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College of Engineering, Architecture & Technology


Developing Research
RES 100D - Research Methods for Architecture


TAN, ROSALINDA G. 10/17/2022

Chapter 2


End Chapter Questions:

1. Enumerate and explain the five fundamental key abilities that a researcher should possess in
making research.
Creativity, judgment, communication, organization, and persistence is the five fundamental
key abilities that a researcher should possess in making research. Creativity because it’s impossible to
come up with a description of research work that doesn't mention creativity or involve words like
original, honest, or distinctive. Clearly, in the academic research process, creativity is a constant.
Judgment because when it comes to participation in research, a very precise kind of judgment is
required. An academic researcher should analyses and choose a mentor who will assist the researcher
grow in the best possible way, just as a mentor may use discretion in selecting a mentee. Personality,
attitude of the Council on Undergraduate Research, and research approach are all elements to consider
when selecting a mentor. Another crucial part of judgment is knowing when to seek assistance in
addressing difficulties. To get the most out of research, students must weigh the benefits of knowing
when to ask for help when they run into a roadblock vs. potentially wasting time by attempting to
solve the problem on their own. Communication and organization is always a partner in making things
because in order to organize things that you will do in yourself or as a group, you must communicate
with them to arrange things and make it well organize. And lastly is being persistent, the will to never
give up is known as persistence. However, it is critical to remember Recognize that perseverance
necessitates failure. Failure might have serious consequences. Include creating a poor study design,
failing to anticipate potential hurdles, or failing to understand every facet of a project. Research
project that has been proposed Failure, on the other hand, is an inevitable part of life.

2. In making research, you should consider the research ability of your target study. How can
you find your research as a viable one?
In conducting research, we must select the ideal topic, that is, the precise problem and issue to
be solved, and we must compare various sources and theories to determine whether there is a viable
outcome or whether it is impossible. Once we begin the process, we will be able to determine whether
the research is proceeding correctly or not. Then you may come to one conclusion: the hypothesis is
successful. Please double-check it after you're finished so that the research is successful. So, if you
acquire information from others and debate it with others, such as theory academics, or if you refer to
all, you may simply determine if your research is practical or not.

3. What should a research statement be consisting of?

A research statement is a suggestion for future study as well as a summary of past research
accomplishments. It frequently contains both present intentions and conclusions and long-term
objectives. Research statements are typically required as part of a pertinent job application procedure,
and they frequently help in the selection of qualified candidates. The layout of a typical research
statement follows a standard format, and it frequently incorporates elements seen in other research
documents, such as an abstract, a study background, and goals. These reports are frequently made for
specialized audiences and may be used to highlight certain programmatic study areas or demonstrate
job proficiency. The research statement, which is a summary of your research accomplishments,

TAN, ROSALINDA G. 10/17/2022

current work, and work's prospective future directions, is a typical component of academic research

4. Explain the differences between research aims and research objectives and how it will help
you in the process of a research study?
The Research aim should be defined and written in a way that it can be determined when it is
accomplished. The steps should take to achieve your research goal are outlined in your research
objectives. What, why, who, when, and how questions are all answered by the objectives. And it
should evaluate and adjust your objectives on a frequent basis during your research project to ensure
that you are keeping focused.

5. How will the literature help the researchers in the study?

The literature review also gives researchers the chance to analyse the research that has already
been done on their subject critically and to combine the results into a coherent whole. It aids them in
better understanding and making sense of their study. It is impossible to overstate the value of
literature reviews in research. It may be argued that any research study would be doomed to failure
without a strong literature evaluation. This is due to the fact that the goal of a literature review is to
present a thorough overview of all pertinent existing research on a certain issue. This enables
researchers to have a comprehensive picture of the present state of knowledge on their subject and
spot any research gaps that need to be filled

6. What are the aspects that research should take into consideration in searching related
literature to their study?
These days, finding literature is rather simple. Nowadays, you can access a lot of material
electronically, and you can buy books almost anywhere and at any time. Utilize the library resources
provided to you by your college or university to start your search. Libraries frequently provide group
or individualized instruction in finding information, and librarians are frequently accessible to assist
with homework on certain topics. If you're a student, you'll learn how to access or request books,
journal articles, and reports that are relevant to your subject by using search engines and databases like
Social Work Abstracts. Although there is a lot of information available online, not all websites provide
reliable information.
The literature review isn’t just a summary of all the critical points in the knowledge of the field, it
is an analysis, primarily. The literature review provides a summary and synthesis of the literature,
categorized in a defined organizational pattern. Do the following in a literature review:
 Reinterpret old materials in the light of new information in the field, thereby, combine old
with new materials.
 Doing the above step will help you in providing the chain of progression of knowledge in the
 Evaluate the sources and provide an overview of significant works to your problem.
 Identify gaps that exist in the chain of knowledge, which can be exploited for further research.
Provide the information on research gaps when concluding the literature review.
 Recognize search terms
 Make connections between ideas
 Increase the number of ideas generated
7. Why is important to know different approaches in research?

TAN, ROSALINDA G. 10/17/2022

Since research findings may be interpreted differently depending on how they were collected,
you must always be aware of how the data was gathered prior drawing any conclusions on what the
results truly indicate. Various research methodologies have varying degrees of accuracy.

8. What is plagiarism?
According to Wikipedia Plagiarism is the representation of another author's language,
thoughts, ideas, or expressions as one's own original work. In educational contexts, there are differing
definitions of plagiarism depending on the institution. Plagiarism is considered a violation of academic
integrity such as truth and knowledge through intellectual and personal honesty in learning, teaching,
research, fairness, respect and responsibility, and a breach of journalistic ethics. It is subject to
sanctions such as penalties, suspension, expulsion from school or work, substantial fines and even
imprisonment. Plagiarism is defined as misrepresenting another author's words, thoughts, ideas, or
expressions as one's own unique work. Plagiarism is defined differently in contexts depending on the
institution. Plagiarism is regarded as an infringement of academic honesty as well as an infringement
of journalistic integrity.

9. Why it is important to compile references in the bibliography?

 First, by presenting complete data for every resource you utilized, you empower your
audience to locate and read such books if they so desire.
 Second, a detailed bibliography demonstrates that you employed relevant sources for your

10. What are the uses of appendices?

An appendix comprises supplemental data that is not required to be included in text but could
be useful in giving a more full knowledge about the research subject, or data that is too lengthy to be
included in the body of the paper.

TAN, ROSALINDA G. 10/17/2022


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