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Polillo Campus
Polillo, Quezon



Southern Luzon State University as an academic hub of excellent curricular programs, transdisciplinary researches, and responsive
extension services that contributes to knowledge production, social development, and economic advancement of Quezon province and the


“The university commits to develop a sustained culture of delivering quality services and undertaking continuous interdisciplinary
innovations in instruction, research, and extension in the fields of agriculture, science, engineering, technology, allied health and medicine, human
security, business, and the arts anchored to the development needs of Quezon province and the CALABARZON Region and national and global
development goals.”

SLSU Core Values

GO - God Loving (Maka-Diyos)

S - Service-oriented (Mapaglingkod)
L - Leadership by example (HuwarangPamumuno)
S - Sustained Passion of Excellence (PatuloynaSigasigsaKahusayan)
U - Undiminished Commitment to Peace and Environment
Advocacy (MatibaynaPananagutansaAdhikaingPangkapayapaan at Pangkapaligiran)

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AA-INS-1.02F2, Rev. 2
General Education Objectives
The general education program primarily aims to enable graduates to assert their identities in the community and the world amidst the forces of globalization. Specifically, it
enables the students to:
1. develop their identity as persons, conscious of their talents, rights and responsibilities towards their selves and others;
2. allow them to discover a sense of awareness of their collective identity and contribute to the development of Filipino society at local and national levels: and

3. create a global community, where they recognize and respect the fundamental humanity of all, respect and appreciate diversity, and care about the problems that affect
the world

General Education Outcomes General Objectives

In consonance with the CHED’s requirements for general education, the following outcomes are
conceptualized, which are categorized as intellectual competencies, personal and civic competencies and 1 2 3
practical responsibilities:
1 understand basic concepts across the domains of knowledge; / / /
2 apply different analytical modes (quantitative and qualitative, artistic and scientific, textual and visual,
/ / /
experimental, observation, etc.) in tackling problems methodically;
3 view the contemporary world from both Philippine and global perspective; / / /
4 learn basic work-related skills and knowledge / / /


1. Course Code: GEC08

2. Course Title: Science, Technology and Society
3. Pre-Requisite: None

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AA-INS-1.02F2, Rev. 2
4. Co-Requisite: None
5. Credit/Class Schedule: 3 units: 3 lecture hours per week
6. Course Description:

The course deals with interactions between science and technology and social, cultural, political, and economic contexts that shape and are shaped
by them. (CMO No. 20, series of 2013)
This interdisciplinary course engages students to confront the realities brought about by science and technology in society. Such realities pervade
the personal, the public, and the global aspects of our living and are integral to human development. Scientific knowledge and technological development
happen in the context of society with all its socio-political, cultural, economic, and philosophical underpinnings at play. This course seeks to instill reflective
knowledge in the students that they are able to live the good life and display ethical decision making in the face of scientific and technological advancement.

This course includes mandatory topics on climate change and environmental awareness.
7. Program Outcomes and Relationship to Program Educational Objectives

Program Outcomes General Education Objectives

1 2 3
a Articulate the impacts of science and technology on society, specifically Philippine society. √ √ √
b Explain how Science and Technology affect society and the environment and its role in nation building. √ √ √
Analyze the human condition in order to deeply reflect and express Philosophical ramifications that are meaningful to the
c √ √ √
student as a part of society.
d Define and demonstrate the impact of social media on the students’ life and society and the Philippine society in general. √ √ √
Imbibe the importance of Science and Technology in the preservation of the environment and the development of the
e √ √ √
Filipino nation.
Critique human flourishing vis-a vis the progress of science and technology such that the student maybe able to define for
f √ √ √
him/herself the meaning of the good life.
g Foster the value of a healthy lifestyle toward the holistic and sustainable development of society and the environment. √ √ √
h Creatively present the importance and contributions of science and technology to society. √ √ √
Examine shared concerns that make up the good life in order to come up with innovative and creative solutions to
i √ √ √
Course Code/Title contemporary issues guided by theDate
Date Effective ethical
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j Illustrate how the social media and information age impact their lives and their understanding of climate change √ √ √
GEC 08-Science, Technology and Society September 2022 September 2022 Karizza May P. Janairo Prof. Maritess P. De Leon Prrof. Ethel Q. Quesea Page 3 of 18

