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A Note to The Reader

This is based entirely on a fictional event that has happened after Voixer’s disappearance. This
is not Adventure Forward: Crown of Shadows. Some of the characters are made and are not
real in the official Adventure Forward universe. There may be swearing, violence and
inappropriate content for minors. Reader’s discretion is advised.
Chapter One: A Strange Encounter
“Hey Xeron? How is it going?” A voice whispered behind Xeron. He turned around and
saw Elva. He looked around stressed and confused.
“I have no idea how to start this story. Can you help me? Please?” Xeron pleaded to
Elva, who sighed. She wandered towards the screen and put her hands on the keyboard. She
starts typing strange experiences on the document that startled Xeron, but remained calm.

.siutuf ,sitsigel coh iS

“What is this supposed to mean?” Xeron looked very confused. Elva giggled behind him
and calmed down again.
“Just figure it out yourself. It’s not that hard. I’ll give you a hint, ?yakO”
“Got it. Thanks.” Xeron stared at the screen doing basically nothing, as Elva was leaving
the room. He was ready to end this story until something surprised him.
Xeron looked at his tablet, which now said some strange messages. He read them very
carefully and realised what was going on. He looked around, making sure nobody was watching
him from behind. He whispered the messages to himself again and thought about it deeper. And
he read it again.



Xeron closed his eyes and sighed. He turned around and approached the door. He
slowly opened the door until he heard some footsteps, and saw Anshine making it down the
stairs into the Grand Dome. A strange character, never before seen, was approaching Anshine.
Xeron did not trust this character. He turned back to his tablet and found out everything. He
opened the door and in an instant, disappeared into black mist.
The strange figure looked very different but also very similar. The character had a red
cross on their face. They wear a black jacket and gloves. Their expressions seem very dull and
empty. Anshine greets them, but the character garnered no response. They strayed forward to
Shallare’s World slowly, and entered the portal. Anshine sees Xeron from the corner and calls
him over.
“That person... They give me a strange aura.” Xeron whispers in Anshine’s ear. Anshine
looks at Xeron and turned back at the portal.
“Yeah. There’s something unsettling about them.”
Xeron looks down on the ground and leaves in a flash. Anshine waits in the Grand Dome
and slowly floats away, back into his world. He looks down at the ground, feeling a little bit
pessimistic, sighed. He knew he didn’t have much choice now other than to wait. So he sits near
the fountain, and begins reading a book, very quietly.
“Signol? You there?”
Signol saw Ulipse open her door. She looked very fatigued. Signol got up and carried
Ulipse to her bed.
“What Happened? Why are you so tired?” Signol looked worried and concerned. She put
her hand on Ulipse’s shoulder and sat on the bed next to her.
“I’ve just come... to tell you... there is a new Star Savior. The timeline has restarted.
Xeron says he doesn’t think they’re up to any good. Should we check on Shallare?” Ulipse said
quickly, in a panic. Her body was shaking as well as her Soul.
“You know, I think we should.” Xeron appeared in front of Ulipse. Just like always, his
expression had not changed. He held out his hand to help up Ulipse, who grabbed on tightly.
The three of them had gone out of the room and looked out at the portal. The Star Savior had
left. Xeron transformed into a mysterious black mist that flew into the portal. The girls followed.
“Predictions?” Signol asked Ulipse, worried and excited. Ulipse gave her a strange look
and smiled uncontrollably.
“You shouldn’t smile, but I’ll bet you that Shallare is hurt.”
“How much you betting?”
“‘Nightfall’. I’ll give you my sword if you win the bet.”
When the girls went through the portal, they saw Xeron standing and staring at a wall.
Ulipse took a peek and gasped. Xeron turned and looked at the girls. He disappeared within an
instant. On the wall, what Xeron had covered, was Shallare’s body. He had been and embedded
into the ground, however still intact and alive. Signol rushed to him, shocked and panicking.
“Oh... Hey. I’m fine, but just don’t touch my backside. It hurt really bad.” Shallare seemed
calm and collected. He did not feel much signs of pain, which eased Signol a little bit. However,
seeing that Shallare was Embedded into the ground, she sighed.
“Who did that, Shallare?” Signol shed a tear, which dropped on Shallare’s chest. He
“I was facing the wall. However I did feel a tingling feeling on my shoulder and I saw a bit
of black on the person before I got smashed into the ground...” Said Shallare, breathing heavily
in between words. When Signol turned around to call Ulipse over, she had already left. Signol
gave up and helped Shallare up. She then left Shallare’s World and went to her’s.

Chapter Two: Blood

The Star Savior entered the Cavern Club. However, as they were climbing up the stairs,
Xeron appeared in front of them. The Star Savior stood there, confused. They tried to keep
going up the stairs, but then Xeron said something that startled the Star Savior.
“Yeah so Signol isn’t here today. Maybe she’s not feeling well, but could you do me a
favor? So you’re a human right?” The Star Savior turned around to face Xeron, and nodded
their head. Xeron kept talking.
“So maybe it will make her more confident to be friends with a human, since she hasn’t
been one in a long time. So it would make her day, if you kept pretending to be one.” Xeron
disappeared behind the pillar. The Star Savior looked around, shocked and confused. Then
after hesitation, They kept walking.
Xeron sighed as he floated through the air. He grabbed a strange device from his hoodie
pocket. The device has some strange symbols on it, as well as some words that resemble a sort
of conversation. Xeron read out the words, which included multiple things. Those multiple things
include the third Star Savior, as well as some strange incidents. Xeron started typing, and other
people started typing back.

Xeron: Should I press the button

Hix: YES
Hix: This situation has gotten out of hand
Hix: Press the button
Hix: And do not fail us

Xeron sighed, and swiped the conversation out of view from the screen. He flipped some
levers that included the strange symbols, labelled on the several levers flicked. Then, a button
came into view on the screen. Xeron pressed the button, and stopped flying. He was impaled by
many shards, stones, and chains. He disappeared into a blast of blood and fire, and the device
broke into many pieces. Demonic screams were emanating in the area, as some blood got
splattered onto the wall.
Meanwhile, Anshine was reading a book in his world, when suddenly, a stone appeared
in front of him. Xeron came out of the stone, and talked about the things that the Star Savior had
done. Anshine gave Xeron a serious expression.
“Shallare was hurt? Oh god. Stupid fucking players. I’ll take care of them. Just make
sure this does not happen again, and just make sure whoever hears our conversation can just
be mindful of themselves. Now fetch me my halo.” Anshine walked towards the Spawnpoint as
Xeron grabbed a golden Halo, as well as a very well-designed blade. Anshine took both of
them, and flew away.
Xeron stared at the wall and cleaned up the rock in Anshine’s World.

