DAGUPLO-marketing Lab 1

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THT110 Tourism and Hospitality

Laboratory Worksheet
Name: Kristen Jean J. Daguplo Lab Schedule: F 3:00-6:00

Marketing Oriented Organization

Laboratory Activity 1


Marketing is important for Tourism and Hospitality businesses, because

marketing evolves money, and by using marketing, a business can maintain a long-
term relationship with a customer while also focusing on how to better manage the
needs and wants of the target market and keep them happy while making them want
more. By keeping the target market happy, a business makes more money and
profits, which indicates that it is successful. Additionally, it gives the company a
chance to connect with and engage with customers, and it is a fit for our industry
especially since our product is a service that needs long-term relations with our
guests. This shows that they regard their target market above all else, that they care
about their customers' needs and wants in order to satiate them and make money,
and that they appreciate their target market above everything else.

The easiest way to tell if a company is marketing-oriented or not is to look at how it

produces and sells its goods and services without considering the needs and wants
of the customer. In contrast, a marketing-oriented company first analyse the market
and its target audience to find out what potential customers want before beginning
any production or sales activities. This results in a truly customer-first approach
where the product or service offering is developed with the client in mind.

 Examine existing tourism and hospitality-related businesses, and if they
are marketing-oriented or not.
 To gather information and recommend suggestions.
 Determine the marketing strategy use.

October 2022
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
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Sending an Printing our Scheduled Analyzing
appointment copy for the date for the gathered
for an interview interview information
interview scheduled
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Making Rechecking Editing and Printing of

the paper grammars finalizing of finalized
papers paper

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The following are the steps for conducting the activity:
 Sending an appointment for an interview.
 Printing of interview schedule.
 Going to the establishment (TRN Traveler’s Inn).
 Gather the information through a face-to-face interview.
 The manager fill-out the interview schedule.
 The manager allows us to roam around the lodging establishment.
 Taking documentation.
 After showing respect to the manager, we say goodbye, and send our

The Travelers Inn was established and inaugurated on June 18, 2008, in the
chartered city of Ormoc in the Province of Leyte. The name Traveler's Inn came from
the thought of directly identifying the establishment. This business has a grand mini-
Bar & Music lounge, also a Cozy Coffee Shop. TRN exists to take a
futuristic approach knowing that opening a business industry like this in Ormoc will
be a success and can help increase their profit. Their vision is to improve their
services, and their mission is to please their customers. Based on the information
given to us by the management of the hotel, their business is one of the most
accommodating hotels in the city. We can attest that they are very accommodating
to their customers. In my opinion, they should modernize or change their exterior and
interior designs. We also discovered some damage that needs to repair. They must
also relocate specific amenities and add a chair to the waiting area. The waiting
place has only four chairs, each of which can only hold one person. They must hire a
security guard to ensure the safety of their customers. The said establishment mainly
offers to lodge to tourists and other businesses; they have partnered with some of
the other major organizations in Region 8. These are Canadian, Robinson's
Supermarket, SM, and the Gaisano. In addition, the company seeks to provide
customers and community marketing utilizing a new channel. Furthermore, the
organization intends to improve product and service quality within the next 1-5 years.
They also developed strategies for understanding the demands of customers by
migrating to a new survey platform.
According to the organization, one thing they wanted to know about their
customers, competitors, and suppliers was their customers' needs and wants, as
well as new products or supplies from a reliable supplier. Nonetheless, they
conducted information gathering once a year and attended seminars from various
agencies and suppliers. They have a social media platform to inform and market the
establishment so that they can connect, gather, and be known. Customers' feedback
allows them to learn more about the products and services they are providing. Upon
check-out, they usually examine the strengths and weaknesses based on responses
from the person-to-person interview. They are also aware that the business is
changing and that there are possible changes in the coming years; fortunately, they
are open to learning about the latest technology. A business cannot operate without
workers, so they cater to the value of its employees by preparing appropriate venues
for training, seminars, and meetings, as well as recognizing each employee's efforts.
However, business would be impossible without suppliers and delivery partners, so
they must guarantee that they have a strong bond and relationship together to adapt
to change and work harmoniously. The organization's products and services were
promoted and advertised through the use of online platforms, and the action they
took to promote the product was efficient in the sense that they were innovative in
their services and products.
Learning’s, challenges, and suggestions

I gained a lot of knowledge from our activity, and I was pleased that I had
finally been given the opportunity to stay in a travel inn and feel truly welcomed. I
also discovered that running a lodging establishment is not simple; you need people
to make it function because, without one another, an organization will fail or, worse
yet, close down. I also discovered that you need to be a multi-tasker, quick, and
most importantly, confident because, once the guest enters, you need to change
yourself professionally so that you can respond to them well and give them the
information that they need. Additionally, it's important to constantly dress nicely and
be well-groomed so that the visitor feels respected and at ease. Since the travel inn
is quite busy when we arrive, I think that if you are not mentally and physically
prepared for this line of work, it may not be for you. physically, you must work hard
and make the most of it, and mentally, you should avoid bringing personal issues
into the workplace and refrain from letting them interfere with your work. If your
manager reprimands you and you have to entertain a guest, you should act as
though the reprimand was not directed at you. Working with my group members is
beneficial because we exchange observations and criticisms about the inns, as well
as because we make each other feel at ease and appreciate each other's views of
the inns.
As a group, we have encountered a few difficulties while interviewing the Travel
Inn. At times, we are unable to speak because we must be silent so as not to disturb
some guests, and we are not permitted to enter the rooms because guests are
occupying them. In addition, the manager only permitted one person to be in her
office, so the issue is that we are unaware of what they have discussed or that there
are concerns because we haven't yet discussed it so far. Last the transformation
because the travel inn that we spoke with is from Ormoc city, so that takes us time to
be in the inn, I think that's all nice so far, aside from we learn, experience from the
inns we also have enjoyed it. The strategy that I will suggest is that we need to
communicate more and be open to each other, such as telling each other's concerns
and opinions. As for the transformation, we don't have a choice because we don't
have a car, so maybe the only thing that I will suggest is that we need to be early, or
set a time when we will leave so that we can arrive there on time, without wasting
any time.

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