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2) AVC Tie Emily Devlin Robyn Shaw mT # FUE CuLeL Te Sl VOCABULARY Complete the sentences with the words below. Then use the letters in the boxes to complete the sentence below. 1 Three people can sitona 2 People put food on a 3 Only one person can sit 4 People have dinner in the 5 Families often watch TV in the 6 You can keep clothes ina 7 People usually sleep ina You can prepare food in the There is water in a 10 Food gets hot in 11 Youcan walk ona 12 People keep food cold in a 43. You can cover a window with 4 Students often do homework at a a and as Circle 14 food items in the puzzle. 3 Complete the items from the puzzle in Exercise 2 under the correct pictures. 1 2 . 3 Match the descriptions in A to the food iter A B 1 aliquid with gas a jul 2 acold dessert b lar 3 adrink from fruit « fiz ‘4, meat from a cow dct 5 afood from sheep eto 6 hot bree f be 7 afood from g io Complete the words for tableware. 1b 5 7 2 6 3on Tank i‘ ‘ BaP © Look at the pictures. Then unscramble the letters and write the names of the clothes and accessories in the . Dis) su, 1 2 3 4 5 $ 7 a ! 7 10 7 rublmale B osshe | @ eosigy i rabina y= EE es ' & : Deak 3 3 ti-hisr ‘ 5 $ IA ecatreb 7 7 einasre / @ The words in bold are in the wrong sentences. Write the words next to the correct sentences. 1 People often wear rings and other socks. 2 Men don't wear long trousers to play tennis. They wear jewellery, 3 People often wear make-up on their feet in the summer, 4 Shorts keep your feet warm in winter. 5. Some women wear sandals on their face when they go out in the evening, 9 u , 3 A strong wind /ice / temperature can destroy a home 4 It’s difficult to see in ice /fog / lightning, 5 It's 40°C. It’s very cold /hot / dry outside. Choose the correct answer, 1 The temperature is -8°C. It's very warm / cold / hot. 2 Snow / Rain / Sun is white and very cold, 6 Be careful! don’t want you to fall on the ice / sun /fo ‘Complete the sentences with the words below. wet © thunder © cool » storm * cloud Vina 2 Theresa big black 3 We can see lightning before we hear , there is often wind and rain, inthe sky. 4 Take an umbrella so you don't get 5. I'm wearing a sweater because it’s outside, Complete the place under each picture. _ la 3p 6 51 6c & Domo ab Match each place in A to somet! in. 1g you can do there A B 1 café a play basketball 2 department store b see films 3 train station © have tea and cake 4 sports centre 4 visit many shops 5 museum @ sea doctor 6 cinema # buya ticket to York 7 shopping centre 9 buy everything in one shop 8 hospital fh see dinosaurs GRAMMAR * ‘1 Choose the correct answer. 1 Carlis ten and her / your / his sister is eight 2. Mrand Mrs Parker love his / their / its new house. 3 Rita is here. This is her / their / his coat. The 4 I can't go out, / My shoes are wet, The red house is our / his 6 You have got dark hair, but my / your / our eyes are light. 7 This dog is alone. My / Our / Its owner isn't here, 2. Complete the sentences about Britain. Use the Saxon genitive form of the words in brackets 1 Britain) flag is white and blue, 2 In Britain, beef and potatoes (people) favourite food is 3 British (teenagers) favourite activities are reading and chatting online, 4 J.K. Rowling) Harry Potter is the most popular book series in Britain. 3. Copy and complete the sentences with the correct form of tobe 1 We friends 2 Beth not) in my c 3 you 14 years ol 4 all 5 Aidan and Dylan (not) at the shopping centre now. 6 Amelia happy? 4 Complete the description of the picture with the correct form of to be. That's mein the picture. | at school today because |? it My mother ® at home with me She * at work. My brothers 5 at home. They ® ill so they * at school. 5 Write sentences with the words below. Use the correct form of have got. 1 MrJones /a new car 2 you /ablack pen /? 3 Elizabeth / not /a dog / 4 Tom and Dan /asister /? and Ella /not / bikes 6 I /two cats / 6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of to be or have got. 1 vet adventurous. I love extreme sports. 2 You can't makea cake. You eggs. 3 the knives on the table’ 4 they a big kitchen? 5 You canask John for a pencil. He several pencils. 6 You can't visit us today. We at home. 7 New York abig city! 8 Kate an umbrella, but it isn't rainy. 7 Look at the picture. Write sentences with the affirmative or negative form of there is / there are and the words below. three apples © anorange « fizzy drinks aknife * two cups 2 3 4 5 8 Write questions about the picture in Exercise 7. Use Is there or Are there and the words from the chart below. Then answer the questions. Dread eggs SPEAKING a 1 Number the sentences in each dialogue in the correct order. 1a Matt: Yes, am. |'m from Hull b Claire: Oh, hi, Pete. Ho Pete: Hi, Claire, Claire: Nice Are you new here? ware you? a meet you, Matt. @ Pete: I'm fine, thanks. Claire, this Is Matt 2 a MrDawson: Welcome to our school b Chris: Pleased to meet you, Mr Dawson 1 ¢ MrDawson: Hello, Chris, 'm Mr Dawson. I'm the head teacher. 4 Chris: Thankyou. @ MrDawson: I'd like you to meet Mrs Green. She's your new teacher. 2. Complete the mini-dialogues with the phrases below. when'sthe * canIborrow * we'reon © Ileftit how do you spell » whoknows * ora pink one 1 Russ: ‘a marker? Meg: Yes, you can. Do you want a yellow one 2 Teacher: Wher s your textbook? Ron: at home. 3 Teacher: the answer? Ken: Ido. It’s library, 4 Teacher: What page are we on? Anna: page 48, 5 Dee: history exam? Teacher: On Thursday at 10.00. 