S.G 9 1st Term (Edited)

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Unit (1)

words The meaning

archives (n.) collections of historical documents.
criteria (n.) the standards that you use to make a decision.
time-consuming (adj.) taking or needing a lot of time.
indispensable (adj.) very important ; impossible to be without.
personal records that somebody puts on
blogs (n.)
their websites saying what they have been
statements that something is good and should
recommendations (n.)
be tried or used.
browse (v.) to look for and read information on a computer.
carry out (v.) to do a task, job etc.
traditional and normal.
conventional (adj.)
streamed (v.) delivered over the internet.
fields (n.) areas of study or knowledge.
diverse (adj.) very different from each other.
to make something develop gradually, from a
evolve (v.)
simple to a more advanced form.
continually (adv.) happening all the time
revolutionize (v.) to change something completely.

residence (n.) a home

something very good and difficult that you‟ve

achievement (n.) succeeded in doing.
a sum of money given by the government to
grant (n.) somebody or an organization for a special
fees (n.) a sum of money that you pay to be allowed to do
something or for a particular service.
cram (v.) to try to learn a lot very quickly before an
marks (n.) what you get to show how good your school work
task (n.) a piece of work that has to be done.
sit (v.) to take an exam.
break up (v.) to stop classes at school and start the holidays.

Word Formation ( nouns )

-We add the SUFFIXES –ence , -ment and – ation to verbs to form

-ence -ment -ation

Preference entertainment combination
dependence achievement examination
existence involvement explanation
insistence management organization
residence acknowledgement recommendation

1- bio-: connected with living things or human life.
2- inter-: between; from one to another.
3- micro- : small, on a small scale
4- proto-: original; from which others develop.
5- techno-: connected with technology.
6- ultra-: extremely; beyond a certain limit.


Phrasal verbs:
1- back sth up: to make a copy of information on your computer.
2- charge sth up: to put electricity into a mobile phone or a laptop.
3- copy sb in: to send somebody a copy of an email that you are
sending to another person.
4- cut sth out: to remove something from a text.
5- drop out (of sth): to stop going to classes before you‟ve
finished the course.
6- find sth out: to get information about sth because you want to
know more about it.
7- hand sth in: to give a piece of work to a teacher.
8- plug sth in: to connect a piece of electrical equipment to the
electricity supply.
9- set sth out: to organize your writing or work in a clear way.
10- sum sth up: to describe in a few words the main ideas that
have been written.
11- switch sth on / off :to start or stop an electric machine.
12- turn sth up / down: to increase or reduce the sound something
13- work sth out: to find the answer to something.

Choose the correct answer:
1-Computer skills are ………………… these days.
a. unnecessary b. conventional c. podcast d. indispensable
2- A/ An …………… is a personal website that gives information
about what a person has done?
a. field b. archive c. blog d. note
3-A festival requires a great deal of ………………. .
a. examination b. organization c.existence d. combination
4- Social network sites have…………………the way people communicate
a.streamed b. enrolled c. revolutionized d. organized
5-I like the…………………… of sweet and savory in his cooking.
a.combination b. explanation
c. achievement d. acknowledgement
6-Keith………………… his project a day late.
a.dropped out b. turned down c. handed in d. back up
7-The country wants to reduce its………………… on imported products.
a.dependence b. preference c. task d. grant
8- This activity is time-consuming. It …………………… .
a. takes time b. doesn't take time c. wastes time d. is useful
9- The students have to perform a few…………………… on the
computer to pass the information technology exam.
a.opportunities b.tasks c.examination d.residences
10-Our companies give…………………… to people that speak foreign
a.preference b.achievement c.criteria d.dependence