AA-INS-1.02F2, Rev. 2
8. Course Objectives and Relationship to Program Outcomes:

Program Outcomes
Course Objectives
a b c d e f g h
1 To familiarize oneself with the university’s VMGO / / / / / / / /
2 To inculcate among students the value of seven (7) Environmental Principles (EP’s). / / / / / / / /
2 Discuss the interactions between S&T and society
/ / / / / / / /
throughout history.
3 Discuss how scientific and technological developments affect society and the
/ / / / / / / /
4 Identify the paradigm shifts in history / / / / / / / /
5 Articulate ways by which society is transformed by science and technology. / / / / / / / /
6 Discuss the role of Science and Technology in Philippine nation building. / / / / / / /
7 Evaluate government policies pertaining to science and technology in terms of their
/ / / / / / / /
contributions to nation building.
8 Identify actual science andtechnology policies of the government and appraise their
/ / / / / / / /
impact on the development of the Filipino nation.
9 Analyze the human condition in order to deeply reflect and express philosophical
/ / / / / / / /
ramifications that are meaningful to the student as a part of society.
10 Critique human flourishing vis-àvis the progress of science and technology so that the
/ / / / / / / /
student can define for himself/herself the meaning of good life.
11 Examine shared concerns that make up the good life in order to come up with innovative,
/ / / / / / / /
creative solutions to contemporary issues guided by ethical standards.
12 Examine human rights in order to uphold such rights in technological ethical dilemmas. / / / / / / / /
13 Evaluate contemporary human experience in order to strengthen and enlighten the
/ / / / / / / /
human person functioning in society.
14 Find and examine local government policies that protect the wellbeing of the person in the
/ / / / / / / /
face of new technologies.

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AA-INS-1.02F2, Rev. 2
15 Link learned concepts to the development of the information age and its impact on
/ / / / / / / /
16 Illustrate how the social media and the information age have impacted our lives. / / / / / / / /
17 Determine the interrelatedness of society, environment, and health. / / / / / / / /
18 Discuss the ethics and implications of GMOs and potential future impacts. / / / / / / / /
19 Discuss the major impacts (both potential and realize of nanotechnology on society. / / / / / / / /
20 Analyze the issue through the conceptual STS lenses / / / / / / / /
21 Critique the issue on its costs and benefits to society. / / / / / / / /
22 Describe gene therapy and its various forms. / / / / / / / /
23 Assess the issue’s potential benefits and detriments to global health. / / / / / / / /
24 Identify the causes of climate change. / / / / / / / /
25 Assess the various impacts of climate change including economic, geopolitical, biological,
/ / / / / / / /
26 Apply STS concepts to the issue of climate change. / / / / / / / /

9. Course Outline and Time frame:

A. Orientation
 Dark Green School VMGO
 Seven Environmental Principles
 Classroom Policies & Grading System
 Introduction
Definition of Science Technology and Society

3-5 B. Historical antecedents in which social considerations changed the course of science and technology
 In the World:
a. Ancient time

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AA-INS-1.02F2, Rev. 2
Greek philosophers
Greek inventions and inventors
b. Middle Ages (Dark Ages)
Early middle age
High middle age
Late middle age
c. Modern Age Scientific Revolution
Nicholas Copernicus
Tyco Brahe
Johannes Kepler
Galileo Galilei
Isaac Newton
Charles Darwin

Preliminary Examination

C. Development of Science in
 Meso-American
7-9  African
 Asian

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AA-INS-1.02F2, Rev. 2
D. Indigenous Science and Technology in the Philippines
10  Indigenous knowledge System
 Indigenous science
 RA 8371
E. Questions Concerning technology (Martin Heidegger)
 The essence of technology
Bringing forth
Challenge forth
12 Midterm Examination
F. Climate Change
 Causes of climate change
 Effects of climate change on society
 Environmental Awareness
G. When technology and humanity cross
 Television sets, mobile phones, computers and humanity
 Roles played by technological advancements
14-15  Ethical dilemma faced by technological advancements
 Robotics and humanity
 Roles played by robotics
 Ethical dilemma/s faced by robotics
16 H. Biodiversity and the healthy society
 Biodiversity and ecosystem
 Changes in biodiversity
 Threats to biodiversity
 Consequence of biodiversity loss
 Nutritional impact of biodiversity
 Health, biology, and biodiversity

