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destruction of the environment due

to economic growth
● Environmental Issues
Contemporary can be traced to the Latin word
- Related to the environment and the
contemporarius. Its roots –con– means “part of''
effects of human activity
and tempus or tempor– means “time”. Put together,
- Ex. climate change, environmental
they mean “of (this) time”
management in relation to progress,
Contemporary as relating to the present period or
and effective strategies for disaster
from the recent past.
management and risk reduction
● Social Issues
An issue is a topic being debated upon or a point of
- Issues encountered by the different
a heated discussion. An issue is a usual outcome
sectors of society
of an unpleasant discussion or situation that people
- ethnic groupings, religion, sexuality,
would want to address or give remedy to.
and economic standing
- Ex. sexual and religious
Contemporary Issues refer to important topics of
discrimination, ethnic or gender
great relevance that are happening at present or
inequality, and abuse of women and
have happened in the recent past.
Connections between issues are not impossible. In
Classifying Based on Field
fact, many issues may be intertwined and
● Political Issues
connected in one way or another.
- Issues on the system of governance,
acquisition and use of political
Classifying Based on Scope
power, and exercise of political
● Local Issues : those that affect a certain
duties and mandates
community, which may be within the
- Ex. proliferation of political
confines of a subdivision, a barangay, a
dynasties, electoral fraud,
province, or a city.
constitutional amendment, and
● National Issues : affect the entire country, a
majority of its localities, or a large portion of
● Cultural Issues
- Lifestyle, art, literature, and values
● Worldwide Issues : affects many countries
across continents at one time
- Ex. care and preservation of cultural
wealth, neglect of indegenous
Analyzing Contemporary Issues
culture and traditions, and access to
The first step to take towards the conceptualization
good quality education
of a probable solution.
● Economic Issues
1. Finding its manifestations
- Livelihood of people, how they use
2. Identifying its implications
our resources and lack thereof
3. Looking back and learning lessons from the
- Ex. economic globalization,
unemployment, high inflation rate,
and the compromise or utter
Acknowledging the Effects and Manifestations
Notable Manifestations : can be seen or felt
These pose as actual proofs that issues are real
that is not owned or controlled by the
and require immediate action government.
Identifying the manifestations of an issue or a Corporate Social Responsibility - an initiative by
problem works hand in hand with identifying its the business sector ; a non-mandatory work or
effects as well. program of a private company for the benefit of a
Identifying effects : requires concrete proof which chosen cause such as the people or the
can be attained through coordinating further on an environment
Non-Government Organization : a non-profit
issue and its alleged effects group organized to work outside of the
government that is active in humanitarian,
● Post Hoc Fallacy - Be very critical of the educational, health care, public policy, social,
relationship between events especially of human rights, environmental, and other areas to
the causes and effects. “After this, therefore affect changes according to their objectives.
because of this;” a kind of fallacy of the
questionable cause variety Identifying the Roles to Play
● Begging the Question - a way to answer a ● The Government
question by giving a statement which in It is the role of the government to ensure the safety
reality is simply another way of stating the and well-being of its citizens. It renders services to
same question or a question of similar address the needs of the people. The government
nature. Explanations used when giving an is able to make these possible through the different
answer to a question should be clear and departments and their agencies.
right on target. (Judiciary, Legislative, Executive)
● Circular Reasoning : a fallacy where the ● The Private Sector
argument also needs much proof to be able Take part in the efforts to remedy timely and
to persuade. A way to connect two factors relevant social issues.
or things through cyclical information. Corporations extend a helping an in support of a
government program, or through the launching of a
Identifying the Implications company program for the benefit of a chosen
Possible effects or result of an issue, or its cause.
importance in relation to future plans ● Non-Governmental Organization
NGOs give out their services to a particular sector
Looking Back at the Past of society or push for an advocacy in support of that
Many of the issues we are facing today are issues sector.
that have been in existence for some time or were ● The Community
the result of events from the past Barangay officials, more than anyone else, should
By looking back at the past, we can see the details identify and address the needs of the people in
of the different issues surrounding us. This includes their community.
the root cause and even the history of an issue. ● Individuals
Should be the first one to make a move regarding
Towards the Right Solution issues that can affect the self, the community, the
One goal of looking into a contemporary issue is country, or the world.
finding the right solution for it. These are identifying
the roles to play for the different sectors who will Identifying and Evaluating the Steps to Take
take part in it, identifying and evaluating the current Listening to news programs ; reading a newspaper
steps to be taken, and synthesizing or identifying and different articles on the internet.
the right action to take.

