which
should be scanned by each board count port before the task can be considered as

E.g.: Serial Number Handle By Each Port = 2 and there are 2 ports at the station. This
means that 4 serial numbers must be scanned before the transaction will be committed
by the system.

 Interval Time for Complete Scanning: For stations with more than one scanner, this
setting is used to control the time interval; within which, the scanning process for all
board serial numbers on the panel must be completed. If this time interval is exceeded,
then all boards on the panel must be re-scanned again. For stations with only one
scanner, this setting will not have any effect.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 218 of 328

On the Printer tab, configure the printers that will print the labels for that station.

 Printer Name: Enter the name of the printer that will be printing the labels.
 Label Name: select the label to be printed. Labels are maintained using the Label Manager. (See
Using the Label-Manager p 100).

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 219 of 328

On the Hardware: Use Serial Port Scanner tab, configure the communication settings for the board
count scanner.

 Use Serial Port Scanner: Scanner settings. These are needed to ensure that the client is able to
communicate with the scanner.
o Scanner Serial Port Number - Defines the port number of the serial port. Default value:
o Sequence - Enter the scanning sequence of the board count scanner. (E.g.: There are 4
boards, this scanner will be the second in sequence to scan; so you would enter “2”
here.). This column is important when there is more than one scanner assigned to an
SMT Machine. Default value: 1.
o Baud Rate – The Baud Rate used by the scanner. Default: 9600.
o Data Bit – The Data Bit configuration to be used by the scanner. Default: 8.
o Parity – Specify the parity bit used by the scanner. Default: N.
o Stop Bit – Specify the stop bit value. Default: 1.
o Buffer Size – Specify the buffer size used by the scanner. Default: 4096kB.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 220 of 328

 Enforced Unit Status Reason Key In: – This configuration applies to the “Assign Unit Status”
menu function in the client. If this checkbox is selected, you must select a Reason Code whenever
you assign a unit status.

 DownTime Message Form DLL: Enter the DLL name of your customized DownTime Message
 Form Name: Enter the form name of your customized DownTime Message Form.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 221 of 328

Using Unit State/Status
This section allows you to view and define new Unit States. Unit State is use to describe the state of a
Unit between Stations in a route. On a Route, Unit state is represented through a unique ID instead of a
lengthy description.

You will also be able to enter the reason for a Unit Status change.

To create a new Unit State record:

1. Click the Unit State link in the Unit State and Output State Definition box.
2. Click once in the ID* cell, key-in a unique ID and a description for the Unit State.
It is recommended that the Description be unique too.
3. Press <Enter>. The new record will be displayed at the bottom of the table.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 222 of 328

Version 2.5 onwards

To create a new Unit State Change Reason record:

1. Click the Unit Status Changed Reason link in the Unit State and Output State Definition box.
2. Click once in the Description* cell, and select a UnitStatusID* from the combo box. It is
recommended that the Description be unique too.
3. Press <Enter>. The new record will be displayed at the bottom of the table.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 223 of 328

Template Generator
This section allows you to create and configure user-defined templates. You can use these custom
templates instead of the pre-defined core templates in route configuration.

Version 2.7 Onwards

Traceability templates have been added to the list of Core Templates.

When you open the Template-Generator you will see:


1. Templates tab: Shows valuable help information on generating templates and basic functions.
2. Core Templates box: Contains a list of built-in templates grouped according to their functions.
3. User defined Templates box: Contains templates that you or others have created.
4. Core Basic Functions: Contains basic functions which you will use when generating templates.
5. User Defined Basic Functions: Contains basic functions which you have defined.
6. Actions box: Contains various tools to assist you in creating a user-defined template.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 224 of 328

Viewing and Copying Template
It is important to check the existing template before creating your own. This is to avoid creating redundant
templates that are the same as Core Templates. You may also identify an exisiting template that meets
most of your requirements. This template can be used as the base for the template you are creating,
instead of starting from scrap.

To view and copy a template:

1. Select either Core or User-defined Templates box.

2. Click the plus (+) sign to expand a group and select one of the templates from the list.
3. You will be able to see all task groups and task in the selected template. System uses different icons
to aid user in identifying the different types of task.

Input Form

Man Function

Normal Function

4. Choose the copy selected template link in the Action box to copy the selected template. Refer to
Creating User-Defined Template p 226 to see how you can use this template as a base.

You can also view the SQL script associated with the selected template by selecting the Script… button
on the Templates tab or generate sql script link in the Action box.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 225 of 328

Creating User-Defined Template
A template is made up of task groups and the tasks they contain. A task is a single operation performed
by an operator. There are three (3) types of task: Input Form, Main and Normal Function. Template
generator allows you to combine tasks according to your needs.

i. Input Form: This task when loaded will require input action at the station. For Example: Enter
Package SN, Generate SN, OBA, User Defined Procedure Call.
You can add multiple input forms to a task group.
ii. Main Function: When the operator performs this type of task, the unit-state of the unit being
manufactured will change. Examples: Assembly, Check Point, Debug and Repair, OBA Result.
You can add only one main function to a task group. However you can have more than one
occurrence of that function in the task group. For example, you can have Assembly occur more than
once in a task group but you cannot have one Assembly and one Checklist function in the same
task group.
iii. Normal Function: These tasks that do NOT change the unit-state. For examples: Add Package
Detail, Assign SN, Print Label
You can add multiple normal functions to a task group.

In this version of the Configuration Manager, user will be able to define their own tasks (user defined
basic functions). One of the major advantages of creating a user defined basic function is to link to
customized forms (customized dll) that user created using VB.net.

To create user defined basic function:

1. Select the User defined Basic-Function box.

2. Choose the add basic function link from the Action box.
3. Next, you will see the Add a new Basic-Function dialog box. Complete the following information and
click the OK button:
• Name: This refer to the VB.net form name

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 226 of 328

• Description: Key-in a meaningful description for the basic-function. User will see this
description on the Basic-Function Hierarcy and also the Toolbox when creating user-defined
• Assembly Name:Key in the .dll file name.
• Type: Select the relevant function type: Normal, Input or Main function.
4. Next, you can proceed to configure the parameters (task settings) associated with this function. Not
all basic function have its own parameter.

To define parameters:

1. Select a Basic-Function from the hierarchy.

2. Click the Edit Paremeters… button.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 227 of 328

3. Select the approriate type of control from the Toolbox.
4. Drag and drop the selected control to the Drag&Drop Area.

3 4


5. Configure the properties of the Task.

6. You can add additonal information/help related to this Task using the Help-Code module. You may
also define additional rules for the Task Setting using the Setting Rules module.
7. Click the Apply button to save the configuration. Upon completion, click the OK button to return to the
previous screen.

8. Now, you should be able to see the new Task setting(s) on the Setting Preview panel.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 228 of 328

To create a template:

4 9

1. Select the add user defined template link.

2. Key-in the template name and click the OK button.
3. You will see the new template under the UserDefined group in the User Defined Templates box.
Select the template you want to configure.
4. Choose the show tool-box link in the action box to display the Tool Box on the template tab. The tool
box contains the three (3) categories of task metioned above, and a New Task-Group object.
5. Next, if you have copied an existing template (Refer to Viewing and Copying Template p 225 for
instructions), you can now choose paste into current template link.
6. Otherwise, drag and drop the New Task-Group object from the Tool Box to the Template pane.
7. Click the plus (+) sign to view the tasks in each category. Drag and drop a task onto the the task
group. Both Core and User-defined Basic-Functions will be displayed here. You can change the order
of tasks within a task group using the drag and drop method.
8. You can change the order of task groups by dragging the -button next to each group. Task group
can be deleted with the -button.
Repeat Step 6 and 7 to add more task group and task
9. Click the Save and your template is ready to use.

Note: Tasks must exist inside a task group, so you must create a task group using Step 5 or 6 before
proceeding to Step 7.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 229 of 328

This section allows you to transfer data between FlexFlow server and your local hard drive. FlexFlow
stores and retrives information from file with .FFC extension.

To transfer data from FlexFlow to local hard drive (Export):

1. Select Export from Categories box.

2. You will see different categories of data available for export. Click the plus (+) or minus (-) sign to
show or hide the items in a category.
You can export all data in a category or from specific item(s) in a category by selecting the
appropriate check boxes.
3. Click the Next>> button.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 230 of 328

4. Select the appropriate folder and key-in the file name.
5. Click the Save button.

To transfer data from local hard drive to FlexFlow server (Import):

1. Select Import from Categories box.

2. Click the Next>> button.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 231 of 328

3. Select the file you want to import from the appropriate folder.
4. Click the Open button.

5. You will see different categories of data available for import. Click the plus (+) or minus (-) sign to
show or hide the items in a category.
You can import all data in a category or from specific item(s) in a category by selecting the
appropriate check boxes.
6. Click the Next>> button.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 232 of 328

7. You will see the details of the selected item in a hierarchical structure.
8. Select the OverWrite check box indicates that existing records will be replaced with matching
imported data.
9. Click the Import>> button to start importing the selected data.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 233 of 328

Using Overview
Overview allows you to launch the Template Setting screen without using the Route Manager. Refer to
Constructing a New Route p 191 for more information.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 234 of 328

Validation Tool (Debugger)
The Validation Tool allows user to access client stations directly from CoMa. It provides a more efficient
avenue for testing and validating existing configuration of a line.

To launch the Validation Tool:

1 3

1. Launch the tool by clicking on the Debugger icon from Configuration menu.
2. Select one (1) or more lines you wish to validate.
3. Click the Next >> button.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 235 of 328

You will see the following screen once the validation tool is started. The screen is segmented in to four (4)

1. Toolbar: Consist of icons to commonly used functions.

Toolbar Icon Function
Creates a new Auto Run plan.

Opens a saved Auto Run plan.

Saves the current Auto Run plan.

Version 2.5 onwards

Shows/Hides the Statistics window.

Shows/Hides disabled stations in the Auto Run Plan tree.

Enables a preview in the Client-Station area when a station is selected from the Auto
Run Plan tree.

Select to enable automatic (pushed) auto run mode. By default, the auto run mode is set
to manual.

Select to activate an endless loop. By default, each station will only be executed once
(one cycle).

Starts execution of the current auto run plan.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 236 of 328

Toolbar Icon Function
Skips the station in the auto run plan during its execution.

