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of a verb and a prepositio
to form a complete unit of-. n,. a verb . and an a dverb or a verb with . an adverb an d a
epost ' .. ueantng ts called a h~ I b ·
pr dthe following sentences carefully. P asa ver •
Rea ) /\ c. .
Examples: (a niter .d vacat10n she wanted to get back to work immediately.
. ('get back' means 'resume')
(b) H e d 1 not tum
. up for the i . ,
nterv1ew. ( turn up' means 'arrive' or 'come')
Now take a look at the examples given here with meaning of each phrasal ver b given . . th e table.
Phrasal Verb Structure Meaning
look into verb + preposition examme
turn off verb + adverb switch off
give back verb + adverb return
walkout verb + adverb leave
carry on verb + preposition continue

• The prepositions or the adverbs that accompany the verbs in the phrasal verbs are known as
• No suffix or prefix can be added to particles.
Example: He made up with his old friends recently. ('up' is the particle here)
' When required, only the form of the verb can be changed in a phrasal verb
Example: break out broke out
verb in present tense verb in past tense
• Even though the verb remains the same, the change in particle can completely change the meaning of
the phrasal verb.
Examples: ran out of - nothing left, ran after - purSued
Read the list of h b nd their meanings given below. Note the way the meaning change:
With p rasa1 ver s a
the change of preposition or adverb.

Phrasal Verb Meaning ''

put aside save My mother told me to turn off the tap while I
brushing my teeth.
put down write 1
(a) Underline the phrasal verb in the above :
put forward suggest sentence.
put in claim (b) Do you turn offthe tap while brushing?
put off postpone (c) Howcanyouhelptosave water?
put away tidy up - - - --- - ------/'\
lete t11,i;:; .,. ...... .. .. ........ ...,.; .
tanks to cornP .
d fill in the b · _ . her personal diary.
. en above an d feelings in
Use the phrasal verbs g1v ················· her thoughts a~ rove the sales of the new product,
1. Anne Frank .................... od ideas to unp h by afternoon .
....... go ttered c 1ot es
I 2. The manager ............. ........ ......... .. ....... all her sea h ther
'\ . ............... ·[1 tiO r er mo ·
'\ 3 Mother told Arununa to ......... .... ne to buy a gi t .
. some pocket mo y tree fell on his car.
r 4. Sona ..... ............... ... .............. a claim for car insurance after a
I1, 5. Raghav ..................................... the flight got cancelled.
ii because
i ii 6. His trip was..................................... d ure that they mean the satne
. below an ens as tn·1
Fill in the blanks with the words given
0 words given in brackets.
up through
down off

1. pull ............................... (reprimand) 3. pull ............................... (recover)

2. pull .............., ................ (succeed) 4. pull ............................... (demolish)
Fill in the blanks with appropriate phrasal verbs from the liS t given above. The tense tnay
changed wherever required.
l. The old lady was able to ............................... the troubled times because of her son's support.
2. The old house was ............................... and a multi-storeyed building was constructed at the site.
3. The student was ............................... by the teacher for not obeying the rules and regulations of
4. With his last move Viswanathan Anand ............................... a victory.

G Make phrasal verbs using the verb 'look' and t h e given particles. Use them in sentence
your own. The first one has been done for you.
down out mto b ac k a·ft e r up
1. look + down look down. Example : We should not look \(
help them whenever possible. down upon the poor peop
2. look+ ............................
3. look+ ............................ .................................................................................................
4 l .................................................................. . ........................ .. .... .
. ook + ............................
5 l k ................................... ........ ......... .............. ... ... ..... .. ....... .. ... .... ..
. 00 + ········•• ..................
····· ··································
6. look+ ................... ......... ................... ... ..... ... ............ ... ....... ..... .
······················· ···· ..........
I~ ES -~ H~ AL VE~1!!1
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ••• •• • •• • • . . . . . . . . . . t • • • •• •

Phrasa l verbs are of various kind Th

. s. ey can be d.1 1·d
and fun cti o ns- (a) inseparabl h v ed broadly · .
e p rasal v er b s into two CHc go n•c-s h aseJ on t lll,1·
(b) separable phrasal verbs
• Read the sentence given h e re :
f uel suppli es are sure to run out.
'-v--> ..........,
verb part ic l1.:
·erb and th e particle th at make h
f hC: \ r 1.1se t h em separ ate 1Y· S nch phrasal
up t e phrasal
b \' er b run out are placed nex1: to each other. We
on 00 v er s are c II d .
. . read the sentence given b elow a e in separable phrasal verbs.
N OW. ·

rher cold me to '---,,--'
turn the television o n· • ( turn on)
verb '-v-'
I1 this sentence, the noun phrase 'the televisi on , 1s
. placed b tw h b •
I al verbs are called separabl h e een t ever (tum) and the particle (on).
s~cb pbras .e p rasal verbs.
A fill in the blanks wtth separable phrasal verbs given below and complete the sentences.
put off tum on fi
turn of put together clean up
··········-- ···--· -- -· -- ····· the radio ··· ··· ·-·-· ·· ··-··-·····-·· -··-·
J Father told me to ·- ···· · -· ····· ··· ·· ·-·-· ----- -- the li ghts ------·- -· ------ •·-·. -·--··-· -- before I left the room.
J. The manager · ·· ·· ·· · --·· · · -· ··· ••-•--..... - the meeting --- ------- ----------- ------___ _till - next week.
4. Mother to Id An ees a to · -· · --·· · ---•------------------ the kitchen
J- The coach asked the players to h - ~~----- -- ----·- -··- ---- ---·-·· - •
-··- -- -·-- --· --·· -··-- -·-- ·-· t e1r e orts --···· -· -·- __ _--···--·------· and wm the trophy.
!e,:~s a cable with more phrasal verbs and their meanings _ ·
Phrasal Verbs Meaning Phrasal Verbs Meaning
rule out exclude
cm down reduce
run into meet someone unexpectedly
die dovm weaken
leave out exclude
bounce back recover from a problem
dress up wear special clothes
ask out invite someone
do without survive without something
ask for request - .
J Olil m participate
make up for compen sate
keep back hide something
mess up commit an error
G Here are some sentences with phrasal verbs. Identify and underline them. Then, match them
with the appropriate meanings.
., Meaning of Phrasal Verbs
(a) abandon
1. The teacher wanted to look into the matter and correct
t~e calculation of percentage for Rohit_ (b) examme
2_ The grenade b lew up in the market place killing innocent ~eople.
th (c) comprehend / understand
3. The travellers should not give up hope until they reach eJr
destination. (d) e>..-ploded
4_ She could not figure out the theme of the play clearly- (e) m et by chance
5. Rashi gets along w ell with her cousin Reema. (f) enjoys a harm o nio us
6. My father ran into his college fri end at the mall. relationship

(I ---
'rh thc passage given
_ She

, looked mto
here an d underline
head exam -me r wa 11,
. . the
.....e d into
hallP and instructed the srudents
l,rasal verbs .

the examination d ullcd up studencs w I1 0 w1.:rc w:i.strn

th e acten d an ce sheet an • Papers and leave - 1, hl' L"(.111\1tH:
to ca rry on writi ng the
- g nmc-.
. •
When che
. r .,l.;;i_) ,, ,tlk.ed out with
time Id hand over t 1e P·1
b was up, students were to to
11nd1es of an<;wcr shee ~ later-

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