The Star Savior wandered around Cavern Club until they found a portal. This portal, from
the Star Saviors observation, takes them to the challenge course. They complete it with ease,
and snatches the symbol from the table and returns to the Emporium.
Compale waits in the Dome and sees the Savior. The two meet, and Compale starts to
talk. Behind Compale, The Star Savior could see that Naen and Solgon’s areas are blocked out.
The Dome is completely silent. Compale now starts to talk.
“You think you’re special don’t ‘cha?”
The Star Savior approaches Compale. Their hands are in their pockets, seemingly
holding something. Compale observes them, summons an uncountable amount of shards
around him. He looks at the Star Savior with a serious expression.
“This isn’t the first time you’re here. It isn’t about preparing you to fight someone. It’s to
stop you from fighting anyone. You get it? I see that knife in your pocket.” Compale laughs. He
begins to levitate into the air. The room goes dark and chilly, as the Savior steps forward again.
“Well, well, well. Xeron told me about you. If you take one more step forward, the walls
are not gonna be easy to clean.” The Savior takes yet another step forward. However this time.
Compale also floats forward towards the Savior. “Heh. Sorry, old lady. This is why no one makes
promises around here.”
The Star Savior takes a knife out of their pocket. It seems that there is some orange
liquid on the blade already. Compale doesn’t flinch at what happened to Shallare. He commands
all of the shards towards the Savior, but they dodge all of them, and reflected the last one at
Compale. He does not seem impressed, but just freezes the Dome completely. The area
seemed so cold, so silent that it is horrifying. Ice gets summoned on the floor, one of them
almost impaling the Savior. Compale tries to hit the Savior, however not a single fragment hits
the Savior. They did not wait a single second to think about anything else.
The Savior impatiently throws the knife at Compale, who was not fast enough to dodge
the attack, gets hit by the knife right in the chest. He pulls out the knife, and breathes heavily,
but still smiling. He slowly lifts his head to stare the Savior in the eyes, and in a last ditch
attempt, flys top speed into them. The Savior gets a hold of the knife and slashes Compale
down the head. Blood splatters onto the floor, and Compale, with his last breath, manages to
strike the Savior with an ice shard, and shatters into many pieces. Compale is dead, and the
Savior, with hesitation, takes his Soul, and opens the door to Wooden Workshop, Star
Sanctuary and Sandbrick Sandbox.
The Savior looked around, knowing what they had done, however seeing themselves
completing that fight without hesitation, they smiled. They said nothing.

Chapter Three: Seriousness

The Savior walks towards the portal to Wooden Workshop, and enters, knife in pocket.
However, little does the Savior know, Anshine has been spectating their fight all along, and
watching their every move. He reels in dread, and enters Sandbrick Sandbox.
“Anshine?” Said Ulipse, sitting on the platform behind the Spawnpoint, and waves to
Anshine sadly. He turns around and sees Ulipse. He floats to her, and sits beside her.
“You don’t have to be scared. Xeron will take care of this right?” Anshine tries to
encourage Ulipse, as they hear a soft whisper. They turn around as they see Xeron behind
“You saw how fast they just murdered Compale, right? Even though it’s gonna be close, I
don’t think I’ll be able to defeat them. I am sorry, but I cannot.” Xeron whispers behind them.
However, it does not seem that Xeron is talking to them. Xeron seems to be talking to an
invisible figure, who created some strange sounds to communicate with him. Xeron then
suddenly left the room. Anshine and Ulipse decided that they were going to follow him. They
went back into the Emporium and into Wooden Workshop.
Xeron entered through the portal. There he saw the Star Savior talking to Ploque. He
inched closer to hear the conversation, but he was interrupted by the Savior throwing a knife at
him, who dodged the attack and teleported somewhere else. The Savior turned back to talk to
Ploque, who was confused at why the Savior attacked Xeron.
“Why’d you attack Xeron? What did he do?” Ploque asked the Savior with a confused
face. The Savior did not respond. They stared at Ploque blankly and offered to start the
challenge level instead. Ploque sighed and let the Savior into the Challenge Course, however
did not follow them. The Savior was all alone in the challenge course. However, the Savior
wasn’t discouraged because of this. They made through the course swiftly, and snatched the
symbol from the course.
Ploque stood there, confused at how the Savior did the course so quickly, and without
any effort. “How’d you...?” She said, staring at the Savior, climbing up the stairs back to her. The
Savior put her symbol into their pocket, but seemed to be getting something from it too.
“What are you doing?” Ploque stepped back. The Savior rose their head and smiled.
“Stand back! This isn’t funny!” Ploque said loudly, beginning to change her expression.
She looked around, panicked and worried for her life. The Savior began approaching her, and
pulled out the knife.
“Please... don’t hurt... me...” Ploque begged the Savior to stop. She stood in place,
paralysed and terrified. The Savior stepped forward to her, and pulled out the knife, pointing at
her chest. The Savior pulled back their arm, and stabbed her straight down the torso. However,
as confident as the Savior may be, Xeron was watching from behind, and ambushed the Savior,
and easily overwhelmed them. The Savior had died, but Xeron, once being the Savior himself,
knew they would simply come back. He looked around, and sighed.
Xeron lowered himself onto the ground, and looked at Ploque’s blank expression. He
shed a tear, and kneeled onto the ground.
“Ha... ha... ha... Just like that? Me, being a god... defeated by a mere human.” Xeron
started crying. He looked down in shame, and began to rant more and more.
“Compale. Ploque. Who’s next? Ulipse? Arrolin? Ixol? I’ve failed you.” Xeron knew that
this was a serious problem now. He took off his hoodie, and teleported away, with Ploque’s body
in hand.
Anshine and Ulipse had arrived in Wooden Workshop, when Xeron had left. They flew
up onto the area where they would normally meet Ploque, however, saw nothing, but a barren
area. The wooden architecture began to crack and fall down into the abyss below, as well as
their hopes of the Savior being a good person. Heartbroken, Ulipse suddenly left without
explanation. Anshine, floating there, decided if he should take matters into his own hands, but
still knowing, if he tried to fight back, the Savior would kill him with ease.
Anshine turned his symbol from yellow into a flaming orange color. His sword, Daybreak,
began to ignite. His halo became brighter than ever, and Anshine, more serious than ever. He
went back into his own world, and destroyed the Spawnpoint. He called stars onto the
Spawnpoint, where the Savior would end up arriving. Anshine, determined to stop the Savior,
built up his confidence, all of his strength, and lit the world on fire. Solar flares burnt the trees,
and the absolute power Anshine had now, had destroyed all of the stone in his world. The world
was in chaos, and Anshine laughed at the thought of the Savior suffering for all of eternity.
However, to his confusion, the Savior did not come, even after waiting for a few hours.
“Maybe it’s time to check on Ulipse?” Anshine thought of that sentence for a while, and
gasped. In a panic, he returned to the Emporium, and rushed to Sandbrick Sandbox.

