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SA2: Colloborative Work

Fernando Group 8 — General Physics 1

October 28, 2022

WARNING. The following paper is not for submission but for drafting purposes only and
keeping the LATEX source code for the final SA2 presentation.

Problem 1 (Josh). A 1.50 kg snowball is fired from a cliff 12.5 m high. The snowball’s initial
velocity is 14.0 m/s directed 41.0◦ above the horizontal. Using conservation of mechanical
energy, calculate the speed of the snowball as it reaches the ground below the cliff.

Answer. v2 = 18.15 m/s. .

Solution. We let the total vertical distance that the snowball traveled be h. Note that h is
the sum of the height of the cliff and the distance from the cliff to the snowball’s maximum
height. (h = h1 + y1 )

v1y = 0 m/s
y0 = 0 t 0 = 0 B
v⃗0 = 14 m/s, 41◦ y1 =?

h1 = 12.5 m
v2y = 0 m/s
h = h1 + y1

To find y1 , we will be using one of the kinematic equations:

v1y 2 − v0y 2
v1y 2 = v0y 2 + 2ay (y1 − y0 ) ⇐⇒ y1 = + y0 (1)

Note that v0y is a y-component of the velocity v⃗0 . So,

=⇒ v0y = 14 sin 41◦ = 9.185 m/s.

2 Fernando Group 8 — General Physics 1

v1y 2 − v0y 2
y1 = + y0

02 − (9.185 m/s)2
= +0
2(−9.80 m/s2 )
= 4.304 m

Now we already know the value of y1 , we can deduce that h = 16.804 m. Now, we can use
the principle of conservation of mechanical energy to find the final speed of the snowball at
the ground.
1 p
K1 + Ugrav1 = K2 + Ugrav2 ⇐⇒ mgh = mv2 2 =⇒ 2gh = v2 .
Take note that our initial position should be at the maximum height while the final position
is at the ground. Because of that, K1 and Ugrav2 are both zero. Substituting the values in
our newly-formed equation gives us v2 = 18.15 m/s.

Problem 2 (Josh). An 80.0-kg skydiver jumps out of a balloon at an altitude of 1000 m and
opens the parachute at an altitude of 200 m. (a) Assuming the total retarding force on the
diver is constant at 50.0 N with the parachute closed and constant at 3600 N with the
parachute open, find the skydiver’s speed when he lands on the ground. (b) Do you think
the skydiver will be injured? Explain. (c) At what height should the parachute be opened so
that the final speed of the skydiver when he hits the ground is 5.00 m/s?

Answer (a). 197.0 m/s.

Solution (a). To find the final speed of the skydiver at the ground, let us draw an
illustration to better understand what’s going on:
UgravA =?
KA =?
A = 1000 m
Fr1 = 50 N

UgravB =? B = 200 m
vB =?
Fr2 = 3600 N

UgravC = 0
KC =? C
vC =?
3 Fernando Group 8 — General Physics 1

It is important to note that we cannot find the values of all variables at point C if we do not
find the variables at point B. This is true in the principle of conservation of energy. So,

KA + UgravA + Wother = KB + UgravB (2)

but since A is at the maximum height then KA = 0. At this point, let Fr be the retarded
force or the resistance force against the free-falling skydiver (Fr1 = 50 N, Fr2 = 3600 N) and
then, the equation can be rewritten as

mg(A − C) + Fr1 · ∆y = mvB 2 + mg(B − C) (3)

To be in lieu of our goal, we must find the speed of the skydiver at point B:

2 (mg(A − B) + Fr · ∆y)
2 (mg(A − B) + Fr · ∆y) = mvB 2 ⇐⇒ = vB (4)

Substituting the values in equation (4) gives us:

2 (mg(A − B) + Fr · ∆y)
vB =
r m
2 ((80)(9.8)(800) + 50 · (800))
p 80
= p 2 (7840 + 50 · (10))
= 2 (8340)
= 129.2 m/s

Now we have the value of vB , we can now find the value of vC or the final speed of the
skydiver when reaching the ground. By principle of the conservation of energy,

KB + UgravB + Wother = KC + UgravC , (5)

but since C is at the ground, making UgravC = 0, then

1 1
mvB 2 + mgB + Fr2 · (B − C) = mvC 2 ,
2 2

Now, let us find the formula for vC :

4 Fernando Group 8 — General Physics 1

1 1
mvC 2 = mvB 2 + mg(B − C) + Fr2 · (B − C)
2 2
mvC 2 = mvB 2 + 2mg(B − C) + 2Fr2 · (B − C)
mvB 2 + 2mg(B − C) + 2Fr2 · (B − C)
vC 2 =
. r
2Fr2 · (B − C)
=⇒ vC = vB 2 + 2g(B − C) +

Now we know the formula for vC , take into account that C = 0 m since it is at the ground,
vB = 129.2 m/s, B = 200 m, m = 80 kg, and Fr2 = 3600 N. Substituting these values in the
equation gives us:

2(3600) · (200)
vC = (129.2)2 + 2(9.8)(200) +
q 80
= (129.2)2 + 2(9.8)(200) + (180) · (100)
=⇒ vC = 197.0 m/s.

Therefore, our final answer is vC = 197.0 m/s .

Answer (b).

Solution (b). Again, let us illustrate the situation:

UgravA =?
KA =?
A = 1000 m
Fr1 = 50 N

UgravB′ =? B′ = ?
vB ′ =?
Fr2 = 3600 N

UgravC = 0
KC = 1000 J C
vC = 5.0 m/s
5 Fernando Group 8 — General Physics 1

Resolution 1. The first resolution would be using the principle of conservation of mechanical
energy from point B ′ to point C.

=⇒ UgravB + Wother = KC .

This can be rewritten as

1 1
=⇒ mg(B ′ − C) + Fr2 (B ′ − C) = mvC 2 ⇐⇒ (B ′ − C)(mg + Fr2 ) = mvC 2 .
2 2
We can now find the formula for B ′ and it gives us this:

mvC 2
B′ − C = .
2(mg + Fr2 )

Since C = 0, then
mvC 2
B′ = .
2(mg + Fr2 )
Substituting the given values gives us the final answer of B ′ = 0.228 m.

Remark. The height is a bit shorter and it is quite unrealistic though.

Resolution 2. Let B ′ be the position where the parachute opens. By the principle of
conservation of mechanical energy from point A to B ′ ,

KA + UgravA + Wother = KB ′ + UgravB′

=⇒ UgravA + Wother = KB ′ + UgravB′
=⇒ ⃗
mg(1000) + Fr1 · (1000 − B ′ ) = KB ′ + UgravB′
=⇒ 80(9.8)(1000) + 50 · (1000 − B ′ ) = KB ′ + UgravB′
=⇒ 834000 − 50B ′ = KB ′ + UgravB′

Now applying the principle from point B ′ to C,

KB ′ + UgravB′ + Wother = KC
=⇒ 80(9.8)(1000) + 50 · (1000 − B ′ ) + 3600B ′ = KC
=⇒ 834000 + 3550B ′ = 1000
=⇒ B′ = −234.6 m

Remark. Apparently, this is a fatal flaw not because of my calculations but because of the given
final speed. Here is the proof:
6 Fernando Group 8 — General Physics 1

Suppose we are asked to find the range of values for vC .

1 40vC 2 − 834000
3550B ′ = (80)vC 2 − 834000 ⇐⇒ B ′ =
2 3550
Since B ′ is a distance then it cannot be a negative value. So,

40vC 2 ≥ 834000 ⇐⇒ vC ≥ 144.4 m/s.

As you can see, this is way bigger than 5 m/s.

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