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Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel

PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status

City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

Name : ________________Grade / Score: _______________
Grade & Section: ________Strand / Track: _______________
Subject: _______________Date : _________________

Activity Title : Health Related Fitness

Learning Target : Self-Assess Health Related Fitness
References :


2. Muscular strength

Muscular strength is about how much weight you are able to lift with
your muscles at one time. This would relate to the “quality” of the task being
performed as opposed to the frequency, which is dealt with by your muscular
endurance. It is the maximal lift ability a muscle is able to generate with effort.
The example of muscular strength is bent knee curl ups.



This test measures abdominal strength and endurance.

***How to that here’s the Procedure

1. Lie down with your back on the floor or mat with your knees bent at 90
degrees and your feet flat on the floor.
2. Cross your arms close to your chest with your fingertips on level with your
chest all the time.
3. Your partner kneels and holds down your feet.
4. Your curl-up by raising your trunk toward your knees until the upper part of
your crossed arms touched your knees.
5. Return to starting position without pausing, with your back touching the
floor/mat, then curl-up at once again. Repeat as many times as possible.
6. You inhale when your curl-up, and exhale when you lower your trunk.
7. Your curl-up will be counted only when it is correct and complete.
8. The maximum repetition for girls is 30 to 50 for boys.

3. Muscular endurance

Similar to cardio respiratory endurance, muscular endurance has to do

with just how much your muscles can take during a weight training session, i.e.
repeated reps. Muscular endurance is closely related to what is described as
“sports fitness” however it still is pertinent to health fitness because it goes a
long way when it comes to your ability to perform any physical activity, no
matter how small. One of the examples of muscular Endurance is Right angle



This test measures the strength and endurance of the arms and upper
body muscles. Strong arms and upper body muscles are important in carrying
out heavy tasks.


1. Lie face down with the hands on the floor and the thumbs in line with
the shoulder.
2. Keep your legs slightly apart and knees straight.
3. Keep your legs and back straight. Push off the floor and assume the
starting position.
4. Put your arms at a right angle (90 degrees).
5. Repeat the movement for a maximum of 50 for boys and 30 for girls.
6. Stop when you have committed 2 form breaks such as failure to go
down at the 90-degree angle and extend your elbows fully, being
unable to keep your legs and back straight, or maintain the cadence of
one second count going down and one second count going up.
7. Record the number of correct push-ups completed.

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