Chapter Four: Hate

Anshine entered Sandbrick Sandbox. The Star Savior stood at the Spawnpoint of the world, with
their knife in hand, and Ulipse’s Symbol. Anshine checked the knife, which had a bit of purple on
it. Anshine stepped back, however, was still acting strong and confident. The Savior smiled, and
slashed at Anshine. Thankfully, Anshine, now harnessing the full power of his stellar energy, can
now put up a fight against the Savior.
Anshine dodged the attack, and started fighting the Savior with not just stars now. He
started using his godly solar powers, with the halo and Daybreak, his blazing sword, and his
own intuition. He slashed at the Savior as hard as he could, and decided to stay silent, and
focus very hard on the battle. The Savior seemed unfazed by this attack, and dodged Anshines
slashes with relative ease. This surprised Anshine, who flew back a little, trying his best to keep
The Savior kept looking at Anshine, who was confused at how the Savior was going to
attack him at a distance, and paused in place, ready to dodge a knife. However, the Savior
lunged at Anshine, and pulled out the Shooting Star. This startled Anshine, but reacted quickly
enough to avoid getting hit. He realised that they had kept the Shooting Star from Ulipse’s battle
before the Savior killed her. Anshine looked very concerned now, and the Savior looked
confident, and kept shooting at Anshine.
Anshine saw that there wasn’t much hope left, and was ready to accept death, but at the
corner of his eye, a little black wisp was seen flying around, and Anshine winked at it. The wisp,
understanding that perfectly, Made another ambushing attack on the Savior from behind. The
Savior was impaled by a chain and into the floor. The Savior threw their knife at Xeron, who
absorbed it, and returned the attack by taking the knife out and breaking it into pieces. He threw
all of it at the Savior, who had died. Xeron had saved Anshines life, who was very surprised and
thanked Xeron dearly.
“Xeron... You... saved my life. Thank you.” Anshine said in a very emotional voice. Xeron
gave Anshine a smile, which made him even more shocked. Anshine had never seen Xeron not
in a down mood, and Xeron said back to him in a very soft voice.
“I wasn’t gonna let them kill you. I wasn’t gonna let them kill another person.”
“But... look at their knife.” Anshine pointed, and Xeron, seeing what was left of Ulipse,
changed his mood immediately. A tear dropped into the quicksand below.
“What the fuck... Ixol is gonna kill me. They’re gonna kill me for this. Why am I always
late?!” Xeron started to yell and grabbed the knife and tried to stab himself, but failed. Xeron
started to cry even harder than before. Darkness filled the world, and chains started to impale
Xeron, who was bleeding immensely. Anshine, horrified at Xeron’s expression and what he was
doing to himself, made him terrified. Xeron teleported away, leaving blood on the sand. Anshine,
staring at the blood, seeing what the Savior had done. He started to question whether the
Savior was even human. He started to think, and whenever he thought, it would just get more
and more worse, and more demented than the last thoguht.
Anshine had enough. He decided that he was going to lock himself away from the Savior
so that the Savior couldn’t progress. He knew that the Savior would catch up to him in a matter
of seconds. He looked around nervously, making sure that the Savior wouldn’t follow him and
backstab him, and returned to the Emporium and back into his world.
To his grief, the Savior was waiting there, anticipating Anshine’s arrival. The Savior
stared at Anshine with a smiling face, and immediately tried to slash at Anshine. However,
Anshine, expecting a quick attack, opened a portal to his challenge course in which to flew into.
However, the Savior quickly jumped into the portal and started attacking Anshine in his
challenge course.
Violence filled the sky, and the Star Savior, who once seemed very innocent, was now
on a murdering spree to kill every point that exists. Anshine was now running away from a
bloodthirsty being with the goal to cause mayhem. Anshine was flying incredibly fast, but no
longer attacking the Savior. He was fleeing for his life. He clinged onto his Soul, which was
violently vibrating in his body. The Savior was jumping at Anshine at every point they could, and
eventually caught him. They crashed into the ground, and the Savior held Anshine to the ground
with a neck hold. Anshine, devoid of hope, laughed and stabbed a gigantic star into both himself
and the Savior, heavily injuring the Savior and killing himself.
The Savior struggled to get the star out of their body, and with the little bit of their life left,
they grabbed Anshine’s symbol and dragged themselves back into the Emporium.