11- They‟ve just started at Manchester University and they‟re
living in a student………………………….
a.prototype b.residence c.research d.preference
12- Winning a gold medal was a great ……………………….
a. preference b. acknowledgment
c. recommendation d. achievement
13- Most of people don‟t believe in the………………… of aliens.
a.blog b.insistence c.existence d.dependence
14- Make a list of your……………… with your first choice at the top of
the list.
a.combinations b. examinations
c.acknowledgements d.preferences
15- They deny any…………………… in the robbery and say they
were at the cinema at that time.
a. residence b.recommendation c.involvement d.combinations
16- Sue said that climbing to the top of Mount Everest had been
his greatest…………………………….
a.acknowledgment b.involvement c. insistence d.achievements
17- Despite its short history,the internet has been…………constantly.
a.evolving b.cramming c. downloading d.achieving
18- Searching through all the documents and……………… at the library
is really time-consuming.
a.criteria b. archives c.streams d.combinations
19- Now finish your article and………………… your ideas in two
or three lines.
a.sum up b.charge up c.turn down d. set out
20- I can‟t hear you unless you…………………… the music down!
a.turn b.switch c.plug d.drop
21- We have to ………………… what time the train leaves on Saturday.
a.set out b.turn up c.turn down d.find out

22-I don‟t like this statement. I think you should change it
or……………it out.
a.copy b.cut c.work d.set
23- No, she didn‟t finish university. She……………… after the first
a.worked out b.dropped out c.turned up d.turned down
24- You can …………………… your laptop here and charge it up.
a.plug out b.turn down c.plug in d.switch off
25-Remember to …………………all your documents before you switch
off your computer.
a. switch on b. back up c.turn down d. hand in
26- I was at the library all the day before to search through all
documents. It was really……………………………….
a. stream b. archive c.time-consuming d.field
27-He writes a ………………on the internet about his cycling trips.
a. blog b. browse c.diverse d. stream
28- He makes …………………about the best bicycles and tell us where
we can buy them.
a. preferences b. recommendations
c. explanations d. organizations
29- Now TV programmes can be………………to the latest mobile phone
a. enrolled b. evolved c. carried d. streamed
30- You can……………the internet for hours until you find a good site.
a. sit b. browse c. stream d. enrol
31- You need to have clear…………before looking for internet sites.
a. criteria b. archive c. fees d. marks
32- Looking for internet sites will help you …………………your tasks.
a. break up b. carry out c . enrol d. reside

33- My dad is an expert in the………………of medicine.
a. blog b. field c. diverse d. indispensable
34- Although she seems like a normal girl, her hobbies are
not……………………at all !
a. continually b. diverse c. conventional d. criteria
35- I‟m in my final year at school and our homework………………are
difficult and time-consuming.
a. marks b. tasks c. fees d. archives
36- I have to……………for my exams because I haven‟t had to time to
study properly!
a. cram b. sit c. enrol d. break up
37- If you study well, you‟ll get good……………………….
a. tasks b. fees c. marks d. blogs
38- I ………………my final exams in June.
a. sit b. revolutionize c. cram d. stream
39- I want to ……………………on a degree course.
a. cram b. sit c. tasks d. enrol
40- University ……………………are very expensive.
a. tasks b. marks c. fees d. grant
41- If I do well in the final exams, I can apply for a…………………from
the government.
a. grant b. fees c. marks d. tasks
42- I‟ll worry about that when school finishes and we……………for
the summer holidays.
a. sit b. cram c. break up d. enrol
43- They gave me a long……………on how it works , but I still don‟t
understand how to use it!
a. examination b. explanation c. organization d. combination
44- The workers talked to…………………about more pay.
a. management b. achievement c. entertainment d. involvement

45- Please send me an /a ……………when you receive the parcel.
a. achievement b. acknowledgement
c. organization d. explanation
46- We add the suffix “…………” to the verb insist to make it into a
a. –ing b. –ment c. –ation d. –ence
47- We add the suffix “…………” to the verb entertain to make it
into a noun.
a.–ing b. –ment c. –ation d. –ence
48-We add the suffix “…………” to the verb recommend to make it
into a noun.
a.–ing b. –ment c. –ation d. –ence
49- Can I………………the TV for a moment? I want to see the weather
a. Turn down b. switch on c. set out d. find out
50- …………………the argument in four clear paragraphs.
a. Set out b. Back up c. Hand in d. Drop out
51- It‟s a/an…………active programme and the viewers can
participate by sending messages.
a. micro b. inter c. proto d. ultra
52- My grandparents hate computers and mobile phones. I think
they‟ve got …………………phobia!
a. techno b. bio c. inter d. proto
53- A lot of research is being carried out into……………technology to
improve agriculture and health care.
a. bio b. techno c. micro d. ultra
54- This bicycle is……………light. You can lift it up with one finger!
a. techno b. ultra c. bio d. proto

55- Have you seen those new…………………computers ? They‟re as
small as mobile phones !
a. bio b. techno c. proto d. micro
56- This new computer has been developed from a ………………type
that was shown at last year‟s exhibition.
a. techno b. bio c. proto d. micro

Grammar part (1)

 We use the present continuous:
1. To talk about things that are happening at the moment of speaking.