6 Teacher: chicken? VOCABULARY abel the places n the picture = 1 OR S - F ees - | = ih ¥ Complete the speech bubbles with the words be 4 { 1 dren want fo have fun. is ther 6 t 2 I want to buy local fgod ane lothes. Whe he e 8 3 ma tourist here. Is there a tick to see all the Y Choose the correct answer according to the picture 4 Are there any concerts outsid Yin Exercise 1 in the K = 1 Behinc esa factory / BasStep, 5 Im standing at the _20t ne Ste car pi sfop sign) traffic light and Stoke Road n the right place 3 Under thelBridgd / zebra crossing, there isa 6 We love chocolate, Can we t ide re two car parks /soundabouts)in the picture ‘Complete the sentences to help a tourist discove 5 Ther ian ling at a corner / bus stop. YY your town. Use words from Exercises 1-3. GRAMMAR # Articles and quantifiers, How much /How many Choose the correct answer. 1 There is aA&old bankin town, 2 There aregomey any cars in the car park. 3 There is@/ an market on Park Street. 4 There aren't some /@nyyoundabouts on this road, 5 (AYRE playground in this picture is small Complete the sentences with many or much. 1 Thereare.....WCh....... people in the town square. 2 There isn't....caCh time to see all these 3 Therearent...C%00).... traffic lights in this town, 4 Thereisnt...W rain in this area Choose the correct answer. 1 Are there any KgGme.children in the playground? 2 Is there@y the boy on the zebra crossing? 3 Are there many Kfmuel) people on the bridge? 4 Is there a A@jamusement parknear the tran station? ‘Answer the questions in Exercise 3 according to the pictures Ce Osea Complete the questions with How much or How ‘many. Then match the questions to the answers below, 1 Heit. uch... water do you drink every day? 2. How e904 markets are therein your town? 3. How! much _ does bread cost at this bakery? 4 Mov 20% types offish can you get he 5. Hew en@0¥jslands has Japan got? 2a About £2.50. Sb Thousands, but four big ones - Honshu, Hokkaido, Shikoku and Kyushu, Le About two litres 2d think there are two. 4 @ Three ~ salmon, tuna and shark 6 Complete the text with the words below. le» mfr © ay © Yo Ap WSIS WaAPELT Japan is on interesting country. fr One place to experience Japanese culture is at 4 the Tsuki market in Tokyo, There is... big selection of traditional Japanese food at the market, There are also 2 pawn restaurants on the street, so you carFOrder sushi for breakfast or lunch. There aren't® grav places to have dinner at the market because the restaurants close early in the afternoon. a SPEAKING 7 Complete the dialogue withthe words and phrases belon isithard © it try © ge ‘As Excuse me, Where can | good trainers? astfield Sh Centre There are some good shoe shops th ‘A: Which do you B: Go to Frank's Shoes. big A tofind? B: No, it's next to the supermarket, You can't miss it VOCABULARY # Activitie Complete the words or phrases below according to the pictures and find the hidden word. Then use the word to complete the sentence below. 1 ¢ Cj skatiog A B he Ya a 2fbin Bb pizds 3 go Ze agrou Wee Ld tours Seep Be abroad 3 Complete the sentences below with the activtie from Exercise 2. 1 There are special priges for student theatre ticke solet’s 6. O° WOY! 2 Freddy doesn't ike doing things alone, so hell Din coy op 3 Lets tke $0". around the city 4 somgpeaplingre USA donitcfen 0.2106 because there are so ma places to vsitin their country 5 Sammy hasn't got anything in his fridge, so he'll Oeleno. cee aah Complete the sentences with the activities below gogat » eyilore » take tours » joingffoup gofrwiling » te 1 [want to of the city becat like hearing about the different places. 2 Lets.Of the city today. 3 Weusually.......\0.....60... for dinner att weekend, 4 Idon'twant to_.Ap...20l? because th balls are heavy! 5 We plan to carry our things on our backs and to 6 Danny is on holiday alone, but he plans to pia ofigeun for two days. He prefers to travel with other people. Use the activities in Exercises 1-4 to complete the sentences. Make them true for you. ahr Ol oor at the weekend. 1 Isometimes 21.99. 3 During the schoo! holidays..." 4 Inever GRAMMAR # Present Simple 1. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple affirmative. Then choose the correct adverb of frequency or time expression. 1 foften) once a month take around new cities (take) tours 2 My mother ..... oes Gvery week) 3 Myfather....exer? (go) bowling rarely. (exercise) usually (inthe ‘evening. : 4 Wegometime>/ on Saturday... Hitk (hike) inthe t near our house. 5 Sophie @ved/ once aweek watches... (watch) ice skating competitions on TV. 6 Sheilaand John... ¥CRN (order) pizza always / (akthe weekend: Complete the sentences with the affirmative or negative form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple. 1 Mia sometimes... 992. iN (go) camping in the Bond QO, un. (NOt do) sport every day. 3 This shop ..d0es/it 4 This baby often ck (cry. osoot uh 5 Mysister... coe JP {not work) at the bank at the weekend. g£0 (not open) until 10.00 am. + 6 Tom and Ann usually ...AUT. pictures in their art class. paint) beautiful 3 Write questions with the words below. Use the Present Simple. Then answer the questions. Make the answers true for you. 1 your best friend / often / hike Drea xjoow best £¥End. Ken. eile? No; -he..coeacrt 2 you and your family /take a trip / every summer an Kaaghilen tok! Deyo a: Yes Xe. oo 3 what /you / do / at the weekend Nhs db wou do «. «7 4 when /you/ usually / go out x1 eo. 2e..4yo0 4. Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. EB YY Use the correct form of the Present Simple. SPEAKING # Talking al The Natural History Museum is a famous museum in London. Every year, millions of people “wtot (wisit) it wnat? they do" (do) there? They (look) at dinosaur fossils and other interesting exhibits. Many people (want to visit the museum, but they ® (not live) in London. So, they (take) virtual tours of the museum, My friend Seth every winter. He® exhibits. He (have) fun at the museum (not walk) around the ) ice skating, = ie igrink atthe London Natural History Museum ee out trips 5 Complete the dialogue with the words and phrases below. ce do you take trips? Br Once or twice a year. a do you usually go? B: To the ocean. Ai do you do on your trips? B: | go sailing on my friend’s boat and | go swimming a do you go with? B: usually go with friends and family A: Where do you 2 B: Ata hotel near the beach. WRITING # & ion abo ur city or town The sentences below are from a student's opinion of a city. Read each sentence and write 0 (opening sentence B (body) or C (closing sentence) 1 That's why It's my favourite city 2. Many people travel on the underground. 3 Inmy opinion, Chicago isa great city! 4 There are many old bridges, 5 There's a big amusement park near ti Read the sentences from an opinion about the city of Toronto and number them in the correct order. Then write the paragraph below. On Saturdays and Sundays, my friends and like going to the city centre Come and visit Toronto ~ it's an amazing city I's hundreds of metres high and it's gota glass floor, so you can see all of Toronto below your fee 4 love it because there are many exciting sights and there is excellent public transpor pinion, my home town Toronto, a big city in Ontario, Can da, isa great cit f Myfavouri e CNTowe Tower, Toronto ddd iniaciecacciactc ; ld i tld An opinion about your cit @©_#WRITING PLAN Complete the chart below about your city or town. Name of city /town: General opinion: Examples of what Ilike / don’t like: Favourite place: ‘Summary of opinion: Write an opinion about your city or town. Use the information in the chart above and the useful language below to help you. Then use the checklist to check your writing. all these reasons, QUDE Ae 18 VOCABULARY Choose the word or phrase that doesn't belong in each group. zebra cro ficlight + sights + stop sign 2 facte ayground + post office 3 take ator re = htseeing + pain 4 wling + go ice skating - « A 8 2 hil b bank 3 ho € factory 4 send a letter d fore 5 buy fruit I @ spor 6 wait for pu . f bus ste 7 deposit mor g theatre 8 manufacture thing: h post off Complete the sentences with the words below. 1 You drive or to cross 2 The t of 3 Inoui dy meets in the 4 Car MEME choose the correct ansv e shower isin the kitchen / bathroom / living room. 2 Peo Je usually eat soup with a spoon / fork/ kn 3 Young children can run and have fun at a car pa roundabout / playground ly mother keeps her sunglasses in her necklac: handbag / make-up, you want to hike / paint / see a show with 1 That way, we can exercise and see beautiful nat 6 Inthe vinter, it's fun to play in the thunder / for 7 Do they make good bread at that church / bake library? 8 Gostraight a amusement park / sight. turn left at the roundabout 9 I'm hungry. Let’s join a group / go camping order pizza. 10 Youdor need a jacket. It’s cold / warm / cool. Moi on Listen and write the sentences. GRAMMAR Gemma: 6 Choose the correct answer. 1 There aren't some / any / much children in the playground right now. It’s empty. 2 We haven't got many / much / some time before the concert starts - only ten minutes. 3 You've got seven aunts and uncles, so you've probably got the / some / any cousins, too. 4 Much / How much / How many ice cream do you want? he cinema? 5 Istherea/an/ the interesting film at 6 I've gota/an/ some oranges 7 How many / How much / Many pictures have you got on your phone? 7 Complete the sentences with a, an, some, any, many or much 1 Thereisnt 10 small sausages. 2 There are It's hard to choose meat on this pl -only good programmes to watch, 3 Theres amusement park near my house. 4 There's playground, too. 5 There aren't bus stops near here. 6 There are but there are usually more cars in the car park today, 8 Complete the questions with How much or How many. 1 zebra crossings are there on this street? 2 time have we got? 3 people are there at the factory? 4 money is there in your handbag? 9 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple 1 Semalways (stop) his car when he see 21 3 MsSmith Monday and Wednesday someone at a zebra crossing, ‘not go out) every night. (teach) English on aw (buy) fruit at the market once a week. 5 My friend (not eat) pizza, 6 We (not cook) meals every evening, 10 Write questions with the words below. Use the t Present Simple. Then answer the questions. 1 your mother / often / go bowling 2 who/ you / usual /sit/ next to / in English lessons 3 where / your best friend /live 4 when / you and your friends / usually /go out V1 BENET choose the correct answer. Ponte Vecchio Florence "is /are / have got an amazing city in Italy. Ithas got* the / much / some beautiful old bridges “How many / How much / Are there bridges has Florence got? It's got six old bridges, but the Ponte Vecchio * am /is /are the only original bridge from before the Second World War. The Ponte Vecchio is famous for * his / her / its amazing views across the ‘Arno River. Many tourists ® walk / walks / doesn’t walk over the Ponte Vecchio every day, so local people sit on the bridge and sell things. My friend ulimit Laura lives in Florence. a, ane r * Laura /Lauras’ / Laura's — father sells jewellery on - a the bridge. BOLE 12 Translation Write the sentences in English 1 {Con qué frecuencia haces ejercicio’ 2. Hay una parada de autobts cer 3 (Hay algiin aparcamiento de coches cerca del mercado? 4 Salgo con mis amigos todos los sbados. 5. Amy a menudo va a patinar sobre hielo en invierno. \ WRITTEN COMPREHENSION ad the promotional material. hina, It’s more than 1,00 lometres. Th i 2 and there aren’t many people e people eto the area to learn about nghis Khai irst emperor of the Mongol uuides tell them about this famous emperoi They also teach tourists about the culture and litio of various ethnic groups of M ps meet at the town square Ulaa ital city. The large jument ghis Khan in the square and ere are some palaces and museums near ther r t the Naran Tuul market, too. nt to plan a trip to Mongolia? Mos Genghis Khan monument ick (V)T (true) or F (false). 