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Subject e-book List

2022 (Jan. to Sep.)

No Title
1. Admiralty Cumulative List of Notices to Mariners NP234(A) 2020
2. Admiralty Cumulative List of Notices to Mariners NP234(B) 2020
3. GMDSS handbook 2018
4. GMDSS Manual 2017 Edition
5. Guidelines for Automated, Autonomous ships (ClassNK) 2020
6. IBC Code 2020
7. IMDG Code (Vol. 1) 2020
8. IMDG Code (Vol. 2) 2020
9. IMDG Code 2020 Supplement
10. IMSBC Code 2020
11. Life-Saving Appliances Including LSA Code 2017
12. List of Lights (Radio Aids and Fog Signals) 2019
13. Mariner's Handbook Includes 2020 Tide Times
14. Maritime Labour Convention 2006, as amended (MLC, 2006) FAQ (5th ed. 2019)
15. MARPOL Annex VI - Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships regulations (final) 2020
16. Modern Electronic Navigation Aids
17. Norie's Nautical Tables 2005
18. Passage Planning Guidelines 2018
19. Procedures for Port State Control 2019 edition
20. Reeds marine meteorology 3rd ed. 2006 revised 2009
21. Reed's Volume 15 Electronics, Navigational Aids and Radio Theory for Electrotechnical Officers
22. Ship Inspection Report (Chemical Tanker) 6th ed. 2007
23. Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plan (SMPEP)
24. Shiphandling for the Mariner 5th ed.
25. Tank Cleaning Guide 6th ed. 2008
26. Tanker Operations (4th ed.)
27. The International Life-Saving Code 2020
28. The Nautical Institute on Command
29. The Theory and Practice of Seamanship 11th edition
30. WHO International Health Regulations (1969), 3rd annotated etc. (Geneva, World Health
Organization, 1983)
Subject e-book List
2021 (Jan. to Dec.)
No. Title
1. Bulk Carriers Guidance and information on bulk cargo loading and discharging to reduce the
likelihood of overstressing the hull structures. IACS. London revised 1 (2018)
2. Code of Practice for Bunkering
3. Code of Safety for Fishermen and Fishing Vessels 2005 Part A
4. Code of Safety for Fishermen and Fishing Vessels 2005 Part B
5. Electrical Circuit Theory and Technology
6. Electrical Safety Handbook (3rd ed.)
7. Electronic-Technical Officer – Model Course 7.08 (2014)
8. Guide to Ship Sanitation 3rd edition
9. IMDG Code (Volume 1)2018 ed.
10. IMDG Code (Volume 2)2018 ed.
11. IMDG Code Supplement 2018 ed.
12. IMO/ILO/UNECE Code of Practice for Packing of Cargo Transport Units (CTU Code) 2014
13. International Health Regulations 3rd edition
14. ISM Code 2018
15. Lamb's Question and Answer Marine Diesel Engines (8th ed.) 2005
16. Marengine English Underway by WieslawaBuczkowska (1st ed.) 2014
17. Marine Control Systems (Guidance Navigation and Control of Ships Rigs and Underwater
Vehicles) by Thor I. Fossen
18. Marine Meteorology Nutshell Series Book 2 by Capt. H. Subramaniam 3rd ed. reprinted 2007
19. Marine Observer Handbook 1995 11thed.
20. Maritime English - Model Course 3.17 (2014)
21. MARPOL 2017 Edition
22. Measurements & Instrumentation Principles
23. Meteorology for Mariners 3rd ed. 1978
24. Nautical Almanac 2021
25. Practical Navigation by Nutshell Series
26. Practical Ship Design By David G.M. Watson (vol.1) 1998
27. Principles of electronic Materials and Devices (3rd ed.)
28. Procedures for Port State Control 2011 (2012 ed.)
29. Programmable Logic Controllers (5th ed.)
30. Revise Recommendations on the Safe Transport of Dangerous cargoes and Related Activities
in Port Areas, 2007 ed.
31. SAR Convention 2006 3rd ed.
32. Ship Magnetism and the Magnetic Compass by F. G. Merrifield, J. H. C Smith and G. E. Earl
33. Ships’ Routeing 2019 edition
34. SOLAS (Consolidated Edition) 2020 edition
35. STCW 2017 edition
36. United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, Official Records Volume II Plenary
Meetings, Geneva, 1958
Subject e-book List
2020 (Jan. to Dec.)
No. Title
1. 2012 Guidelines for the development of action lists and action levels for FISH WASTE (2013)
2. 2019 Best Practices for Operations of Ballast Water Management Systems Report
3. Advancements-in-electric-machines by J. F. Gieras
