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Human rights are the basic rights and freedoms that belong to
every person in the world, from birth until death. They apply
regardless of where you are from, what you believe or how you
choose to live your life. These basic rights are based on shared
values like dignity, fairness, equality, respect and
independence. Human rights are fundamental to the stability
and development of countries all around the world.
If one has right to live, this means that others do not have the
liberty to murder him.
If one has a right within a society within a society to a free
education this means that other members of that society have
an obligation to pay taxes in order to pay the costs of that
educational right.
Human rights are fundamental to the stability and
development of countries all around the world. Great emphasis
has been placed on international conventions and their
implementation in order to ensure adherence to a universal
standard of acceptability.
 According to the oxford English dictionary:
Usually human rights a right which is believed to
belong to every person, a flagrant disregard for
basic human rights.
 In encyclopedia of Britannica:
The human rights are define as; rights that belong to
an individual or group of individuals as a
consequence of being human. The refer to a wide
continuum of values or capabilities thought to
enhance human agency and declared to be
universal in character in some sense equally claimed
for all human beings.
 Dr. tahir ul Qadri defines the human right:
The human rights are those rights which are given
by the creator of the humanity through his
messengers. These rights are immutable but have
reciprocal relationship to the duties.
The UN charter was signed on 26 June 1945 by
representatives of the 50 countries attending the United
Nations Conference on International Organization in San
Francisco. Poland, which was not represented, signed it
later and became one of the UNs original 51 Member
The universal declaration of human rights is a milestone
document in the history of human rights. Drafted by
representatives with different legal and cultural
backgrounds from all regions of world, the declaration
was proclaimed by united nations general assembly in
Paris on 10 December 1948 as a common standard of
achievements for all peoples and all nations.
It sets out for the first time fundamental human rights, to
be universally protected and it has been translated over
500 languages. The UDHR is widely recognized as having
inspired and pave the way for, the adoption of more than
seventy human rights treaties, applied today on a
permanent basis at global and regional levels.

Human Rights in Islam Human Rights in UDHR

1) Social Justice:-
Article I- Right to Equality
People, just as you regard
All human beings are born
this month, this day, this
free and equal in dignity and
city as sacred, so regard the
rights. They are endowed with
life and property of every
reason and conscience and
Muslim as a sacred trust.
should act towards one
another in a spirit of

2) Hurt no one so that no one

Article 2- Freedom from
may hurt you. Remember
that you will indeed meet
Everyone is entitled to all the
your lord, and that he will
rights and freedoms set forth
indeed reckon your deeds.
in this Declaration, without
distinction of any kind, such as
race, colour, sex, language,
religion, political or other
opinion, national or social
origin, property, birth or other
status. Furthermore, no
distinction shall be made on
the basis of the political,
jurisdictional or international
status of the country or
territory to which a person
belongs, whether it be
independent, trust, non-self-
governing or under any other
limitation of sovereignty
3) Economic Justice:-
Article 2- Freedom from
God has forbidden you to
take usury, therefore all
Everyone is entitled to all the
interest obligation shall
rights and freedoms set forth
henceforth be waived. You
in this Declaration, without
will neither inflict nor suffer
distinction of any kind, such as
any inequity.
race, colour, sex, language,
religion, political or other
opinion, national or social
origin, property, birth or other
status. Furthermore, no
distinction shall be made on
the basis of the political,
jurisdictional or international
status of the country or
territory to which a person
belongs, whether it be
independent, trust, non-self-
governing or under any other
limitation of sovereignty
4) Protection of Faith:-
Article 4- Freedom from
Beware of Satan, for the
safety of your religion. He
No one shall be held in slavery
has lost all hope that he will or servitude; slavery and the
ever be able to lead you slave trade shall be prohibited
astray in big things, so in all their forms.
beware of following him in
small things.
5) Family Life:-
Article 5- Freedom from
O people, it is true that you
Torture and Degrading
have certain rights with
No one shall be subjected to
regard to your women but
torture or to cruel, inhuman or
they also have rights over
degrading treatment or
you. Remember that you
have taken them as your
wives only under a trust  Article 6-
from God and with his
Everyone has the right to
permission. If they abide by
recognition everywhere as a
your right then to them
person before the law.
belongs the right to be fed
and clothed in kindness.