1M x€ to Mongo ry yea 2M as got a very big populatior 3 There are many mountains in Mongolia. 4 Allof the people in Mongolia are from wn square in the capital city of Answer the questions. 1 Where is Mongolia? big is it? 3. How many pe here? 1s Genghis Kh st ital city of Mongoli 6 How much time do tourists usually spend ‘\. WRITTEN PRODUCTION Write a message to a friend or family memb a place you want to visit. Include: 1) ORAL COMPREHENSION GE 4 &) Listen informal conversation. Then tick /) the correct places inthe chart San Delhi Vienna Tallinn 552” 1 no checking of ticket 2 a separate area for 3 aplace to get 100k: 4 residents don't pay CORAL PRODUCTION 5 Match the questions in A to the answers in B to make a conversation. A 1 How often do you take trips? edo you usually go? ere do you stay? 4 Which do you recommend? 5 Isithard to find? 8 a Sometimes at Sunset Hostel and sometimes at Oceanside Hotel. b Non Is next to the beach café ¢ Sunset Hostel. I's very comfortable and the location Is, reat. 4 Every month @ Tothe West Beach. #SELF-EVALUATION Great | Great Great Need to practise | OK name five activi Need to use articles and quantifiers a ase the Present Simple correct Need to practise | OK BPROMOTIONAL MATERIAL understand descriptions | | rae | understand relevant details SN AMESSAGE aive information related to ana | > AN INFORMAL CONVERSATION oS CEE i understand relevant details CQ Aconversarion exchange information VOCABULARY What school item is missing? Write the letters 7 correct order under the pictures 1. Complete the school items uncer he pict spatin cisrsoss trail S ocrerpjto polpat = What do you need for the activities in A? Ma 7 to the items in B. 1 find the locatioy nt a . 2 connect pa i b F bout 4: transfer data from one compute a 5 read material an : Answer the questions with words from Ex i GRAMMAR # Present tin 3 Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. YY Use the Present Continuous. 1. complete the sentences withthe verbs in brackets. rikTokicomes'to:ciass GP Use the Present Continuous affirmative. Then write n't permit phones in classes. But in our cl ne use) their phones at the moment the names of the people in the correct place in the picture below. ee it (emp. ove 1 Helen and Janic Ik) att do) with them? At moment. e (watch) a TKTOk video of our history 2 Mrs Smith (rite) on th acer right now. In the video, Mr Pik teboard now. 1) a 16th-centu me, and he and another history teacher 3 Max and Jimmy a maths (40) a rap song about the kings and cules Tenis of England. But right now, hi (not sing). ' answer) students’ questions ae (wear) g about the video. Mr Pike's rap make Write questions with the words below. Use the Present *Y” Continuous, Then answer the questions so they are true for you, 1. your friends / talk / right now 2 your teacher 4 who / you /sit/ next to /at the mome tA SPEAKING # Ch r Complete the dialogue with the phrases below. 2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets 7” according to the picture in Exercise 1, Use the Present Continuous, affirmative or negative, 1 The students ner doing niform. an online shopping websit 2 Leo ¢) his calculator right now joi 3 Helen and Janice (do) their work B: a new tal at the moment. A: Thisis a good or i 4 Mrs Smith walk) round the B: I's €80. That's too expensive ae A his one? It's only €60. 5 Gi at her B: Great! That will do item numb AA: It’s 349875, VOCABULARY # Transport 1 Find seven types of transportin the puzzle. Then write them under the correct pictures. olridjj piaix ib ty tit algidix nimi p ely! g|x|ilz Choose the correct answer. 1 In London, many people like taking the helice underground / lorry, so they don't wait at tra 2 Inthe evening, we like watching the small fis ferries / boats / ships in the sea 3 I've gota big family, so we've got @ minivan / taxi. 4 Sandra usually walks to work, but this mornit stormy, so she plans to take a taxi / motorbit 5 In some countries, tickets for the minivan / s train are expensive. 6 Some people transport their helicopters / electric bikes / motorbikes on buses. Match the definitions in A to the words in B. A B 1 Ithas got two wheels a lony and uses petal. b motorbil 2 It goes across water. aeroplar 3 Itcarries many people d ferry and uses electricity. «tan 4 Ietransports furniture from a shop toa house. 5 You fly init, Write the correct verb below next to the typ Then complete another type of transport fo drive © sail ¢ take © ride 1 ship, b 2 tram.t 3 electric bike, 5, 4 car,m Complete the sentences with the correct ty 1 People sometimes fly in a a hospital quickly 2A can transport cars acro 3 The underground is similar to a butt travels under the ground. 4 Ascooteris similar to a goas fast. 5A more people. is similar to a car, but GRAMMAR # Present Simple / Present Continuous 1 complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simpler Present Continuous. tosee our family (fly) to Australia 2 The students the moment (not sit) on the bus at 3 Carla and Jim (not have) lunch at school, usually 4 Simon's brother right now. (Fide) his motorbike 5 Sophie (not buy) a new bicycle today. 2. choose the correct verb in brackets. Then complete the sentences with the Present Simple or Present Continuous. 140 India right now. not travel / not join) 2 Peter anew scooter right now. (give / choose) 3 Jen her room once a week. (tidy / make) 4 Susan's brother bike to work whe his electric (not ride / not take) 5 Lisa andJohn the moment. (not wait / not miss) for the bus at 3 Read the first sentence. Then complete the second sentence with the correct time expression or adverb of frequency below. urtimesa week © atnight © rarely » today right now 1 Sarah's sister goes to bed early. Sarah doesn't practise her plano. 