EX: He's studying at the moment. Can you call back later?

2. For situations or activities that are temporary or changing.

EX: Internet use is increasing quickly.

 We use the present perfect:

 The present perfect continuous:
Form: (has/ have + been + present participle)

Choose the correct answer:
1-Paul…………………. James for 4 years.
a.knew b. has known c. have known d. knows
2-We have…………… a car since April.
a.have b. had c. has d. having
3-She has not………………… teaching for long.
a.be b. been c. being d. bee
4-I have not seen Keira………………………July.
a.for b. from c. since d. in
5-They've been traveling……………… two hours.
a.since b. about c. for d. just
6-How long have you been……………………math?
a.studying b. study c. studies d. studied
7-My pen friend………………………yesterday.
a. arrives b. arrive c. arrived d. has arrived
8- Please hurry up, everyone…………………… for you.
a.is waiting b.waits c.wait d.will wait
9- What's the matter? Why…………………………………?
a. do you cry b.did you cry c.you cried d.are you crying
10-We ………………………on holiday about twice a year.
a. are going b.go c.were going d. going
11-That's delicious! I ……………………this dessert very much.
a. am liking b. am loving c.liking d. like
12- My parents …………………… in Cairo.
a. are living b. live c.living d. are lived

13- Where‟s Edward ? He……………… in a tennis match.
a. plays b. is playing c. played d. play
14-Our train …………………… at 7.45 so we'd better hurry.
a.leaves b.is leaving c.is going to leave d.will leave
15-The police have not found the killer………………………….
a.yet b.already c. ago d. ever
16-The manager has ………………… attended the meeting.
a.yet b.already c.still d. until
17- Have you done the exercise…………………………?
a.already b.yet c. ago d. still
18-I have already ………………… that film.
a. see b. saw c. seeing d. seen
19-I haven't travelled by train ……………… I bought a new car.
a.for b.when c.since d. while
20-What has happened to her …………………8:00 this afternoon?
a.since b.for c.when d. while
21-She has not done the shopping ………………… a week.
a.for b.since c. when d. already
22- I have not worn that coat ………………… a year.
a.ago b.since c.for d. during
23- My brother has worked in this hospital ………………… 1999.
a.when b.for c.ago d. since
24. He‟s just ……………………… all the letters.
a. post b.posted c.posts d.posting
25- Every day, she…………………………some vegetables.
a. buy b. buys c. buying d. has bought
26- Has she……………………………that dress ?
a. washed b. washing c. washes d. wash

27- ………………dad switched of the TV ?
a. Have b. Has c. Is d. Are
28- She…………………………English at the moment .
a. learn b. learns c. „s learning d. has learnt
29- Sue and Paul usually……………their parents at the weekend.
a. help b. helps c. helping d. has helped
30- Are they ………………………TV ?
a. watch b. watching c. watched d. watches
31- I………………………here for thirty years.
a. work b. working c. „ve worked d. works
32- She‟s been…………………emails for 3 hours.
a. writing b. wrote c. wirte d. written
33- Have you been …………………here for two hours ?
a. wait b. waiting c. waited d. waits
34- We have known each other since we………………school together.
a. start b. starting c. started d. have started
35- I…………………with my cousin until I find an apartment.
a. live b. „ve lived c. lives d. „m living
36- Look ! who ………………………………?
a. talks b. talk c. is talking d. has talked
37- I‟ve never…………………to the park.
a. go b. going c. went d. gone
38- Sam ………………up early in the morning.
a. gets b. get c. is getting d. has got
39- I………………………this ringtone for two weeks.
a. have b. have had c. had d. „m having
40- Water …………………… at 100 C .
a. boil b. boiling c. has been boiling d. boils

Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets
to give the same meaning:
1- I went to Alex and come back. ( have )
2- He has got a camera. He bought it a month ago. ( for )
3- Kim ‟s painting a picture now. ( every day )
4- The last time I saw him was in 1999. ( I haven't )
5- They play football in the club. ( at the moment )
6- I last spoke English when I was in London. ( since )
7- It's a long time since I visited Paris. ( for )
8- They started to paint the flat 5 days ago.They are still painting it.
( for )
9- I saw her a short time ago . (just)
10- I have known my best friend for five years . (How long ?)
11- I really did all my jobs. (already)
12- The boys watch T.V every day. ( The boy )
13- She swims in the sea. ( now )
14- Tom has done his homework. ( yet )
15-He is good at teaching English. ( teaches)
16-There's a party at our house on Friday. (We)
17-This is my first trip to America. (before)
18-It's a week since I last visited my uncle. (I haven‟t)
19-It becomes a habit to criticize me. (always)
-Complete the following dialogues :
Student : …………………………………………………………………
Teacher : Professor Yacoub is a world famous heart surgeon.
Student : …………………………………………….……………….?
Teacher : He has travelled around the world to search for healthy hearts.
Student : …………………………………………….………………………?
Teacher : He worked in Britain
Student :Why is he still working in spite of his retirement ?
Teacher : …………………………………………….………………………
Student : …………………………………………………..…………………?
Teacher : Students should work hard to follow his example.
Aya: What’s your favourite food?
Aya : .......................................................................?
Sara: It has many ingredients such as rice, lentil, and macaroni in addition
to sauce.
Aya : .............................................................................?
Sara : No , it doesn’t contain meat............................................................?
Aya: Mahshi is my favourite .It is delicious. What about eating with me
Sara :..............................................................................................

Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
In many countries today, a difficult question is being asked: do we have the right to
use animals in laboratory experiments? Using animal's medical research has many
Animal research has involved researchers to develop treatments for many diseases,
such as heart diseases. It would not have been possible to develop vaccines for
diseases like smallpox without animal research .every drug anyone takes today was
tried first on animals . Which is more important, the life of a rat or that of a three- year
old child? Medical research is also an excellent way of using unwanted animals. Last
year over twelve million animals had to be killed because nobody wanted them as pets.
The fact is that human benefit cannot be used as a reason for using animals in research,
anymore than it can be used as a reason for experimenting on other humans. Animals
suffer a lot during these experiments. They are forced to live in small cages and they
may be unable to move. Animals have the same rights as humans; to be able to move
freely and not to have pain or fear forced on them. We can use computer modeling
instead of animals in research laboratories to save animals' life.
A. Answer the following questions:
1- Why is animal research useful?
2- How do animals suffer during experiments?
3- What other ways can be used instead of experimenting on animals?
4- Are you with or against using animals in medical research? Why?
B- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- In the passage, some people support using animal in research because they think
that ….
a- The life of people is more important than the life of animals.
b- Animals are harmful creatures. c- Many people do not like animals.
d- Animals do not suffer during experiments.
2- An appropriate title for the passage would be …
a- Scientific Research. b- Research Laboratories.
b- c- Animal Rights. d- Human Rights.

Write a paragraph of 12 lines on the following topic:
(you may use the guiding questions)
“Providing schools with Wi-Fi connection”
-Do you think that students really need this?
-Would the students misuse this service?
-How can we manage their use?

Unit (2)

words The meaning

Mission (n. ) a particular task which you feel you should do.
unlike (p. ) in contrast to.
Scorching (adj. ) extremely hot.
dense ( adj. ) containing lots of things very close together.
a good opinion of your own character and
self-esteem (n.)
without other people.
Solo (adj. )
hardships (n. ) difficult or unpleasant conditions.
kidnapped (v. ) taken away by force and kept prisoner.
a war between groups of people who live in
civil war (n. )
the same country.
fled (v. ) ran away from something.
put off (v. ) to make somebody not like something.
Valuable (adj. ) very useful or important.

a passage of water where boats can travel.

Waterways (n. )
Unexplored ( adj. ) that nobody has investigated or put on a map.
accomplished (adj.) highly skilled at something.
well- something has been successfully done.
hyper- more than normal.
self- refer to the individual person.
half- something is unfinished or almost happens.
multi- a large number or amount of something.

