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Kimberly Natasha

International Business Management Program

Management Study Program

Binus Business School Undergraduate Program

Universitas Bina Nusantara





Submitted as a requirement

to complete courses of Enrichment Program

Kimberly Natasha

International Business Management Program

Management Study Program

Binus Business School Undergraduate Program

Universitas Bina Nusantara





Statement of Preparation for Enrichment Program Report

I, Kimberly Natasha

Hereby declare that the Enrichment Program Report entitled:


Is truly the result of my work and has never been submitted as a scientific work partly or
totally, on behalf of my name or any other party.

Kimberly Natasha

Approved by Faculty Supervisor and Head of Management Study Program

Ono Supriadi S.IP., MBA., Ph.D

February 14, 2021

Ono Supriadi S.IP., MBA., Ph.D

Head of International Business Program
February 14, 2021


Praise to God for His blessings and given opportunity that the Author can successfully finish this
enrichment program final report entitled “Alternative Internship Track Enrichment Program
Report”. I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to people involved in this
enrichment program by giving their precious time, help, and support, as named below:

1. Prof. Dr. Ir. Harjanto Prabowo, MM. as the Rector of Bina Nusantara University.

2. Dr. Ir. Hardijanto Saroso, M.MT., MM. as Dean of Binus Business School Undergraduate
Program and Head of Management Study Program.

3. Ono Supriadi, S.IP., MBA., Ph.D. ad the Head of International Business Management Program.

4. Dony Saputra, S.Kom, M.M., M.Kom. as Deputy Head of International Business

Management Program.

5. All lecturers of Bina Nusantara University.

6. Authors’ family members who always giving support and love.

7. Authors’ friends who always encourage and help.

8. To whom could not be mentioned for their participation in the completion of this final report.

With their participation, I can complete this enrichment program final report successfully. I
understand that there were drawbacks and imperfections due to lack of experience. Hence, all
advices, critics, and suggestions are sincerely welcomed and accepted for further improvement.
Thank you and hope this enrichment program final report can be useful and acknowledge other

Jakarta, February 14 , 2021



COVER PAGE........................................................................................................................................................1

TITLE PAGE...........................................................................................................................................................2
STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY PAGE.................................................................................................3
TABLE OF CONTENT.......................................................................................................................................5
CHAPTER I: PROGRAM RESUME............................................................................................................6
1.1 Training and Certification Process.........................................................................................................6

1.2 Industry Insight Experience......................................................................................................................7

1.3 Projects............................................................................................................................................................7
CHAPTER II: REFLECTIVE ESSAY.........................................................................................................9
CHAPTER III: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION......................................................11
1.1 Conclusion...................................................................................................................................................11

1.2 Recommendation.......................................................................................................................................11
Appendix 1.........................................................................................................................................................12

Appendix 2.........................................................................................................................................................14

Appendix 3.........................................................................................................................................................16



The alternative track enrichment program had run for about 4 months, starting from the beginning of
the 7 semester in September 2020 to January 2021. There were some activities that are required to
be taken during the enrichment program such as certification process, industry insight experience,
and projects that involved the three subjects of the 7th semester – International Business in Industry,
International Trade in Industry, and Capacity Building in Industrial Experience. The certification
process required me to take 3 certifications, which are Building Global Citizenship (Microsoft),
Shopping Ads (Google), and Fundamental of Digital Marketing (Google). For industry insight
experience, I got 4 case studies from different companies, which are Nutrifood Indonesia, Harley
Davidson, Jaguar, and Maggi. Meanwhile, the project involved international lectures and seminars
that were held by either Binus University or other organization. The project required me to wrote
articles from some of the international lectures or seminars.


Building Global Citizenship Certification was issued by Microsoft. It taught about how
important it is for people to be part of global citizenship that can connect with more people
all over the world in order to create a broader network. The course objectives are to tell the
importance of global citizenship, how to become part of an international professional
learning network, and to engage students in real world problems to solve. In this certification,
Microsoft provide materials and courses related to the issues in the real world with aim that I
can connect with more people around the world though global network.

Shopping Ads Certification was issued by Google. In this certification, Google provides
material about how to grow retail businesses, reach more customers, drive shoppers in - store,
promote brands, grow businesses, increase efficiency, and increase conversions. The
objectives of this certification are to make us understand how Shopping campaigns can
promote online and local inventory and how Smart Shopping campaigns can meet your

marketing objectives, use Local Inventory and Local Catalog ads to drive online and in-
store traffic, learn how Google solutions help connect retailers with shoppers and boost
business, and discover how Showcase Shopping ads impact consumers at the start of their
purchase journey.

