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Name: _______________________________________________________ Date: _________________

Ninth Grade

from Hidden Figures

I. Choose the correct answer for each question.

1. This movie takes place during

a. The Civil Rights movement
b. The Cold War
c. The early 1960’s
d. All of the above
2. Where does this story take place? _________________________________________________
3. Which of the following women was NOT a NASA employee in the movie?
a. Mary Jackson
b. Alice Harrison
c. Katherine Goble
d. Dorothy Vaughan
4. Which of the three women is… (X)
Dorothy Vaughn
Mary Jackson
Katherine Goble

5. The “enemy” of the United States during the movie was:

a. Russia
b. China
d. Germany
6. Who is the lead engineer at NASA?
a. Paul Stafford
b. Jim Johnson
c. Mary Jackson
d. Alan Shephard
7. The president of the U.S.A. during the movie is
a. Martin Luther King Jr.
b. John Glenn
c. John Kennedy
d. Bobby Kennedy
8. Who does Mary have to convince to allow her to take extension classes?
a. Her boss at NASA
b. The judge
c. The principal
d. The superintendent
9. At the beginning of the movie, the cop
a. Gives them a speeding ticket
b. Arrests them for loitering
c. Helps them change their tire
d. Escorts them to work
10. Why does Dorothy have to sneak a book out of the library? Because
a. The library was closing
b. She didn’t have a library card
c. The book wasn’t in the colored section
d. The book was a display copy only
11. What did the Space Task Group give Katherine as an engagement present?
a. A pearl necklace
b. A coffee cup
c. Money for the honeymoon
d. A party
12. What is the significance of the gift?
13. The name of the math used to calculate the Go No-Go
a. The Goble Theorem
b. Conic Sections
c. Quadratic Formula
d. Euler’s Method
14. Who said, “Civil rights ain’t always civil”
a. Paul Stafford
b. Jim Johnson
c. Levi Jackson
d. Al Harrison
15. Who knocked down the “Colored Ladies Room” sign”?
a. Paul Stafford
b. Al Harrison
c. Dorothy Vaughan
d. John Glenn
16. Explain Why does he knock the sign off the colored bathroom?
17. Right before the launch, what happens?
a. The IBM’s calculations don’t match
b. Katherine checks the numbers
c. Katherine is allowed in the control room
d. All of the above
18. During John Glenn’s flight, what starts to malfunction?
a. The compressor
b. The heat shields
c. The parachute
d. The steering column
19. Jim Johnson asks Katherine to
a. Marry her
b. Go out to dinner
c. Calculate launch and landing
d. Borrow her car
20. What does Paul bring Katherine at the end of the movie?
a. A new chair
b. A cup of coffee
c. A newspaper
d. A report with her name on it
21. Who was first person to orbit earth?
a. John Glenn
b. Paul Stafford
c. Alan Shepard
d. Yuri Gagarin
22. The movie Hidden Figures is
a. 100% true
b. Based on true events
c. A documentary
d. 100% fiction
23. In what year did NASA reach the moon? _______________________________
24. What is the name of the capsule that carried John Glenn? _______________________________
25. Were “colored” treated the same as “whites”? If no, give three (3) examples.
26. Were women treated the same as men? __________
If no, give one example. __________________________________________________________
27. What is your favorite part of the movie? Answer in at least two complete sentences.

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