6) Do treat your women well

Article 7 – Right to Equality
and be kind to them for
before Law
they are your partners and
All are equal before the law
committed helpers. And it
and are entitled without any
is your right that they do
discrimination to equal
not make friends with any
protection of the law. All are
one of whom you do not
entitled to equal protection
approve, as well as never
against any discrimination in
to be unchaste.
violation of this Declaration
and against any incitement to
such discrimination.
7) Relationship with the
Article 8- Right to Remedy by
Competent Tribunal
O, people listen to me in
Everyone has the right to an
earnest worship God,
effective remedy by the
perform your five daily
competent national tribunals
prayers, Fast during the
for acts violating the
month of Ramadan. And
fundamental rights granted
offer Zakat. Perform Hajj if
him by the constitution or by
8) Human Fraternity and
All mankind you have the Article 9
No one shall be subjected to
arbitrary arrest, detention or

is from Adam and Eve. An

Article 12
Arab has no superiority
No one shall be subjected to
over a non-Arab, nor does a
arbitrary interference with his
non Arab have any
privacy, family, home or
superiority over Arab; nor
correspondence, nor to attacks
does a black have any
upon his honour and
superiority over white,
reputation. Everyone has the
except by pity and good
right to the protection of the
law against such interference
or attacks.
Article 13 – Right to Free
Movement in and out of the
1. Everyone has the right to
freedom of movement and
residence within the borders
of each State.
2. Everyone has the right to
leave any country, including
his own, and to return to his

8) Universal brotherhood ‘O’

Article 14 – Right to Asylum in
people! Every Muslim is
other Countries from
the brother of every other
Muslim, and all the
1. Everyone has the right to
Muslims from one
seek and to enjoy in other
brotherhood. And your
countries asylum from
Slaves, see that you feed
them with such food as
2. This right may not be
you eat yourselves, and
invoked in the case of
clothe them with the
prosecutions genuinely arising
clothes that you
from non-political crimes or
yourselves wear.
from acts contrary to the
purposes and principles of the
United Nations.
Article 15- Right to
Nationality and the Freedom
to change it
1. Everyone has the right to a
2. No one shall be arbitrarily
deprived of his nationality nor
denied the right to change his

9) Accountability:-
Article 16 – Right to Marriage
Remember one day you will
and Family
appear before God and 1. Men and women of full age,
answer for your deeds. So without any limitation due to
beware do not stray from race, nationality or religion,
the path of righteousness have the right to marry and to
after I am gone. found a family. They are
entitled to equal rights as to
marriage, during marriage and
at its dissolution.
2. Marriage shall be entered
into only with the free and full
consent of the intending
3. The family is the natural and
fundamental group unit of
society and is entitled to
protection by society and the

10) I leave behind me two

Article 18 – Freedom of Belief
things, the Quran and my
and Religion
examples, the Sunnah, and
Everyone has the right to
if you follow these you will
freedom of thought,
never go astray.
conscience and religion; this
right includes freedom to
change his religion or belief,
and freedom, either alone or
in community with others and
in public or private, to
manifest his religion or belief
in teaching, practice, worship
and observance.
11) Be my witness, O God
Article 20
that I have conveyed your
1. Everyone has the right to
message to your people.
freedom of peaceful assembly
and association.
2. No one may be compelled
to belong to an association.

The development of state institutions to promote and protect
human rights is a critical safeguard to ensure that people can
obtain recourse and redress in the face of injustice. Foremost
thing that government can do is the legislation to control the
human rights violation and this law should be applicable on all the
people belong to any community.

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