Fundamentals of Digital Marketing Certification was issued by Google. In this

certification, Google provides 26 modules about the basics of digital marketing and
practical exercises with real world examples.


Industry insight experience involved case studies of several companies, which are
Nutrifood Indonesia, Harley Davidson, Jaguar, and Maggi. The case studies were done
individually with a collection period of one week. During the completion process of the
case study, I learned a lot about analytical, problem solving and decision-making skills
since the case studies required me to understand a situation better, identify the event, and
investigate the problem incurred in the related companies.


The projects of the alternative track enrichment program were joining international
lectures and seminars that were held by Binus University and other organization, and
making a 2 pages paper about “How to Deal with Workplace Conflict”. Some of the
international lectures and seminars give points for Student Activity Transcript and e-
certification as the achievement awards.

Joining the international lectures and seminars allow me to improve my self-management

skills since there were a lot of international lectures and seminars that I should attend, so
I need to dedicate myself and manage my time better. It trained my self-management skill
so that I could attend every international lectures and seminars on time, listen to what the
speakers were talking about, and make take notes on the important point or make a quick
summary out of it. Then, I should make articles from some of the international lectures

and/or seminars that entitled “Analyzing Covid-19 Data Using R” and “Leadership in a
Vuca World”.

Making a 2 pages paper about “How to Deal with Workplace Conflict” helped me
improve my writing skill since it trained me to bring all the ideas in my mind, arrange it
to a whole proper text, and deliver it well to the reader.



In order to successfully completing all projects of the alternative track program, I arranged a
learning plan for my activity schedule and manage my time accordingly so that my schedule was
structured and I could finish every project before the due date. Hence, self management and time
management play an important role in this process. Moreover, I also wrote some notes during the
international lectures, seminars, and certification in order to help me focus and understand the
main concept better. Taking notes also improve my ability to listen as it helps me avoid any
distraction. I also reviewed the material from the notes I made when I joined the international
lectures and seminars and took the certification course in order to make the articles and took the
certification exam. Before I did the case studies, I read the texts first and did some more
researches to support my answers. I also learned a lot from my studies in the previous semester
where I did a lot of case studies that trained me a lot about identifying problems and solving it.
While doing the projects of alternative track program, I also prepared a good internet connection
since everything was done online. Hence, these are the preparation for the completion of my
projects in this alternative track program.

From this alternative track program, I developed some important skills which are self-management,
communication, initiative and enterprise, problem solving and decision-making, and planning and
organizing. The self-management skills and planning and organizing skills were trained the moment I
needed to arrange my schedules for international lectures, seminars, and any other activities during
the alternative track program to keep them on track. Meanwhile, I developed my communication
skills when asking questions to the speakers during international lectures and seminars. Problem
solving and decision-making skills were trained while doing the case studies that I had to identify the
problem and solved it by answering the given questions of the case study.

From the certification process, I got a lot of knowledge about digital marketing, how to create and
optimize shopping campaigns that maximize customer reach and conversions to meet marketing
objectives, the importance of global citizenship, how to become a part of international professional
learning network and how to engage in real world problems. Doing these certifications also

encouraged me to take more certification online to gain my knowledge. On the other hand, I also
developed my writing skills since I did a lot of writing in this alternative track program, such as
articles, paper, case studies, etc. In this alternative track program, I also did the monthly
assignment on BinusMaya to tell about my progress during this program.




Since there was a pandemic situation, there was a decrease in internship openings that the
number of open internships has been cut half. Prohibition to leave the house has also been
one of the barriers for students to do internships. So, Binus University developed a new
program to improve the students’ competencies, called Alternative Track Program. The
activities of this program include international lectures, seminars, writing articles and
paper, case studies, and certifications.

This alternative track program has improved a lot of my technical competencies such as
self-management, communication, initiative and enterprise, problem solving and
decision-making, and planning and organizing that were trained a lot during this program.
During the process also, I got a lot of new important knowledge either from international
lectures, seminars, of courses of the certification. These activities put new perspectives in
my mind that is very important and useful for my future career.


Overall, alternative track was a good program since the activities were able to develop a
lot of technical skills that were very important for students and their career. However, for
the certification, I would like to recommend more option so students may chose based on
their interest. While for the program itself, I would like to recommend a more structured
or fixed schedule so that the students can see the overall activities they will do during the
alternative track program.


