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Quiz 3.1 to 3.

Lord has already explained that there are two classes of men who try
to realize the self. Mark the correct option
1.astanga yoga, merging in brahman
2. to understand it by empirical, philosophical speculation, and others
by devotional service.

3.hatha yoga,kal chakra yoga

4.sudarshan yoga,Tai chi

2. Religion without philosophy is -----------------or sometimes

fanaticism, while philosophy without religion is ---------------

1. mental speculation,science

2.sentiment, mental speculation


4. divine truths,empirical truth

3. Without purification of heart, --------------- is simply a disturbance

to the social order.
2. sannyasa
4. Sannyāsa, or any purificatory process, is to help reach the ultimate
goal of becoming ----------------, without which everything is
considered a failure.
1.Brahman realized
2. Kṛṣṇa conscious
3. void
4.spark of light

5.Meaning of mithyācāraḥ
1.great saint
2. pretender
4.genuine spiritualist

6. The prime ----------------, or goal of self-interest, is to reach Viṣṇu.

1. svārtha-gati
3.process of self realization

7.    What if work performed is not sacrificed for Vishnu?

a)  That work binds one to this material world
b)    One remains unattached
c)    One is free from bondage
d)    All of these
8.    Why is it said that people, who eat for sense gratification, eat
only sin?
a)    Because they don’t share anything
b)    Because they are very self centered
c)    Because they don’t first offer the food to the Lord before
eating it
d)    None of these

9. Why nothing should be performed for sense gratification, but

everything should be done for the satisfaction of Kṛṣṇa.
1.This practice will not only save one from the reaction of work, but
also gradually elevate one to transcendental loving service of the
Lord, which alone can raise one to the kingdom of God. attain moksha attain world peace attain sayujya mukti

10.Who is yajna-pati?
1.Lord Indra
2.Lord Ganesha
3.Lord Krishna
4.Lord Brahma

11.Lord Chaitanya inaugurated the the easiest performance

of yajña, namely the----------- , which can be performed by anyone in
the world who accepts the principles of Kṛṣṇa consciousness.
1.som yajna
3. Rajasuya yajna
4.Asvamedha yajnas 

12.The ----------------- cannot accept anything without first offering it

to the Supreme Person.

Thank you Prabhuji,

Rati Manjari Priya devidasi

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