Choose the correct answer:
1. Her……………………is very low because she failed the exams.
a.selfishness b.self-esteem c. shelter d.landscape

2. Sue can sing, dance and act. She‟s…………………………….

a.self-esteem b.sensitive c.multi-talented d.mountaineer

3. I watched a very exciting movie last night. It was about a hero

who made exciting……………………….

a.advertisements b.undergrowth c.adventures d.adventurers

4. After years of practice Sara is now an……………………pianist.

a.talented b.accomplished c.unexplored d.valuable

8. In order to escape from the police, the gang …………the country.

a.kidnapped b.accomplished c. fled d. unexplored

9. The …………… in the country has caused the deaths of hundreds

of civilians.

a.waterways b.civil war c.life jacket d.first aid kit

10. Travelling across the desert at midday is difficult because of
the …………………………sun.

a.valuable b.civil war c.solo d.scorching

11. The astronauts‟ ……………… is to see if there are signs of water

on the planet‟s surface.

a.kidnap b.mission c.hardship d.self-esteem

12. We couldn‟t see very far because the forest was really…………….

a.valuable b. unlike c. explored d. dense

13. Some passengers prefer to travel ……………rather than to go

with a group of people.

a.mission b.scorching c.unexplored d.solo

14. We were the first people to cross the jungle and the
territory was totally…………………………….

a.unexplored b.valuable c.self-esteem d.solo

15. He‟s a silly ………………… man who thinks everyone should listen
to what he has to say.

a.self-esteem b.self-important
c.multi-talented d.well-written

16. I was …………… in class and didn‟t catch what the homework is.

a.self-important b.well-mannered c.half-asleep d.half-moon

17. She gets upset very easily. She‟s ………………………….

a.hyper-active b.hyper-sensitive

c.self-esteem d.multi-talented

18. The food was so bad that it………………us off going to the
restaurant again.

a. switches b. puts c. turns d. cuts

19. My brother is very sporty,…………………me. I can‟t stand sports.

a. unlike b. for example c. like d. continually

20. Boats used to bring food to the town on the…………………….

a. desert b. waterways c. sky d. forest

21. The police received some………………information about robbery

from the security guard at the bank.

a. hardship b. scorching c. unexplored d. valuable

22. People suffered a lot of……………………during the war.

a. waterways b. mission c. hardships d. solo

23. The businessman has been missing for 3 days now and the
police think he has been……………………….

a.kidnapped b. fled c. put off d. run

24. Her travel books are very……………………-written.

a. hyper b. well c. self d. multi

25. The children never stop playing. They‟re………………………-active.

a. well b. hyper c. half d. multi

26. The balloon is ……………-coloured! I can see red, yellow,green……

a. multi b. half c. well d. hyper

27. You can‟t leave yet. Your meal is…………………-eaten!

a. well b. multi c. self d. half


Grammar part (2)


During + V(ing.) / noun + past simple

 We can use During /While followed by noun or a verb-ing if there is
no subject. e.g. While / During working, I heard a loud noise.


In the past
He used to be very handsome. He's an old man.
He used to hang out with his friends. He sits home watching a match.
He used to have free time. He's up to his neck.

Choose the correct answer:
1. When the telephone rang, they …………………… the match.

