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Department of Engineering

University of Hull  

Hull, HU6 7RX

United Kingdom

T: +44 (0)1482 346311


Module 601082

Individual Project Plan Report


Family Name

Year of Submission

Wind Turbine Characterisation

Degree Programme

Introduction & Motivation.........................................................................................................4

Aim and Objectives....................................................................................................................6

Project Methodology..................................................................................................................7

Work Package and Deliverables................................................................................................8


Gantt Chart...............................................................................................................................10

Introduction & Motivation

Energy consumption has significantly increased as a result of population growth and more

global integration. This increases the risk of natural resource depletion and drives up demand

for renewable energy producing technologies [1]. In both industrialised and underdeveloped

regions of the world, the use of renewable energy systems is expected to increase

significantly [2]. Compared to conventional energy producing techniques, they have a

number of benefits. The fact that the fuel utilised to produce energy is a renewable resource is

the biggest benefit. Although early prices might be a problem, technological advancements

are rapidly lowering the overall costs of installing and operating wind turbines [3].

The development of wind turbine technology has reached adulthood. Only in the past twenty

years have synchronous AC motors and the power electronic inverters required to operate

them reached technological parity. Both technologies are still being improved little by little.

Getting wind energy systems to communicate with the centralised grid is a significant

challenge. The most common option is the deployment of micro-grids, or a small portion of

the centralised grid restricted to a certain geographic area [4]. The concept of decentralised

energy distribution is utilised by the micro-grid. A large number of small energy generators

are connected to a limited group of consumers through a generation-consumption loop. The

compact energy producers are typically assumed to utilise renewable energy producing

techniques. The formerly centralised grid is now made up of numerous micro-grids that use

various energy production methods. This enables the utilisation of renewable energy to be

utilised as economically as possible [5-6].


For the wind turbine, the motor, rotor blades, hub, spool, computer controller, and hydraulic

system are frequently installed [7]. The rotor is the essential element utilised to harness wind

energy and convert the gathered force into mechanical strength as the main lifter. The

arrangement of the wind turbines is shown in Figure 3. The winding road is depicted by a

green arrow.

Figure 1. Requirements of Wind electric conversion system [8].

Significant factors in blade design included the quantity of blades, blade weight, blade

pitch/angle, and blade structure [8]. With the right component tuning, the swept field and

subsequently the collected energy can be maximised. The most typical blade number

produced is three because the gyroscopic and flexing powers are more evenly distributed. The

amount of energy captured would decrease as a wind turbine's blade count increased.

The angular velocity and rotational tip-speed are influenced by blade thickness. When the

blade is stretched further, the spinning would occur more quickly, reducing the output of the

wind turbine. The tip-speed ratio () allows for control of the wind turbine's efficiency. The tip

speed ratio is the relationship between the revolutions per minute of the spinning blade tip

and the wind speed in miles per hour. The higher the ratio, the faster the wind turbine motor

can rotate at a given wind speed or recorded wind speed. The amount of aerodynamic power

a wind turbine produces is determined on the blade pitch angle. If the pitch angle is altered,

the wind speed window's volume will increase, increasing the lift force or decreasing the drag


Figure 2. Blade design components: (a) number of blades, (b) blade length, (c)
pitch/angle [8]

Aim and Objectives

The aim of the project is to investigate the characterisation of the wind turbine in order to

understand the performance under different conditions such as wind speed and the wind

directions, blade pitch angle. Also some analysis could be done into the CAD modelling

design for the different wind blades.

The main objectives are as follows:

1. In depth literature review analysis for the specific wind turbine and blade designs and

the suitability of each design based on location will be evaluated

2. Based on the design understanding, different conditions that affect power generation

will be evaluated such as wind speed, direction, angle, control strategies etc.

