Enviromental Protection

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Nowadays enviromental problems became one of the main issues in our world. As a result of the development of
technical knowledge, we are using more and more synthetic materials. We often want to make our life easier, however we
don’t consider the consequences. We don’t take implications into account and in the long run we will cause irreversible
damage. The biggest enviromental issues are different types of pollutions, global warming, deforestation, ocean
acidification, food waste and overfishing. These problems have a lot of aftermaths in short term and in long term as well.
The biggest complication is the greenhouse effect which caused by fossil fuels. When we apply fossil fuels, like coal, oil
and gas these three produce greenhouse gases. The greenhouse effect created by these harmful gases. The heat generated
by infrared radiation is absorbed by greenhouse gases like water vapor, carbon dioxide, ozone and methane, which slows
its escape from the atmosphere. The ozone layer is depleting and it causes global warming because it doesn’t have the
capability to consume the harmful sunlight. Also there is a warming blanket in our atmosphere as well so the harmful
gases are swallowed and can’t leave. This phenomenon causes the greenhouse effect. Global warming may have serious
results like permafrost melt in Arctic regions and sea level rising. Many people in coastal cities may be at risk due to
water level rise.
Agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation, another one of the biggest environmental problems appearing in our
world. Land is cleared to raise livestock or to plant other crops that are sold, such as sugar cane and palm oil. Besides for
carbon dioxide sequestration, forests help to prevent soil erosion, because the tree roots bind the soil and prevent it from
washing away, which also prevents landslides.
Furthermore enormous difficulty is inflicted by the various types of pollution for instance land, air and water pollution.
When we talk about the solution of enviromental problems, the first thing that comes to our mind are alternative energy
resources. Alternative sources of energy are present in nature and can be replenished quickly. These are also known
as non-conventional sources of energy. They do not cause pollution and can be consumed over a long period
without being exhausted. Solar energy, wind energy, hydropower and nuclear energies are the most popular ones.
However, there are also less developed electricity sources like tidal energy and wave energy. Solar energy is created
by nuclear fusion that takes place in the sun. Wind energy, or wind power, is created using a wind turbine, a device that
channels the power of the wind to generate electricity. Hydropower relies on the endless, constantly recharging system of
the water cycle to produce electricity. Nuclear energy is the energy in the nucleus, or core, of an atom. It can be used to
create electricity, but first it must be released from the atom. In the process of nuclear fission, atoms are split to release
that energy.
We can also protect our enviroment with selective waste collection. This method is gaining more and more momentum.
Selective waste collection means gather household waste like organic waste, plastic, paper, metal, glass and hazardous
waste separately with the purpose of recycling them. Talking of recycling, it is the processing of used objects materials so
that they can be used again. Recycling saves energy and raw materials and also reduces damage to the land. Kitchen,
garden and other organic waste can be recycled into useful material for composting. This process allows natural aerobic
bacteria to break down the waste into fertile topsoil. After a time compost can be used as a natural fertilizer for improving
the quality of the soil.
Fortunately most of the countries realized the problems and cooperated to solve ecological issues. We live in community
so we can solve problems if we work together. A lot of public organizations have been established. One of them is
Greenpeace which was formed in 1971. It’s main purpose across the country and globe to fight for our climate and for our
communities. Another one is Ecosia the green browser. It’s slogan is „Plant trees while you search the web”. They use the
profit that they make from people’s searches to plant trees where they are needed the most. Ecosia is leading the way to a
regenerative future through reforestation, empowering local communities, fighting hunger and saving wildlife.
All in all the world has a lot of enviromental problems but if we work together we can reach a greener and better future
for the planet and for the future generations.

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