Chapter Five: Awareness

The Savior, dragging themselves towards Arrolin and Mino’s domain, clutching onto their
weapons. The Savior, driven by their own will to keep killing Points, kept them going on, and
they weren’t going to give up until every point was dead. They suddenly collapsed onto the floor,
blood on the floors. They struggled to stand up again, and took their last breath before
eventually coming back again. However, even some of the more powerful Points, enhanced by
their own determination, weren't able to defeat the Savior. The Savior was too powerful for
them, no matter the amount of effort poured in stopping them.
The Savior returned, fully back in the very flesh and bone they were in, and approached
the portal to Mad Dragon Festival. The Savior looked around, to make sure there was no one
spying on them, and went into the portal.
“I’d better not be late this time, huh?”
The Savior hopped over the dragons at the Spawnpoint and hid their knife in their
pocket. They approached Arrolin, and immediately offered to enter his challenge course. Arrolin
looked with a confused expression, and smiled.
“Look. I don’t even know you yet, and you wanna do my course already?” The Savior
nodded, and Arrolin nodded her head.
“Ah. You’re funny. I guess we can make that happen? Take your time. Don’t worry, if you
need me, I’m not going anywhere!” She said, and let the Savior into the course. Little does she
know however, the Savior was a dirty killer, and these would be the last minutes of her life, and
probably everyone else’s. The Savior swiftly finished the course without any trouble, and Arrolin
applauded them for their great work.
“Ah haha! You really are skilled. Say, you haven’t seen that course before right? You
definitely have good reaction timing. Hah...” Arrolin abruptly stopped laughing, and started to
change her expression. She looked at the Savior with a frown, and asked the Savior a particular
“Eh... What’s this feeling? I feel like you have a weird aura on you. Say, where has
Ulipse gone? I really miss her. She hasn’t been responding lately. Any ideas?” She asked with
an increasingly twisted expression. She looked at the Savior with a burning feeling in her Soul,
something that is telling her to strike at them. She moved her hand behind her back, and
grabbed a hold of something. The Savior reached into their pocket and also seemed to grab
“You know, I didn’t wanna fight, but I should have killed you when I had the chance to.
You dirty killer.” Arrolin was furious. Her symbol was glowing intensely, and fire began to sprout
around the two of them. The Savior grabbed their knife, and fireworks filled the sky. Sparks flew
everywhere. The Savior was the first to strike at Arrolin, but she reached out and grabbed a
katana at the last second. The two of them stared at each other, until Arrolin changed her
alignment and hit the Savior on the waist. The Savior however, did not react to this hit. They
stayed determined to kill their enemy.
Arrolin was determined too. And at the corner of her eye, Xeron was watching behind the
wall. He gave Arrolin a sign, and she nodded her head and turned back towards the Savior.
However, before she knew it, she was stabbed right in the stomach by the Savior, who tore the
symbol off her face. The Savior smiled at Arrolin, and looked to their side. Xeron appeared from
the wall and used telekinesis to slam the Savior into the wall, splattering their blood on the walls
and dissolving their entire body. Xeron stood in place, looked at the wall, and looked back. He
didn’t laugh this time. He didn’t give a speech to himself this time. He sighed, and picked up
Arrolin’s body. However, just when he was about to leave, he got a message from his tablet.

Hix: They’ve gone through seven kills, huh?

Hix: Do this before the Savior gets to Ixol.
Hix: Lock Cyalm’s door and his dimension. All Points will be eradicated if it is left open.

Xeron thought about it, and left immediately. He knew that if Cyalm was killed, they would be
able to erase Ascension, and erase the Timeline if he died. Knowing this, he rushed back to the
The Savior, impatient, decided that they were going to start killing anything that comes in
their path. The Savior confronted Mino in Battery Canyon, and approached them. Mino turned
their head towards the side, and looked at them.
“Ha. Ha. You want to fight me? He already knows. He will lock the doors. Even if you kill
me, you won’t stop our existence’s survival. Even if you kill me, I will just come back again.”
Mino laughed at the Savior, and did not react. The Savior stepped forward again, and did not
even try to hide their knife. They pointed it at Mino, and looked unsatisfied.
“Take your shot. I know I will perish in one hit, I know I cannot kill you. However, it is
impossible for you to kill Cyalm. You cannot kill all of us.” Mino looked at the Savior. The Savior
stepped forward one more time. Mino looked confused. They wondered why the Savior hadn’t
killed them yet. Then, when it was the least expected, the Savior slashed at him and killed Mino.
The Savior took Mino’s symbol and left for Distortion Paradise.

Chapter Six: Cry

The Savior jumped down to Distortion Paradise. The more the Savior killed, a pain grew
in their head. A voice telling them to keep going. To keep killing everyone. The Savior entered
the portal with little hesitation. However, behind them, yellow corrupted spikes flew towards the
portal out of the air. As the Savior entered Distortion Paradise, a plaguing feeling controlled their
mind. They twitched, and were paralysed. Spikes went through the portal, and damaged the
Savior. Struggling to get up, they decided to crawl to Ixol, pulling out the spikes that clung to
their body.
Ixol saw the Savior crawling on the ground. He was talking to Shallare and Signol. He
looked at the Savior furiously. His symbol was flashing violently. He stepped forward to the
Savior, and summoned a plague-like sword that was dripping an alive, amorphous liquid on the
ground. Ixol stomped the ground and started to cry. Shallare and Signol looked at Ixol.
W H Y ‘ D Y O U K I L L M Y S I S T E R ? ” Ixol screamed. He pounded the ground with
his feet and immediately tried to kill the Savior. Lighting popped out of the ground and
electrocuted the Savior multiple times. He swiped his hand and summoned red spikes in the air.
Many of them hit the Savior and Ixol grabbed the Savior and ate off their head. He breathed
heavily, spitting out blood. He turned to Shallar and Signol, who stepped back. Ixol surrounded
them with stone walls, ensuring their safety. The Savior arrived again, who dodged all of the
spikes, and threw their knife at the stone wall that Ixol put up, however, the Savior threw it so
hard that it penetrated the wall and killed Shallare and Signol. The Savior ran over to the wall
and got their knife back. Ixol tried charging at the Savior.
The Savior jumped at Ixol, who got hit. However, unlike the others, he did not die in a
single hit. He simply pulled out the knife and threw it back at the Savior. The Savior, seeing how
Ixol reacted now, was a little bit nervous. However, even when they had lost their signature
weapon, they continued fighting. Ixol wiped the tears off his face, and held his sword. He struck
at the Savior with all of his might. Red spikes got summoned around him again. The Savoir was
too overwhelmed. They could not dodge all of the spikes. So in a last resort, they pointed their
Shooting Star at Ixol again, and tanked all of the spikes.
Ixol surprisingly fell on the Shooting Star, impaling him. When he attempted to pull
himself out of the weapon, the Savior went for their knife, and stabbed Ixol in the neck. They
dragged Ixol upwards with their knife, and threw him on the ground. The Savior said something
to Ixol, which surprised him.
“Who’s kneeling to who now, motherfucker?”
Ixol laughed. Memories started to flood back to him, and his laughter faded away. He
also said something to the Savior before he died. He whispered to the Savior.
“If by any chance, you haven’t killed my other sister and brother yet... Tell them I love
them, okay?” With his last breath, he vanished into dust. The Savior took his symbol and
returned to the Emporium.
The Savior looked under the platform of the Emporium. It seems that the Savior has
seen something new. They jumped below the Emporium, and entered a entirely dark area. They
twitched violently in this area. Their perspective began to warp, and frozen chills ran down their
spine, and their face started to heat up immensely. Their expression changed from a smile into a
expression of regret. They tried to look around, and could only look downwards, into an endless
darkness. They seemed to be falling, but also seemingly falling upwards. The Savoir tried to flip
their body, and landed on their back on an empty ground. They once again, struggled to get up.
They tried to sit, but failed. A warm feeling went down their spine, and after many struggles,
they finally got to stand up. They limped their arms, and wandered around the darkness. The
room that they were in lit up, and everything started to make sense again.
The Savior found themselves in a hellish dimension with burning rocks, lava flowing
everywhere black spikes and broken bones peeking out of the ground, in a bright, warm cave.
However, to the Savior's surprise, it looked barren. There was no one waiting for them. The
Savior was all alone. They looked around. Paranoid that they were going to get ambushed
again, they quickly fled into a portal. The Sign above the Portal was worn out. However, it read:

World 16

Chapter Seven: Broken

The Savior entered Corrupted Core. They looked around, turning serious again. They
walked forward a couple steps, but tripped on the ground. They looked to their side. They saw a
strange being next to them. A shadow covered their face. The strange being reached out their
hand, in a seemingly act of kindness. The Savior could not see well who it was, but being
desperate to finish their mission, they reached out for their hand and grabbed for their knife.
However, the strange being hand saw this coming, and grabbed their hand and dodged the
attack. They summoned a spike on the Savior’s hand and kicked the Savior. The knife flew out
of the Savior’s hand and they fell to the ground. The strange being looked at the Savior and the
shadow cleared up. The Savior breathed heavily. There, standing in front of them, was Ido. He
looked at the Savior with his own knife in hand.
“Look kid. I don’t wanna be the bad guy here. But to you, I am the bad guy. You fucker.
You killed Ulipse and Ixol didn’t you?” The Savior smiled. They pointed to their knife, which was
now embedded into the ground. Ido was furious. His body started to burn, and his skin started to
melt. Bone and flesh showed beneath his skin, and he inched away from the Savior by a few
steps. “Haha. You dirty brother killer. You’ve heard that quote before haven’t you? If you get past
me, you’re gonna kill my twin sister aren’cha? If you freed us, we were gonna have a good time.
I was even gonna have a child, but you had you ruin it, did you?” Ido breathed heavily and
slashed the head off the Savior’s body. He stepped away from the portal, and summoned an
uncountable mob of probes and drones at the portal.
Ido waited and waited for the Savior to come, however, did not want to make the same
mistake as Anshine, with Ulipse dead. He rushed to his sister’s world, Glitchy Gardens, and saw
her and the Savior meeting face to face. Elva was giggling, until she saw Ido. She flew to Ido,
and hugged him on the shoulder. Ido was not fazed nor did he react. He stared at the Savior
and flew towards them, going away from Elva’s clutches. The Savior could not dodge Ido’s
attack, and got blown into the wall. The Savior struggled to recover. Elva smiled, but questioned
Ido in a confused manner.
“Yeah?” Ido looked at Elva, recovering his skin.
“Why did you just punt that kid into the wall?”
“You wanna know why Ulipse and Ixol haven’t been answering lately? It’s because
they’re dead. The Savior killed them.” Elva looked in shock, and pulled out a folded piece of
paper from her breast pocket of a crimson-red dress that she was wearing. She unfolded it, and
there was a photo of her family. Ulipse, Ixol, Ido, herself, and some larger people with black
crosses and scars on their bodies. Elva started to cry. She lowered herself onto the ground. She
kneeled down, and wailed. Ido looked at the Savior, crawling towards Elva. He flew straight at
the Savior and picked them up. Ido grabbed the Savior by an arm and flung them into a stone
surface. The Savior looked at Ido, and spat out blood. Ido went to Elva, and tried comforting her.
The two of them kneeled on the ground, and the Savior, who smiled at their sadness. They
propelled themselves off of the stone, and grabbed a sharp rock.
The Savior walked slowly towards Ido and Elva, crying on the ground. They reached into
their jacket pocket and grabbed the Shooting Star. Elva looked up, and smiled at the Savior.
“Ha... You want to kill me, huh? Go ahead. There is no point in me living anymore. You’ll
kill my brother too, won’t you? I won’t even try to muster a fight against you. Motherfucker... You
were supposed to save us. But now I’ll have to join my family. I guess there won’t be anyone to
dig a grave for you if there isn’t anyone left... Haha...” Elva started to cry again, but stood up and
walked towards the Savior. Ido looked at her, and looked back down at the ground, with anger
and sadness. He teleported behind the Savior, and grabbed them by the neck. He threw the
Savior with an incredible strength at the ground, and he started stomping at them, and trying to
kill them.
However, behind Ido, he heard a knife. He heard something splatter on the floor, and
looked behind him. There he saw Elva, who impaled a glowing, red knife into her neck. She flew
towards Ido and also shoved that knife in his neck. Elva smiled and hugged and kissed Ido. The
two of them dropped on the ground, lifeless, and eventually turning into dust. The Savior,
surprised by this, stood up and took their symbols away. The Savior felt the pressure in their
head. They clutched their head, and dropped onto the ground. A burning feeling emerged into
their Soul. They had to keep going. They have acquired eleven Symbols thus far, and they were
going to collect more.

Chapter Eight: Tears

The Savior left Glitchy Gardens and looked to their left. Two other portals opened up.
The Savior didn’t bother to read the signs that were labeled on the portals. The Savior entered
the one closest to them. The sign read:

Corrupted Clockwork (Coming Soon)

