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Nama Mahasiswa : Johan Mu’alimin

Nomor Induk Mahasiswa/ NIM : 044659029

Kode/Nama Mata Kuliah : MKWI4201/ Bahasa Inggris

Kode/Nama UPBJJ : 45/ Yogyakarta

Masa Ujian : 2020/21.2 (2022.1)


A. The language style used in the conversation above is formal language style because it is in a
formal situation.
B. The topic of the conversation above is booking a trip at Underground Tour and Travel.


a. My office
One of the places I usually use for my daily activities is my office. I work in the office five
times a week.
The name of my office is Kanwil Yogyakarta, it is located in Gedong Kuning Yogyakarta.
About 10 minutes from downtown Yogyakarta. To get to my office access is very easy. We
can take public transportation or private vehicles.
My office is very spacious and comfortable. There are several sections such as the main
office, mosque, canteen, security post, sports field, and a large parking lot.
My office is very comfortable and clean which makes employees comfortable at work. Every
day it is cleaned by the cleaners.
One of my favourite places in the office is the canteen. During breaks, my friends
and I always eat and chat casually. I love my office.


a. The sender is John Smith, Manager, HR Department

b. The memo is addressed to all staff.

c. The memo is about welcoming Marie Jacop as the newest team member.


Dear Mr/Mrs Head of English Center Course


My name is Johan Mu'alimin, a student at the Universitas Terbuka. I am interested in

registering for an English course at the Yogyakarta English Center

I have read some information regarding the rules and policies on the English Center Course
on the website. However, I have not found any information regarding the duration of the
course and the schedule of course sessions. For that I request to ask for information
regarding this matter.

Thank you for reading this email. I will wait for the reply.

Thus, I thank you for your attention.

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