Appendix 1 – Article of Leadership in a VUCA World

Leadership in a VUCA World

Kimberly Natasha (2101649440) – International Business Management (Global Class)

VUCA World can be referred to Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous world that is
similar with our situation right now, during the pandemic. The VUCA world have several
impacts on business, either to government and politics such as exchange rates, sanctions, import
duty, product bans, raw material prices, or to competitors and customers such as future
developments, changed customer behavior, new competitors, and new products.

In another view, VUCA World can also be referred to Vision, Understanding, Cooperation, and
Ambition world. VUCA World in this view means we need to understand the development
around us, create a vision about what we want to achieve, cooperate with others to achieve the
goals, and be ambitious and open minded on the way.

There are some challenges for leaders in this world. Information flow was still in control back
then while now, we can get any information we want to know either from inside the country or
outside the country from the internet. This situation prevents us from knowing which information
is correct and incorrect, which information is important and which one is not. This overwhelming
situation challenges us to resolve it, to change the way we interpret leadership. The role of
leaders is not to solve everything, but to create an environment where everyone can engage to
use the opportunity we have within the organization. Leadership has various definitions and
directions. For example, leadership is about leading a group, having a vision, influencing others,
or empowering others. There are several leadership styles based on the situation we are in, the
organization we are associated with, and the people we are working with. Despite those types of
leaders, they have the same roles such as leaders should be visionary, strategist, a good
communicator, motivator, and so on.

The pandemic has changed everything including the change of communication and social
interactions. Leaders have their new challenges during this pandemic since we do less face to
face communication, online meetings, and messages, they need to lead remotely or from office.
By leading remotely, managers and employees should be able to trust each other. For example, if
one is disconnected, then we should believe that they are still doing their job according to the
task they are delegated with.

Since everything has been changing around us, there should be certain things that should not
change, especially for companies, which is why corporate values is very important as the
foundation of integrity, respect, discipline, and passion to create trust. It defines the behavioral
ground rules for individuals in a social system and the standards to enable the evaluation and
judgement of individual behavior, what is right and what is wrong. Company is a social system
where individuals interact to achieve a common goal. Company had to define the standards for
collaboration and interaction and the employees need to obey these values in everything they do.

Appendix 2 – Article of Smart Millennial Talk: How to Manage and Grow Your Money

Smart Millennial Talk: How to Manage and Grow Your Money

Kimberly Natasha (2101649440) – International Business Management (Global Class)

The Millennials are known for materialistic and entitlement. They are born witnessing the arrival of
technological world and development. Millennials have a lot of good traits such as they value
motivations, open and adaptive to changes, more free-thinking and creative, and more passionate in
learning. However, on the other hand, Millennials are lagging in one area, which is personal
financing. The high living cost leads to debts which affects their ability to manage their spending.

There are several ways to manage finances, such as personal budgeting, mutual funds, trading,
and a lot more. Personal budgeting is a summary of our income and expenses for certain period,
usually one month. Personal budgeting will show how much money we spend and save every
money so that we are able to track our spending habit.

Mutual fund is a type of financial tool that collect money from investors that invest in securities
like stocks, bonds, money market instruments, or to produce any other assets. Mutual fund is
operated by professional money managers who will manage the asset to get capital gains and
income for the fund’s investors. There are four types of mutual fund, which are money market
fund, fixed income fund, equity fund, and discretionary fund. Money market fund only invest in
debt security with maturity date of less than a year. Its purpose is to keep liquidity and maintain
capital. Fixed income fund invests for at least 80% in debt securities. Fixed income fund’s risk is
higher than money market fund. Its purpose is to produce a stable return. Equity fund invest in
stocks at least 80% of its assets in equities. It has higher risks than money market fund and fixed
income fund. However, it gives higher return rate. As for discretionary fund, it invests in both
equities and debt securities.

As for trading, it refers to buying and selling the shares of a company which means that own certain
percentage of the company. There are several methods in trading to successfully trade in the stock
market, options, forex, bonds, or futures such as technical analysis, trend following, value investing,
momentum trading, growth investing, and swing trading. The first method is technical

analysis. Technical analysis predicts price movements by examining historical data such as price
and volume. It uses charts and technical indicators to identify trading signals and price patterns.
The second method is trading following. It seeks to capture market trends using proper risk
management where one would buy an asset when the trend goes up and sell when the trend goes

There is also support and resistance strategy used by technical analysis to identify the price
points on a chart where the probabilities favor a pause or reversal of a prevailing trend. Support
is the area of the chart with potential buying pressure. It occurs when the downtrend is expected
to pause due to the concentration of demand. Resistance is the area of the chart with potential
selling pressure. It occurs when the uptrend is expected to pause temporarily due to the
concentration of supply.