World 18

The Savior was sent onto a stone platform in a large tower. However, they couldn’t see
much. The Savior sighed and jumped on the gears that led a path upwards. They were trying to
find the point that resided here.
However, a force sent the Savior back to the beginning. The Savior sighed and went up
the gears again. The force came again and again, sabotaging the Savior until they died once.
The Savior, impatient, climbed up the tower and saw a cyan-colored Point. They looked
at the Savior. Their symbol changed from a dark-cyan to a green color. The Savior was stuck in
place, unable to move. Upon closer inspection, it seemed like everything was stuck in place.
The Point flew around his world, and killed the Savior by shoving a clock hand into the Savior’s
chest. His symbol turned cyan again.
The Savior came back yet again, and saw the Point. The Point laughed and decided to
introduce himself.
“Hey. I’m Cyfe. You will probably hear this sentence more than once. This is because I
am the third point of time. I control the Present, or the Now. What I just did to you was freeze
time, and send the Present back into the past. Now you really like swinging that thing around
don’t you?” Cyfe stared at the Savior with a smile. He waited in place, seemingly waiting for the
Savior to attack him, which they did. Cyfe had already expected this, and paused time. His
symbol flashed green, and reached their hand to take away their knife. They flew away and
threw it back at the Savior, hitting them on the head. Cyfe snapped and time unfroze. Blood
came out of the Savior’s head and they fell into the bottomless abyss below.
Cyfe laughed and laughed, as he found an endless amount of creative ways to kill the
Savior, and the Savior kept trying and trying to kill Cyfe.
They knew that going to the other world, World 19 wouldn’t work because Cyfe would
simply pull back time or follow them. The Savior kept dying again and again. They kept
attacking Cyfe, even when they lost both of their weapons, they kept fighting. Until the Savior
got hold of Cyfe. The Savior pushed Cyfe downwards with much pressure and they went back in
time. Cyfe landed on a gear when the two of them returned to the time of their first encounter.
The Savior got their knife back, and killed Cyfe. The Savior took away Cyfe’s symbol and
returned to the Underworld.
They strolled over to a flashing portal at the end of the Cave, near a glowing white door
frame. There wasn’t a door in the doorframe, and seeing nowhere else to go, the Savior entered
World 19, with no other choice.
As the Savior entered World 19, a portal appeared in the doorframe. Xeron stepped out
of the portal. He dashed into the portal, following the Savior. The two of them entered, and
Xeron tried to kill the Savior, and succeeded in doing so. Xeron took away the Savior’s knife and
Shooting Star, and absorbed them. He looked at the portal to make sure the Savior didn’t go
back yet, and then went into the ground. He rendered the Savior almost harmless, and he
thought the rest of the timeline was safe. After the Savior had killed twelve Points, he thought he
had made a last minute save. However, the Savior came back, and ran to the left side of the
portal. Utida was awakened and chased after the Savior. She was much faster than them,
however, the Savior could dodge the attacks. They ran as fast as they could, and got hold of
several rocks. The Savior stuffed their pockets before dying to Utida.
“I have a feeling this won’t go well.” Utida whispered into the ground where Xeron went.
Xeron popped out of the hole, and rotated his head.
He moved his hand to his left, and by some miracle, stopped the Savior from killing
Utida. She got ready for their next attack, and watched the Savior climb some walls up to a high
platform. Xeron moved his right index finger to point at the Savior, and moved it to the right side.
The Savior has moved away by force. Utida looked back at Xeron, who shrugged.
The Savior jumped off the platform, killing themselves. This confused Utida, who smiled,
but confused. Xeron turned towards the portal, and used telekinesis to move it high into the air.
The Savior went through the portal and grabbed the portal frame. Xeron looked confused and
broke the portal frame into multiple pieces. The Savior jumped down to a high platform, dodging
all of the rubble. They jumped down at Utida, who was not expecting the Savior to attack her
right away, and couldn’t react to the Savior’s movements. The Savior had killed Utida, grabbed
her symbol, and doged a powerful, big laser, shot by Xeron. He summoned a hammer that was
glowing red, and hit the Savior with it. They were blown into smithereens, and red particles
emerged from their point of death. Xeron stepped back, and returned to his world. He knew he
would be next, and he would die. He knew that no matter how many times the Savior dies, it
wouldn’t matter in the end. But the Savior only needs to kill him once. Knowing this, he
mustered up all of the energy and power he could, and returned to his world.
The pressure was on.

Chapter Nine: Death

Xeron met face to face with the Savior. The two of them stood on a glowing, white
flatform in an endless black room. The two of them stared at each other, until Xeron broke the
“Look, kid. I know I will be your last obstacle, and don’t think I’m gonna go easy on you.
This isn’t about us anymore. You’ll destroy the whole timeline, and everyone will cease to exist,
including you. Is that what you want? You’ll kill me eventually. I know that will happen. But I
guess if you kill me... and erase the world... you won’t have anyone to kill you. Because you
killed everyone, or rather completely deleted them from the plane of existence. But now, there is
no turning back. I will serve justice, and I will fight you ‘till the very end, and if I die... You might
not like what lies ahead of you kid. So there is no point for you to leave anymore. I will kill you,
until you can get past me. To erase the world. I don’t know what you are trying to achieve, kid,
but you won’t like it. I can guarantee that. You freak.” Xeron stopped talking, and slowly floated
into the air. A chill went down both of their spines, and Xeron was serious now. The Savior could
only use what they had to their advantage, meanwhile Xeron, had everyone’s power. He looked
down at the Savior. He grabbed a portion of the platform they started on, and flung it at the
The Savior ran across the white platform and jumped onto the floating platform. Xeron
grabbed another one and tried banging it on the Savior. The Savior held their knife, which
turned into a fierce, glowing red knife. They used it to cut the white material into many pieces,
and Xeron returned the attack by attempting to hit the Savior with the rubble.
The Savior jumped back onto the original platform, grabbing their Shooting Star. They
attempted to shoot Xeron, who was flying at an incredible speed. Xeron’s symbol began to flash,
and he fired a red, black and white laser. He used this to chase down the Savior, and he
managed to force the Savior into a dangerous spot: on the edge of the platform.
The Savior looked down into the abyss, and smiled. They put their Shooting Star back in
their pocket, and just as Xeron was about to kill them, the Savior pulled out Ulipse, Ixol, Ido and
Elva’s symbols at once, and this startled Xeron. He realised what was going on now. The Savior
could use the symbols the Savior had collected and attack him much easier now. The Savior
used Ido’s symbol, and started to levitate. They could now fly much faster than Xeron could, and
Xeron backed away. However, Xeron had essentially everyone’s powers, and realised his true
He turned his back to the Savior and started flying away at Ido’s speed. He had
transformed into his True Form, when it was much easier to fight the Savior. When the Savior
tried attacking Xeron, he would summon his shards to kill the Savior over, and over, and over
The Savior was overwhelmed. Xeron was too powerful beyond imagination, and decided
to take off their smile, and get serious. They held out Elva’s symbol, and summoned her knives.
They charged at Xeron, who managed to dodge them all and block a few. He kept finding a
counter to every Point’s attack that the Savior used, and the Savior, still, kept dying over and
over and over again. However, the more the Savior died, the more they learned. They could
learn to parry Xeron’s defenses, and eventually met Xeron to what would be their final time.
Xeron felt a pressure in his head. Something that tells him that things aren’t going to go well this
time. So Xeron gave the Savior a final speech.
“So uh... you’ve died quite a lot huh? Well, lucky for you, there is a solid chance that you
won’t die this attempt. But I just wanna know. Why are you doing this? Is there some kind of
purpose that you’re-”
Xeron fired a giant laser at the Savior, interrupting his own speech. The Savior managed
to dodge the attack, and Xeron kept talking.
“I see. This is the time when I die. I’ll let you take a free shot. Come on buddy. I know
you can change though. Is there a reason why you’re doing this? Were you feeling oppressed?
Did we somehow make you feel unpleasant? Or is there some sort of joke that I’m missing
here? I know you can change. I’ll let you make the first move. You decide your future, as well as
all of ours’. I know you can do it, kid.” Xeron stood in place, waiting for a response.
The Savior stepped forward, and hesitated.
They clutched their knife.
And they threw it at Xeron. He took the hit and collapsed onto the ground. He breathed
heavily, and gave the Savior another speech.
“Ah... I see now. You thought about it for a while, just for me to die in the end? You really
are a psychopath. But you are probably wondering... Why didn’t I dodge your hit? Well, the short
answer is... There is no point. That wasn’t intended to be funny, but no matter how much I try to
dodge your attacks... I will eventually die. If I kill you, you can just come back. So as my last
words... Tell Hix that you killed me. You deserve to see what is at the end of this run... To see
what you have earned. So lemme tell you... If you want to erase the world, just kill Hix. But don’t
say I didn’t warn you. Ha... ha... ha...” Xeron’s laugh faded away, as he turned into dust. The
Savior grabbed his symbol, and left the Underworld.