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AA-INS-1.02F2, Rev. 2
 Environment-related illness
I. Genetically Modified Organisms
 GMO in food and agricultural industries
 GMO in non-food crops and microorganisms
 Benefits of GMOs
 Potential risks of GMOs
 Potential environmental risks caused by GMOs
 Potential human health risks caused by GMOs


10. Learning Plan

Learning Outcome Topic Methodology Resources Assessment
 Recall the VGMO A. Orientation
of SLSU as a Dark
Green School in  SLSU VMGO
particular and as an  Dark Green
educational School VMGO
institution in  Classroom
general. Policies and
Grading System
 Introduction of
the Subject
 Discuss the B. Historical antecedents Lecture and discussion  Philosophy of Science (Encyclopedia) Quiz (40 points)
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AA-INS-1.02F2, Rev. 2
interactions Scientific Progress, Scientific Revolutions
between S&T and  Floridi, Luciano. 2014. The Fourth
society Revolution, Oxford University Press
throughout history  Caoli. History of Science and Technology
 Discuss how of the Philippines.
scientific and in which social  Video: Stephen Colbert’s interview with
technological considerations changed Neil
developments affect the course of science Tyson
society and the and technology Activity: “Standing on v=YXh9RQCvxmg&noredirect=1
environment  In the World: the shoulders of  Youtube: World’s Greatest Inventions (3
Ancient, Middle Giants” Graded recitation
 Identify the minutes)
and Modern (20 points)
paradigm shifts in  Philippine Great Inventions
history Ages  Paul Anderson article: “More is Different”
1976 Group
 presentation
scientificreductionism (40 points)
 15 Creativity
enlightenmen t/videos/mankind-the-story- 15 Content
of -all-of-usscientific-revolution 10 Learning
 Kuhn , Structure of Scientific Revolution Impact
 Articulate ways by C. Some intellectuals and Lecture and Discussion  Quiz (50 points)
which society is their revolutionary  Flowcharts/revival-west/the-
transformed by ideas ageenlightenment Graded Activity
science and  Copernican  http://hti.osu.ed/scientific revolution/lesson (30 points)
technology  Darwinian plans
 Freudian  Powerpoint presentation on the individual Graded recitation
scholars and great works. (20 points)
D. Development of
Science in

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AA-INS-1.02F2, Rev. 2
 Meso-American
 Asian
 Middle East
 African
 
 Analyze the human E. The Human Person Reflection, Discussion  The Question Concerning Technology by
condition in order to flourishing in terms of Martin Heidegger
deeply reflect and science and technology  A Return to the Beginning by Daniel J.
express  Science, McNamara, SJ, in Stellar Origins, Human
philosophical Technology and Ways (2011)
ramifications that human
are meaningful to flourishing
the student as a part  Science as
of society methods and
 Verification
 Falsification
theory Group
 Science as a Presentation on
 Critique human social endeavor how technology
flourishing vis-àvis  Science and  Movie Clip (YouTube): The Magician’s
reveals nature and
the progress of results Twin:
the human
science and  Science as CS Lewis and the case against Scientism
person’s role in it
technology so that education  Film: Akiro Kurosawa’s Dreams “Village
the suident can  How much is too of the Watermills”
define for much?  Forget ‘developing’ rich countries, it’s time
himself/herself to
the meaning of ‘de-develop’ rich countries. By Jason