Private Sector : a part of the country’s economy

Toward a Synthesis
Recommendations can now be made for a more A british environmentalist writer, there are two kinds
calculated and accurate solution to that issue. of environmentalists in the world:
Answering some important questions 1. Technocentric Environmentalist
From the knowledge and information considered in Man is above the environment. We can solve
the first steps, one can generally answer the environmental problems through the advancement
questions. in science and technology.
2. Ecocentric Environmentalist
Civic Consciousness, Genuine Service Emphasize the equality between the environment
Citizens get involved in an issue in one way or and man. They believe that there are some
another. Some may even be a part of the cause of scenarios wherein man has to respect and follow
the issue that started it all in the first place. the environment.
Some tend to promote the issue even more.
Whatever the case may be, some will inevitably be How a man value the environment is highly
part of the solution to the issue. dependent on his or her views and responsibility to

According to David Pepper, author of the book

Modern Environmentalism and a professor in
Geology, the way man treats the environment is
Interaction of Man and the Environment
largely dependent on his or her religion, culture and
Man, as compared to other organisms, could better
societal norms. This concept is also known as
comprehend the science of the environment.
“cultural filter”. These beliefs shape the way man
cares and preserve the environment.
Science can analyze the world’’s location, physical
attributes, and man’s interaction with the
Man and the Environmental Issues in Different Eras
● Homo Sapiens : Evidence of environmental
use and control were first seen.
Man can also modify what the environment can
● Prehistoric Man : used fire to create
offer to suit their needs.
materials and weapons
For example, the process of kaingin or the burning
● Ancient Civilization : utilized the fertile soil
of trees and other plants to convert the land for
near the bodies of water for farming to
farming can significantly increase the crops that
provide for their haste needs for food.
one can harvest.
● Roman Times : Air pollution became evident
There is a limitation on the extent by which man
due to the burning of wood, coal, and other
can alter the environment and its natural resources.
minerals. Romans called air pollution, back
then, as graviolis caeli or “heavy heaven”
Man’s Views on the Environment
● Industrial Revolution : Agricultural Products
significantly increased because of the
● Judaism, Christianism, and Muslim
machineries that hastened the farming
Man is the steward of God’s creation. Man should
process. Fabric production accelerated
manage and control the use of natural resources.
because of newly invented machines and
● Buddhism
additional factories
Treasures every living thing.
Every lost organism should be returned back to the
With progress comes environmental problems