Chapter Ten: Erase The World

The Savior arrived in a dark, empty room. It was completely silent, and suddenly, Hix
appeared in front of the Savior. Hix stared at the Savior and looked at the dust on the Savior’s
hands. He looked at the knife the Savior held. Hix started laughing.
“So. This is the end of your journey. You must be looking to find how this world
ends, huh? Xeron probably told you already. You must kill me to erase the world. And
you get your desired ending. However, you may or may not like what happens next.”
The Savior stepped forward. They smiled, and held out their knife.
“This is your last warning.” Hix looked at the Savior, and stared at the knife. The
Savior slashed at Hix, who fell in a single hit. He lay on the ground, lifeless.
However, when the Savior tried to take away their symbol, Hix’s corpse started to float,
and float towards the Savior. A demonic screech sound from Hix’s body, and the Savior, scared,
tried to back away and hit the thing.
Hix’s body floated faster and faster until it caught the Savior. The Savior turned around
and saw a flash. Then, there was nothing. The world was erased, and so did everything else.
Fan-Points Info

1. Ido (Drox)
Full Name: Ido Drox Kalo
Symbol Description: Brown, Right-Facing Crescent
Gender: Male
Aspect: Destruction, Chaos
Alias(es): Therapist (Xeron)
Relations: Ixol (Twin Brother), Elva (Twin Sister), Ulipse (Sister), Oros (Dead Father), Aima
(Dead Mother)
Gradient: Dark Blue (Top), Brown (Bottom)

Ido is the Sixteenth Point. He is a Point based on Destruction and Chaos and is the brother of
Ixol and Elva. He is normally very quiet and contained, however when he is bored or when he is
talking to friends, he is very loud and talks a lot. His symbol is a brown, left-facing crescent that
is mirrored horizontally in his True Form. In his Final Form (almost every Fan-Point onward from
here has one) an oval is shown in between the two crescents. He has a Nightmare Form, like all
of his other family members, including Ulipse from Elva’s teachings. His nightmare Form is to
throw explosives and radioactive chemicals at the target. He also occasionally uses Nuclear
Weapons and Lasers. He attacks with fire, lasers, bombs, and by running into the victim at a
very high speed, almost as fast as light.

His Abilities Include:

Antimatter Fusion - Ido can charge up Probes and Drones that move around him that shoot
deadly fluids. Touching these fluids causes the atomic structures in your body to merge together
and melt the victim into a corrupted lump of antimatter.
Unlimited Chaos - Extremely random and chaotic events will occur around Ido. This includes
Zero Gravity, Perspective Alternation, Sprite Remover, etc.

Ido is based on one of Xeron's real life friends. Their family name, Kalo, is a shortened version
of the Greek word, καλούπι or kaloúpi, which means “die” in English. Every member of their
family currently has exactly four letters in each of their names.

2. Elva
Full Name: Necrag Elva Kalo
Symbol Description: Pink, Down-Facing Arrow
Gender: Female
Aspect: Pain, Horror
Alias(es): Demon (Xeron, Utida, Iszo), Furry (Xeron)
Relations: Ixol (Twin Brother), Ido (Twin Brother), Ulipse (Sister), Oros (Dead Father), Aima
(Dead Mother)
Gradient: Green (Top), Pink (Bottom)
Elva is the Seventeenth Point. Elva is a Demon themed Point that usually surrounds painful or
twisted thoughts that involve suffering or torture. She normally acts in a very cute manner,
however becomes very serious very quickly and easily provoked. Her symbol is a pink,
Upside-Down Arrow, which is mirrored vertically in her True Form. In her Final Form, An oval
appears in between the two arrows and a mouth with several tongues and sharp teeth appear
on the stomach area. She has a Nightmare Form, like all of her family members. Her Nightmare
Form is to surround the target with total darkness and attack the target with several parts in the
human body, like hands, bones, and eyeballs. When she is fighting, she occasionally plays with
the corpse of the dead victim. She can not withstand much damage, but her resistance to
physical pain is very high. The only time when she can truly feel pain is emotionally. This
includes how in her backstory, she attempted suicide when she found her parents dead. Ido
stopped her from doing so. She attacks with knives.

Her Abilities Include:

Blood Control - Elva can control the blood of any entity that is weaker than her. This includes
taking all blood out of a victim’s body.
Forbidden Magic - A very powerful attack. This removes all sound around the victim, and also
causes the victim to see nothing other than themselves. Then very powerful strikes fly towards
the victim, almost certainly killing or injuring them. However, as powerful as this attack is, Elva
can also be damaged significantly. She almost never uses this attack for that reason.

Elva’s name and personality are based on one of Xeron’s real life friends. She is also the only
point with visible facial features (cheeks), excluding eyes, mouth and symbol. Their family name,
Kalo, is a shortened version of the Greek word, καλούπι or kaloúpi, which means “die” in
English. Every member of their family currently has exactly four letters in each of their names.