Stops the current auto run plan.

Opens the Station-Chooser window. Select the station(s) which you want to include in
the auto run plan.

Enables access to the data managers. (e.g.: employee, BOM, label, etc.).

Executes the Route Drawing Tool.

Click to configure the auto run plan settings.

Version 2.5 onwards

Click to refresh the Auto Run Plan and Form controls.

Version 2.5 onwards

Click to use the mini SQL query analyzer window.

Version 2.5 onwards

Click to display the mini SQL query analyzer information bar.

2. Auto Run Plan: Shows all stations in the selected line(s). Position of stations in the tree view dictates
the order in which these stations would be executed. You can rearrange these stations using drag and
drop method. Station(s) can also be disabled using the context menu.
3. Statistics: Here, you can see useful statistics on current run. For example: Start-Time, End-Time and
Current Loop count.
4. Client-Station Area: Shows currently executed station or a selected station.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 237 of 328

Initializing the Validation Tool
IMPORTANT: The Validation tool needs to reference to a valid FlexFlow Client installation. You will need
to set-up this information before running the debugger.

To initialize the validation tool:

1. Click on the Settings icon on the toolbar.

2. Key-in the User ID to be used during the validation process.
3. Set-up the time to wait to wait before enter next station, between actions and before sending enter.
4. Click on the ellipse (…) button and select the folder of the client application.
5. Click the X button to close the dialog box.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 238 of 328

Using the Validation Tool
The debugger can run in three (3) modes:

 Manual test single station

 Manual test multiple stations
 Auto run all stations

When station does not function as required, you can re-configure the station without exiting the
debugging-tool. Refer to Changing Station Configuration p 244.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 239 of 328

Using the Validation Tool: Manual Test Single Station
System executes a selected client station and all data entries are done manually as required.

To manually test a station from CoMa:

1. Select the preview station if click on tree node icon.

2. Choose a station you wish to test from the tree view.
3. You will see the client screen in the Client-Station Area. Enter the required information accordingly.
Once the current station is tested, proceed to the next station by repeating step 2.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 240 of 328

Using the Validation Tool: Manual Test Multiple Stations
System executes all active stations one after another in the pre-defined order. Data are entered manually
as required.

To manually test a series of stations:

2 3 4

1. Arrange the stations in the required order using the drag and drop method. Choose Disable option
from the context menu to exclude a selected station from the test.
2. By default, each station will be executed once (one cycle). Activate the endless-loop ( ) button, if
you want to have multiple cycles.
3. Start the test by selecting the auto run and sending values ( ) button.
4. Choose the stop the current run ( ) button to abort the test.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 241 of 328

Using the Validation Tool: Auto Run All Stations
System executes all active stations one after another in the pre-defined order. User do not need to enter
data manually, instead data are entered automatically as configured.

Similar to manually testing multiple stations, you will also need to rearrange the stations and disable
stations to be skipped during the test. Please refer to Using the Validation Tool: Manual Test Multiple
Stations p 241 for more information.

You will also need to configure each station so that data are entered automatically.

To set-up station(s) for auto run:

1 8 7

2 4

1. Double click on a station in the tree-view.

2. Click on the plus (+) or minus (-) sign to expand or collapse a task group. Select a control that require
external/user action for example, data entry and button click.
3. To check if you have chosen the correct control, click on the Preview bar. Click ton Settings bar to
continue with the configuration.
4. Select enable this control check box.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 242 of 328

5. Choose show all or show enabled only to show or hide inactive controls.
6. Select the applicable options under the Settings pane. Following is a brief description of the available
 send nothing to this control: No data shall be entered for the selected control
 send a fix value: A constant entered at the subsequent text box will be sent to the selected
control. For example, you can enter “Part A” in the text box, if “Part A” is to be selected from the
Part Number combo box at client screen.
 use a SN Simulator: This will send value from the selected SN format, pre-defined in SN-
Simulator. After each cycle the value will be incremented by 1. Please refer to 6.4.4 Creating
Simulated SN for more information.
 use a generated SN from a station: A SN generated in earlier station will be sent to the selected
control. For example, you can send SN generated at UC_PN_GenSN station to Manual Test
 send an Enter after: This will send an <Enter> after the above data is sent. You are advised to
select this option for all controls; otherwise the debugger will wait for you to press <Enter> key.
 send a button-click: Choose this option when the selected control is a button. For example,
Pass, Fail, Reset, Complete and Cancel button.
7. Repeat the above steps to set-up all stations. Activate the manual or automatic mode ( ) button to
run the test on Auto mode.
By default, each station will be executed once (one cycle). Activate the endless-loop ( ) button, if
you want to have multiple cycles.
8. Start the test by selecting the auto run and sending values ( ) button.
9. Choose the stop the current run ( ) button to abort the test.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 243 of 328

Changing Station Configuration
You do not need to exit the debugging-tool to reconfigure a station; you can directly go to configuration
screen using the context menu.
To launch the Configuration function:

1. Right click on the errorneous station and select Show configuration option from the context menu.
2. Next, you will see the Configuration window. Make the necessary changes, save and continue with
the test.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 244 of 328

Creating Simulated SN
The Settings dialog box also allows you to create and configure Serial Number format for testing stations
where SN are scanned, instead of generated. For example, in UC_PN station or during Assign SN task.

To create simulated SN:

3 4

5 6

1. Select the Settings icon on the toolbar.

2. Click on the SN Simulators tab.
3. Click the Add button to create a new SN.
4. Enter the SN name.
5. You will see the new SN on the left pane.
6. Configure the different segments in the SN — Prefix, Suffix, Running number length and Starting
7. A sample SN is displayed at the bottom of the window as you enter the information.
8. Click the X button to close the dialog box.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 245 of 328

Working with Traceability

Version 2.7 Onwards

Traceability is a new feature in FlexFlow. Use the new modules found in this section to configure
traceability settings in the system.

Use the Traceability template to configure a Traceability station on the client side. Within this template,
you will find multiple processes.

The following modules are used to configure traceability in FlexFlow:

 SMT Machine Manager
 Loading List
 Station Material Consumption
 Rules and Alert
 Material Route

FF_TemplateDetails.pdf document for more details on the Traceability template.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 246 of 328

Using the Hardware Overview
The hardware overview displays the line and machines which are involved in the traceability configuration.

Click the Hardware Overview link under the Traceability header

Fig. 16 Hardware Overview will appear:

Fig. 16 Hardware Overview

 Expand or collapse the list by clicking on the (+) or (-) signs.

 The properties tab will display information on the selected line, machine, table or table slot.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 247 of 328

Using the SMT Machine Manager
The SMT Machine Manager function lets you to configure SMT Machines which will be used in the
Traceability process.

Machine Model Family

Version 2.7 Onwards

Use this screen to create/edit Machine Model Family records.

1 2

1. Click once inside the Name field and fill in the Machine Model Family’s name, press <Enter> to
create a record.
2. Optionally, you can also provide a description for the Machine Model Family record in the
Description field.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 248 of 328

Machine Model

Version 2.7 Onwards

Use this screen to create/edit Machine Model records.

1 2 3 4 5

1. Click once in the Name column and enter the Machine Model Name.
2. Enter the Revision for the machine.
3. Click once in the Model Family and select the Machine Model Family from the drop down menu.
See Machine Model Family p 248 for more information.
4. Select the Machine Type from the drop down menu.
5. Select the Status for the machine. Press <Enter> to create the record.

Vendor is maintained in Detail Attributes > Vendor
See Using Detail-Attributes p 168

Machine Model Status:
 Active – The machine model is selectable when creating Machines.
 Deleted – A deleted machine model record. The machine model is not selectable when creating
 InActive – An inactive machine model record. The machine model is not selectable when creating

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 249 of 328

Machine Table Attribute

Version 2.7 Onwards

Use this screen to create/edit the Machine Table Attributes.

1 2 3 4 5 6

1. Select the Machine Model from the drop down menu

2. Enter the Table Position detail
3. Enter the Table Type detail
4. Define the Start Slot Position detail
5. Define the End Slot Position detail
6. Define the Status of the machine table attribute

Machine Table Attribute Status:
 Active – The machine table attribute is selectable when creating Machines.
 Deleted – A deleted machine table attribute record. The machine table attribute is not selectable
when creating Machines.
 InActive – An inactive machine table attribute record. The machine table attribute is not selectable
when creating Machines.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 250 of 328


Version 2.7 Onwards

Use this screen to create Machine records. Machine Table and Table Slot records will be automatically
created based on the details which were entered for the machine model family, machine model and
machine table attribute.

a 1 2 3 4 5

Records here are grouped by their Line assignments. The data grid is divided into three parts:
a. Machine: contains configurations for the SMT Machine.
b. Machine-Table: contains configurations for the Table on the SMT Machine. Click the +
or – sign to expand or collapse this data grid from view.
c. Table-Slot: contains configurations for the Table Slots in the Table. Click the + or – sign
to expand or collapse this data grid from view.

1. Enter a Description for the Machine

2. Select the Machine Model from the drop down menu and press <Enter>. You will need to define a
serial number format for the SMT Machine in the next screen.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 251 of 328


d. Select how the Serial Numbers will be generated for the machine. This can either be
created manually or by using a serial number format defined in the Serial Number
Manager. (See Using the Serial Number-Manager p 113 for more information).
e. Select the serial number format to be used for Machine Tables.Table-Slot:
f. Select the serial number format to be used for Machine Table Slots. Click OK.

3. Select the Line which the machine will belong to.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 252 of 328

4. Click the ellipsis button in the Position field to specify the machine position on the line. A new
window will appear. Drag and drop the machines in the list to reorder them.

5. Select the machine status from the drop down list.

Machine Status:
 Active – A machine that is ready to be used at the production line. This status can be changed here
in the CoMa.
 Created – A newly created Machine. The Machine is not ready to be used at the production line.
 Deleted – A deleted Machine. The Machine cannot be used at the production line.
 InActive – An inactive Machine. The Machine cannot be used at the production line.
 Processing – A machine that has an attached cart which has been kitted.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 253 of 328

Machine Model/Attribute from CSV

Version 2.7 Onwards

Use this function to import Machine Model and Machine Table Attributes from a CSV file. This makes
adding multiple Machine Model and Machine Table Attributes easier as the details provided by the
machine manufacturer can be used here instead of having to manually enter the information.