2 It's8.00 in the morning and Ella is still asleep. She isn't getting on the bus. 3 John and Peter want to be in the basketball team. They play basketball 4 My dad thinks the bus service is excellent. He takes his car to work, 5 My mother has got a meeting with my teacher at pm. She isn't working late 4. complete the text with the verbs in brackets. E YY Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous. y you often (visit) museums? My family and | (lke) visiting museums. At the moment, 1 (stand) in the gift shop of the London Transport Museum with my brother. There are many interesting things here, but we * (not buy) anything, We s (wait) for our dad Right now, he ® (pay) for signs from two stations on the London Underground. One says ‘Central Line’ } and the other says ‘Eim Park. They're both very ol, so they i (cost) over £100! We * J (not think) they're very interesting, but my dad I t (want) to put them on our iving room wal In his words, “They're a part of history.” 5. Write questions with the words below. Then answer the questions according tothe text in Exercise 4 1. where / the writer and his family /like going 2. where / the writer and his brother / stand / at the moment 3. who/the writer / wait /for 4 how much /the signs 5 what / the writer and his brother / think / about the sig SPEAKING # Talking about a photo 6 Complete the dialogue with the words and phrases belo where are © whatelse » dothey » who's » whatar in the photo? B: That’s my mother and my father. A? they doing? B: They're riding a motorbike. AL they? : They're in Greece. look frightened? 8 a B: No, they don't a can you see? 8 I can see the ocean in the background, WRITING # A photo description 1. Circle the words in the sentences below that need a capital letter. 1 myuncle only drives japanese cars 2 inthis picture, iam in amsterdam with my family. 3 speakitalian with my grandmother. 4 iskevin watching the film black panther? 5 we usualy salto greece in august 2. Rewrite the sentences below adding the missing capital letters. 1. my cousin leon lives in berlin, so he knows german, 2 many tourists visit the louvre museum in paris. 3 thisis a picture of jake and me at grand canyon national park. 4 we usually spend christmas in dublin with my uncle and aunt. 5 the photograph of ellie is from january, 2019. 3. Read the description of a photograph. Then circle the seven mistakes in the use of capital letters. Libby's Photo Description This is a photo from last august. 'm with my family. We're on a boat and we're sailing across the aegean Sea We are travelling to the Island of ros. every summer holiday, we nd different places off the greek coast and have a great time My parents know how to sail well and they are teaching us, too. In the picture, 'm wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses. My little brother, joey, is standing next to me, and my older brother, Simon, is taking the picture. AN @O_#WRITING | Complete the chart about your photo. Where: When: Whe: What people are doing: How they feel: Write a description of your photo. Use the information in the chart above and the useful language below to help you. Then use the checklist to check your writing, 7 used ... correctly VOCABULARY ‘1 Choose the word that doesn’t belong in each group. tr 1 ship + boat + train + ferry 2 stapler - atlas + textbook + dictionary 3 flash drive + laptop + tablet + compa 4 minivan + aeroplane + taxi - lorry 5 scooter + tram + electric bike « motorbike 2. Complete the sentences with the words below. s © take © calculator © scissors 1 the train. It's quicker than the bus. 2 my bicycle to work. 3 Weusea to look at very small things. 4 Special sometimes take people to hospitals far away. 5 Ican‘t do this maths in my head. I need a 6 We want to to the island tomorrow. 7 You can cut your hair with these 3 The words in bold are in the wrong sentences. Write each word next to the correct sentence. 1. Have you got any green underground? 2. Many people in London use the whiteboard to get to work /e can't show the pictures. The map doesn't work. 4 You use a special pen to write on a paintbrush. 5 You must wash the projector well after using it. 6 Doyou see the name of the street on the paint? 4 Match the descriptions in A to the words in B. A B 1 asmall computer a aero 2. You use it for travelling on water. b dict 3 You find the meanings of words in it. .. ¢ atla 4 You fly toa destination init. d glue 5 You join things together with it. @ lapt 6 abook with maps f shir 5 GRU EEES Replace the words in b: with the words below. market © sights © storms » gloves © explo jewel hike © drive 1 There are many strong winds with heavy rain i season. 2 There's a great outside shopping place near he 3 Sandra and Tim are planning to go ona long at the weekend. 4 We don't want to go by car to the concert. 5 | want to see all the interesting places in the c 6 The scientists are planning to investigate this wtiful necklaces and ear 7 This shop has got bea 8 In the winter, my mum often wears these item con her hands. 6 A&P Dictation Listen and write the sentences GRAMMAR @amm 7 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Present Continuous. Co t ttake © lool 1 Mrs Se right ni 2 the teachers th the projector 3 The students he train today. an lam his electric bike at the moment. 5 your brothei at the front of the bus? 61 into my microscope. 8 Choose the correct answer. 