a.watched b. had watched c. were watching d. watch

2. He ………………………… the tree when he suddenly fell down.

a.climbed b. climbs c. was climbing d. will climb

3. They ……………………for England an hour ago.

a.leave b. left c.were leaving d. will leave

4. They saw the fighting people while ……………… home.

a.were driving b. drove c. driving d. drive

5. How did he ……………………… to Aswan yesterday?

a.go b. went c. going d. goes

6. My sister ………………………… the room while I was making tea.

a.cleaned b. was cleaning c. is cleaning d. cleans

7. She cut herself while ……………………

a. cook b. cooked c.was cooking d. cooking

8. What were you doing when I …………………… you last night.

a.phoned b. was phoning c. had phoned d.would phone

9. He …………………………the guitar, when I saw him.

a.play b. played c. was playing d. had played

10. They saw the accident while …………………… the car.

a. were driving b. drove c. driving d. drive

11. They …………………… out of the bank when the police caught


a.ran b. were running c. had run d. are running

12. I last ……………………… my friend was last week.

a.see b. saw c. has seen d. have seen

13. There were floods as it …………………… for 3 days.

a. had been raining b.has been raining c.was raining d.rains

14. By the time he was 12, my brother ……………………… 3 languages.

a.learnt b. had learnt c. has learnt d. learns

15. When I went to my friend's flat, she ……………………… for school.

a.already left b.has already left

c.had already left d. leaving

16. Jack ………………… money from Ali because he had left his money
at home.

a.borrows b. has borrowed c. borrowed d.was borrowing

17. By the time she ………………………writing her report, she had drunk
six cups of tea.

a.finishes b. finished c. has finished d.was finishing

18. He ……………………………… for only 3 weeks, so it is not surprising

that he failed his driving test.

a.had been driving b.was driving c. drives d. to drive

19. When I got home, I was very tired. I …………………all day.

a.have been working b. work

c. had been working d.have worked

20. Before …………………… this novel, he had become famous as


a.wrote b. writing c. had written d. has written

21. She…………………the office at 10:00 p.m yesterday evening.

a. left b. was leaving c. had left d. had been leaving

22. …………………… working, I heard a loud noise.

a. However b. During c. Because d.Afterthat

23. After I……………………… the e-mail, I sent it.

a. wrote b. witten c. had written d. was writing

24. Having……………………my work , I went swimmimg.

a. had finished b. finishing c. finished d. would finish

25. I………………………the traffic noise.

a. used to b. „m used to c. used d. had used

26. I didn‟t……………………to smoke.

a. used b. use c. using d. uses

27. We ……………………go for sailing.

a. use b. used c. used to d. „re used to

28. He‟s not used to…………………………up early.

a. get b. got c. getting d.gets

29. My brother didn‟t like it at first, but now he‟s used to…………in
an office.

a. work b. worked c. had worked d. working

30. My parents used to……………to school on Saturdays.

a. went b. go c. going d. had gone

31. We…………………to live in Canada when I was younger.

a. used to b. would c. had d. were

32. John said it was difficult at the beginning but he……………living
in Paris now.

a. used b. used to c. is used to d. had used

33. They…………………the desert when they suddenly discovered a

big oasis.

a. crossed b. had been crossing c. were crossing d. cross

34. He had no sooner……………the house than it started to rain.

a. leave b. left c. had been leaving d. leaves

35. Martin had hardly sat down …………………the phone rang.

a. than b. then c. when d. which

36. When we were on holiday, we ………………get up early every day.

a. would b. used to c. were d. had

37. I didn‟t take an umbrella because it ………………………….

a. didn‟t rain b. hadn‟t rained c. wasn‟t raining d. raining

38. Maria………………an important meeting with her boss last week.

a. used to have b. had c. would have d. had had

39. I…………………cycle everywhere when I was younger.

a. would c. was c. had d. used to

Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets
to give the same meaning:
1- When the phone rang, I was doing my homework. ( while )
2- After the film had started, I arrived at the cinema. ( By the time)
3- I had reached the station when the train came. ( Hardly )
4. First he left home. Then he visited his uncle. (As soon as)
7. The match started. Then it rained heavily. ( hardly )
8. First, he will send a letter. Then he will visit his friend.
( As soon as )
9. He took the medicine and fell asleep at once. ( No sooner )
10. As soon as she had finished shopping, she went home. ( Having )
11. My brother was smoking heavily, but he is no longer. ( used )
12. When I was a child, I made a sand castle on the beach. ( used)
13. It‟s no problem for her to wear a scarf. (used)
14. I always get tired when I arrive home. ( used )
15. I was writing an email. The electricity went out. ( when )

16. They spent 3 hours to travel by kayak. ( had )


17. She came late to the school. ( had )


18. Farah did her homework so she was happy. (done )


19. The rain started. I was cycling. ( While )


20. I read a story and my sister watches TV at the same time.

( while )


21. I was sleeping . I heard a noise. ( When )


Complete the following dialogues :

Ahmed: ...................................................................?

Maher: Yes, I practise sports in my spare time.

Ahmed: .......................................................................?