1. Click on the link and locate the CSV file to be used

2. Click Next to continue to the next step

4 3

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 254 of 328

3. Click Load File to load the contents of the CSV file
4. Check this checkbox if the first row loaded from the CSV file contains captions only
5. Click this button to specify the separator character used in the CSV
6. Click Next to continue to the next step

7 8 9


7. The details here cannot be edited. It lists the columns in the FlexFlow database which relate to the
machine model and machine table attributes.
8. Match the Columns of the File with their corresponding columns in the Columns of the Table list.
9. The Default Value fields are used to specify a default value for missing columns in the CSV file.
10. Click Next to continue to the next step

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 255 of 328


11. This step will display the configuration overview. Checked items will be imported into FlexFlow.
Uncheck an item should you decide not to include it in the import process. Click Next to continue to
the next step.



12. This option will be used when importing machine model/attributes involving several different
Machine Model Families.
13. Click Next to proceed to the next step

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 256 of 328


14. This is the final step before the CSV is imported. Click Import and answer Yes when prompted to
begin the import process.


15. When the import process is complete, you will see this screen. Click Finish.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 257 of 328

Using the Cart Manager
Carts are used to hold material units/reels and can be attached to or detached from SMT Machines. Use
the following screens to configure Carts.

Cart Model

Version 2.7 Onwards

Use this screen to define cart models. The records here will be used when creating Cart records.

1 2 3

1. Enter the cart name in the Name field. You may optionally enter a description also in the
Description field.
2. Select the Vendor from the drop down menu.
3. Select the Status of the cart model record. By default, it will be ”Active”.

Vendor is maintained in Detail Attributes > Vendor
See Using Detail-Attributes p 168

Cart Model Status:
 Active – A cart model that is ready to be used at the production line. This status can be changed
here in the CoMa.
 Deleted – A deleted cart model. The cart model cannot be used at the production line.
 InActive – An inactive cart model. The cart model cannot be used at the production line.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 258 of 328


Version 2.7 Onwards

Use this screen to create Carts.

1 2 3

1. You have the option to enter a Description for the cart record.
2. Select the Cart Model from the drop down menu. (See Cart Model p 258)
3. Select the Status of the cart. By default, it will be ”Created”.
4. The status item in the Cart Properties tab will be “unknown” until the cart is mapped to a table.

Cart Status:
 Active – A cart that can be used to perform online or offline kitting at the production line. This status
can be changed here in the CoMa or by using the Registration_Cart traceability process at the
FlexFlow Client.
 Created – A newly created cart. The cart is not ready to be used at the production line.
 Deleted – A deleted cart. The cart cannot be used at the production line.
 InActive – A cart that is inactive. The cart cannot be used at the production line.
 OfflineMapped – A cart that has been offline mapped to a table. This status is changed via the
TableCartMapping_Offline traceability process at the FlexFlow Client.
 OnlineMapped – A card that has been online kitted. This status is changed via the
TableCartMapping_Online traceability process at the FlexFlow Client.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 259 of 328

Using Print Label

Version 2.7 Onwards

The Print Label screen is used in the SMT Machine and Cart functions to print out labels for the:
 SMT Machine
 SMT Machine – Table
 SMT Machine – Table Slot

You will see the Print Label icon at:

SMT Machines and Carts:

Alternatively, you can also access the Print Label screen via a context menu. Simply right-click the
Machine or Cart record and select Print Label.

Label formats are defined in the Label Manager. (See Using the Label-Manager p 100 for more

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 260 of 328

The Print Label screen will appear:

1. Select which labels will be printed by checking the appropriate checkboxes. From the drop down
menu, select the Label Format. The Label Format can also be selected from the Content Chooser
screen by clicking on the ellipsis (…) button.

 Select the label to be printed from the Content Choose screen. Click <OK>.

2. Check the item to be printed. If you select a Machine, the Inherit to Sub-Nodes screen will appear.
Specify whether the related table and/or table slots should have labels printed for them as well.

3. Click Print to print the labels.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 261 of 328

Using the Loading List Manager

Version 2.7 Onwards

Use the Loading List Manager to import Family Matrix Setup (FMS) files and Loading Lists.

An FMS will contain information on the relationship between components and the machine table slots
they will be kitted to. FMSes are actually a collection of loading lists. However, Loading Lists contain more
details such as the component frequency and part location. There can only be one FMS for each line, but
there can be multiple Loading Lists on the same line.

FMSes are used during the Setup Line and Kitting processes at Traceability stations. A production line is
first setup by selecting the FMS to be used via the “Setup Line” process. Based on the information
contained in the FMS, the line is then kitted using the “Kitting” process. Lastly, the line will undergo the
“Final Check” process where the Loading List is selected and verified against the FMS information before
production can begin.

In general, the following will occur:

Traceability Process Name FMS status change Loading List status change
1. Setup Line Active  Processing N/A

2. Kitting (Online/Offline) Processing  Online/Offline Kitted N/A

3. Final Check N/A Active  Mark to Run

FMS scenarios
When dealing with FMSes, you will encounter one of the following scenarios:
 A single FMS with multiple Loading lists
 A single FMS with one single Loading list

Loading List scenarios

When dealing Loading Lists, you will encounter one of the following scenarios:
 One loading list for each individual machine on same line
 A single loading list for all machines on the same line

Loading lists themselves can be based on:

(i) Boards
 Board loading list for TOP
 Board loading list for BOTTOM
 Board loading list for switchable (TOP & BOTTOM)

(ii) Panels
 Panel loading list for TOP (4 boards)
 Panel loading list for BOTTOM (4 boards)
 Panel loading list for switchable (TOP & BOTTOM)
 Panel loading list for switchable (TOP & BOTTOM) with mixed board sides (TOP & BOTTOM)

APPENDIX II: Loading Lists and FMS p 308

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 262 of 328

FMS Loading List
Use this screen to view Family Matrix Setup Files which have been loaded into the system. An FMS can
be used to setup more than one top part as they are not tied to any products.

Click the FMS Loading List link

Fig. 17 Loading List > FMS Loading List (Tree View) will appear:

1 2


Fig. 17 Loading List > FMS Loading List (Tree View)

1. You can filter the FMSes by line. Select the line from the Line to filter FMS drop down list.
2. Select the FMS from the FMS drop down list.
3. The FMS details will be displayed here. Expand or collapse the list by clicking on the (+) and (-)
4. Notice that in this example the Change Status button is enabled. This is because the FMS has
just been loaded into the system and has a status of “Created”. Click this button to change the FMS
status to “Active”. (An FMS must be in “Active” status in order to complete the setup line process at
the traceability station).

FMS Statuses
1. Created – a newly created FMS.
2. Inactive – usually denotes an older revision of an existing FMS.
3. Deleted – a deleted FMS; can only be set to this status if the FMS was previously in “Created” status.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 263 of 328

Fig. 18 Loading List > FMS Loading List > Change Status

Fig. 19 Loading List > FMS Loading List (Table View)

5. The FMS details can be displayed using tree or table views. Click the Tree button to display
the FMS in tree view (default) or the Table button to display it in table view.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 264 of 328

LL/PP Loading List
Use this screen to view the Loading Lists which have been loaded into the system.

It is not compulsory for an FMS to be present in the system before a Loading List is created. FlexFlow will
generate an FMS for Loading Lists which are created without an FMS.

Click the LL/PP Loading List link

Fig. 20 Loading List > LL/PP Loading List (Tree View) will appear:

7 1 2 3

5 6

Fig. 20 Loading List > LL/PP Loading List (Tree View)

1. Select the Line from the Line to filter FMS drop down selection. This filters the FMSes available
for selection in the next field.
2. Select the FMS from the FMS to filter PP/LL drop down selection. This filters the Loading Lists
which will be selectable in the next field.
3. Select the Loading List from the PP/LL drop down selection.
4. The Loading List details will be displayed here. Expand or collapse the list by clicking on the (+)
and (-) signs.
5. The loading list status can be changed from “Created” to “Active” by clicking on this button. It will
only be enabled if the loading list has just been created.
6. Click to specify whether component consumption will be deducted according to quantity or using
the timestamp method. (See Using the Station Material Consumption Manager p 272)
7. The Loading List details can be displayed using tree or table views. Click the Tree button to
display the FMS in tree view (default) or the Table button to display it in table view.

Loading List Statuses
1. Created – a newly created Loading List
2. Inactive – usually denotes an older revision of an existing loading list
3. Deleted – a deleted Loading List; can only be set to this status if it was previously “Created”.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 265 of 328

Load FMS or LL/PP From File
Use this function to load FMSes and Loading Lists. Only the XML and CSV file formats are accepted.

(A) How to Load an FMS

Click the Load FMS or LL/PP from file

Fig. 21 Load FMS or LL/PP from file > Step 1 – Choose the Source File (Load FMS) will appear:

Fig. 21 Load FMS or LL/PP from file > Step 1 – Choose the Source File (Load FMS)

1. Click the link to browse for the FMS file.

2. Click Next, Fig. 22 Load FMS or LL/PP from file >Step 2 – Load Data from File (Load FMS) will

Fig. 22 Load FMS or LL/PP from file >Step 2 – Load Data from File (Load FMS)

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 266 of 328

3. The information contained in the FMS file will be loaded and displayed on this screen. You can
choose between Table, XML and TreeView to display the FMS details.
4. Click Next, Fig. 23 Load FMS or LL/PP from file > Step 3 – Review and complete Information
(Load FMS) will appear:

Fig. 23 Load FMS or LL/PP from file > Step 3 – Review and complete Information (Load FMS)

5. Review the FMS information and click Next. Fig. 24 Load FMS or LL/PP from file > Step 4 –
Starting Import (Load FMS) will appear:

Fig. 24 Load FMS or LL/PP from file > Step 4 – Starting Import (Load FMS)

6. Click Import and select Yes when prompted. The import process will begin. If successful, Fig. 25
Load FMS or LL/PP from file > Starting Import (Load FMS - Success) will appear:

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 267 of 328


Fig. 25 Load FMS or LL/PP from file > Starting Import (Load FMS - Success)
7. Click Finish to complete the process.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 268 of 328

(B) How to load a Loading List

Click the Load FMS or LL/PP from file link

Fig. 26 Load FMS or LL/PP from file > Step 1 – Choose the Source File (Load LL) will appear:

Fig. 26 Load FMS or LL/PP from file > Step 1 – Choose the Source File (Load LL)

1. Click the link to browse for the Loading List file.

2. Click Next, Fig. 27 Load FMS or LL/PP from file > Step 2 – Load Data from File (Load LL) will

Fig. 27 Load FMS or LL/PP from file > Step 2 – Load Data from File (Load LL)

3. The information contained in the Loading List file will be loaded and displayed on this screen. You
can choose between Table, XML and TreeView to display the Loading List details.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 269 of 328

4. Click Next, Fig. 28 Load FMS or LL/PP from file > Step 3 – Review and complete Information
(Load LL) will appear:

5 9
6 10

11 12


Fig. 28 Load FMS or LL/PP from file > Step 3 – Review and complete Information (Load LL)

5. The Setup-Name will be taken from the Loading List file. However, if needed, you have the option
of changing the setup name here.
6. The Line information will also be loaded from the Loading List file. Select another line from the
drop down menu if necessary.
7. The Panel Side information will be loaded form the Loading List file. Select the panel side line from
the drop down menu if necessary.
8. Select the import RefDesignator checkbox to import the component locations from the Loading
List file.
9. Select the FMS that this Loading List will be associated with to from the Parent FMS drop down list.
This information will be double checked against the details contained in the Loading List file.
10. Select the Top Part that this Loading List will be associated with from the Part drop down list. This
information will be double checked against the details contained in the Loading List file.
11. Specify the Number of Boards here. This information will be double checked against the details
contained in the Loading List file.
12. Select this checkbox if the project uses switchable panels/boards. This information will be double
checked against the details contained in the Loading List file.
13. Click Next, Fig. 29 Load FMS or LL/PP from file > Starting Import (Load LL) will appear:

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 270 of 328


Fig. 29 Load FMS or LL/PP from file > Starting Import (Load LL)

14. Click Import and select Yes when prompted. The import process will begin. If successful, Fig. 30
Load FMS or LL/PP from file > Starting Import (Load LL - Success) will appear:


Fig. 30 Load FMS or LL/PP from file > Starting Import (Load LL - Success)

15. Click Finish to complete the process.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 271 of 328

Using the Station Material Consumption Manager
Use the Station Material Consumption Manager to configure the child parts which will be consumed by a

Click the Station Material Consumption link under the Traceability heading
Fig. 31 Station Material Consumption will appear:

1 2 3 4 5

Fig. 31 Station Material Consumption

1. Checking the Freeflow checkbox enables the consumption of any part, without the need to define
the child parts.
2. Select the Station for which consumption will be defined.
3. Select the Top Part that will be associated with the Station from the Part drop down selection.
4. Checking the IsConsumeByQty checkbox will deduct parts according to the quantity consumed
(i.e.: the Frequency which has been defined). If left unchecked, parts will be deducted using the
timestamp method instead).
5. The Status is not selectable. Newly created station material consumption records are set to
“Active” by default.

To control the rate at which material unit consumption data grows, there is an option in the traceability module to use the Time-
stamping method to capture data. All units which consume the same material units will share the same timestamp.

For example, unit 123 and unit 456 both consume components from material unit A and material unit B. So, both units will share the
same timestamp. Once the material unit B is finished and a new material unit is supplied (for example, material unit C), a new
timestamp will be created for the next unit that is consumed.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 272 of 328


6. If the IsConsumedByQty checkbox is selected, child parts will be consumed according to a defined
frequency. To configure the child part frequency, click the View full structure and add of remove
child parts link.
7. In the Part Chooser pop-up window, select the child parts which will be consumed and click OK.
8. The child part will appear in the Child-Parts and Frequency table. Change the Frequency as
needed and press <Enter> to save the change.

Some reminders for Additional Task settings in the Route Configuration:
(i) For Assembly tasks, the child part frequency will always equal to 1.
(ii) For Material Consumption tasks, the child part frequency can be more or equal to 1.
(See Template Details p 208 for more information).

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 273 of 328

Using Rules and Alert
Use the functions contained in Rules and Alert to configure prealert and splicing rules classifications.

A prealert is issued when material units on the line are low, or when material units on a machine are low.
There are two types of prealerts:
 Prealert 1 – Occurs when material unit quantities on the production line are low. The warehouse will
be alerted to issue new material units to the line.
 Prealert 2 – Occurs when material units are nearly exhausted at the station. This will alert the
operator to perform a kitting or splicing task on the machine.

Kitting is defined as the initial kit of the machine. Subsequent kits are known as splicing, where a new
material unit reel is attached to the current material unit. There can be a limit to the number of splices at
any one time.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 274 of 328

Default Classification Configuration
This screen contains the default classifications for Prealert 1, Prealert 2 and Splicing Rules. Records
shown on this screen are pre-populated by default and cannot be deleted.

Classification Configuration p 280 to create custom classifications.

Click the Default classification configuration link

Fig. 32 Rules and Alert > Default classification configuration will appear:

1 2 4

Fig. 32 Rules and Alert > Default classification configuration

1. Select the Use Default Classification checkbox to activate the rules defined in this classification.
2. Select the Run Job checkbox to display prealerts at the station. This allows queries to be sent from
the client according to a defined time interval to check if the prealert thresholds have been reached.
This time interval is defined in the Existing Jobs function. (See Existing Jobs p 282)
3. Configure the Threshold settings for the classification. Thresholds control when a prealert or
splicing rule will be activated. All values defined here must be met for the prealert or splicing rule to
be activated. To ignore or turn off the threshold setting, simply enter a value of “-1”.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 275 of 328

The classification is activated once the quantity of remaining material units on the reel is less
than or equal to the value entered in this field.

The classification is activated once the percentage of remaining material units on the reel it
less than or equal to the value entered in this field.

The classification is activated after the time that the line has been running exceeds the value
entered in this field. (time is measured in seconds).

 No of Splicing
This value controls the maximum number of material units which can be spliced at any one

4. Click the Details button to access the Detail Settings screen.

Fig. 33 Rules and Alert > Default classification configuration > Detail Settings > Configuration Attribute will

Fig. 33 Rules and Alert > Default classification configuration > Detail Settings > Configuration

5. Click the Configuration Attribute link to specify the attributes which the new Material Units must
have. (Attributes can be configured for both Prealert and Splicing Rule alert types.)
6. Select the Attributes from the drop down menu. Only five detail attributes are available: Date Code,
Lot Code, MPN, Trace Code and Vendor ID.
7. Use the controls at the bottom of the window to navigate to the previous or next classification detail

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 276 of 328

8. Click the Configuration Splicing Rules link (Only available for Splicing Rules)
Fig. 34 Rules and Alert > Default classification configuration > Detail Settings > Configuration Splicing
Rules will appear:

Fig. 34 Rules and Alert > Default classification configuration > Detail Settings > Configuration
Splicing Rules

9. Specify the allowed quantity of material units which can be spliced at any one time.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 277 of 328

10. Click the Configuration Station link (only for Prealerts) to assign prealerts to a specific station or
Fig. 35 Rules and Alert > Default classification configuration > Detail Settings > Configuration Station
(Configure by Station) will appear:




Fig. 35 Rules and Alert > Default classification configuration > Detail Settings > Configuration
Station (Configure by Station)

11. Select the Station option to assign the prealert to a specific station.
12. Select the Station Type from the drop down list.
13. Check the station names to apply the prealert configuration.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 278 of 328



Fig. 36 Rules and Alert > Default classification configuration > Detail Settings > Configuration
Station (Configure by Process)

14. To configure the prealerts according to Process, select the Process option.
15. Check the process names to apply the prealert configuration.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 279 of 328

Classification Configuration
This screen allows you to create custom prealerts and splicing rules. See the steps below for an
explanation on how to create a classification. The controls in this screen are similar to that of Default
Classification Configuration.

Default Classification Configuration p 275 for more instructions.

Click the Classification Configuration link

Fig. 37 Rules and Alert > Classification configuration will appear:

1 2

Fig. 37 Rules and Alert > Classification configuration

1. Enter a name for the classification record.

2. Select the Alert Type from the drop down list. Only three alert types are available: Pre Alert 1, Pre
Alert 2 or Splicing Rules. Press <Enter> to create the record.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 280 of 328

3. When using custom splicing rules, you will be able to configure the classification to apply to a
specific part. Click the Details button of a Splicing Rule alert type classification
Fig. 38 Rules and Alert > Classification configuration > Detail Settings > Configuration Part will appear:


Fig. 38 Rules and Alert > Classification configuration > Detail Settings > Configuration Part

4. Click the Configuration Part link

5. Select a Top Part from the drop down list. The product structure for will be displayed.
6. To filter the product structure further, select a child part from the drop down list
7. Check the parts to which will use the splicing rule.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 281 of 328

Existing Jobs
Use this screen to configure the time intervals that FlexFlow client will use to query the database to check
if the prealert and splicing rules have been reached.

Click the Existing Jobs link

Fig. 39 Rules and Alert > Existing Jobs will appear:

1 2

Fig. 39 Rules and Alert > Existing Jobs

1. Select the is enabled checkbox to activate the timer.

2. Enter the time interval that will be used.
3. Click Run Job Manually to manually query the database.
4. Click Apply in DB to save any changes which have been made to the database.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 282 of 328

Using the Material Route Manager

Version 2.7 Onwards

Use the Material Route Manager to specify the flow of material units within the Traceability process. A
default material route is supplied when FlexFlow is installed, but you can create your own material route if

This screen is somewhat similar to the Route Drawing Tool. (See Route Drawing Tool p 188).

Click the Material Route link

Fig. 40 Material Route will appear:


Fig. 40 Material Route

1. Toolbar: Contains some useful functions to draw your material route.

2. Drawing-Box: Contains various components that can be added to a flow.
3. Workspace: This is the actual area to draw and configure your flow.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 283 of 328

Material Route - Toolbar

The toolbar icons are explained below.

Toolbar Icon Function Description

Save Saves the diagram.

Print Sends the diagram for printing at the printer.

Export Image Exports the diagram as an image file.

Undo Undo the last action on the diagram.

Redo Redo the last action on the diagram.

Toggle Ports Click to toggle the ports on the diagram objects on/off.

Line Style Click to select the line style used in the diagram.

