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Blackwell Science, LtdOxford, UKVHEValue in Health1098-30152004 ISPORSeptember/October 20047Supplement 1S22S26Original ArticleRasch Analysis in QoL Instrument DevelopmentTennant et al.

Volume 7 • Supplement 1 • 2004


Application of Rasch Analysis in the Development and

Application of Quality of Life Instruments

Alan Tennant, PhD,1 Stephen P. McKenna, PhD,2 Peter Hagell, PhD3

Academic Unit of Musculoskeletal & Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK; 2Galen Research, Manchester, UK;
Department of Nursing, Lund University, Lund, Sweden


This paper discusses recent advances that have been made order to ensure that they provide unidimensional meas-
in the field of psychometrics, specifically, the application urement. By ensuring that scales are based on the same
of Rasch analysis to the instrument development process. measurement model and that they fit the Rasch model it is
It emphasizes the importance of assessing the fundamen- possible for QoL scores to be compared across diseases by
tal scaling properties of an instrument prior to consider- means of cocalibration and item banking.
ation of traditional psychometric indicators. The paper Keywords: classical test theory, differential item func-
introduces Rasch analysis and shows how it has been tioning, needs-based quality of life, Rasch analysis,
applied in the development of needs-based measures in undimensionality.

As long as primitive counts and raw scores are rou- way to ensure that earlier measures are updated to
tinely mistaken for measures by our colleagues in fit the Rasch model [4].
social, educational, and health research, there is no The quest for measurement is an important part
hope of their professional activities ever developing of advancing science, and the type of measurement,
into a reliable or useful science [1]. which allows for arithmetic operations such as
A crucial aspect of the application of the needs addition and subtraction, is known as fundamental
model is that it has been allied with the most measurement [5]. Most outcome measures used in
advanced psychometric methods. This paper argues health care are ordinal in nature, precluding such
the case for the use of Rasch analysis to ensure that arithmetic operations [6]. Many such measures
scales are unidimensional [2], a fundamental focus on attributes that are not directly measurable,
requirement of construct validity [3]. The paper such as pain, self-esteem, or quality of life. These
gives an overview of the nature of Rasch analysis measures give a “manifest score” of the construct
and shows how it aids valid across-disease compar- being measured. Consequently, most outcomes are
isons of quality of life (QoL) by means of co- expressed as ordinal manifest scores, indicating
calibration and the development of item banks. some rank on a perceived underlying latent trait.
Over the last two decades an analytical approach Although there is a substantial body of nonpara-
has been adopted that is pivotal to both judging metric statistics to analyze such information, the
the quality of existing outcome instruments and importance of the calculation of change scores in
in developing new instruments. This approach is clinical trial analysis (and attributes of measure-
called Rasch analysis, after its originator, a Danish ment such as the “effect size” [7]), which require
mathematician. He developed Poisson models for normally distributed interval-level measurement,
reading, intelligence, and achievement tests, the last gives urgency to achieving a quality of measurement
becoming known as the Rasch model [2]. Rasch that will sustain such arithmetic operations.
analysis has been employed in the development of In order to achieve such fundamental measure-
most of the needs-based QoL instruments, to ensure ment certain properties are required. These are
that the resulting scales are unidimensional. Only reviewed in detail elsewhere [8,9] but essentially
the earliest developed needs-based measures did not they are:
benefit from this approach and studies are under-
• the numerical properties of order (one mark on
the ruler represents more or less of the con-
Address correspondence to: Stephen McKenna, Galen
Research, Enterprise House, Manchester Science Park, Lloyd struct than another);
Street North, Manchester M15 6SE, UK. E-mail: • addition (points on rulers may be added
smckenna@galen-research.com together); and