Philosophy and Politics Era/Place Environmental Problem

● Tim O’Riordan
Industrial Revolution ● The need for wood Philippines is one of the top
increased asian countries wherein
● Air pollution there is a significant change
intensified due to in the number of teen
the smoke emitted pregnancy for the past two
by factories in decades
America and
Europe Climate Change 10,000 hectares of
● Bodies of water mangrove died in Northern
became polluted Australia. Death of
with garbage and Mangroves has something
chemical waste to do with climate change.
from factories and The scarcity of rain showers
other industries and continued increase in
the temperature account for
Europe and America Filled with smoke from the the loss of mangroves.
extensive use of coal for the
local and industrial needs Deforestation The significant loss of trees
in the Amazon in Brazil
Africa Changes in agricultural affects the increasing
methods implemented population of more than
during the era of Imperial 2000 species of plants,
Europe affected animal birds, ants and bees. Illegal
habitat and land fertility logging, kaingin, and farming
are the main causes of
Australia Continent’s ecosystem was deforestation in some
gravely affected by the regions.
changes in Europe’s farming
method. The uncontrolled Acid Rain Acid Rain destroyed some of
breeding of cows and sheep the lakes in Canada. Sulfur
led to erosion and and Nitric Acid brought
overgrowing of lands. about by acid rain have
gravely affected the lakes
Asia Fast growing population in and the insects and fishes
Asia brought about the living in it. Acid Rain
increasing demand for food. populates Holopedium, an
Forests were converted to organism that transforms the
farmlands polluted lake water into a
jelly like substance.
20th Century We finally confronted the
problems brought about by
these advancements. Environmental Issues in the Philippines
Agricultural progress and The geographical location of the Philippines makes
industrial growth became a
threat to the environment. it prone to different calamities, accidents, and other
environmental hazards. Hazard refers to any
Current Environmental Issues of the Philippines situation in a specific location that may threaten the
and the World health or safety of man.
● Natural Hazards : refers to any event or
situations brought about by natural causes
Environmental Issues World Event
and cannot be controlled by man. They are
Pollution Onitsha, a city in Nigeria, usually dependent on the location and
has the most polluted air. Air natural features of a country or city.
pollution can trigger stroke,
heart ailments, lung cancer, 1. Hydro-Meteorological Phenomena
and other chronic diseases and Hazard
- Cyclone, typhoon,
Global Warming NASA recorded the highest
temperature in the word last thunderstorm, flood, surge,
April 2016 landslide, global warming,
Overpopulation United Nations Population
and heat wave
Fund declared that the 2. Geological Phenomena and Hazard
- Earthquake, tsunami, and Climate change and global warming are
volcanic eruption interrelated.

● Human Induced Hazards : refers to events Global Warming : refers to the observable increase
or situations caused by the irresponsibility of in the Earth’s average temperature from its
man in promulgating a certain system previous record years ago to the present.
1. Environmental Hazard
- Pollution, Deforestation, and Climate Change in different regions causes some
Red Tide places to experience extremely hot or cold weather.
It also affects the snow and rainfall occurrences,
Natural hazard and human-induced hazard are which may result in extreme drought in some
usually related. regions.
Environmental hazards can become an
environmental disaster or calamity if one or more Causes of Climate Change
towns are in extreme danger as made evident by Greenhouse gasses refer to a type of gas that
the tragic loss of lives and properties. absorbs and emits radiant energy. Excessive
amounts of greenhouse gas trap the heat of the
sun in the earth’s atmosphere. This process is
called the greenhouse effect.