Certain skill is needed to trade successfully in the financial market. Traders need to be able to
evaluate the fundamental of the company and determine the direction of a stock’s trend. There
are four types of emotions in trading, which are greed, fear, hope, and regret. It is essential for
traders to stay flexible and consider that every trading process is an experiment and reduce
emotional influences to mitigate possible risks. Traders should also review their progress to
correct mistakes, bad habits, and enhance their returns in the future.

Appendix 3 – Paper of How to Deal with Workplace Conflict

How to Deal with Workplace Conflict

Kimberly Natasha (2101649440) – International Business Management (Global Class)

Conflict is a normal part in any workplace since there are a lot of people with different
background, personalities, preferences, and perspectives in one place. Conflict is something
inevitable in workplace, however it is not a negative thing. In fact, it may lead us to both
personal and professional growth.

There many factors that may arise conflicts in any workplace. Some of the main factors are the

- Poor communication – Occurs when there is a different communication styles that can lead to
misunderstandings between employees or between employees and manager.

- Different value – Occurs when there is a lack of acceptance and understanding of the fact that
people have their own perspectives and values.

- Differing interest – Occurs when people with their own personal goals, ignore the
organizational goal.

- Scarce resources – Occurs when the employees need to compete against each other for
available resources in order to do their job.

- Personality clashes – Occurs when there is a lack of understanding and acceptance of how
people do their job and problem solving since they have different personalities of their own.

- Poor performance - Occurs when one or some people in the team are not doing their job or
not working maximally and address a poor output.

Handling and resolving conflicts in workplace have always been one of the biggest challenges
for managers and employees as they need to recognize the conflict and address them in order to
find the best solution to resolve it. Managers on the other hand, need to confident enough to lead
the team to overcome the challenges.

There are two types of how people respond to a conflict, either they avoid it, or they face it.
Nevertheless, there are number of ways to address workplace conflict.

- Avoidance

Avoidance is a common approach to deal with conflict. Avoidance means the parties will
ignore and sidestep the conflict, hoping it will settle itself.

- Accommodating

Accommodating approach conducted when the parties take actions to meet the other parties’
concern or demand.

- Compromising

The compromising approach involves seeking an acceptable resolution that will partly satisfy
the concern of all parties involved.

- Competing

Some people may also use competing approach to satisfy their desires against the other parties.

- Collaborating

There is also a collaborating approach where the parties seek a solution that will entirely
meet the concern of all parties involved.

Achieving a positive resolution of a conflict in workplace is the main goal of every organization
as an arise of workplace conflict may cause a possibility of decrease in morale, an increase in
absenteeism, and a decrease in productivity that results in lowered office performance and
organizational downturn. Thus, in resolving conflicts, it is essential to acknowledge the factors
the arise the conflict.



NIM 2101649440
Nama Mahasiswa Kimberly Natasha
Alamat Perumahan Illago Cluster Fiordini blok FB no. 61
Gading Serpong – Tangerang 15810
No. Telp Rumah -
No. Telp Kantor -
No. Ponsel 087880000002



Site Supervisor
No Date Clock In Clock Out Activity Description

Learn about the

Building Global
materials and take the
1 02/10/2020 12.30 13.45 Citizen
quizzes to get

Learn about the

Google Ads materials and take the
2 02/10/2020 10.15 12.19
Certification quizzes to get

Join a webinar and
3 22/10/2020 13.00 14.00 Analyzing Covid-
make summary
19 Data Using R

Webinar: Smart
Millenial Talk –
Join a webinar and
4 24/10/2020 11.00 13.00 How to Manage
take notes
and Grow Your

Join a webinar and
5 28/10/2020 13.00 15.00 Leadership in a
make summary
Vuca World

Case Study – Do a case study

6 02/11/2020 18.30 19.30
Nutrifood assignment

Webinar: WOW Join a webinar and

7 04/11/2020 10.40 11.20
Brand Festive Day take notes

Case Study: Do a case study

8 09/11/2020 16.30 17.30
Harley Davidson assignment

Do a case study
9 18/11/2020 21.00 22.00 Case Study: Jaguar

Do a case study
10 23/11/2020 17.30 18.30 Case Study: Maggi
Webinar: Berkarya Join a webinar and
11 03/12/2020 13.00 15.00
Menembus Batas take notes