Grid Lines Click to select the grid size, or to hide the grid from view.

Zoom In Use to zoom in for a closer view of the diagram.

Zoom Out Use to zoom out of the diagram.

Zoom to Default Use to return to the default zoom.

Overview Click to view an overview display of the entire diagram.

Snap to Grid Click to snap the objects on the diagram to the grid.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 284 of 328

Material Route - Drawing Objects and Workspace
The drawing objects box contains all traceability processes, a start and end node, and a comment node.
Use these objects to draw a material route in the workspace.

Fig. 41 Material Route – Drawing Objects box

Step 1: Adding a node

1. Select the appropriate section from the Drawing Objects view.
2. Drag and drop a node/station type onto the workspace. You can also move and delete
nodes/station types in the workspace.
 To delete:
Click the node to select it, then press the <Delete> key to delete the object.
 To move:
Position the mouse pointer onto the object. Click and drag the object to a required location. You

can only move the object using the arrow cursor. A hand cursor is used to create
material unit status arrows only.

Step 2: Define the Material Unit status

3. Click the Toggle Ports toolbar icon to display the ports on the drawing objects. Place your cursor
on a port and it will change into a hand cursor.
4. Draw a material unit status arrow by dragging the hand cursor from a port on the source drawing
object to the destination drawing object.
5. Select the Material Unit status from the drop down list (this is a preconfigured list).

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 285 of 328

Using the Tester Interface Manager
The Tester Interface Manager interacts between the FlexFlow database and the Tester program and
allows you to configure test station behavior and other options in the Route Manager.

Upon completing the test, the tester program generates a XML called SaveResult.xml. The file contains
the test result. Please refer to Appendix II for the XML file sample.

Functions of Tester Interface-Manager include:

 Section Header
 Section Detail

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 286 of 328

Section Header
Here, you can view, create and delete section header records. Section headers are use to group related
fields (section details). Records created here are use as input to the Section Header setting of the Auto
Test template.

To create a new section header:

1. Click once in the Description* cell and key-in the header name.
2. Press <Enter> and you will find the new record at the bottom of the table.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 287 of 328

Section Detail
This section allows you to view and define section details (fields) for section headers. These fields allow
you to send different type of data to tester or stored procedure.

The following is the layout of the Section Detail tab:

1. Section Header List: Shows all the records created in the Section Header module. Click the
plus (+) or minus (-) sign to show or hide the fields under the selected header.

Version 2.6 Onwards

There is now a context menu which you can access by right-clicking on the headers in the Section
Header List.

Use the Copy Header function to simplify the creation of new section headers by copying an existing
section header definition, and all its group and field definitions to a new section header.

2. Section details (fields): Displays all fields under the selected header. Click the or button
to show or hide the particulars of a field. You can define six (6) types of section details: Predefined
fields, Call a stored procedure, Import from ImportProduct table, Save when tester generates,
Constant, and Generate as Serial Number.

3. Action box: Provides three (3) buttons which you can use to add new field, remove and
modify selected field.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 288 of 328

To define a new field:


1. Select a header from the Section Header list

2. Click the add field button to launch the Tester-Detail dialog box.
3. Configure the field accordingly. The input required for each type of section detail differs. (Refer to
Adding Section Detail - Predefined fields p 290 to Adding Section Groups p 296 for more
4. Select or clear the four (4) check boxes accordingly:
i. Send to Tester: Indicates whether information in this field will be sent to the test station.
ii. Is Mandatory: Define if the information in this field can be left blank.
iii. Is Unique: Define if unique values must be entered in this field.
iv. Send to uspEXT: Indicates whether the details being configured will be sent to user defined
procedure (Refer Adding Section Detail - Call a stored procedure p
291 for more information on defining a stored procedure).
5. Select the action to take if the field already exists in the Action If Exists drop-down menu.
(Version 2.6 Onwards)
i. Verify if exists: Field will be verified with the existing record.
ii. Overwrite if exists: Field will be overwritten with the new record.
iii. Ignore if exits: Field will be ignored.

6. Select the Restriction settings here: (Version 2.5 Onwards)

i. None: No restrictions will apply to this tester detail.
ii. Part: Restrict tester detail to a Part.
iii. Part Family: Restrict tester detail to a Part Family.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 289 of 328

Adding Section Detail - Predefined fields
Selecting Predefined fields allows you to send data to the tester/stored procedure from the field displayed
in the Field Name combo box.

To add a predefined field section detail:

1. Select predefined fields from the Obtain value by list box.

2. Choose a field from the Field Name combo box. Examples of the listed fields are, Part Number,
Station ID, Line ID, etc.
3. Select Send to Tester and/or Send to uspEXT check box, if necessary.
4. Click the OK button.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 290 of 328

Adding Section Detail - Call a stored procedure
Selecting Call a stored procedure allows you to create a connection to a stored procedure. System
executes this procedure to computes the value to be sent to the tester. The output of the current
procedure can also be sent another stored procedure.

The stored procedure must have the following parameters interface:

CREATE procedure [SP_name]

@UnitID int,
@xmlToEXTPS varchar(8000),
@strEnvXML varchar(8000),
@FValue varchar(8000) out
Script goes here

To create a call a stored procedure section detail:

1. Select call a stored procedure from the Obtain value by list box.
2. Key-in a field name.
3. Select the stored procedure name using the combo box.
4. Select Sent to Tester, is Unique and/or send to uspExt check box, if necessary.
5. Click the OK button.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 291 of 328

Adding Section Detail - Import from ImportProduct table
Selecting import from ImportProduct table allows you to send data to the tester/stored procedure from a
field in the ffImportProduct table.

To add an import from ImportProduct table section detail:

1. Select import from ImportProduct table from the Obtain value by list box.
2. Key-in a field name. The field name must exist in the ffImportProduct table.
3. Select Sent to Tester, is Unique and/or send to uspExt check box, if necessary.
4. Click the OK button.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 292 of 328

Adding Section Detail - Save when tester generates
Selecting save when tester generates indicates that data generated from the tester will be saved in
reserved field in the Unit Detail table. This requires you to pre-define the reserved field using the Unit
Detail category in Detail Attributes (Refer to Using Detail-Attributes p 168 for the instruction).

To add a save when tester generates section detail:

1. Select save when tester generates from the Obtain value by list box.
2. Key-in a field name that matches the definition assigned to the reserved field in the Unit Detail table.
3. Select Sent to Tester, is mandatory and/or send to uspExt check box, if necessary.
4. Click the OK button.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 293 of 328

Adding Section Detail-Constant
Selecting constant allows you to send fixed data to the tester/stored procedure.

To add a constant section detail:

1. Select constant from the Obtain value by list box.

2. Key-in a field name.
3. Type the fixed data in the constant field.
4. Select Send to Tester and/or Send to uspEXT check box, if necessary.
5. Click the OK button.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 294 of 328

Adding Section Detail-Generate as Serial Number
Selecting generate as serialnumber allows you to send system generated serial number the tester/stored

To add a generate as serialnumber section detail:

1. Select generate as serialnumber from the Obtain value by list box.

2. Key-in a field name.
3. Choose a Serial number format from the combo box. Serial number format need to be pre-defined
using the SN Formats module under the Serial Number Manager (Refer to SN Formats p 116 for the
4. Select Send to Tester, Send to uspEXT and/or is unique check box, if necessary.
5. Click the OK button.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 295 of 328

Adding Section Groups

Version 2.4 onwards

Section groups allow you to categorize test information into groups.

1. Right-click a header and select Add Group to create a Section Group. Enter a name for the Section
Group in the pop-up window which appears.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 296 of 328

Using Project-Settings
The Project Settings screen allows you to define project information.

1. Complete the fields on the General tab accordingly. You may find the following fields useful:
• Language: By default, FlexFlow CoMa and Client display all captions, messages and errors in
English. This can be changed to a local language by selecting a language from the combo box.
Local languages need to be pre-defined in the Language Module under the System Manager
(Refer to Using Language p 303 for more information).
• WriteErrorLogToFile: This field is useful for problem tracking purpose. When user selects Yes,
system writes client errors to a file. This enable user to keep track client status.
• LoginAttemptLimit: Allows you to limit the number of login attempts allowed before the system
locks up for the username and password. Leave this field blank, if you do not want to limit the
number of attempts. Only the Administrator can unlock an account.
For instance, if you set the limit as 3, system locks the user account on the third consecutive bad
• PO-Handling: Here, you can select either Manual or BAAN. Selecting Manual, allow user to
create and update Production Orders using Production Order-Manager. On the other hand when
BAAN is selected, all Production Orders are created and updated automatically from information
transferred from BAAN.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 297 of 328

• CoMa-Auto-Logoff (Version 2.6 Onwards): Enter the number of minutes that the CoMa is
allowed to remain idle before it automatically logs off. Enter a value of zero (0) to disable this
feature. Refer to Config-Manager locked p 12 for more information.

2. You will be able to see a brief description of the selected field in the information box.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 298 of 328

Using Master-Slave Servers

Version 2.4 onwards

The settings in this screen allow you to define Master and Slave SQL servers.

A Master-Slave model enables workload to be evenly distributed among an array of SQL servers. While
there can only be one Master server at any one time, the number of Slaves is not restricted.

Master + Default Slave

Slave 1 Slave 2 Slave 3

Master servers will:

• Store and route configuration information to Slave servers.
• Function as a system-wide coordinator to enforce certain rules, such as the validation of serial
number uniqueness.

Slave Servers will:

• Handle requests from clients directly.
• Update Master server only for certain information.

The purpose of having a single master server is so that any non-client program (e.g.: CoMa, BaaN
interface, and unit import) will connect to a single database. Doing this saves an Administrator the effort
of configuring each and every Slave database. In addition, certain information such as serial numbers
must be centrally stored in order to perform a uniqueness check.

Both Master and Slave servers will story a Global and Local table. Local tables contain only transaction
tables. They are updated by the client only.

When a new Slave is setup, configuration data from the Master is replicated onto the Slave. If there is a
change in the configuration, the Slaves will be updated accordingly.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 299 of 328


1. Enables the scale-out solution. You will be able to define Slave servers if this option is checked.
2. This section defines the Master server. By default, the server configured for FlexFlow is used.
3. This section defines the Slave server(s). Select the required information and ensure that the row is
checked to enable the Slave server. Repeat for each Slave server you need to configure.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 300 of 328

Using Customer Logo
This section allows you to select a customer logo from a file and preview it in different modes.