How each greenhouse gas contributes to global

Climate Change as a Global Issue
warming is dependent on three factors.
Global warming brought about by climate change
● The amount of the said gas in the
has something to do with human activities.
atmosphere, the time by which the gas
stays in the atmosphere, and the extent of
Background of Climate Change
trap heat in the Earth’s surface.
The UN General Assembly first recognized climate
● Carbon Dioxide is the most abundant
change in 1998 through a resolution sponsored by
greenhouse gas found in the atmosphere. It
the government of Malta. Climate Change is a
comes from the burning of fossil fuels to
“common concern of mankind that should be
produce oil and electricity, cutting down of
addressed immediately.”
trees, and other industrial and
NASA defined climate change as the normaal
manufacturing activities.
change in weather in a specific location.
● Methane, another greenhouse gas, is far
These changes can be manifested through
more destructive than carbon dioxide. It can
observable increase in the amount of rainfall or
trap 20% more heat as compared to carbon
sudden increase of temperature in a certain place.
Climate change can also refer to the overall shift in
the world temperature or climate.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) notes chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) as one of
Characteristics of Climate Change
the most destructive greenhouse gasses to the
● Increase in the average world temperature
Earth’s ozone layer.
● Sudden change in cloud movement and
precipitation system
There is also a 90% possibility that the excessive
● Melting of ice caps and glaciers in both
greenhouse gas was brought about by human
north and south pole
activities. Scientist Gerald Meehl noted that global
● Typhoons and cyclones are becoming more
warming should be controlled to avoid further
intense and violent
damage in the future.
The burning of fossil fuels like oil, coal, and natural this is a global issue that should be resolved by all
gas and the excessive cutting of trees are the major countries involved
causes of global warming.
● IPCC is famous for suggesting solutions to
Effects of Climate Change in the Future alleviate the problems of climate change.
They highlighted in 1990 during its first
Phenomenon Effects in Different Sectors assessment report the importance of
recognizing climate change as one of the
Frequency of heat wave and Poor yield of different biggest global issues that requires the
warm spells in different agricultural products on
regions warm places and a high cooperation of different countries to be
possibility of wildfire resolved.
Requires high supply of
● United Nations Framework Convention on
water that may result to CLimate Change (UNFCCC) where
water shortages or crisis international treaties to address climate
High incidents of heat stroke change were formulated
and other related illness in
both children and adults
Low quality of living for ● History
people who lack proper Is a global organization that is concerned with
shelter in hot places
environmental issues. It was established during the
Excessive Precipitation Destruction of agricultural Earth summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1992.
crops due to erosion and Uniting different countries against climate change
difficulty in planting crops
due to flooding by controlling the heightened rate of global
warming. To date, 197 countries are all working
Contamination, endangering
the quality of the surface together against climate change.
water and groundwater ● Movement of UNFCC
1. Lessen the level of concentration of
Floods that may affect
businesses, transportation, greenhouse gasses in the
and housing atmosphere through the control of
Strong and powerful Destroy agricultural crops, human activities that induces it.
typhoons trees, and coral reefs 2. Believes the highly progressive
countries should have the initiative
Endanger human and
animal life through the to implement new measures to
prevalence of food borne lessen the production of greenhouse
diseases and stress disorder
gas in different industries.
Destruction of property, 3. Should manage human activities
infrastructure, and livelihood that trigger climate change without
resulting to migration
sacrificing their opportunities for
Rising Sea Levels Effect on the level of salinity progress
which may impact the
freshwater irrigation
Sustainable development policies for mitigation and
Forced migration of different adaptation to the issues of climate change were
coastal communities
discussed in their fourth assessment report in 2007.
The following mitigation practices are noted in the
Programs, Policies, and Rules on Climate Change said report.
The negative effects of climate change on
agriculture, marine life, forests, food security,
health, livelihood, and infrastructure are proof that
● Kyoto Protocol (1997) Climate Change Commission (CCC)
Started in Kyoto, Japan To address this worldwide issue, the “Climate
KP unites the 37 highly industrialized countries and Change Act of 2009” or RA 9729 was passed under
the European community in its campaign to lessen President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s term, This
the greenhouse gas emission by 5% gave way to the establishment of the Climate
In 2012, the Doha Amendment for the Kyoto Change Commission (CCC) under the office of the
Protocol was approved. It stipulates measures on President
how to significantly lessen greenhouse gas ● Vision
emissions from 2013 to 2020. A climate resilient and climate smart Philippines
● Paris Agreement with highly adaptive communities.
Is made in partnership with the UNFCC ● Mission
It contains provisions that aim to intensify the To take the lead in the development and
campaign against climate change. The agreement mainstreaming of evidence based climate
would like to see to it that the global temperature adaptation and mitigation policies
would not increase by more than 2degrees celsius
It aims to strengthen the capacity of each country to Disaster Risk Reduction Management Against
combat climate change. It was inaugurated during Global Warming and Climate Change
the 21st Annual Conference of the Parties (COP). Department of Education (DepEd) published a
This event is also known as COP21 manual on Disaster Risk Reduction in coordination
with United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
Philippines in the Midst of Climate Change This manual contains important information about
Climate change is considered a natural hazard. We the different natural hazards like global warming,
recognize the gravity of the possible repercussions climate change, and other human-induced hazards.
if we will not address this serious problem.
Heat Wave : is a natural hazard in relation to
Philippines’ Contribution in Fighting Climate climate change. Extreme heat is fatal. Victims of
Change heat waves are usually the elderly, young people,
Based on the data, Indonesia ranked first among or people with weak immune systems.
the southeast asian countries with the biggest GHG
contribution in 2010. The remaining four countries
with the largest share of GHG emissions are —
China (17.5%0, United States (14.91%), Russia
(6.09%), and India (4.70%).
Definition and Categories of Waste
Waste : refers to anything such as food, leaves,
The Philippines is 6th of the 11 southeast Asian
papers, plastics, bottles, candy wrappers,
countries with the most GHG contribution with
disposable diapers, remains and chemicals in the
0.31% in 2010. The Phillipines’ GHG emission
factories, dilapidated vehicles, and materials that
increased by 3.25% for the past twenty years.
are radioactive. These are things that are not
needed and cannot be used or utilized anymore.
Strategy of the Philippines in Limiting the
Contribution to Climate Change
Solid Waste : refers to solid materials that have a
negative economic value, that it will be cheaper to
Developing countries like the Philippines has no
throw them away than to use them again.
direct responsibility in lessening GHG emissions
According to RA No, 9003, solid waste “shall refer
without sacrificing their economic growth
to all discarded household, commercial waste,
non-hazardous institutional and industrial waste,
street sweepings, construction debris, agricultural
waste, and other non-toxic solid waste.”
Different Categories of Waste:
● Household Waste Process Description
● Commercial Waste
● E-Waste Collection The act of removing or
collecting solid waste from
● Hazardous Waste its source or storage point to
● Industrial Waste the intended destination. It is
usually carried out by dump
● Building Waste trucks. Waste is usually
● Agricultural Waste brought to a place for
● Municipal Waste segregation and treatment

