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To start ERDAS IMAGINE version 13 on your desktop go to:

 Start Button >> all Programs >> ERDAS 2013 >> ERDAS IMAGINE 2013

 To add another viewer window, click on File then new and you will see a list of new
window then click on 2D view. Visualization tool for displaying raster, vector, AOI &
other layers

 Click and look at each button on the main icon panel as indicated on the figure below.

Click on manage main menu tab and contains tools that are useful in general data preparation. You
can also send data to Microsoft PowerPoint, Word, or save directly as a JPEG image.

The Manage Data tab is grouped into these categories: Catalog, Conversion, Vectorize, Raterize,
Image, NITF/NSIF and office tools.

Click on Raster tab and contains tools for enhancing raster data, mosaicking images, classifying data,
change detection analysis, radar data analysis, modifying thematic data, and Fourier analysis.

The Raster tab is grouped into these categories: Resolution, Geometry, Classification, Change
Detection, Radar Toolbox, Raster GIS and Scientific.
Click on Vector tab and contains tools for working with shapefiles and arc coverages. Use these tools
to convert raster data to vector data and vice versa, build and clean vector layers, copy, rename, and
delete vector layers, and more.

The Vector tab is grouped into these categories: Manage, Shapefile, Raster to Vector and ArcInfo

Click on Terrain tab and contains tools for working with TerraModel layers.

The tools are context-sensitive, meaning that whether particular tools are active or what they do may
depend upon the current view, the current layer, or the currently selected item.
The Terrain tab is grouped into these categories: Manage Terrain, Analysis and Point Cloud

Click on Toolbox tab and contains the LPS module (photogrammetric production tools), Image
Equalizer, Spatial Model Editor, MosaicPro and Mosaic Express, AutoSync, Stereo Analyst, Map Series
Tool, and several VirtualGIS tools. The tools contained in this tab are shown if the corresponding module
has been purchased and installed.

Click on Help menu and Every Workspace contains a Help tab, consisting of a search field where you
can enter text to locate tools, modules, and Help topics in the Workspace.
Reference materials are located here for easy access. You can open the ERDAS Field Guide, serving as
a reference for image processing methods and GIS concepts. If you have installed the Radar module, the
Radar Interferometry User Guide is available as a reference for theory and practice of SAR
interferometry. Various Workflows, User Guides, Spatial Modeling guides, ERDAS Desktop Products
Installation Guide, and EML language reference guide are also available.


 Selecting Layer to Add:

1. Click on File menu then click on Open

2. Select Layer to Add window will appear as shown below

3. Use IMAGINE Image (*.img) for Files of type

4. Fill look in with stacked.img from C/Lab/RS/stacked.img

5. Select/click stacked.img

 Raster Option Contains Techniques to display image

1. Click the raster option tap to examine the display parameter

2. A Select Layer to Add dialog window appears

3. Select true color for display>>check clear display and fit to frame>> click ok to display
the image in the viewer as shown in the figure below.

Look at different features in the image and identify with what color they are displayed.
Note: To change band combination for color composites click on Multispectral menu from the
menu bar and click on Red colorgun >> click on the band/ Layer you want to display as red.

If you set Band 2/Layer_2 to Blue, Band 3/Layer_3 to Green and Band 4/Layer_4 to Red >> this
combination is called true color composite. N.B. This is in Landsat 8 Satellite
What is the color of water and vegetation in the True color composite?
What is the color of water and vegetation in the False color composite (when 5, 4, 3 is assigned
to RGB)?
Why do you think we see different colors within the lake?


 From the main menu of ERDAS select Session and then select Exit EMAGINE or
(Crl+Q)>> press Yes in the Quit dialog box.

 Now close everything opened on your computer and shut down the system.

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