© ISPOR 1098-3015/04/$15.00/S22 S22–S26 S22

Rasch Analysis in QoL Instrument Development S23

• specific objectivity (the calibration of the ruler the unit of measurement. A logit is the distance
(item set or questions) is independent of the along the line of the variable that increases the odds
persons used to calibrate and vice versa). of observing the event by a factor of 2.718. There is
a clear relation between the ability–difficulty differ-
Where data fit the Rasch model these properties
ence, and the probability of affirming an item or
are confirmed and fundamental measurement fol-
undertaking a task. For example, where the differ-
lows. On a more formal level, the theory of simul-
ence between a patients’ ability and the item or task
taneous conjoint measurement [10] provides the
difficulty is zero, the probability is 0.5. Where the
mechanism for translating manifest to latent scores:
difference is +1 logit (that is, the patient has greater
Rasch analysis delivers conjoint measurement when
ability—or more of the trait—than expressed by the
data fit the model.
item) the probability is 0.73, or 0.27 if the differ-
The Rasch model is a unidimensional model that
ence is -1.0. Where the difference is ±3 logits then
has two main assertions:
the probabilities are 0.95 and 0.05, respectively.
1. that the easier the item is, the more likely it will Differential Item Functioning (DIF) can also be
be passed (affirmed); and examined by fitting data to the Rasch model [15].
2. the more able the patient, the more likely they Essentially, the scale should work in the same way,
will pass (affirm) an item (or do a task) com- irrespective of the group assessed. Thus, the proba-
pared to a less able patient. bility of being able to do a task, or affirming an
item, for patients at the same level of ability (or, for
Unidimensionality is a prerequisite to the summa-
example, with the same QoL) should remain the
tion of any set of items [3,11,12]. The Rasch model
same across groups. Assessment of DIF can yield
assumes that the probability of a given patient
crucial information about the measurement equiva-
“passing” an item or task is a logistic function of
lence of an instrument between various cultural
the relative distance between the item location
groups [16] but should also be applied across gen-
parameter (the difficulty of the task) and the
der and age groups within those cultures.
respondent location parameter (the ability of the
In comparison with classical test theory, the
patient), and only a function of that difference.
Rasch model provides a means of assessing a range
Expressed formally, this gives:
of additional measurement properties, increasing
the information available about a scale’s perform-
e (q -bi )
pi (q) = ance [17–19]. The model is one of many used in this
1 + e (q -bi ) way, which are generally subsumed under the rubric
where pi(q) is the probability that patients with abil- of Item Response Theory (IRT) [20,21]. The Rasch
ity q will be able to do item (task) i, and b is the item model is known as the one-parameter model within
(task) difficulty parameter. The model can be this framework, but it has unique properties, which
extended to cope with items with more than two are crucial to attaining conjoint measurement [22],
response categories. From this, the expected pattern a prerequisite for the calculation of change scores
of responses to a set of items or tasks is determined [7].
given the estimated q and b. When the observed The Rasch model was readily adopted in rehabil-
response pattern coincides with or does not deviate itation in the late 1980s [23], as the language of
greatly from the expected response pattern, the ability and difficulty easily transferred from educa-
items fit the measurement model and constitute a tion. Patients undergoing rehabilitation have a
true Rasch scale [13]. Various fit statistics determine given level of ability. In order to assess this level they
whether or not the data do fit the model, and these can be presented with a range of tasks requiring dif-
tend to be software dependent, although all work fering degrees of ability. Since then the approach has
on the principal of looking at the deviation of the become used with a wide range of clinical and diag-
observed data from the model expectation. Finally, nostic groups [24,25]. All recent needs-based qual-
where there is local independence of items (that is, ity of life instruments are developed using this
no residual associations in the data after the Rasch approach [26–32].
trait has been removed), this, taken together with fit Given that both patients and items are calibrated
to the model, supports the contention that the scale on the same underlying metric trait, the potential
is unidimensional [14]. for innovation in measurement is considerable.
Assuming that the data fit, the Rasch model Consider for example the current debate about
transforms them from ordinal scores into interval disease-specific and generic QoL measures. Where
level measurement with the logit (log odds unit) as scales are based on the same theoretical unidimen-
S24 Tennant et al.

sional construct, items from different diseases can the potential implications should not be underesti-
be calibrated on the same scale, given that some mated [43–45].
items (that are free of DIF by diagnosis) common to The ability of a scale to provide fundamental
both scales are employed. This provides disease-spe- measurement should be established prior to the
cific and comparative QoL measures by “item bank- more commonly reported psychometric attributes.
ing” items or questions onto the same underlying Rasch analysis offers a method of ensuring that key
metric [33–35]. Currently this approach, based on measurement assumptions are tested and, where
the needs-based model of QoL, is being used to data fit the model, arithmetic operations may be
establish an item bank for disease-specific QoL undertaken. It has particular value in the develop-
measures in the rheumatic diseases [36–38]. A sim- ment of new measures, specifically in guiding item
ilar exercise is planned for dermatology and links reduction. Traditional methods of item reduction
between these two disease areas could be made pos- that rely on item–total correlations and/or indices of
sible by means of the Psoriatic Arthritis Quality of internal consistency can have unfortunate effects on
Life (PSAQoL) measure [37]. the sensitivity of measures and their ability to pro-
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same theoretical basis, are unidimensional (insofar range. This is because items at the extreme of the
as their items fit the Rasch model) and have good measurement range are generally discarded because
traditional psychometric properties. Not only do too many or too few respondents affirm them. In
they work as effective outcome measures in clinical reality, these “extreme” items may be the most
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