To insert or change Customer logo:

1. Click the ellipse (..) button.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 301 of 328

2. Select the file you want to import from the appropriate folder.
3. Click the Open button.
4. The selected file name will be displayed in the text box.
5. You will also see the selected logo in the Preview box.
6. Choose the required display mode using the Normal, Stretch or Center button.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 302 of 328

Using Language
This section allows you to add a language and define messages for that language. These messages will
be displayed when you select this language as the default language in the Project Settings section.

To create a new language/message:

1. Click once in the Language* cell, complete the record. Press <Enter>.
2. The new record will be placed under the appropriate Language group. Click the plus (+) or minus (-)
sign to show or hide the messages in the group.

Note: Selecting the load default entries button will clear all changes and records created by user.

To translate messages in English to another language:

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 303 of 328

1. Click the translate button in the Action box to launch the Language-Organizer dialog box.

2. Select a language from the view language combo box. New language can be created by entering its
name into the combo box and press <ENTER>.
3. You will see messages in English on the left side of the table. Use the scroll bar to move around the
4. You can use the find and find next button to search messages based on the string you entered.
5. Use the two (2) check boxes to:
i. group by type: sort the Text to translate by message type. The message type available are: Text,
Error, Message and Help.
ii. show missing entries only: view messages that are yet to be translated.
6. Click once in the appropriate Translation cell and key-in the equivalent description in the selected
language. Press <Enter>. Repeat Step 3, if necessary.
7. Click the Save button and close the dialog box using the close (X) button.
8. Click the refresh data button and you will see the translation in the appropriate language group.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 304 of 328


FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 305 of 328


<?xml version="1.0" ?>

C:\Documents and Settings\sna18711\Desktop\Copy of saveresult.xml - # <BATCH
TIMESTAMP="20020807 15:14:34.938991" SYNTAX_REV="1.1"
<TIMESTAMP>20020807 17:16:35.000</TIMESTAMP>
<FACTORY NAME="" LINE="" TESTER="Station_AutoTest0630" FIXTURE="" SHIFT=""
USER="administrator" />
<REFS SEQ_REF="C:\FTS\Apps\Commodity GSM\Board_Level\Commodity GSM Board
Level Test PD3.seq" FTS_REF="PM:v036,INT:V034(CFG:V013,RES:0.A9,MEA:1.14)"
LIM_REF="" CFG_REF="C:\FTS\Apps\Commodity GSM\Board_Level\Commodity
GSM Board Level Test PA1.cfg" CAL_REF="" INSTR_REF="" />
C:\Documents and Settings\sna18711\Desktop\Copy of saveresult.xml - # <PANEL ID="Undef"
COMMENT="" RUNMODE="Debug" TIMESTAMP="20020807 15:14:35.924127"
TESTTIME="120.107666" WAITTIME="0.000000" STATUS="">
<EXTRA panelextra="123" />
C:\Documents and Settings\sna18711\Desktop\Copy of saveresult.xml - # <DUT ID="ssss" COMMENT=""
PANEL="0" SOCKET="1" TIMESTAMP="20020807 15:14:35.924127"
TESTTIME="120.107666" STATUS="######">
<EXTRA dutextra="456" />
C:\Documents and Settings\sna18711\Desktop\Copy of saveresult.xml - # <GROUP
NAME="MainSequence Callback" STEPGROUP="Main" GROUPINDEX="33"
LOOPINDEX="1" TYPE="SequenceCall" RESOURCE="MainSequence"
MODULETIME="120.106534" TOTALTIME="120.107666" TIMESTAMP="20020807
15:14:35.924127" STATUS="Passed">
<EXTRA groupextra="789" />
<GROUP NAME="NI PCI6025E:Set Interface Board to FT mode Switch 1"
MODULETIME="0.000577" TOTALTIME="0.000815" TIMESTAMP="20020807
15:14:35.51960" STATUS="Done" />
C:\Documents and Settings\sna18711\Desktop\Copy of saveresult.xml - # <GROUP NAME="Measure
Current Consumption DACALDET Low" STEPGROUP="Main" GROUPINDEX="5"
LOOPINDEX="1" TYPE="NumericLimitTest" RESOURCE="" MODULETIME="0.042591"
TOTALTIME="0.043674" TIMESTAMP="20020807 15:14:35.93489" STATUS="Passed">
<TEST NAME="Measure Current Consumption DACALDET Low" DESCRIPTION=""
UNIT="milliampere" VALUE="10.6227" HILIM="15" LOLIM="0" STATUS="Passed"
C:\Documents and Settings\sna18711\Desktop\Copy of saveresult.xml - # <GROUP NAME="DCS tx
power calibration" STEPGROUP="Main" GROUPINDEX="28" LOOPINDEX="1"
TYPE="PhoneOneMutltipeNumericTest" RESOURCE="" MODULETIME="1.079967"
TOTALTIME="1.081081" TIMESTAMP="20020807 15:15:14.791870"
<TEST NAME="TX0" DESCRIPTION="" UNIT="" VALUE="29.2373600006104"
HILIM="30.2" LOLIM="28.2" STATUS="Passed" RULE="GTLT" TARGET="" />

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 306 of 328

<TEST NAME="TX1" DESCRIPTION="" UNIT="" VALUE="27.2035598754883"
HILIM="28.4" LOLIM="26.4" STATUS="Passed" RULE="GTLT" TARGET="" />
<TEST NAME="TX7" DESCRIPTION="" UNIT="" VALUE="15.826229095459" HILIM="17"
<TEST NAME="TX14" DESCRIPTION="" UNIT="" VALUE="1.9903701543808" HILIM="3"
<TEST NAME="TX15" DESCRIPTION="" UNIT="" VALUE="0.0753860473633" HILIM="1"
<GROUP NAME="Serial Port:Initiate" STEPGROUP="Main" GROUPINDEX="8"
TOTALTIME="0.045617" TIMESTAMP="20020807 15:16:29.692500" STATUS="Done"
TYPE="NI_Wait" RESOURCE="" MODULETIME="0.000000" TOTALTIME="3.000760"
TIMESTAMP="20020807 15:16:29.778747" STATUS="Done" />
C:\Documents and Settings\sna18711\Desktop\Copy of saveresult.xml - # <GROUP NAME="Read Test
TYPE="StringValueTest" RESOURCE="" MODULETIME="0.103796"
TOTALTIME="0.105737" TIMESTAMP="20020807 15:16:35.865669"
<TEST NAME="Read Test Result Flag" DESCRIPTION="" UNIT="" VALUE="01 01" HILIM=""
LOLIM="01 01" STATUS="Passed" RULE="EQ" TARGET="" />

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 307 of 328

APPENDIX II: Loading Lists and FMS
See Using the Loading List Manager p 262

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 308 of 328

XML Tags
This section contains explanations for selected XML tags.

These XML tags appear in both FMS and LL files:

Root Tag Child Tag Possible Description
Setuptype  FMS Denotes the XML file as a Family Matrix Setup (FMS) or
 LL a Loading List (LL).

Setupname Any FMS or LL The FMS or LL name.

Linename Line Name The name of the Line that this file will be used on. The
Line must be an existing line on the system.

Datetime The creation date and time of the file. Must be in the
following format: YYYYMMDD HHMinMinSS
Where, Y = Year; M = Month; D = Day; H = Hour; Min =
Minutes; S = Seconds

Machine Machine information.

ID Machine Serial Serial number of the SMT Machine. The machine should
Number already exist on the system and be on the correct line.

Name Machine Name of the SMT Machine. The machine should already
Name exist on the system and be on the correct line.

Table Table information.

ID Table Serial Serial number of the SMT Machine Table. The table
Number should already exist on the system and belong to the
machine defined earlier.

Type Table Type The table type.

Slot Table slot information.

ID Table Slot Serial number of the SMT Machine Table Slot. The table
Serial Number slot should exist on the system and be on the correct
machine table defined earlier.

Component Part Number The part number of the component which will be
consumed at this Table Slot.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 309 of 328

These XML tags are used in LL files only:
Root Tag Child Tag Possible Values Description
Productdata Product information

Product Parent (Top) Part The Top Part to be produced by the LL.
Name Number
Paneltype  Yes Denotes whether panels are in use.
If Paneltype = “Yes”, the Board tag will be
used to define the number of boards
contained on the panel.

Board Any numeric value. Denotes the number of boards present on

the panel.

If Paneltype = “No”, the value defined here

can only be 1.

IsSwitchable  Yes Denotes whether components will be

 No consumed on one or both sides of the

If IsSwitchable = “Yes”, the Panel Switch

process must be used to switch the sides of
the panel at a Traceability station.

PanelSide  Top Denotes the panel side where consumption

 Bottom will take place.

RefDes  Yes If used within the Product Name tag,

 No denotes whether component location will be
OR specified.
Location If used within the Board ID tag, denotes the
location where the component will be
placed on the board.

FMS The name of an The FMS name that this LL will be tied to.
existing FMS

Machine Machine information.

ID Machine Serial Serial number of the SMT Machine. The

Number machine should already exist on the system
and be on the correct line.

Name Machine Name Name of the SMT Machine. The machine

should already exist on the system and be
on the correct line.
Table Table information.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 310 of 328

Root Tag Child Tag Possible Values Description
ID Table Serial Serial number of the SMT Machine Table.
Number The table should already exist on the
system and belong to the machine defined

Slot Table Slot information.

ID Table Slot Serial Serial number of the SMT Machine Table

Number Slot. The table slot should exist on the
system and be on the correct machine table
defined earlier.

Component Part Number The part number of the component which

will be consumed at this Table Slot.

Type F Denotes the table slot type.

TopFrequency The frequency for the top side of the board.

Quantity Any numeric value. Denotes the number of components which

will be consumed by the slot.

BottomFrequency The frequency for the bottom side of the


Quantity Any numeric value. Denotes the number of components which

will be consumed by the slot.

Board Board information

ID Board sequence Denotes the consumption sequence of the

number boards on the panel.

RefDes  Yes If used within the Product Name tag,

 No denotes whether component location will be
OR specified.
Location If used within the Board ID tag, denotes the
location where the component will be
placed on the board.

