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2020 results decision map for schools and colleges

Are the grades for our ?

students correct?
A student has
concerns about bias,
discrimination and How do we enter
We do not think a
You should download the information the lack of integrity at your students for the
The correct data was student has a valid
exam board has provided. Check the data centre when the centre autumn 2020
used there are no basis to appeal.
matches what your centre submitted and assessment grade assessment series?
grounds for appeal on
that the correct historical information was and rank order were
this basis.
used for standardisation purposes. determined.

The wrong data was used for our centre. If the student disagrees The student should You can enter students
You may have grounds they should contact you contact you first and go for the autumn 2020
to appeal on the basis first and go through your through your assessment
of a procedural error, an internal procedure. internal procedure. series here
error in issuing results or
exceptional circumstances.
We have grounds for appeal.

PEUK A2195 Version 1.0 • UKS • August 2020 • DCL1: Public

The student may wish to
The student may provide
sit assessments in the
Appeal is successful evidence to the exam board
autumn 2020 assessment
If successful the centre for further investigation.
series or in 2021.
results may change.
You can submit an appeal
application via
Edexcel Online.
If unsuccessful the centre
Appeal is unsuccessful results will stay the same.
Ofqual have confirmed that students cannot challenge their individual centre
assessment grades this year, as any appeal would have to be undertaken by
someone better placed than teachers to judge their likely grade if assessments
had taken place. In the unique circumstances of this summer, Ofqual do not
believe there is any such person.

Ofqual has decided that a centre may appeal to the exam board if:
How have results been
• it has made an error when it submitted its centre assessment grade or rank
order information calculated?
• the exam board has made a procedural error
• the exam board has used the wrong data. This could include, for example, All schools and colleges with entries provided exam boards
the use of the wrong prior attainment or historical data for the purposes with rank orders and Centre Assessment Grades this year in
of standardisation the absence of assessments, as well as any actual grades for
• the exam board has made a mistake in issuing grades BTEC learners.
• there are exceptional circumstances, as explained in Ofqual's appeals guidance,
The rank orders and Centre Assessment Grades contained

PEUK A2195 Version 1.0 • UKS • August 2020 • DCL1: Public

and the Pearson guidance for our vocational qualifications 
teachers’ professional judgements of the most likely
grades students would have achieved, had they taken their
Bias and Discrimination assessments.

Where students have concerns about the impact of bias or discrimination on the Exam boards used a statistical model, developed by Ofqual,
centre assessment grade and/or rank order information they should raise these or in line with their requirements for BTEC, to standardise
concerns with their centre as a complaint. In some cases, it may be appropriate for centres outcomes. To arrive at the final outcomes the
evidence to be provided to the exam board as alleged malpractice. model looked at prior centre performance, prior candidate
performance this year compared to previous years and
outcomes for the qualification at a national level.

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