3. MATLAB Simulink will be used in order to check the MPPT (Maximum Power Point

Tracking) for the proposed design in order to understand the maximum required

power generation

4. This will be followed by other forms of controllers such as P, PI and PID controllers

along with the exposure of the pitch and panel angle for the blades

5. Finally results will be evaluated and analysed before writing the final dissertation and

addressing concluding remarks

Project Methodology

Detailed research will be carried out on the topic in order to understand the
Literature application of the wind turbine and power generation from wind

Different blade designs as shown in the background study will be carried out to
evaluate the performance of the power generation from those turbine blades and
Design then choose the best design for the maximum MPPT and power generation

One of the model aspect will look into power generation using the wind turbine
MATLAB Another aspect will evaluate the performance of the system based on different
Simulink conditions

Final results will be analysed and then discussion will be carried out with further
Result comparison with the literature review to make sure that the performance of the
analysis and system is good

Final dissertation will be written based on different chapters and then conclusion
Final report remarks will be given on the project
writing and

Work Package and Deliverables

A systematic analysis of the existing state-of-the-art and literature on the invention

and use of energy is carried out in this report. Assessment is examined here on the framework
and concludes that a new model is being developed in the wind-turbine characteristics.

i. Proposal Planning and Submission (5 weeks)

The general project strategy and basic understanding will be provided in a form of report with

the supervisor feedback within this time range. After the proposal planning submission the

actual literature research will be started.

 Deliverable 1: Project proposal report

ii. Literature Review (4 weeks)

Most recent published peer reviewed papers on wind turbine designs and different conditions

and parameters will be investigated to understand more about the wind turbine system and

their properties via published publications, books, and online sources.

iii. WP3 – Modelling and Design of a hybrid system

This section will discuss all of the identified simulation studies that have been performed.
Evaluation of dynamic models of integrated energy system components used for system
identification is one of the simulations, and MATLAB/Simulink software is utilised to
build a simulation package. Additionally, it entails using MATLAB/Simulink to construct
and analyse a wind power generating system for a particular site as well as comparative
analysis to draw broad comparisons between the P, PI, and PID controllers. The
assessment and examination of the shifting wind speeds and solar generation were done
in order to determine how the pitch and angle of the panel will alter correspondingly.

Deliverable 2: Project progress report

iv. Results Analysis (4 weeks)
All the results will be analysed using varying graphical representations and then the

performance of the system will be evaluated using the literature that has been found. Based

on the findings recommendations will be made on the best design for the wind turbine.

v. Project Final Report (4 weeks)

Final report will be written with the poster presentation for the work which will determine the

final outcomes which will be presented to the supervisors.

vi. Deliverable 3: Project final report and presentation

1. Sainz, E., Llombart, A., & Guerrero, J. J. (2009). Robust filtering for the characterization of
wind turbines: Improving its operation and maintenance. Energy Conversion and
Management, 50(9), 2136-2147
2. Rezaeiha, A., Montazeri, H., & Blocken, B. (2018). Characterization of aerodynamic
performance of vertical axis wind turbines: Impact of operational parameters. Energy
Conversion and Management, 169, 45-77.
3. Zahle, F., & Sørensen, N. N. (2011). Characterization of the unsteady flow in the nacelle
region of a modern wind turbine. Wind Energy, 14(2), 271-283.
4. Simley, E., Angelou, N., Mikkelsen, T., Sjöholm, M., Mann, J., & Pao, L. Y. (2016).
Characterization of wind velocities in the upstream induction zone of a wind turbine using
scanning continuous-wave lidars. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 8(1),
5. Doubrawa, P., Barthelmie, R. J., Wang, H., Pryor, S. C., & Churchfield, M. J. (2016). Wind
turbine wake characterization from temporally disjunct 3-d measurements. Remote
Sensing, 8(11), 939.
6. Schubel, P. J., & Crossley, R. J. (2012). Wind turbine blade design. Energies, 5(9), 3425-
7. Jensen, F. M., & Branner, K. (2013). Introduction to wind turbine blade design. In Advances in
wind turbine blade design and materials (pp. 3-28). Woodhead Publishing.
8. Rehman, S., Alam, M. M., Alhems, L. M., & Rafique, M. M. (2018). Horizontal axis wind
turbine blade design methodologies for efficiency enhancement—A review. Energies, 11(3),

Gantt Chart

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