Side  Top Denotes the board side where consumption

 Bottom will take place.

PanelSide  Top Denotes the panel side where consumption

 Bottom will take place.

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 311 of 328

Loading Lists and FMS Samples
This section contains samples of XML Loading Lists and FMSes.

1. Board Loading List (Not Switchable) XML – Sample

<Datetime>20061206 024501</Datetime>
<Product Name="Simulation_A" Paneltype="No" Board="1" IsSwitchable="No" PanelSide="Top"
RefDes="No" FMS="FMS_Simulation"/>
<Machine ID="O1_S23" Name="Siemens" >
<Table ID="O1_S23_Platz_1">
<Slot ID="1085" Component="2222 861 15222" Type="F" Feedertype="">
<TopFrequency Quantity="1">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="L0" Side="Top"/>
<Slot ID="1097" Component="QOD210101000134" Type="F" Feedertype="" >
<TopFrequency Quantity="5">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="L1" Side="Top"/>
<Board ID="1" RefDes="L2" Side="Top"/>
<Board ID="1" RefDes="L3" Side="Top"/>
<Board ID="1" RefDes="L4" Side="Top"/>
<Board ID="1" RefDes="L5" Side="Top"/>
<Machine ID="O3_F5" Name="Siemens" >
<Tower ID="O3_F5_WPW_1">
<Level ID="02" Component="QOD330301000500" Type="F" Feedertype="">
<TopFrequency Quantity="1">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="L6" Side="Top"/>

<Table ID="O3_F5_Platz_1">
<Slot ID="2013" Component="QOD330301000200" Type="F" Feedertype="">
<TopFrequency Quantity="2">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="L7" Side="Top"/>
<Board ID="1" RefDes="L8" Side="Top"/>
Fig. 42 Board Loading List (Not Switchable) XML – Sample

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 312 of 328

2. Board Loading List (Switchable) XML – Sample
<Datetime>20061206 024501</Datetime>
<Product Name="Simulation_A" Paneltype="No" Board="1" IsSwitchable="Yes" PanelSide="Top"
RefDes="No" FMS="FMS_Simulation"/>
<Machine ID="O1_S23" Name="Siemens" >
<Table ID="O1_S23_Platz_1">
<Slot ID="1085" Component="2222 861 15222" Type="F" Feedertype="">
<TopFrequency Quantity="1">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="U345" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top" />

<BottomFrequency Quantity="1">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="U345" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom" />
<Slot ID="1097" Component="QOD210101000134" Type="F" Feedertype="">
<TopFrequency Quantity="5">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="L1" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="1" RefDes="L2" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="1" RefDes="L3" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="1" RefDes="L4" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="1" RefDes="L5" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<BottomFrequency Quantity="1">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="L10" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom" />
<Machine ID="O3_F5" Name="Siemens" >
<Tower ID="O3_F5_WPW_1">
<Level ID="02" Component="QOD330301000500" Type="F" Feedertype="">
<TopFrequency Quantity="1">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="U345" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top" />

<BottomFrequency Quantity="1">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="U345" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom" />
<Table ID="O3_F5_Platz_1">
<Slot ID="2013" Component="QOD330301000200" Type="F" Feedertype="">

<BottomFrequency Quantity="1">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="U345" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom" />

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 313 of 328

Fig. 43 Board Loading List (Switchable) XML – Sample

3. Panel Loading List (Not Switchable) XML – Sample

<Datetime>20061206 024501</Datetime>
<Product Name="BMWAL130-00139-2" Paneltype="Yes" Board="4" IsSwitchable="No"
PanelSide="Bottom" RefDes="No" FMS=""/>
<Machine ID="L01M01" Name="Siemens" >
<Table ID="L01M01T01">
<Slot ID="L01M01T011079" Component="BMWAZ009-00246" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<BottomFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Slot ID="L01M01T011085" Component="BMWAZCS0847-50104" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<BottomFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Slot ID="L01M01T011089" Component="BMWAZCS0847-50103" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<BottomFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>

<Table ID="L01M01T02">
<Slot ID="L01M01T022013" Component="BMWAZCS0647-50103" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<BottomFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Slot ID="L01M01T022017" Component="BMWAZRS0610-12003" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<BottomFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 314 of 328

<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>

<Machine ID="L01M02" Name="Siemens" >

<Table ID="L01M02T01">
<Slot ID="L01M02T011103" Component="BMWAZRS0630-27003" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<BottomFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Slot ID="L01M02T011107" Component="BMWAZRS0630-10003" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<BottomFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>

Fig. 44 Panel Loading List (Not Switchable) XML – Sample

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 315 of 328

4. Panel Loading List (Switchable) XML – Sample
<Datetime>20061206 024501</Datetime>
<Product Name="BMWAL130-00139-2" Paneltype="Yes" Board="4" IsSwitchable="Yes"
PanelSide="Top" RefDes="No" FMS=""/>
<Machine ID="L01M01" Name="Siemens" >
<Table ID="L01M01T01">
<Slot ID="L01M01T011103" Component="BMWAZRS0630-15002" Type="F" Feedertype="">
<TopFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Slot ID="L01M01T011107" Component="BMWAZRS0630-10002" Type="F" Feedertype="">
<TopFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Slot ID="L01M01T011109" Component="BMWAZCS0647-50222" Type="F" Feedertype="">
<TopFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Slot ID="L01M01T011073" Component="BMWAZ007-00080" Type="F" Feedertype="">
<TopFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Slot ID="L01M01T011079" Component="BMWAZ009-00246" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<BottomFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Slot ID="L01M01T011085" Component="BMWAZCS0847-50104" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<BottomFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 316 of 328

<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Slot ID="L01M01T011089" Component="BMWAZCS0847-50103" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<BottomFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>

<Table ID="L01M01T02">
<Slot ID="L01M01T022023" Component="BMWAZ009-00237" Type="F" Feedertype="">
<TopFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Slot ID="L01M01T022025" Component="BMWAZCS0847-50223" Type="F" Feedertype="">
<TopFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Slot ID="L01M01T022029" Component="BMWAZ001-00451" Type="F" Feedertype="">
<TopFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Slot ID="L01M01T022031" Component="BMWAZ001-00479" Type="F" Feedertype="">
<TopFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Slot ID="L01M01T022013" Component="BMWAZCS0647-50103" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<BottomFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 317 of 328

<Slot ID="L01M01T022017" Component="BMWAZRS0610-12003" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<BottomFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>

<Machine ID="L01M02" Name="Siemens" >

<Table ID="L01M02T01">
<Slot ID="L01M02T011085" Component="BMWAZ002-00327" Type="F" Feedertype="">
<TopFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Slot ID="L01M02T011091" Component="BMWAZ001-00481" Type="F" Feedertype="">
<TopFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Slot ID="L01M02T011103" Component="BMWAZRS0630-27003" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<BottomFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Slot ID="L01M02T011107" Component="BMWAZRS0630-10003" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<BottomFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>

Fig. 45 Panel Loading List (Switchable) XML – Sample

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 318 of 328

5. Panel Loading List (Switchable with mixed board side) XML – Sample
<Datetime>20061206 024501</Datetime>
<Product Name="BMWAL130-00139-2" Paneltype="Yes" Board="4" IsSwitchable="Yes"
PanelSide="Top" RefDes="No" FMS=""/>
<Machine ID="L01M01" Name="Siemens" >
<Table ID="L01M01T01">
<Slot ID="L01M01T011103" Component="BMWAZRS0630-15002" Type="F" Feedertype="">
<TopFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Top"/>

<BottomFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Slot ID="L01M01T011107" Component="BMWAZRS0630-10002" Type="F" Feedertype="">
<TopFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Top"/>

<BottomFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Slot ID="L01M01T011109" Component="BMWAZCS0647-50222" Type="F" Feedertype="">
<TopFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Top"/>

<BottomFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 319 of 328

<Slot ID="L01M01T011073" Component="BMWAZ007-00080" Type="F" Feedertype="">
<TopFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Top"/>

<BottomFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Slot ID="L01M01T011079" Component="BMWAZ009-00246" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<TopFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Top"/>

<BottomFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Slot ID="L01M01T011085" Component="BMWAZCS0847-50104" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<TopFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Top"/>

<BottomFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Slot ID="L01M01T011089" Component="BMWAZCS0847-50103" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<TopFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Top"/>

<BottomFrequency Quantity="4">

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 320 of 328

<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>

<Table ID="L01M01T02">
<Slot ID="L01M01T022025" Component="BMWAL009-00237" Type="F" Feedertype="">
<TopFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Top"/>

<BottomFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Slot ID="L01M01T022025" Component="BMWAZCS0847-50223" Type="F" Feedertype="">
<TopFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Top"/>

<BottomFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Slot ID="L01M01T022029" Component="BMWAZ001-00451" Type="F" Feedertype="">
<TopFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Top"/>

<BottomFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Slot ID="L01M01T022031" Component="BMWAZ001-00479" Type="F" Feedertype="">
<TopFrequency Quantity="4">

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 321 of 328

<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Top"/>

<BottomFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Slot ID="L01M01T022013" Component="BMWAZCS0647-50103" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<TopFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Top"/>

<BottomFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Slot ID="L01M01T022017" Component="BMWAZRS0610-12003" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<TopFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Top"/>

<BottomFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>

<Machine ID="L01M02" Name="Siemens" >

<Table ID="L01M02T01">
<Slot ID="L01M02T011085" Component="BMWAZ002-00327" Type="F" Feedertype="">
<TopFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Top"/>

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 322 of 328

<BottomFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Slot ID="L01M02T011091" Component="BMWAZ001-00481" Type="F" Feedertype="">
<TopFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Top"/>

<BottomFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Slot ID="L01M02T011103" Component="BMWAZRS0630-27003" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<TopFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Top"/>

<BottomFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Slot ID="L01M02T011107" Component="BMWAZRS0630-10003" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<TopFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Top"/>
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Top"/>

<BottomFrequency Quantity="4">
<Board ID="4" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="3" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="2" RefDes="" Side="Top" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
<Board ID="1" RefDes="" Side="Bottom" PanelSide="Bottom"/>
Fig. 46 Panel Loading List (Switchable with mixed board side) XML – Sample