Composting The process utilized for

Waste Disposal as an Issue organic waste where
decomposition is
There are no things wasted when it comes to implemented with the help of
nature. bacteria and fungi.

Incineration Also called combustion ot

Humans started to face problems on different kinds the controlled burning of
of wastes because of the complexity of the nation's waste using an
economic systems like production and consumption oxygen-enriched combustion
chamber and auxiliary fuel.
of things. Wastes become hazardous as they
destroy and pollute the environment and endanger Sanitary Landfill A waste disposal site
designed, constructed,
the health as well as the lives of people and other operated, and maintained
organisms. through utmost caution and
Solid waste is commonly associated with control to avoid causing
harm to the environment
urbanization and economic development of a
nation. While a community experiences progress, Recycling The usual segregation of
materials or things under the
the people’s rate of consumption increases. category of waste to have
these materials suitable for
The massive increase of waste in primary cities will beneficial use in any
surely pose a serious problem that the government
and its citizens must face and resolve. Source Reduction Also called waste reduction.
This involves product
designing, manufacturing, or
Solid Waste Management making use of materials that
Solid Waste Management will reduce the volume and
make the product long
- Refers to the proper handling of thrown or lasting.
disposed materials and finding ways to
reuse or recycle them for other purposes.
The Philippines in Facing the Issue of Waste
- RA 9003: “shall refer to as the discipline
associated with the control of generation,
RA 9003 “Ecological Solid Waste Management Act”
storage, collection, transfer and transport,
This law aims to create a systematic,
processing, and disposal of solid wastes in
comprehensive, and ecological program suited for
a manner that is in accord with the best
solid waste management in the country. It also aims
principles of public health, economics,
to give importance to the role of the local
engineering, conservation, aesthetics, and
government in their own locality.
other environmental considerations, and
● National Ecology Center
that is also responsive to public attitudes.”
● Provincial Solid Waste Management Board
● City/Municipal Solid Waste Management
Solid waste management’s primary advocacy is to
take good care of society and its environment
The volume of waste generated by the country is
against the harmful effects of waste.
expected to increase annually. Metro Manila also
shows an increasing generation of waste and is
expected to generate more than four million tons by Importance of Forests in the Ecosystem
the end of 2018. ● Forests serve as a habitat for millions of
The problems caused by the waste coming from plants and animal species, as well as
residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional humans.
sources, have accompanying effects in the ● They have abundant natural resources that
environment and even to human health serve as food and raw materials for making
Effects on the Environment ● A lot of medicines in curing diseases also
- Contamination of surface water and come from the forests.
groundwater ● Forests are considered as “Lungs of the
- Air, water, and land pollution Earth”
- Methane gas produced from dump sites ● Trees absorb carbon dioxide and release
adds to global warming oxygen that humans and animals need.
- Flooding in many areas because of clogging ● Also helps protect the world against global
of drainages and floodways warming
Effects on Human Health ● Also influence global climate such as air
- Diarrhea movement, humidity, air quality, and
- Helminthiasis or worm infection precipitation in a particular place or region
- Typhoid and Paratyphoid
- Cholera Deforestation Issue
- Hepatitis A Deforestation : refers to the clearing of vast tracts
- Skin Diseases of forestland by cutting down trees. The common
cause of deforestation is conversion into
Philippines Situation under the Implementation of agricultural, commercial, or residential land.
RA 9003 It is also caused by the rampant cutting of trees to
The enactment of RA 9003 officially sets the be used for various wooden products. Forest fires
government to focus on the problem caused by the and other calamities also worsen deforestation.
increasing generation of waste in the country.
The most effective means to limit waste generation World Resources Institute
is to avoid throwing things away and reduce the - A global organization on research focused
quantity of waste generated. Other effective means on conserving and preventing the natural
are to reuse and recycle. There are also other resources of the world.
useful but limited means for waste management,
such as recovery, treatment, and safe-disposal. The continued worsening of deforestation in the
world entails a lot of problems :
Focus of RA 9003 ● Flooding
- Avoidance, Reduction, and Reuse ● Drought : Desertification is the process
- Segregation and Source where the soil suffers continuous
- Segregated Collection degradation and loses its ability to support
- Recovery and Processing any living thing
- Disposal ● Soil Erosion and Landslide
● Effect on Climate
● Loss of Livelihood
● Health Issues
Aside from the issue of waste disposal, a problem
regarding forests around the world and in our
country is also getting worse.
The Philippines in Facing the Issue of Deforestation The DENR leads the reforestation in the country.
Forests are a major resource of the Philippines. Under the management of the DENR is the Forest
The interaction of forests with other components of Management Bureau (FMB). This bureau provides
the ecosystem such as land, air, and water really technical assistance for the effective protection,
makes a contribution to a healthy and balanced development and conversion of forests and
environment. watersheds in the country.

