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Fall In Love with Yourself

First, Then with Others

* Introduction
* Be yourself
* Child Inside You
* Say Goodbye to Unconscious Beliefs
* Be Mindful
* Boost Yourself
* Admire the Way You Are
* Conclusion
This is in reference to the third level by Jack Finney. It's
such a pleasure to be yourself and love the way you are.
You just need to accept yourself as you are because you are
the creation of God. God makes his every child very, very
special. You don’t need to carry artificial things to look
beautiful, just be yourself, this is the true happiness.
Human wants to be perfect, but instead of perfection, you
need reality. When you are real, you are perfect. Then you
just don’t need anything.

When you tend to accept yourself the way you are, you will be
freed from all the burdens of acceptance from others!

Be yourself
Just love and accept the way you are, respect your own
unique identity; feel blessed to have everything you want
in your life. In fact, adopt the “attitude of gratitude” and
love yourself. Because God has blessed us with all that
what is necessary for living. People often are not satisfied
with what they are bestowed with, they try to ameliorate
themselves by being influenced by people, and perfection
can never give you satisfaction. But that’s wrong to be
influenced by others or to assess you less from others.
Child Inside you
There are many factors involved in being yourself, try to
get in touch with the child inside you. As every person has
a child inside, be free like a child. Just as the little child
doesn’t care about others, love to play and portray the way
you want.

Say Goodbye to Unconscious Beliefs

Keep discovering the best-folded sides of you and never try
to suppress your intuition. One more important factor is to
become aware of your thoughts.

It’s very important to be always positive and to have

positive thoughts. Thoughts are the life process, they keep
flowing in your mind, and the thing you have to take care
is never ever followed those negative thoughts in your

Be mindful
Make up your mind that you are perfect, and you just need
to perform well. Not for others, but for yourself. Gain the
knowledge from everyone, use it in your own way. Be
mindful. Judgment is important; through it you observe
things better. Take it positively.
Boost yourself
“I can do it”- Nothing is impossible. The word impossible,
says itself that I M Possible. You just need to change
your mind setup. Perfection is not necessary. Difficult
situation knock in our life to make us much stronger than
ever. Just be yourself and let people like you the real
beautiful you.

Admire the Way You Are

Don’t try to change yourself to impress others because
those who really take care of you, they accept you the way
you are, with your vices, with your virtues and don’t find
perfection, they just accept you for ‘You’.
If you want people to understand you, if you want people
like the ‘you’ inside you, then firstly you should accept
yourself, accept your virtues and try to overcome all.
Being successful in letting people like the real side of you,
you have to accept yourself with firmness. Just be real, just
be you, and people will definitely love your straight
Follow your bliss; let go the deformities and so what you
love to do will connect with your true nature. It will allow
your real self to shine and to be acceptable. Perfection
can’t give you the bliss; it’s the satisfaction that gives you a
Just Understand that Loving Yourself simply
means to be good and not to be perfect!

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