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Objectives :
1. To contribute to the protection and promotion of
human rights in short and long-term action.

2. To empower the population to assert and claim their

human rights, children's rights, and women's rights.

3. To enable international and other national

institutions to implement their human rights
obligations and uphold the rule of law.

Human rights are essential to humanity.

Our identity as human beings and our
collective status as a part of humanity as
a whole depend greatly on our knowledge
of human rights.
What is human
Human rights are a collection of
obligations and rights that must be
upheld to defend the inherent worth
and dignity of every person, regardless
of their race, gender, country, or place
of residence, as well as their color,
religion, language, or any other status.
Example of
human rights
The right to education means that
everyone is entitled to a good education.
Governments have an obligation to
provide education facilities and services.
Freedom to Express
Right to Liberty
In protecting and promoting of
human rights, we have to:

1. Understanding Human Rights

2. Rights of A Child

3. Women’s Right
Understanding Human
Every individual has dignity. Dignity gives an individual a
sense of value and worth. The existence of human rights
demonstrates that human beings are aware of each
other’s worth. The principles of human rights were
drawn up to ensure that a human being will be able to
fully develop and use human qualities.
Human dignity is not an individual, exclusive and
isolated sense. It is a part of our common humanity. The
rights that apply to you also apply to others. The denial
of human rights and freedom creates social instability
which propagates the seeds of violence and conflict
both within and between societies and nations.
Women’s Right

Human rights apply to everyone. They are equally applicable

to both genders, boys and girls. For instance, women have the
same rights as men have to life, education, and political
involvement. But in reality, these rights are regularly violated in
a variety of ways in almost every nation around the world.
Promoting Women’s right
CEDAW was adopted in 1979
and entered into force two
years later. It defines the
right of women to be free
from all forms of
discrimination and sets out
core principles to protect
this right.
Promoting Women’s right
The strategic use of UN conferences and forums to put
women’s human rights on the international agenda.
Failure to recognize human rights universally.
The ‘public’/‘private’ split.
Neglect of social and economic rights.
Weak human rights promotion, monitoring and
enforcement at national and local levels.
In the 1980s and 1990s, advocacy on the part of women within
the UN system, as well as among non-governmental
organizations, resulted in a number of specific instruments and
institutions to promote women’s rights. Women started a
movement to have women's issues "mainstreaming" into the
wider human rights system, as well as organizational structures
and mandates.
Mainstreaming- means considering how every proposed
action, such as putting up new legislation, creating a new
policy, or implementing a development program, would
affect both women and men.
Gender ‘Buzzwords’
SEX refers to the biological and physiological characteristics that define men and
GENDER refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviours, activities and attributes
that a given community or society considers appropriate for men and women.
MAINSTREAMING GENDER is the integration of gender concerns into the analyses,
formulation and monitoring of policies, programmes and projects, with the objective
of ensuring that they reduce inequalities between women and men to the maximum
extent possible.
GENDER EQUALITY is the long-term consequence of an absence of discrimination
based on a person’s sex.
GENDER EQUITY is fairness and justice in the distribution of benefits and
responsibilities between women and men.
Children’s Right
The universal human rights that apply to adults also apply to
children and young people, together with additional rights that
take into account their unique needs. Children are not the parents'
possessions, and they are not the helpless objects of charitable
giving. Because they are individuals, they have rights that belong to
them. The rights that children must have in order to reach their full
potential are outlined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Children’s Right
A vision of the child as an individual, a member of a family, and a
community, with rights and obligations suitable to his or her age
and stage of development, is provided by the Convention. The
Convention firmly places the emphasis on the entire child by
recognizing the rights of children in this manner.
Children’s Right
The right to an education
The right to be treated fairly
The right to have adults do what is best
Respect for children’s view.
The right to family and privacy
The right to be protected
The right to a basic standard of living
The right to enjoy your own culture,
religion and language
The right to receive special help
The right to be given support and advice
Children’s Right
The right to a name and nationality
The right to express what they think
The right to a choice of beliefs
The right to friends and clubs
The right to get help from the government if needed
The right to relax
Say NO to child labour
The right to fair treatment from the law
Children have the right to be helped and treated
fairly if they are accused of breaking the law.
The right to have these rights protected
In conclusion, human rights are basic standards of behaviour concerning certain issues
that are universally regarded as important. All individuals must have the right to
inherent its worth and dignity without discrimination, regardless to its race, color, sex,
ethnicity, age, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin,
disability, property, birth or other status. Each right plays a major role in the well-being
of any human, if you are born human, the world has set standards of behaviour for you
that you are required to obey. These standards are called human rights and this will
ensure happiness and prosperity all over the world. All human, all equal.
Thank you
for listening!

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