The Condition of Philippine Forests National Greening Program

The Philippines is recognized as one of the 17 This program aims to implement an extensive
megadiversity countries in the whole world which rehabilitation of the forests in the country.
accounts for two-thirds of the world biodiversity and The NGP is also a strategy to combat climate
also 70 to 80 percent of plant and animal species in change because the increasing number of trees
the world. can help reduce carbon dioxide content in the
These serve as foundations in building industries The NGP is designed to alleviate poverty and to
that give livelihood to citizens. Forests also serve provide alternative livelihood to the communities
as a foundation in building industries that give within the forest and surrounding areas.
livelihood to the citizens.
Forests also serve a valuable role in the unity and The government works hand-in-hand with the
solidarity of the indeginous people who live here different NGOs in giving protection to Philippine
and the surrounding areas. forests. One of these is the Philippine Tropical
The Philippines is naturally endowed with vast Forest Conservation Foundation. It aims to provide
areas of forests. grants and to give assistance to organizations
whose projects aspire to protect, conserve, or
Deforestation Issue in the Country restore the forests in the country.
The diminishing forest land area is brought about ● National Forest Protection Program
by residential, agricultural, and industrial needs. ● Forest Management Project
People living in the forest and its surrounding areas ● Integrated Natural Resources and
usually cut down trees for their everyday living. A Environmental Management Project
large part of the forest area is also affected by
expanding agricultural lands. The government and its partner organizations from
the private sector continue to implement measures
Logging and exporting wood are some of the to take care of our forests. Nevertheless, these
sources of revenue by the government, businesses, efforts will gain more success if more individuals
and industries related to wood products. will know the real value of our forests and will be
Some of the causes of deforestation are illegal active in giving it protection.
logging, slash and burn agriculture, and forest fire.
Mining also contributes to the continued
deforestation in the country.

Steps for Reforestation

The government implemented different programs,
projects, and regulations aimed at renewing and
regenerating forest areas. This process is called

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