Webinar: Building
a Successful
Join a webinar and
12 25/11/2020 15.00 16.30 Digital
take notes

Webinar: Peluang
Ekspor Produk
Indonesia Melalui
Join a webinar and
13 30/11/2020 14.00 16.00 Pemanfaatan
take notes
Integrasi Digital
Asean di Era
Normal Baru

Learn about the

Fundamentals of
materials, take the
14 07/12/2020 13.00 16.30 Digital Marketing
quizzes and final exam
to get certificate
Submit Logbook 1
15 07/12/2020 16.38 - Submit Logbook
2nd, and 3rd month

Paper Assignment: Make a paper of 2

How to Deal with pages about How to
16 07/12//2020 16.40 18.00
Workplace Deal with Workplace
Conflict Conflict

Webinar: The Join a webinar and

17 12/12/2020 14.00 16.00
Image is You take notes

Start to make final

18 14/12/2020 14.30 - Final Report
1st and 2nd Month EES
and Technical
19 04/01/2021 21.48 - Binusmaya’s
Internship Assignment
of all subject
rd th
3 and 4 Month EES
and Technical
20 05/01/2021 14.29 - Binusmaya’s
Internship Assignment
of all subject

21 05/01/2021 17.10 - Submit Logbook Logbook 4th month

5th Month EES and

Technical Internship
23 04/02/2021 21.45 - Binusmaya’s
Assignment of all

24 04/02/2021 21.49 - Submit Logbook Logbook 5 month


Ono Supriadi, S.IP., MBA., Ph.D.


07 Desember 2020
Enrichment Program in Bina Nusantara University Enrichment Learning Plan International Business Management /BINUSIAN 2021

Bina Nusantara University

Student Information
Name: Kimberly Natasha
Student Number: 2101649440
Phone: 087880000002
Address: Perumahan Illago Cluster Fiordini blok FB no. 61, Gading Serpong – Tangeramg 15810
Study Program/Program: International Business Management – Global Class
Faculty/School: BINUS Business School Undergraduate Program
Semester: 7

Institution/Business Information
Institution/Business Name:
Jalan Jalur Sutera Barat Panunggangan Timur, RT.01/RW.04, Panunggangan, Kec. Pinang, Kota Tangerang,
Institution/Business Address: Banten 15143
Site Supervisor/Business
Mentor Ono Supriadi, S.IP., MBA., Ph.D.
Position: Lecturer


Office Phone Number:  Site Supervisor/Business Mentor Mobile Phone: 081220834596

Enrichment Information

Start Date: 1 4 dd 0 9 mm 2 0 yy

End Date: 3 1 dd 0 1 mm 2 1 yy

Working Hours (day and

Internship Research Study

Enrichment Type*: Entrepreneurship Abroad


* Please choose one

Job Position and Job Description

Describe the Job Position

and Job Description
during enrichment

Certification: Building Global Citizens

Learning Objectives:
 The importance of global citizenship.
 How to become part of an international professional learning network.
 Engaging students in real world problems to solve.

Certification: Fundamentals of Digital Marketing

Activity Plan*
Learning Objectives:
 To collect and analyze user data and turn it into actionable insights.
 Learn how to define and track clear goals, segment audiences and analyze data to help improve your
online marketing efforts.
 Learn how to grow brand awareness and get more conversions by creating and distributing high value
content to potential customers.
 Get noticed online by identifying the right audiences, ad network and strategies for your display ads.
 Know all strategies ad tools you need to build an online store, sell effectively online and optimize the
user experience.
 Master the basics of email marketing, including how to track responses, create simple landing pages
and use A/B testing.
 Reach and engage potential customers nearby, using local directories, mobile marketing and by
building a local search presence.
 Learn the differences between mobile sites and apps and develop the most effective mobile SEO and
advertising strategies.
 Learn about the different research tools available, plus how to choose keywords and optimize
campaigns for a better return.
 Understand the differences between organic and paid search, learn how to develop the most effective

Enrichment Program in Bina Nusantara University International Business Management /BINUSIAN 2021

SEO plan and optimize web pages so that users can find content easier.
 Find out how to identify the right social network sites, create great content users will love and
measure your success.
 Discover how to integrate video into an online strategy, create video ads on a budget and make sure
they’re seen by the right people.
 Identify the right digital channels that will help you achieve your business goals and create better
online user experiences.