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AA-INS-1.02F2, Rev. 2
good life. F. Technology as a way of Hickel
 The human ment-professionals-
condition before network/2015/sep/23/developing-poor-
common era countries-de-develop-rich-countries-sdgs
 The human  Sustainable Development: An Evolving
condition in the  Paradigm for the 21st Century by Fabian
common era Dayrit in Stellar Origins, Human Ways
 The essence of (2011)
 Backtracking in
human condition
 Examine shared G. The Good Life Lecture and Discussion  Book VI and Bk X Nichomachean ethics of Case Study:
concerns that make  Aristotle and Aristotle Production and
up the good life in how we all aspire  What Is and What should be the role of Consumption of
order to come up for a good life scientific culture in modern society – sugars
with innovative,  Happiness as the Richard
creative solutions to goal of a good Feynman in the Pleasure of Finding Things
contemporary issues life Out: The Best Short Works of Richard
guided by ethical  Materialis Feynman 1999 Perseus Books. USA
standards m pp97115
 Hedonis  The Concepts of the Public Good: A View
m from the Filipino Philosopher by Rolando
 Stoicism Gripaldo in the Making of a Filipino
 Theism Philosopher and Other Essays, 2009,
 Humanis National Bookstore pp 82-101
m  Eudaimonia and Human Flourishing in
Ethics and Human Dignity by Christopher
Ryan Maboloc). Manila, 2010. Rex
Bookstore pp 15-23

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AA-INS-1.02F2, Rev. 2
 That Sugar Film (2015) (documentary) Ppt:
towards a green economy: pathways to
sustainable development and poverty

 Examine human H. When technology and Reflection and  The ethical dilemmas of robotics Case Study:
rights in order to humanity cross Discussion WAZE
uphold such rights  Television sets, 3 07, stm
in technological mobile phones,  Is Google Making Us Stupid? 2008.
ethical dilemmas computers and Nicholas Carr
 Evaluate humanity http://www/
contemporary  Roles played by archive
human experience technological /2008/07/Is google making
in order to advancements Reflection and usstupid/306868/?
strengthen and  Ethical dilemma discussion  Why The Future Doesn’t Need Us (2000) –
enlighten the human faced by Bill Joy, Chief Scientist and Corporate
person functioning technological Executive Officer of Sun Microsystems
in society advancements
 Robotics and documents
humanity  Movie: “A I” Isaac Asimov, “I Robot”
 Roles played by
 Ethical
dilemma/s faced
by robotics

 Determine the I. Biodiversity and the Presentation and  Life and Biodiversity ppt. Graded recitation/

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AA-INS-1.02F2, Rev. 2
interrelatedness of healthy society Discussion Evolution and biodiversity debate
society,  Biodiversity and Ecoscience-Biodiversity: an overview
environment, and ecosystem  Article: “The politics of golden Rice”
health  Changes in  (Dubock, Adrian GM Crops & Food.
 Discuss the ethics biodiversity JulSep2014, Vol5 Issue 3 p 210-222 13p.)
and implications of  Threats to  Article: “Ethics in Research with
GMOs and biodiversity Vulnerable Populations and Emerging
potential future  Consequence of Countries: The
impacts biodiversity loss Golden Rice Case.” (Duguet, Anne Marie
 Nutritional et.
impact of al., Journal of International Law and
biodiversity Commercial Regulations. Summer 2013,
 Health, biology, Vol. 38 Issue 4, p979-1013, 35p)
and biodiversity Agroecology: What it is and what it has to
 Environment- offer? Is this the future of farming?
related illness

J. Genetically Modified
Organisms: Science,
Health and Politics
 GMO in food
and agricultural
 GMO in non-
food crops and
 Benefits of
 Potential risks of

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AA-INS-1.02F2, Rev. 2
 Potential
risks caused by
 Potential human
health risks
caused by GMOs
 Biosafety on
 GMOs in

Presentation and
 Identify the causes K. Climate Change Discussion  YouTube: or Book “An inconvenient Truth:
of climate  Causes of The Planetary Emergency of Global
change climate change Warming and What we can Do About It”
 Assess the various  Effects of (Al Gore)
impacts of climate climate change  Book: “The Future: Six Drivers of Global
change including on society Change” (Al Gore)
economic,  Report: “ Changing the Atmosphere:
geopolitical, Anthropology and Climate Change”
biological, L. Environmental (NCAR)
meteorological, etc. Awareness  BUHOS: A Climate Change Documentary Group
 Apply STS concepts by presentation and
to the issue of Loren Legarda discussion
climate change  Article: “ The Tragedy of the Commons”
by Garrett Hardin Learning
 Article: “Scientists tackle mystery of application:
thunderstorms that strike at night” (NCAR) weather control

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AA-INS-1.02F2, Rev. 2
 Article: “Reigning in the Weather”
(Webster, Donovan, Discover, 02747529.
Jun2008, Vol. 29, Issue 6)

11. Reference

Serafica, Janice Patricia J., Pawilene, Greg T., Caslib Jr., Bernardo N., Alata, Eden Joy P. Science and Technology and Society, 1st ed. 84-86 P. Florentino
St. , Sta Mesa Heights, Quezon City. Rex Printing Company, Inc.