3. Cyfe
Full Name: Jannis Cyfe Winslaw
Symbol Description: Dark Cyan, Upside-Down Water Drop
Gender: Male
Aspect: The Present
Alias(es): Brothermon (Xeron), Jan Da Man (Xeron, Axum)
Relations: Axum (Brother), Hix (Best Friend), Xeron (Best Friend)
Gradient: White (Top), Cyan (Bottom)

Cyfe is the Eighteenth Point. Cyfe appears to be a regular person, and is very calm most of the
time. He can warp the present time, and bring an alternate time chunk to the real present. He
resides in his world most of the time, and he is the only Point after ascension that has not
bossfight. This is because he knows no matter how hard he tries, the Savior will always beat
him. This is true in all routes, so he skips ahead of the fight. If you are playing on the Pacifist
Route or Neutral Route, then you collect his symbol for free. If you are playing on the Genocide
Route, he dissapears and you teleport back to the Underworld, with his symbol already
collected. He has no attacks, but can rather mess with people, and is the least serious out of all
of the points. He has no True Form or Final Form, hence the fact he has no boss fight.

His Abilities Include:

Alternate Timeline - He can create a new timeline, and alter that timeline as much as he wants
to. He can also destroy timelines he creates, and jump in between them to get special buffs,
items, etc.
Ultimate Control - He controls all time, meaning he can see the future and the past at any
range locked in the usage location. He can also freeze time or move the present backwards or
forwards, to skip events, but not alter them by skipping ahead.

Cyfe’s name and personality are based on one of Xeron’s real life friends. He is also canonically
the brother of Axum, which is true in real life as well. Axum’s personality is also based off ???’s
twin brother.

4. Utida
Full Name: Trina Utida Envlo
Symbol Description: Orange, Hollow Rhombus
Gender: Female
Aspect: Illusion
Alias(es): My Best Friend (Iszo)
Relations: Iszo (Best Friend)
Gradient: Black (Top), Orange (Middle), White (Bottom)

Utida is the Nineteenth Point. Utida appears as a being without a sprite during the
Pacifist/Neutral Routes, showing only her silhouette. Her true identity is hidden until the boss
fight in the Pacifist or Neutral Routes, or when you enter the world in the Genocide Route. Her
True Form symbol separates the rhombus into two arrows pointing in opposite directions, with
another, small rhombus inside. In her Final Form, two new arrows appear, pointing up and
down. Her boss fight includes fake attacks. Her personality is very mixed, and sometimes meets
extreme levels. This is explained as in the dialouge in the Pacifist Route is very cheerful and
happy, and very upset and enraged in the Genocide Route.

Her Abilities Include:

Defy - This ability is very special because it only affects herself, switching gravity to any
Summon Sprite - Utida can summon any material with any sprite, including air. Meaning that a
material can look differently than what it actually is.
5. Xeron
Full Name: Arog Xeron Cosim
Symbol Description: Dark Red Cross
Gender: Male
Aspect: Life and Death
Alias(es): xern (Signol, Cyfe, Axum, Hix)
Relations: Second Star Savior, Signol, Ulipse, Ixol, Morward, Pasless, Ido, Elva, Cyfe, Axum,
Zyro, Hix (Close Friends)
Gradient: Black

Xeron is the Twentieth Point. He is actually genetically modified to be a creature known as an

Amporpha, a being that can twist and seperate their body without consequence. They have lots
of close friends, however, does not like himself that much. He usually spends his time alone,
until the end of the Pacifist Route, where he learns to believe in himself by learning from his
friends, and in the Genocide Route, where he has to kill the Savior multiple times in order to try
and stop them. He has two parts to each form during his boss fight, each form increasing in
difficulty by a drastic amount. In his True Form, two triangles, pointing up and down are added
to his symbol. In the Genocide Route, another change is added onto this with a torn jacket and
pants. In his Final Form, his original symbol is copied and rotated 90 degrees, to make a
cross-like shape. His jacket and pants become even more torn in the Genocide Route, and his
body begins to burn and melt. His emotions are usually negative, and he is proven to have
Autophobia, a fear of being alone. This is also in fact, true in real life.

His Abilities Include:

Atomic Transmutation Orientation Manipulator (ATOM) - This is a special device that Xeron
carries on him that is used as a messaging tablet but also the device that allows him for easy
Infinity - Xeron can unleash his full power, allowing him to use every power from every Point in
the Sky Emporium, Cyalm’s Pocket Dimension, The Underworld and the Timeline.

Genocide Run Criteria

Load in the world and enter Adventure Grounds. Collecting stars in the world is recommended,
but not required. After getting everything you want in the world, talk to Shallare and press [No]
when he offers you to enter his challenge course. Press the [Kill] button afterward. Exit the
world, and this will signal the start of the Genocide Route. If aborted at any point, the game will
abort the run and will instead start the Neutral Route from that point onwards. After exiting the
world, you cannot enter without aborting the Genocide Run. Enter Cavern Club. You do not
need stars to enter the Challenge Course, as Signol will not be there to aid you. Complete the
challenge course and collect her symbol, and return to the Emporium. Compale’s fight will
immediately begin when you return to the Emporium. Kill Compale and take his Symbol away
from him. Enter Ploque’s world and enter the Challenge Course after collecting the required
amount of stars. She will question how you completed the challenge course so fast, no matter
the amount of time taken after you return to Ploque. Your character will be forced forward and
forced to kill Ploque, and you will get a scripted death from Xeron. You will reset at the
Emporium. You must then skip Star Sanctuary, as Anshine would kill you immediately. Kill Ulipse
in Sandbrick Sandbox, and return to the start of the world. A fight with Anshine will begin, and
you will keep your Shooting Star. Two minutes into the fight, and you will get another scripted
death from Xeron. You must then return to Star Sanctuary, and catch Anshine in his challenge
course, and kill him in Stratosfear’s Altar Room. Enter Mad Dragon Festival and Battery Canyon
and kill Arrolin and Mino after completing their course. It does not require stars, and then you
can enter Distortion Paradise, where Ixol will appear. He will not be there to greet you at
Distortion Paradise if Arrolin and Mino are not dead yet. You must kill Shallare and Signol during
the fight before killing Ixol, or else the Genocide Run will be aborted. After killing Ixol and all
other points in the main Emporium, you must enter the portal to the Underworld, under the
Emporium. Cyalm’s dimension is locked, therefore Ascension, the Timeline Worlds and World 0
are inaccessible. Kill the four other Points in the Underworld, and fight Xeron. After killing Xeron,
Hix will be there to greet you after you respawn in a completely black room. Exiting the game at
this point will reset Xeron’s fight from the beginning. He offers to kill himself, which you must
choose to. If you do not, you will get the Genocide-Neutral Ending and Hix will kill you instead.
After killing Hix, you will receive a bit of dialogue and jumpscare, as well as a disconnect. This
signals the completion of the Genocide Route. You are unable to enter any extra hidden secrets
as opposed to the Pacifist Route.

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