4. ALRS(NP286-4)Volume6
5. Automating with SIMATIC S7-1200 with STEP 7 Basic 2013 by Berger H.
6. Bioremediation in Marine Oil Spills (2004 ed.)
7. Code of safe working practices for merchant seafarers amendment 3 October 2018
8. Digital Systems Principles And Applications by Ronald Tocci
9. Electrical Power System (3rd ed.)
10. Electrical Safety Handbook 3rd Edition
11. Electrical equipment handbook troubleshooting
12. IMO IN-SITU Burning Guidelines 2017ed.
13. IMO,FAO Guidance On Managing Seafood Safety During And After Oil Spills
14. IMO,UNEP Guidance Manual On The Assessment and Restoration of Environmental Damage
Following Marine Oil Spills 2009 ed.
15. International convention on civil liability for bunker oil pollution damage, 2001
16. Joint IMO,IHO,WMO Manual on Maritime Safety Information(MSI) 2003ed
17. London Convention and Protocol (Guidance for the development of action Lists and action
Levels for dredged material) 2009 ed.
19. Port state control 2000
20. Practical Design of Ships & Other Floating Structures Vol1 [Y.S.Wu,W.C.Cui,G.J.Zhou]
21. Practical Variable Speed Drives and Power
22. Practical-centrifugal-pumps(Design, Operation and Maintenance)
23. Programmable Logic Controllers 4th Edition (W Bolton)
24. Programmable-logic-controllers by Frank D. Petruzella (3rd ed.)
25. Sampling Of Dredged Material (Guidelines For the Sampling and Analysis of Dredged Material
Intended For Disposal At Sea)
26. The Management of merchant Ship Stability, Trim & Strength
27. Voluntary Guidelines for the Design, Construction and Equipment of Small Fishing Vessels
28. Advanced Marine Engineering Knowledge Vol.1 by VikramGokhale& N. Nanda (2006)
29. Advanced Marine Engineering Knowledge Vol II by VikramGokhale& N. Nanda (2001)
30. Advanced Marine Engineering Knowledge Q & A (Vol. III) by VikramGokhale& N. Nanda
31. English for Mariners (Marlins Exam Test) (2018 ed.)
32. Reed's Vol 1 Mathematics for Marine Engineer (8th ed.) 2013
33. Reed’s Vol-2 Marine Engineering And Technology Applied Mechanics For Marine Engineers
(6th ed.)2015
34. Reed's (Vol.3) Applied Thermodynamics for marine Engineers (5th ed.) 2016
35. The seamanship Examiner by D. J. House (2nd ed.) 2017
36. The International Life-Saving Code 2020 edition
Subject e-book List
2019 (Jan. to Dec.)
No. Title
1. 2010 HNS Convention (2013)
2. 2011 ESP Code (2013)
3. Application of Automatic Machinery and Alarm Equipment in Ships by B G Smith
4. Bridge Procedures Guide (5th ed.) 2016
5. Classroom Assessment for Teacher by Raymond H. Witte (2012)
6. Dictionary of marine technology by D.A. Taylor
7. General Engineering Knowledge by H D McGeorge (3rd ed.) 2003
8. General Engineering Knowledge for Marine Engineers Vol. 8 (5th ed., 2013)
9. Guideline for oil spill Response (2013)
10. IAMSAR Manual Vol.1, International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue Manual
11. IBC Code (2016)
12. IMDG Code (2016)
13. Marine Boiler by GTH Flanagan (2005)
14. Marine Control Practice by D A Taylor
15. Marine Electrical Equipment & Practice by HD McGeroge (2nd ed.) 2004
16. Marine Stream Boiler by J H Milton (1970)
17. Maritime Law by Christopher Hill (6th ed.) 2003
18. MARPOL - How to do it (2013)
19. Notes on Cargo Work by Kemp & Young (5th ed.) 1982
20. Prevention of Corrosion on Board Ships (2010)
21. Principle of Refrigeration by Roy J. Dossat (4th ed.) 2014
22. Programmable Logic Controllers by W. Bolton (6th ed.) 2015
23. Reed's Vol. 7 Advanced Electrotechnology for marine Engineer (3rd ed.)2014
24. Ship Hydrostatic and Stability by Adrian B. Biran (2nd ed.) 2014
25. Ship Stability for Masters and Mates (6th ed.) 2006
26. Marine Boiler Survey Handbook
27. The Nairobi International convention on the Removal of Wrecks,2007 (2008 ed.)
28. Guidelines for the Transport and Handling of Limited Amounts of Hazardous and Noxious Liquid
Substances in Bulk on Offshore Support Vessels (2007)

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