12. Suggested Reading and Other Materials:.

Caoli, Olivia. “A History of Science and Technology of the Philippines,” in Analysis of Conditions for National Scientific and Technological Self-Reliance: The
Philippine Situation, Quezon City: University of the Philippines, 1986.

Dayrit, Fabian. “Sustainable Development: An Evolving Paradigm for the 21 st Century,” in Stellar Origins, Human Ways: Readings in Science, Technology,
and Society, ed. Ma. Assunta Cuyegkeng, Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press, 2011.

Feynman, Richard. “The Pleasure of Finding Things Out: What Is and What should be the role of scientific culture in modern society” in The Best Short
Works of Richard Feynman, pp. 97–115, Perseus Books,1999.

Heidegger, Martin. The Question Concerning Technology and Other Essays , HarperCollins, 1982.

Hickel, Jason. “Forget ‘developing’ poor countries, it’s time to ‘de-develop’ rich countries,” The Guardian, Online:
Lehrer, Jonah. How We Decide, Mariner Books, 2010.

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GEC 08-Science, Technology and Society September 2022 September 2022 Karizza May P. Janairo Prof. Maritess P. De Leon Prrof. Ethel Q. Quesea Page 15 of 18

AA-INS-1.02F2, Rev. 2
McNamara, Daniel J. in “A Return to the Beginning,” in Stellar Origins, Human Ways: Readings in Science, Technology, and Society , ed. Ma. Assunta
Cuyegkeng, Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press, 2011.

Rodriguez, Socorro M. “Philippine Science and Technology: Economic, Political and Social Events Shaping Their Development,” 1996

Von Baeyer, Hans Christian, Information: The New Language of Science , Harvard University Press, 2005.

13. Course Requirements:

a. Major Examinations
b. Quizzes
c. Group Presentation/ Report
d. Group Project

14. Grading System:

Students must at least obtain 60% passing score or better in order to pass the course. Course work is weighed as follows:

Lecture Weight
Major Examinations 25%
Quizzes 25%
Recitation/Attendance 10%
Performance/Project 40%
Total 100%

15. Classroom Policies:

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AA-INS-1.02F2, Rev. 2
 Properly dressed during online class
 Grave misconduct and/ plagiarizing required materials
 Non submission of requirements, exams and quizzes on time
 A failing academic standing and failure to take the final exam.

16. Consultation Hours:

To be announced on the first day of class.

17. General Guidelines

 Aside from academic deficiency, other grounds for a failing grade are:
 Grave misconduct and/or cheating during examinations
 Unexcused absences of more than 20% of required number of meetings per term
 Failure to comply with the requirements of the course
 A failing academic standing and failure to take final examination


1. During the video call, students should be properly dressed. (presentable T-shirt, not sando, nor sleeveless blouse).
2. Camera should be on all throughout the session.
3. Microphone should be muted during the teacher’s discussion.
4. Students may raise their hand or unmute their microphone, or send message if they would like to say something.
5. Students should ask permission if they need to leave the session for a valid reason. (They can send message to the
teacher via cellphone, messenger or private message at zoom/google meet.)
6. Students should use their real names in all their accounts for SLSU related documents. (Last name, First name, Middle
7. Students’ profile picture for group chat room or Google classroom should be their latest picture in white T-shirt.

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AA-INS-1.02F2, Rev. 2
8. Students are not allowed to change anything in their online class room or group chat room unless permitted by the
9. Students are not allowed to share, post or upload any instructional materials like modules and evaluations.
10. Be informed that messenger group chat room is for inquiries and announcement only.
11. Be informed that all accomplishments and evaluations should be submitted to instructor’s email or Google classroom for
those who avail online learning and hard copy for those who avail modular learning.

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AA-INS-1.02F2, Rev. 2

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