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Test 1 READING utes Part 1 Questions 1-5 College Shop ow isthe time to buy tial ters lke pens | folders - weduced ( | | until Friday. } breaks. Also for 30 minutes |] after part from Monday, pmand. | A Students must go to the for thel dies, B Students can take advantage pecial offers at the college sh the momer cst jents may visit the college shop at y day except Monda Jake is writing to A suggest a new date for B invite Max to mee © cancel an arrangem A All the pizzas in the restaurai ded in this offer B Any pizza ordered before 7 p less than the usual C Atcertain times, aci with Inthe school but we coul do better! Please ‘suggestions in the box outside my offic ny < Hi Sa Thank for taking me night | did't say at the time but Iwasa M iggestions on how cle waste produced by the B Recycling materials shoul id be put into the box outside Mr Wood's office, © Mr Wood wants new ideas on ways to impro Mel is tex ing to A accept Sam's invitation to the cinema. B admit to Sam that she found the film s C ask w her fl Part 2 Questions 6-10 A re oight book reviews 1 the most sultable for the people below Ahmed enjoys reading about real people, especially if they tel their wn story. He'd lke to read a book by someone who's had to deal eae with difficulties in their If. int ti loves doing all kinds of sport. She'd like to learn as much as f 7 about top sportspeople from all over the world and ho 7 y've managed to achieve t E Ds f Conal loves nature and enjoys writing about it. He wants ideas to his 8 help him further develop his writing skills and would love I areer as a writer Elif likes reading books about adventures. She loves learning about people who did brave things in the past, and how their actions have 4 nfluenced the way we live toda oN his oh Stefan enjoys travelling and is keen to discover more about other 1 \e@ tur to learn how to make typi Reading Book reviews A Being Me B_ Endless Days i fi ractical r 1 this book, th he true stor anyone wh ts to be fit and healthy Sf the f Atlan mous sf , ~ P aphs and a d h ind you'll also fir 2 a truct r 2x out 1 the modern the book suce Action Plan D Memories r ous athl The prize-winning author of Memories is here are some amazing photc amous for his unusual writing style and én a xciting adventure stories. In thi e bc Jone to a journey around the world an 1 : Qu aches us a lot about other cultures and their thi dt jes, He describes some of the world’s i pat th + beautiful nature, as well asthe many prepai nt competi ating poe E Daysinthe Sun F Parrots in Para b b This newly publis! up on a smal about a Is for pired hin me an a in in h some there’s also k il-written G Night Light H Ourtive tells us how h ‘ i hich mak Part 3 "1 lad € sful 12 ler and her brother Jamie Vicky chose to do lots of | ferent sp: immer, and the coach at the swimming club | SH t st good enough to become a champion. But t | rom t ficult for her to fit in the training sround he fork. Wh gers, Jamie, wh 13 i ugk 1 ve ion she ev ally was near her school, which meant it wa: ? ave a successful career in track cycling eral set nen sh he retired from cot cling. Vick 4 ld sved winning competitions but | began to get a bit tired o ne whole t i 'e excitement stops, there's no point. Luckily, | went 7 4 ne. ‘We work with young people who joyed 1 he first thing we do is teach them to ride ike nem to learn to b n themselves own abilities. JeZoni yreat job, ar 0 they're part of 15 cha lebr ad Vicky says, ‘I know some people ; ert always positive for a T elebr € doing it to pt mselves forward, which 1 F 1m seeing the real work of ity. But if famous singers Wher 900 Why cog oo8 Reading too old to d everything she leZone do for young people’ w to do track racing nave talent. ay from what a charity dos s work, arity fed with a charity. If you join CycleZone to meet celebrities an | | Ferere s id helping groups of learn to ride bikes. Part 4 Questions 16-20, esto the correct answ At home together Taimi Taskinen is an 83-year-old woman who lives in a care home called Rudolf jouse in Helsinki, Finland. A c home is a place where old peo; ve and e looked after hey don't live with their families. At Rudolf House, there are lots of stairs, s which elderly people can't access easily. As a sult, the city council decided to rent thes: fe spare rooms to young people. They called this new housing programme “The House that Fits’ work. [18] ] She couldn't imagine what she'd have in common wit | joung people who weren't family members. Then, one morning a few days later, a_| ing tan appeared cotadia nee ees. MNT il 'm your new neighbour,’ the young man said. ‘My name's Jonatan Shay Mind if | come in?’ ‘Please do,’ she replied, immediately curious. ‘I'll make coffee,’ he announced, going into her tiny kitchen. ‘Why don't you tell me about ourself?’ he asked, as ought their drinks to the table. ] she also told him about her family and how much she love In turn, 20-year-old Jonatan told Taimi he'd been living in Helsinki with his mother >unger brott moved away. He was in the middle of a course in hen he heard about That's v on social media. The counci's post resulted in over 300 ve at Rudolf House. They had face-to-face interviews hy they wanted to live there. [20 ] And {ship between Taimi nd Jonatan began. AS BT cA Ds \s ir {eg | s " jut | F Because of this, Jonatan has to be a good neighbour and spend 30 hours a month wah Tai @ would bo tho fat im had happened at Rc House Part 5 Questions 21-26 ti The Potato cri ente jorked attra istomer | One even ti tatoes, ‘Tr 0 th ne c yative (24) decided to annoy the custo News of this 3k travelle were actually (26) A B A B 23 A convince B 24° A comn B 25 B 26 A B invention of crisps tot y a chef called kery skills, e disgust and thi paper-thin slices, fried thi ely (25) Part 6 Questior Write one Hi Alex en | He pieces until | ee old one thought. But (32) All the Sam Part 6 Questions 27-32 Moving house very busy one for me ~ I finally moved hous 0 pack a few days ago that | realise really think moving house is one of the (28) s sad to leave my old house ~ after (29) WRITING (45 minutes Part 1 u must answer this question. Vrite your answer in about 100 words on the iswer shes Question 1 lead this email fro lege classmate Alex and the notes you have made. Fro Alex Subject: | | Colege science presentation | | seat nat were gig to wrk eget nthe colene .clence presentation. Do you think we should choose the srest as our topic? y have two weeks to prepare, so can we start tomorrow? here can we go to prepare the presentation? My cousins are | ~S0”y Staying at my house at the moment, so we can't work there Supgest «| Stoo an give our presentation to the class either in the morning would you prefer? Tell Alex ur email to Alex using all the notes. Part 2 hose o' ite your Questior You see t! Questio: Your Eng! Your stor Write you Nrit : about 100 words on the answer shee Is shopping boring? | hat could shoppin do to attract more ur story. LISTENING (approximately 30 minutes) 4 Ho Part 1 Questions 1 Questions 8-13 13 You. How 1g her colleague about her weekend. Listening Wo old friends talking at a party A B Hehas started wearing glas —Hehas changed his style of clothes. to attend it B worried that her presentation will be unpopular © surprised t take place Part 3 nn Questions 14-19 or each question, write the correct answer in the gap. ite one or two words or a number or a date or a time, You will hear a man giving information to people who are starting a one-week si | One-week singing course z: Robert Park } ys ssicals: (14) Susar Concert When: Friday, at (15) lour of clothes: (16) Other general information Mar 3: available from the (17) | sts £ (19) per day Part 4 Question: For each qi You will he: a hairdress 20 21 22 23 24 25 Why Ther Part 4 Questions 20-25 ey Diaz, who is talking about his work as 21 Ona typical day at work, Mickey says that he A doesn’t take for break | B works longer hours than he would like to, } tries to do a range of jobs A hat the custom be ar B proud of what he's a Cc keento ue learnin 25 Mickey recommends that people who want to work as hairdressers A shouldn't take the first job they're offered B__ shouldn't believe they k erything. Test 2 , READING (45 minutes) Part 1 Questions 1-5 La “ some great ticket discounts. 1 remember you said you wanted to visit a few interesting ci in the UK. This might be a good way todo it Jenny ¥ 2 7 Pp | \ | Sweet Memories ) Ju remember your candy | store favourites? | 1 | sean by ttre oper: || The unusual story behind indy A suggest hi sightseeing. B remind Lara that she needs to book cheap train tickets. C invite Lara to visit some different places around the UK with her discuss their A People will be ask avourite childhood sw ots at the lecture, B The lecture will be about how swe! shops have changed over the las © The lecture will cover some surprising facts about sweets. Par Que ‘ » ree 3 Bes or Maric te i th Ec te 1 wher to fnd i ‘coo how rcyelng wor z dot ee =

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