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Dhaka University

Faculty of Business Studies

Department of Marketing

A Term Paper


Job Hunting Strategies

Submitted To:

Mr. Mahmud Ullah


Department of Marketing

University of Dhaka

Submitted By

Ifadi Newaz Ara

Roll: 1451

Sec: A


Date of Submission: 26-08-2022

Strategy for achieving a lucrative job

The act of seeking employment owing to unemployment or dissatisfaction with a current position is known
as "job hunting," "job seeking," or "job searching." The first place that job seekers or hunters explore for
employment prospects are usually job openings. Job is attainable through both the typical employment
options provided by other businesses or enterprises as well as through self-employment, sometimes known
as entrepreneurship.

As my MBA degree draws to a close, I am currently preparing myself for employment as a novice to the
job market. In today's work market, it is challenging to locate a desired position due to severe competition.
My first priority is govt job, so I want to be a banker.

ii. Kind of employments I would prefer to be in:

1. BCS (Bangladesh Civil Service) 3. Other Government Bank Jobs

2. Bangladesh Bank 4. private bank

III. Analysis of those terms:

a. BCS:

BCS is the first targeted job for me. Being a BCS cadre, a highly esteemed government job
position, involves completing a nationwide competitive examination. Almost everyone who has
the necessary educational credentials to be eligible aspires to work as a BCS cadre in our nation.
Salary is average in BCS for freshers, but other government facilities are very high. My targeted
post is Admin and foreign cadre. I don’t have any problem regarding job location in Bangladesh.
Power is very high in BCS. Having career growth opportunities. There is too much competition in
BCS. One of the challenges is needed to study for a long time. The process is very lengthy.

b. Bangladesh Bank:

Bangladesh Bank is another hard employment opportunity. While salaries are typical at
Bangladesh Bank, they are relatively high at other government establishments. Additional Director
of Bangladesh Bank is the position I'm aiming for. It's in Dhaka, which is not at all a bad location.
Power is standard. excellent job security having excellent chances for career progression. high
level of competition, focusing on quality rather than quantity. High employment security, yet the
necessity for extensive study makes it difficult. The procedure takes a long time.

c. Other Government Bank Job:

Other government bank like Agrani Bank Limited, Bangladesh Development Bank, BASIC Bank Limited,
Janata Bank Limited, Rupali Bank Limited, Sonali Bank Limited senior officer positions are likewise
difficult and rewarding for new hires. The pay range is standard. excellent job security. Less time-
consuming application process than BCS or Bangladesh Bank's advertisement. There are financial options
accessible, such as low-interest bank loans. Strong competition

D. Private Bank:

I have several career options in the banking industry as a marketing student in the private bank sector. A
senior officer position is a suitable one for a new hire. The pay is substantial for new hires. The issue is a
lack of job security. A private bank job application process is quicker than one for a government one. Loan
options are available. High level of excellent competition. Making oneself quality-full in this digital age is
a challenge.

IV. According to my personal, family, social, and other relevant aspects:

I believe that a government job, like BCS, would suit me more than other employment. Here are the
justifications: Personally, I prefer working under minimal work pressure, want at least some respect from
society, want a secure employment, and prefer to work for both the government and the nation. BCS ratifies
these. My family is also pushing for me to join the BCS cadre, a prestigious group in our culture. I was up
in a society where the BCS cadre of government jobs is particularly valued. BCS is a name that connotes
strength, honor, potential for future professional progress, and a high standard of living.

V. All possible ways to succeed in finding my preferred employment:

Firstly, I collect information about the syllabus and technique to success in govt job from my
senior. Secondly, I buy all books according to the syllabus and the suggestion from other seniors
who are now BCS cadre. Thirdly, I need to make a routine according to the syllabus and read all
the books regularly. Keep me update all-time with the news and other things that is happened
around me. Finally, BCS is a long procedure so I need to be patience.

VI. Comparison technique(s) to choose the best employment given below:

• Does this position offer a stable salary?

• How promising is career advancement for this position?

• What level of work pressure?

• How secure is your job?

• How well-respected is this position in society?

• How difficult is it to land a job?

Requirement for successful BCS:

• Watching news regularly and keep update

• Reading and making notes
• Revisions
• Discussion
• Increase vocabulary
• Setting targets
• Recreation
• Exercise
• Maintain proper nutrition and rest
• Maintaining confidence level

VII. Visualize the points you have thought in 'v & vi' in an organized manner:

It will be simple to take the right BCS preparation steps with the aid of essential books by the well-known
author. To succeed in the BCS path, advice from seniors who are currently BCS cadres might also be
beneficial. Finally, it's crucial to stick to a solid study strategy. And the comparative strategies that were
previously described can assist in identifying the greatest employment option for my career.

VIII. Description:

I need a position with excellent security, integrity, a good compensation, and room for career advancement.
It can guarantee me mental tranquility. One of them is a government position like BCS. For new hires,
salaries in other government facilities are far higher than those in BCS. In BCS, power is quite high. having
potential for professional progression in BCS, there is too much competition. The requirement for lengthy
study sessions is one of the difficulties.

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