1 A: Simon, do you work / are you working you are working at the moment? B: No, on Mondays | visit, my grandmother. am visiting / visits 2 A: Shirley, are you usually tal do you usually take the bus to work? 19 / you usually take No, because the buses always are coming / come. is coming late. 3A: Why are your parents sitting / do your parents sit / your parents are sitting outside the classroom now B: They wait / They are waiting / Are they waiting to speak to my teache 4A: What time is your schoo! finishing your school finishes / does your school finish 4.00, but B: Usually are we staying lat practic oday we are staying / we stay because we've got music 9 Complete the sentences with the verbs in E brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuou: 1 Joand Eddie (not study) Englis at the moment 2 Theart teacher often (paint pictures for his cass. 3 Pete and Tim (send) messages to their friends right no 4 Jenny takes the bus to school. She (not ride) her bike, 5 The students (explore) the nuseum right now 6 you usually have) a shower before school? 10 GOMER EME choose the correct answer. Hi Amy, ''m having a great time in Germany with * her / my / his cousins. Right now, we are in Wuppertal on our way to a restaurant. B aren't sitting / don't sit / isn't sitting on a bus. We are on 1 unusual form of transport called the Schwebebahn. The hn is a suspension railway. It is taking / take workers and shoppers around the city. It“ look / is looking looks like a tram in the ai. The train ® starts / i starting / start at Oberbarmen in the east, and the last stop is Vohuwinkel in the wes The Sch is over 100 years old, but it® have got /is hhas got new trains and new equipment. At the moment, we're iding in a special carriage. It isn’t / aren't / am not lke the other carriages. I's ® a / an the old red carriage called the Kaiserwagen (emperor's carriage). But that’s not al. People in costume ® give takes are giving /is giving us hot drinks now! *® How much / How many Much does a ticket fora trip on the Schwebebahn cost? I's €2.90 for an adult and €1.70 for a child. That's a great price for a fun rik you soon, Paul 11 Translation Write the sentences in English. 1 El padre de Sam no esta conduciendo su camién hoy 2 {Qué tipo de pinturas ests usando’ 3 Estoy volando en un helicéptero ahora, 4 Mihermano normalmente va en su vespa al trabajo, 5. Normalmente no cogemos un taxi porque es caro. WRITTEN*COMPREHENSION Read the page ina brochure. piaeanats Jee FACTORY TOURISM Are you looking for ‘something new to do? How about a sightseeing tour of the factories in the Kawasaki industrial zone? You don't actually go inside the factories or discover how they work. But you can take great pictures. The factory lights look amazing in the dark, so the best time to do this is at night. That's why this unusual form of tourism is called =| ojo yakel, or factory night view. So, how can you {go on a kojo yakel trip? Here are some options | BY BOAT One popular way to tour the industrial zone is by yakatabune a long, traditional Japanese boat (On the way, you ca sitinside the boat and have a romantic meal while | You sail past the magnificent Yokohama Bay Bridge to | the factories. By Bus A hus touris about'3 hours and 15 minutes ong and | it takes you to some of the best places for seeing the factories. Some of these aren't open to the public, so its a chance to take come very special photos! By TRAIN Do you hate sightseeing in groups? You can take the Tsurumi train line to explore the western part of the Kawasaki industrial zone. It's definitely an adventure, put it's not always easy to do. The trains don't come very often, and some stations are for factory workers only. | a 1 Tick(V)T (true) or F (false). 1 The text is about a modern type of tourism. 2 Kojo yakei tourists learn what happens at the factories. 3 You can have dinner on a yakatabune. ‘4. Abus tour lasts just under three hours. 'S You must join a group to do a kojo yakei tour. 2 Answer the questions. 41 Why do people choose to do factory tours atm 2. What is a yakatabune? 3. What other exciting sight do you see on the b ‘4, Whatis the good thing about taking the bus 5, Whyis kojo yakei by train sometimes a proble Give one reason. your city, town or country. {) ORAL COMPREHENSION 4 &) Listen toa teachergive instructions about a project. Complete the students notes. Topic of project: typ: the name of th he it comes from Toinclude: how it its function Visuals: ae or use real photograph Find information: on schi on flash drive from Mi Jones, roon Save work C) ORAL PRODUCTION 5 Choose the correct response to each question in the conversations below. 1 What are you looking fe a three students b alaptop 2 Doth » look funn b Yes, it do Yes, they 3 pout thi a Good! That b I'm looking at tat 4 Where are they? b They look sad ¢ They are at the beach, 5 Who' in the pictur ‘a My aunt, uncle and cousin: .e Mountains in the background, lebrating Christmas Need to pectee | OK | Great Need to | practise | OK | Great Need to F Need to | OK | Great (BE ABROcHURE ‘S ABROCHURE > instaucTiONS CQ conversations VOCABULARY Write the words below in the correct categories. ea | Male Answer the questions about the family tree below. Who is/are ...? Mia's daughter 2 Phil's nephe 3. Mia's nie 4 Phil's wif 6 Mia's hu: 3 Read the information about another family. Then complete the sentences with the words below. Eddy and Sue. Sadly, Clair Ww she has go" Cla got two first husband died five years ago, but new husband. His name is John and he has got one c! His child’s name is Pete 1 Johnis Eddy’s Eddy is John’s 2 3 4 Claire is John’s 5 6 Sue is John's Claire is Pete's 4. Read the information about Sam's family. Then YY five sentences about the family members. Sam has got a new wife. Her name is | Three children live with them = Sam's Ali, and Bella's two