Certification: Shopping Ads Certification

Learning Objectives:
 Understand how Shopping campaign can promote online and local inventory and how Smart

 Use Local Inventory and Local catalog ads to drive online and in-store traffic.
 Learn how Google solutions help connect retailers with shoppers and boost business.
 Discover how Showcase Shopping ads impact consumers at the start of their purchase journey.

Participate in industry insight, talk show, and career path workshop: scheduled by Binus University

Analyze case study: by supervisor

Final research project: to be decided later

Enrichment Program in Bina Nusantara University International Business Management /BINUSIAN 2021
Learning Outcomes
He/she will experience in one or more of the following area of technical competencies:
Ability to demonstrate social and ethical
Track Internship 4 responsibility in national and international
No Area of technical Competency Experience business environment

Ability to identify and understand company Ability to identify business opportunity and
1 5 propose business solution in the global
profile and business processes in specific area
Ability to identify business opportunity and
Demonstrate functional/job specific technical
6 propose business solution in the global
knowledge related with job description
8 Others (please, specify)
Demonstrate the ability to effectively organize
the work
Demonstrate the ability to assist company to
solve the problems
Demonstrate strong record with analytical
5 thinking to support decision making process in
the job area
Identify the potential of sustainability
management activities, process, and activation
Develop the basic standard sustainability
management reporting
8 Others (please, specify)

Track Research
No Area of technical Competency Experience
Demonstrate strong understanding in theory
and specific literatures
Ability to identify the problem and objective of
the research
Ability to generate a framework that in line
with the research
Ability to implement the appropriate research
methodology to solve the problem
Demonstrate strong critical and analyze
6 Others (please, specify)

Track Study Abroad

No Area of technical Competency Experience
Ability to identify problem and learning
process in multi culture environment
Ability to explain business and management
principle in global environment
Ability to employ communication skills in
global business practices
Ability to understand and have strong
Track Entrepreneurship 2 commitment to support social vision and mission
No Area of technical Competency Experience of the institution (or community)
Ability to develop Competitive Business Start Demonstrate the strong willingness to cope with
1 Up in Globalization Era through understanding 3
the problem in their respective business area the environment in the community
Ability to interpret & analyze current global Demonstrate the ability to effectively organize the
business conditions which related with their 4
2 own
Demonstrate strong willingness to assist
Ability to identify, find and proof their target
3 segment needs, that potentially creating
institution (or community) to solve the problems
Ability to identify sustainability management
Ability to make a Minimum Viable Business
activation and activities
Product and tested to the targeted customers
7 Ability to make sustainability management report
Ability to pivot of the Business model to cope
8 Others (please, specify)
with an unpredictable condition
Ability to identify sustainability management
activation and initiating
Ability to make sustainability management
8 Others (please, specify)

Track Community Development

No Area of technical Competency Experience
Ability to identify and understand institution (or
1 community) profile and business processes in
specific area
* Study program/program MUST PROVIDE Area of Technical Competency by enumerating any possible Technical Competencies obtained during enrichment period
which are relevant to Student Outcomes stated in the curriculum document. Add more rows if necessary
* During a placement process, Study Program / Program must give tick mark for one or more required technical competency to be developed during enrichment
period and will gain soft skills on one or more of the following areas

No Soft Skills Experience

1 Self Development 
2 Teamwork 
3 Communication 
4 Planning and Organizing 
5 Problem Solving and Decision Making 
6 Initiative and Enterprise 
7 Other (please specify) 

The student will submit the following documents that are planned to accomplish the learning outcomes:
• Monthly interim reports
• Result (During a placement process, this section must be filled in by the Study Program/ Program clearly to indicate that enrichment process has been
Enrichment Program in Bina Nusantara University International Business Management /BINUSIAN 2021 completed and learning outcomes are obtained by producing this result):
a) Final Enrichment Report
b) Others (please, specify):

Agreed by

Student Site/Company Supervisor Faculty Supervisor Head/Deputy Head* of Study


Ono Supriadi, M.B.A,Ph.D. Dony Saputra, Skom.MM.Mkom. Ono Supriadi, M.B.A,Ph.D.

Kimberly Natasha Date: Jan 16, 2020
Date: Jan 16, 2020 Date: Jan 17, 2020
Date: Jan 10, 2021

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