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6. Family Matrix Setup File (FMS) XML – Sample
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<Datetime>20071216 024501</Datetime>
<Machine ID="L01M01" Name="Siemens">
<Table ID="L01M01T01" Type="T">
<Slot ID="L01M01T011103" Component="BMWAZRS0630-15002" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M01T011107" Component="BMWAZRS0630-10002" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M01T011109" Component="BMWAZCS0647-50222" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M01T011073" Component="BMWAZ007-00080" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M01T011079" Component="BMWAZ009-00246" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M01T011085" Component="BMWAZCS0847-50104" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M01T011089" Component="BMWAZCS0847-50103" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M01T011091" Component="BMWAZRS0630-56002" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M01T011095" Component="BMWAZRS0630-47003" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M01T011097" Component="BMWAZRS0630-22003" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M01T011101" Component="BMWAZRS0630-22002" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>

<Table ID="L01M01T02" Type="T">

<Slot ID="L01M01T022013" Component="BMWAZCS0647-50103" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M01T022017" Component="BMWAZRS0610-12003" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M01T022019" Component="BMWAZRS0610-22003" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M01T022023" Component="BMWAZ009-00237" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M01T022025" Component="BMWAZCS0847-50223" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M01T022029" Component="BMWAZ001-00451" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M01T022031" Component="BMWAZ001-00479" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M01T022035" Component="BMWAZQS2301-08174" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M01T022037" Component="BMWAZ002-00461" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M01T022043" Component="BMWAZ008-00080" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>\
<Slot ID="L01M01T022007" Component="BMWAZ001-00472" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M01T022011" Component="BMWAZ007-00115" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>

<Machine ID="L01M02" Name="Siemens">

<Table ID="L01M02T01" Type="T">
<Slot ID="L01M02T011103" Component="BMWAZRS0630-27003" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M02T011107" Component="BMWAZRS0630-10003" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M02T011109" Component="BMWAZRS0630-10001" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M02T011113" Component="BMWAZCS0630-50101" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M02T011057" Component="BMWAZ009-00238" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M02T011067" Component="BMWAZ009-00240" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M02T011075" Component="BMWAZ009-00239" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M02T011085" Component="BMWAZ002-00327" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M02T011091" Component="BMWAZ001-00481" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M02T011095" Component="BMWAZ009-00233" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M02T011097" Component="BMWAZ009-00200" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M02T011101" Component="BMWAZ001-00572" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>

<Table ID="L01M02T02" Type="T">

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 324 of 328

<Slot ID="L01M02T022013" Component="BMWAZRS0610-15003" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M02T022017" Component="BMWAZRS0610-62004" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M02T022019" Component="BMWAZRS0630-10009" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M02T022023" Component="BMWAZRS0630-22009" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M02T022025" Component="BMWAZRS0630-82004" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M02T022029" Component="BMWAZ001-00480" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M02T022031" Component="BMWAZ007-00117" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M02T022037" Component="BMWAZ007-00116" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M02T022043" Component="BMWAZ001-00467" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M02T022007" Component="BMWAZCS0630-50220" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M02T022011" Component="BMWAZCS0647-50122" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>

<Machine ID="L01M03" Name="Siemens">

<Table ID="L01M03T01" Type="T">
<Slot ID="L01M03T011069" Component="BMWAZ003-00119" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M03T011079" Component="BMWAZ007-00138" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M03T011083" Component="BMWAZRS0630-15003" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M03T011085" Component="BMWAZ007-00112" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M03T011091" Component="BMWAZ003-00063" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M03T011097" Component="BMWAZ003-00118" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>

<Machine ID="L01M04" Name="Siemens">

<Table ID="L01M04T01" Type="T">
<Slot ID="L01M04T011103" Component="BMWAZ006-00255" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M04T011109" Component="BMWAZ006-00258" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M04T011067" Component="BMWAZ002-00460" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M04T011073" Component="BMWAZ002-00467" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M04T011079" Component="BMWAZ006-00259" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>
<Slot ID="L01M04T011091" Component="BMWAZ006-00260" Type="F" Feedertype=""/>

<Table ID="L01M04T02" Type="T">

<Slot ID="L01M04T021053" Component="BMWAL130-00139-5" Type="T" Feedertype=""/>
Fig. 47 Family Matrix Setup File (FMS) XML – Sample

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 325 of 328

Creating User-Defined Template, 226
CSV Loader, 151
A CSV-Loader, 83
Abnormality Rules, 156 Customized Defect Code, 147
Access to Station Types, 59 Customizing Data Grids, 27
Access to Trace-Processes, 62 Customizing your Toolbox, 40
Add db field, 107
Add function, 108
Add parameter, 112
Add string literal, 112 Default Classification Configuration, 275
Adding Section Detail - Call a stored procedure, 291 Deleting Routes, 205
Adding Section Detail - Import from ImportProduct table, Dependences, 88
Adding Section Detail - Predefined fields, 290
Adding Section Detail - Save when tester generates, 293 E
Adding Section Detail-Constant, 294 Employee, 57
Adding Section Detail-Generate as Serial Number, 295 Employee-Groups, 56
Adding Section Groups, 296 Error Messages, 54
Add-Ins, 18 Estimated BOM, 91
Alphabetic Grid Structure, 37 Eventual Downtime Scheduler, 166
APPENDIX II: Loading Lists and FMS, 308 Existing Jobs, 282
Applying the N-Strike Rule Group, 143
Available SN, 135 F
Failure Code, 146
C Filtering Data, 35
FMS Loading List, 263
Calculating Route ID, 207 Force-Close a Production Order, 172
Cart, 259 Format on Label, 103
Cart Model, 258 Forward Logistics Tab, 45
Change your Password, 39
Changing Column Width and Position, 31
Changing Data Grid View, 28 G
Changing Station Configuration, 244
Classification Configuration, 280 Group Access, 58
Config Part Change Rules, 99 Grouping Data, 35
Config-Manager locked, 12
Configuration Overview, 96 H
Construct Part-Family Structure, 93
Construct Product-Structure, 77 Hide and Unhide Columns, 32
Constructing a New Route, 191
Copy Line, 214
Creating a Default CoMa User, 11
Creating a new .ini file, 10 Import Product, 178
Creating a New Structure, 79 Import/Export, 230
Creating Counter Part, 124 Info-Center, 15
Creating Counter Part Reset, 126 Initializing the Validation Tool, 238
Creating Date/Time Part, 122 Introduction, 7
Creating FIX Part, 118
Creating N-Strike Rules, 140
Creating Pool: Key-in the serial number into the grid, 129 J
Creating Pool: Paste from Clipboard, 129
Joining Routes, 204
Creating Pool: Use the CSV Loader, 131
Creating Serial Numbers Pool, 128
Creating Simulated SN, 245 L
Creating UDF Part, 120
Creating User-defined Serial Number, 118 Label, 102

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 326 of 328

Label Families, 101
Label Field Definition, 105
Launching FF ConfigManager, 8 Section Detail, 288
Line Orders, 173 Section Header, 287
Lines, 210 SN Formats, 116
LL/PP Loading List, 265 SN Sections, 136
Load FMS or LL/PP From File, 266 SN Type, 115
Loading Lists and FMS Samples, 312 Sorting Data, 34
Squeegee Direction, 158
SSN Family, 114
M Standard Defect Code, 148
Machine Model, 249 Standard Defect Code from XML, 148
Machine Model Family, 248 Station Types, 211
Machine Model/Attribute from CSV, 254 Stations, 212
Machine Table Attribute, 250 Stop Reasons, 161
Machines, 251 Stop Reasons Structure, 162
Material Route
Drawing Objects, 285
Workspace, 285
Material Route - Drawing Objects and Workspace, 285 Template Details, 208
Material Route - Toolbar, 284 Template Generator, 224
Meaning of Signature, 61 The Drawing-Box, 189
Measurement Parameter, 157 The Extras Menu, 15
Modifying Existing Dependency Structure, 90 Timeline Monitor, 176
Multiple Outgoing Links (Any State), 202 Tips for New Users, 38
Material Route, 284
N Traceability Tab, 50
Notification, 64
O Using CSV-Loader, 16
OEE Settings, 163 Using Customer Logo, 301
Offline InfoCenter, 42 Using Detail-Attributes, 168
Online Info Center Tabs, 213 Using INI-File, 15
Options, 20 Using Language, 303
Using Logging, 18
Using Master-Slave Servers, 299
P Using Overview, 234
Using Print Label, 260
Part Change, 97
Using Project-Settings, 297
Part-Family, 68
Using Rules and Alert, 274
Part-Family-Type, 67
Using Tasks, 17
Parts, 71
Using the BOM-Manager, 66
Periodic Downtime Scheduler, 164
Using the Cart Manager, 258
Physical Station Tool, 215
Using the Employee and Security Manager, 56
Physical Stations Configuration, 216
Using the Hardware Overview, 247
Priority Monitor, 175
Using the Label-Manager, 100
Production Orders, 170
Using the Line-Manager, 209
Using the Loading List Manager, 262
R Using the Material Route Manager, 283
Using the N-Strike Rule Manager, 137
Removing Part(s) from Existing Product Hierarchy, 82 Using the OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness)
Rework Action, 145 Manager, 159
RMA, 183 Using the Production Order-Manager, 169
Route Drawing Tool, 188 Using the Rework Manager, 144
Route Mapping, 206 Using the RMA Manager, 177
Route Names, 187 Using the Route-Manager, 186
Using the Serial Number-Manager, 113
Using the SMT Machine Manager, 248
Using the SPC Manager, 155

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 327 of 328

Using the Station Material Consumption Manager, 272 Viewing Existing Dependency Structure, 89
Using the Tester Interface Manager, 286 Viewing Existing Product Hierarchy, 81
Using the Validation Tool, 239 Viewing N-Strike Rules, 138
Using the Validation Tool: Auto Run All Stations, 242
Using the Validation Tool: Manual Test Multiple Stations,
241 W
Using the Validation Tool: Manual Test Single Station, 240 Working with Data Grid, 25
Using Unit State/Status, 222 Working with Data-Manager, 55
Working with the Configuration Manager (CoMa), 13
V Working with Traceability, 246

Validation Tool (Debugger), 235

View Estimated BOM, 91 X
Viewing and Copying Template, 225 XML Tags, 309
Viewing and Deleting Section, 128

FlexFlow Configuration Manager Page 328 of 328

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