children, Ross and Meg GRAMMAR # There was / There were 1 Look at the picture of life in the year 1922. Then complete the sentences. Use the affirmative or negative form of there was / there were. aTVin the living room. books to read. any Internet. oill lamps. any mobile phones. music to listen to. Write questions with the words below. Use Was there or Were there. Then answer the questions about the room in Exercise 1, 1 two / sofas 2 adesk 3 any /shelves 4 any/ paper 5 a/computer 6 any /CDs B 3. Complete the text with the correct form of there was or there were. some bad in the past, people in royal families around the world. In the 1500s, ® a Russian tsar with fl many enemies. People called him ‘Ivan the Terrible because * many terrible stories about him. At frst, ivan was the ruler of the small country of Muscovy. Because j “ much land in his Inthe end, he became tsar ofa very big | country, many positive changes in Russia during lvan's time, However, | ‘ also terror | sand massacres. fy Nenevencasedthedeathof SPEAKING # Talking about a TV programme 4 Match the questions in Ato the answersinB A 1 Was there anything good on TV last night? 2 Was ita drama? 3 What was it about? 4 Were there any famous actors in it? 5 What was your favourite scene? B a Yes, it was. When the son discovered his mother’s secret € No, but the actors were wonderful Itwas about a family in 19th-century England. Yes. | watched a great programme, VOCABULARY # Jobs Complete the jobs under the pictures. © ~ a 5 A yy ge OT: a v . 2. choose the correct answer. 7” 1 Sia isa musician / salesperson / mechanic. She many popular songs. 2 Mark Zuckerberg isa clever driver / pilot / businessperson, He owns Facebook, Facebook messenger, WhatsApp and Instagram 3. Florence Nightingale was a famous astronaut / tour guide / nurse. She saved many lives. 4 Amelia Earhart was a pilot / firefighter / musici She was the first woman to fly over the Atlantic 5 Ben tiller is an American actor / author / waite He appears in alot of comedy films. 6. Sally Ride was the first female American cleane dentist / astronaut to travel in space. 7 Charles Dickens was a famous singer / author His stories are still popular today. 3 Complete the sentences with the words below. salesperson © author * driver * mechanic tour guide © musician 1 The talked about the history « the town, 2 Our stopped at the comer of 3 This wrote 12 novels. 4 The sang and played the piar 5 Iwant these shoes, but the can't find them in my size. 6A checked my motorbike. 4. complete the sentences to show you understa YY meaning of the words in bold. 1. Tom wants to be a pilot because 2. My hairdresser usually 3 The nurse gave me 4 The tour guide took us to 5 The walter brought us GRAMMAR # Past Simple affirmative 1 Complete the chart, Base form 1 buy Past Simple stop happen take 2 3 4 5 6 build 7 8 9 identify 10 make 2. What jobs did the people have? Complete the T sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple affirmative. Then match the sentences to the jobs below. A 1 Dave rite) the music forall his songs. He (receive) an award last year 2 Joe (start) drawing when he 4 3 Emily (appear in several TV shows, This year, she (get) a part in a film 4 Fiona (learn) to fly an aeroplane. She (fly) abroad for the first time last 5 Mark (work) fora big bus company He (meet) interesting people at B a actor b singer € pilot 2 3 Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. E Use the Past Simple affirmative. Se Psd) bg THE - aac Joanne Lefson nt) to save a pig's life, so she (take) the pig to the Farm | Sanctuary in Franschhoek, South Africa. One day, the p (start) playing with some art supplies. Suddenly, the clever animal painting a picture with her mouth, Joanne was After that, pai 9° become) the rite activity! Joanne (call the amazing pig Pigcasso. The workers in the sanctuary > (put) the paintings in an exhibition for people to see. Some people (buy the unusual paintings for thousands of dollars! The sanctuary (use) the mor save more farm animals SPEAKING # Getting information 4 Complete the dialogue with the phrases below. try something new © isn'tforme » know about what do you * you'd like tha ‘A: What do you t'm thinking of joining, he travel club? B: You should join. It's great. do there? ‘We go camping, ‘A Oh. Camping * What else is there? B: There are hiking trips. Maybe ‘A: That's nota bad idea, I like to B: Solet’s go this eekend, A: Good ideal WRITING tion of life in the past Choose the correct answer. 4 The storm destroyed thousands of houses, so / but many people ost their homes 2 There wasn't much food and / or people were hungry. Bir ram or / but they rode bikes. rn stayed at home, so / but some wornen went to work. 4 Most of the 2 match A to B, Then add a suitable linking word. A 1 There wasn't any juice 2 >the rad 3 dios 4 Doyc 0 go out B a here weren't any TVs. b watch a film at home? c ad books 4 we drank water. Choose the correct answer in the description. MVNO The Life of a Rich Roman Family | =. nan families lived in very big houses with ather was the head of the family Rich Ri many rooms. The f and / but he made all the many workers in the house to cook and decisions. There were in, Meals ent, People lay down on were an important family their meal, Rich people had a big had fish with sofas and / or breakfast. They ate meat but / or the; fables, and another big meal for dinner. fruit and ve; There weren't any forks, * so / and everybody used and / 50 spoons. The workers cut the food for them, In the afternoons, the family they didn’t use k satin a warm bath and talked. Life was very good for rich men and women. Wigan: ."I£> B @©_#WRITING PLAN A description of life in the past Imagine it’s 50 years into the future and you are writing about life in 2020. Complete the chart below. Routines: Eating habits: Free-time activities: Write the description. Use the information in the chart above and the useful language below to help you. Then use the checklist to check your writing. Hie DE EE QO VOCABULARY — CS 1 Write the words below next to the correct categories. 