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GMRC 8: MODULE 18 The Key to Building Lasting Relationship



Communication plays a very vital role in relationships. Aside from verbal language, there are many
ways by which a person can communicate. Have you ever thought of how babies express that they are
hungry or feeling some discomfort? How do the deaf-mute express what they want to say? In addition to
this, how will you understand the varied sentiments of artists? Artists have varied ways of self-expression:
through melodies of a song, through the strokes of a brush, through the lens of a camera, through the lines
of a poem, or through other creative ways.
In communication, what is important is to consider that the message sender is able to put across
the sentiment that he/she wishes to express and that the receiver of the message is also capable of
understanding the message. When either one fails to express or to understand what each one has to send
or to receive, then there is miscommunication or a failure in thee communication process.
In any relationship, both parties develop a liking for one another through communication. They
understand each other’s sentiments, discover common interests, and simply communicate with each other
very well. Troubles brew when there is failure in communication.
But before you think about the significance of communication when it comes to your personal
relationships with people, first go through some basic information about the communication process.
According to American author David Berlo, in every communication event, there are four basic
elements: the sender, the message, the channel, and the receiver. 'The diagram below illustrates these

Sender Message Channel Receiver

When you are listening to a speech, the speaker is the sender; his/her words, the message and the
listener, the receiver of his/her message. To those looking at an abstract painting, the painter is the sender;
within the painting lies the message; and the viewer, the receiver.
As you can see in the given examples, a person can relay messages through different forms of
media. One can use the medium that he/she is most comfortable with: through speech, poems, songs,
paintings, sculptures, collages, photos, films, and the like. These media represent the channel element.
Indeed, communication takes different forms.
The most common form of communication is verbal or linguistic. Much of your communication with
others take the form of written or spoken words. Whether you are having a dialogue or conversation with a
friend, listening to a classroom lecture, or sending a text message or e-mail, you are all engaging in verbal
communication with others.
However, you can also use more artistic ways of expressing yourself. Through the use of visual
communication, you may create works of art such as a painting or a collage to articulate your thoughts and
feelings. You can also convey messages through music and songs. You may even combine media or
create short films or other kinds of audio-visual materials.


How do you communicate with others? What are some of your challenges in communicating with others?
As mentioned earlier,
Directions: answer the following.

Because of your different personal experiences, you tend to think, act, and feel differently. You cannot
expect others to think, act, and feel exactly the same way you do.
Therefore, even if you hear the same words or look at the same picture, you cannot make sure that
your interpretations are the same. Take the image at the right for example. Look at the illustration very
There are two images that can be seen in this illustration. Can
you clearly see the two images?
1. The two images are those of the old lady and the young lady.
2. The necklace of the young lady is the mouth of the old lady.
3. The nose of the old lady is the chin of the young lady
4. The eye of the old lady is the ear of the young lady.

Because of your differences, some of you may notice the old lady first before becoming aware
of the young lady; others may see the opposite – noticing the young lady first before seeing the
old lady.
Which of the two images have you noticed first? __________________

Now answer the following questions.

1. Is it hard to communicate with other people? Why or why not?


2. Recall an instance when you had an argument with a friend. What happened? What was the
reason for your argument in the first place?


3. What are you doing in order to keep communication lines open with your friends and loved


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