Maher: My favourite sport is football...................................................?

Ahmed : Me? I don‟t practise football but ...........................................

Maher : I disagree with you. Wrestling is so violent.

Ahmed : What about watching some athletics on TV tonight.

Maher :.................................................................................................

Sally: ……………………………………………………?

Mark: I was at Ahmed‟s birthday party.

Sally: Did you give him any presents ?


Sally :…………………………………………………………………………?

Mark: we‟ve been friends for two hours.

Sally : What did you do there ?

Mark :…………………………………………………………………………

Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
On leave, Mrs. Magda gave last minute instructions to the new baby -sitter,
a young girl of seventeen whose main work was to look after the baby. The
girl had never done this work before and Mrs. Magda was a little bit
anxious. "Make yourself comfortable, Soha" Mrs. Magda said. I've prepared
a tray of food and fruit for you. It's on the table. You can, of course,
listen to the radio or watch the television, but don't have it on too loud
because it might wake our little baby. Sound moves terribly in this house.
If the boy wakes up, go to his room and stay with him there until he goes
back to sleep. Anyway, he's two years old, so you shouldn't have any
trouble. My husband and I will be back at about five o'clock". Mr. Kamal and
his wife Magda returned rather later than they had expected they heard
the sound of T.V.A light was still on in the living -room the little baby was
crying loudly. His face was covered with tears. Mr. Kamal switched off the
television. Mrs. Magda went to the living -room immediately and came out,
holding the baby who was very hungry "What is she doing there? Where is
Soha? She is fast asleep'. She has eaten all the food here.

A) Answer the following questions:

1. Why was Mrs. Magda worried about the baby - sitter?

2. What did Mr. and Mrs. Kamal find when they returned home?

3. What instructions did Mrs. Magda give the baby - sitter?

4. Was Soha a good baby - sitter or a bad one? Why?


B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

5. Although Mrs. Magda gave strict instructions to the baby - sitter, she

a) forgot them b) carried them out c) neglected them d) followed them

6. When Mrs. Magda returned home, she was surprised because .......

a) the baby sitter was awake b) the television was on

c) there was a light in the living – room

d) the baby was crying and Soha was fast asleep.


Write a paragraph of 12 lines on the following topic:

(you may use the guiding words)
“ Reading ”
reading – favorite – story – books – library –important–comic- fun

1-Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:

Frank: You look worried. What‟s wrong ?

Jane: I got very bad mark in science.
Frank : Oh! I‟m sorry about that. ………………………………………………………?
Jane: Because I didn‟t study hard. ………………………………………………?
Frank : I think you should study hard in the second term.
Jane: I know. You‟re right.
Frank: What have you learnt from your mistake ?
2- Choose the correct answer :
1. When the telephone rang, they …………………… the match.
a.watched b. had watched c. were watching d. watch
2. He had no sooner……………the house than it started to rain.
a. leave b. left c. had been leaving d. leaves
3. After years of practice Sara is now an……………………pianist.
a.talented b.accomplished c.unexplored d.valuable
4. I was …………… in class and didn‟t catch what the homework is.
a.self-important b.well-mannered c.half-asleep d.half-moon
5-I like the…………………… of sweet and savory in his cooking.
a.combination b. explanation
c. achievement d. acknowledgement

6-Keith………………… his project a day late.
a.dropped out b. turned down c. handed in d. back up
7-My pen friend………………………yesterday.
a.arrives b. arrive c. arrived d. has arrived
8- Please hurry up, everyone…………………… for you.
a.is waiting b.waits c.wait d.will wait
3-Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in
brackets to give the same meaning:
1- When the phone rang, I was doing my homework. ( while )
2- After the film had started, I arrived at the cinema. ( By the time)
3- Kim ‟s painting a picture now. ( every day )
4- The last time I saw him was in 1999. ( I haven't )

4-Write a paragraph of 12 lines on the following topic:

(you may use the guiding words)
“ cooking dinner with mom /dad ”
cook – chop – kitchen – tomato– mushroom –meal– delicious