1 medical jobs: 2 creative jobs: 3 family members: 2 Complete the sentences with the words below. so esp businessperson parent: 1 Tomisa good and fathe he showed mea beautiful shir 2 3 The brave faved the little boy. 4 My has gota doesn't live with us ighter, but she 5 Mrand Mrs Cummings have got a and a daughter 6 Jeff Bezos isa He is CEO of Amazor 7 My mother and father are fantastic ns in Ato the words in B. B 1 r a driver 2 » or theatre te 3 ajobina restaurant € niece 4. your brother's daughter 4 pilot 5 ajobinalorry, van or taxi e actor 4 Complete the words in the sentences. 1 After their wedding, they became husband and 2 Ac rwashes floors. 3 Your brother's son is your n w 4 Iwantto bean a tand travel to the moon, 5 At... g-.....eshows people interesting plac 6 Your daughter's son is your g n 7 Ab cuts hair, 8 Am c fixes cars. 5 GME choose the correct answe: 1 I've got a new box of glue / paints / compasses with 24 colours. 2. Lusually wash my hairin the cooker / fridge / shov 3. We always walk the dog in the cinema / park / library, went bowling / saw a show / hiked around the lake last weekend. Don's mother is an opera nurse / singer / waiter. The car park / factory / corner makes cars. My sister takes / drives / sails the tram to work, We are going ice skating / going bowling going sightseeing with a tour guide. 9 That's my stepfather / daughter / granddaughter He's my mum's new husband. 10 Allthe data is on this stapler / compass / flash dri 6 &Y Dictation Listen and write the sentences. 1 2 3 4 5 GRAMMAR EX. 7 Complete the sentences with the correct form of there was or there were. 1 a map in the bag. twas very old, 2 any people in the restaurant. 3 ‘a musician at the celebration? 4 any Internet a hundred years 5 any workers at the factory? 6 a dictionary, so | didn’t check he spelling. 7 only two w ery busy. iters. They were 8 any information about that 1 author? 8 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple affirmative. 1 My father (drive) me to schoo! this morning, 2 We 3 (go out) last night. tex} (stop) at the train station. 4 The cleaner wash) the dishes. 5 (study) French last year. 6 (make) pizza 71 eat show last Friday. 8 Mia (travel) to the USA last year. 9 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Past Simple affirmative send © getup © tidy the city yesterday. a cold shower this morning, his room on Thursday. at 6.00 this morning, 5 Jo her friends at the town square. me five messages. 10 BEEN choose the correct E answer. 1 The teacher have got / is / has got my compass. 2 There aren't many / any / much fizzy drinks, but you can have some orange juice. 3 Last weekend, Jane grandparents, ted / visits /is visiting her 4 That's my /1/ your stapler, but you can use it. 5 Youare / Are you / Do you at the corner of the street? 6 Our cousins / cousin's / cousins’ names are Bob and sil 7 Pat study / stu 8 How much / Much / How many cake do you want? 3s / is studying history twice a week 9 Were there / Was there / There was any good music at the party? 10 We aren't leaving / don’t leave / isn’t leaving now. Translation Write the sentences in English. 1. Habia un dependiente en la tienda, 2 Mihija fue al dentista, 3 Lacantante canté una cancién preciosa, 4 {Habia alguin misico en la fiesta? 5. Los abuelos de Adam lo llevaron a Nueva York. {2 WRITTEN COMPREHENSION eo Read the article about an unusual salesperson. THESROBOMESALESPERSON) Aanumber of years ago, Fabio started working asa salesperson ata supermarket in Seatiand,Falo was a 122-centimetre robot, a product ofthe SotBank company in BRE fabibar af the Poe mat frst RRR Japan Fabio va a member of the Pepper family ot humanoid robots, These are the ist CBR tobots to show emotions When a Pepper robo els ba, red pictures appear ona tablet RARE ‘on its body. When green pictures appear, the robot feels good. “ } Fabi's ob was to welcome people and help ter nd tems in the shop. He was very ; bio sld hol tothe customers and he even taked to them about the weather J hings. At fir There were problems when people need! salesperson, After that everyone y happy with the robot, but not for long. help, so custon looked for a human give Fabio a different job to do. They ‘managers deci gave him some sausages and a knife. Fabio's job was to cut the sausages and invite : people to try them. Parents weren't happy when they saw thelr sons and daughters go hear a robot with a knife. So, after only a week, Fabio's ob at the supermarket ended. a The workers were very sad when Fabio left. They missed him! Ne Complete the information about Fabi Name: Fabi ‘\ WRITTEN PRODUCTION Description Imagine you were in the supermarket wt - Heigl was there. Write a message to your frien 2 Iter experience. Include: Place of w + what the robot looked like 3 Countr hat ittalked to you about bout the experience Originally from 6 Compal Complete each sentence with one word. 1 Tt 2. Fabio sometimes talked to customers about the 3. People preferred a human salesperson when they jere unhappy when Fabio used {> ORAL COMPREHENSION een Carl and Listen to the conversation be Emma. Then complete the sentences with one o Needto! ox | Great d: practise Need to Nemtse | OK | Great CORAL PRODUCTION | Needto) OK | Great practise | Complete the conversations with the words above Eaae = ez AN ARTICLE i . : ‘S AMESSAGE > ACONVERSATION CONVERSATIONS

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