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11/05/2020 Print Report

VAT Registra on Number: 20001001300002

Material / Product Assessment
Receipt Details
Receipt Number 10764
Transac on ID 202007500050034305
Payment Type eMAS Applica on Fee
Payment Method
Authoriza on Code
Date and Time of Payment 11/05/2020 04:16 PM
Total excl. of VAT 25.000
VAT 0.000
Total amount due, inclusive of VAT, in BHD 25.000
Balance due 25.000

Applica on Details
Status New - Applica on Wai ng for
Applicant Ac on
Applica on Number 22077
Submi ed Date 11/05/2020 04:13 PM
Company Name AlGhanim Interna onal General
Trading and Contrac ng Co.-
Foreign Branch
Material / Product Name
Applicant Name Pandiyarajan Jayaraman
Applicant CPR Number 870396188

Note: This is an auto-generated receipt NO NEED for signature and stamp 1/1

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