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Discuss the impact of the major current environment concerns on natural resources (30marks)
There are several key types of pollution .i.e air,water,soil,noise,radioactive, light and thermal. Pollution
cause a lot of impact which include; global warming due to increase temperature worldwide, acid rain
cause by harmful gases like nitrogen oxides and sulfur release into the atmosphere and cause great
damage to humans, animals and crops. Acid rain also affect wildlife .i.e toxic chemicals present in the
air can force wildlife to move to new places. Toxic pollutant deposit over the surface of the water and
can also affect sea species. Depletion of ozone layer makes another effect of pollution.
Mining generate high concentration of waste. Its impact directly leads to prospecting exploration site
development, ore extraction, mineral dressing, smelting refining and indirectly through impact of
degradation on the social cultural development of communities, degradation arising from mining
include air pollution, water pollution, land and forest degradation, noise pollution soil and liquid waste
disposal of toxic substance.
Deforestation is the process of feeling trees for several purpose without replanting. Deforestation affect
the climate in many ways, forest are know to be lungs of our planet. It takes in carbon-dioxide and
release oxygen. It also provide shade for the soil moist. Cutting of tress leads to the imbalance in the
atmosphere temperature and drier climate. Loss of trees give rooms for flooding, soil erosion,
desertification and higher temperature.
Deforestation increase global warming. Trees utilize greenhouse gases. Its also increase greenhouse gas
emission once they're cut, burned or otherwise removed they become carbon source. Moreover
deforestation leads to decline in quality of food insecurity in the future, loss of biodiversity(about 80%
of the global biodiversity is located in tropical rain forest).
Waste from industrial and agricultural activities pollutes the water used by humans, plants and animals.
Water pollution affects economic growth .i.e plants, animals and humans life. Ground water pollution
leads to devastating environment changes (aquatic system and the overall ecosystem)
There are several problems that are leading to climate change which causes various impact on the
planet. There are; change in rainfall patterns, depletion of arctic ice, wildfires due to hot and dry
conditions, heat waves .i.e increase CO2 heats the atmosphere, loss of wildlife species, due to wildfires,
deforestation, shifting habits and rise in sea level.
Plastics pollution increase rapidly due to large amount of garbage that people produce. It cause a lot of
impact on the planet. This include ground water pollution due to leaking plastics and waste land
pollution when plastics are dumped in landfills, burning of plastics in open air cause air pollution.
Global dimming is gradual reduction of amount of global directly on the surface of the earth. Its
reductions leads to change in overall land temperature and trigger global worming.
Overpopulation occurs when a number of existing human population exceed the actual capacity on the
earth. It technically lead to depletion of natural resources, shortage of food and water, degradation of
environment, conflicts and wars, high cost of living and increase in intense farming.
Incineration to burning of organic material found in waste and it leads to increase in heath and
environmental risk, increase significant level of pollution and does not contribute to waste reduction.
Depletion of natural resources leads to various effects which include water shortage, oil depletion, loss
of forest cover, depletion of minerals and extinction of species.
Earthquakes is among the environmental calamities and its occurrences leads to devastating effect;
damage to infrastructure, landslide and rock-slides, result in floods , can trigger tsunamis and
liquefaction( soil become saturated and loss its strength).
Littering means careless and improper disposal of waste and trash. It can be candy wrappers,plastics
wrappers, plastics bottles, cigarette butt etc drown away carelessly. This leads to major impacts
associated with littering on humans, the environment and even animals. Diseases .i.e littering comes
with germs which leads to outbreak of diseases such as cholera and typhoid. Secondly disruption of
waterways, poisoning, unpleasant environment etc.

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