5-Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Generally, rainforests are forests with high rainfall and a large number of
different kinds of plants and animals. Human beings depend on rainforests
in numerous ways but it would be wrong to suggest that they should be
saved just because they are useful to humans. Rainforests have been called
the womb of life because they are home to 50 - 90 % of the species on
earth although tropical forests cover only 12 % of the land area of the
Earth. It has been estimated that as a result of cutting down rainforest, at
least 40 species are disappearing every day. No one knows just how the
rest of the global ecosystems depend on rainforests, but we may find out in
the next 30 to 50 years. Rainforests are a vital source of medicine and at
least 25% of all modern drugs came originally from rainforests. Rainforests
offer a veritable bounty of foods. The Earth's climate is affected by
rainforests. When trees are down and burnt or left to decompose, they
release carbon dioxide into the air which is the main gas that causes global
warming. Cutting down rainforests also changes the amount of rain that
falls in an area. When rain falls on forests, the water is slowed down and
absorbed by trees and plants. When they are taken away, the water flows
quickly over the ground and this causes floods and erosion.
1 - How are rainforests useful for humans?
2- What happens when rainforests are cut down?
3- Why is it wrong to save the rainforests just so that they can be used by
4- What would happen to Earth if rainforest disappeared?
B- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
5- Species in the passage refers to :
a) plants and animals b) medicine and food c) plants d) animals
6- The word "they" in bold refers to :
a) rain and water b) floods and erosion
c) absorbed water d) trees and plants

Chapter (1)
- Answer the following questions:
1.Mention some reasons that made Mary a spoilt girl.
2.Why did Mary leave India?
3.Why wasn‟t the life in Mr. Craven‟s house exciting?

-Comment on these quotations.

1. “Why has everyone forgotten me? where is my ayah? Where‟s
2. “Now he doesn‟t like anybody.”
3. “Take her to her room”

Chapter (2)
-Answer the following questions:
1. How did Mary treat the Indian servants?
2. Why did Martha have to work as a servant?
3. Why was one of the gardens of Mr. Craven locked up?
4.What was the thing that drew smile on Mary‟s face?

- Comment on these quotations:

1. “He‟s always out on the moor. He‟s good with animals.”
2.“I‟ve never had any friends.”

Chapter (3)
Answer the following questions:
1.Why did Mr. Craven hate the locked garden?
2.How did Dickon enjoy his life?
3.When was it allowed for Mary to go out of the house?

-Who said this quotation to whom and why?

1. “Can you hear someone crying?”
2 .“I‟d like to see your cottage on the moor.”
3. “Your mother is so kind.”

# Stanza 1:

# Paraphrase:
The poet is describing the beauty of tigers. He
admires the immortal power of God who created such
a frightening creature.

#Literary terms:

“Tiger! Tiger, burning bright,”

-Metaphor: the tiger is compared to fire.
-Alliteration: the consonant “t” is repeated twice in the words
-Alliteration: the consonant “b” is repeated twice in the words
-Repetition: the word “tiger” is repeated.

“Could frame thy fearful symmetry?”

-Alliteration: the consonant “f” is repeated in the words

# Rhyme scheme: aabb

# Stanza 2:

# Paraphrase:
The poet asks where this creature was made. He believes that
the fire in the tiger’s eyes is so powerful. So no one dares to
come close to it or try to touch it.

# Literary terms:
“In what distant deeps or skies. ”
- Alliteration: the consonant “d” is repeated twice in the
words “distant/deeps”.
- Antithesis: “deeps and skies” are opposites.
“Burnt the fire of thine eyes?”
- Metaphor: the eyes of the tiger are compared to fire.

“On what wings dare he aspire?”

- Alliteration: the consonant “w” is repeated twice in the
words “wings/what”.
“What the hand, dare seize the fire?”
- Metaphor: the eyes of the tiger are compared to fire.

# Rhyme scheme: ccdd

# Stanza 3:

# Paraphrase:
The poet is amazed at the God‟s skill in shaping the tiger‟s
shoulder, and twisting the sinews of its heart.

# Literary terms:
“ And what shoulder, and what art,”
- Repetition: “And what” is repeated twice.

“And when thy heart began to beat,”

- Alliteration: the consonant “b” is repeated twice in the

words “began/beat”.
“What dread hand? And what dread feet?”

- Repetition: “What dread” is repeated twice.

# Rhyme scheme: eeff


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