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Identify the Element of Art

By Definition

The Elements of Art are a commonly used in analyzing an artwork. It is usually combined with the
Principles of Art.

Also known as the building blocks of an art work.

Made up of
Line Shape Color Texture

Space Form Value

Importance of the elements of art

Knowing what the elements of art enables us to

1.describe what an artist has done,

2.analyze what is going on in a particular piece

3.communicate our thoughts and findings using a common language.

Also remember: No Elements of Art… No Art Work!

Understanding the line

In context of Visual arts

Interpretation of
the jeepney

How many kinds of lines do you see on the picture?

Describe how are the lines effectively or ineffectively used with this drawing?

Understanding the line

Real Lines are the ones that we draw and the ones that are the seen.
Louie Cordero 'My we‘


Implied Lines are created through the sense of the line being there.

Creating depth with lines

Line Quality

The THICKNESS and THINNESS of lines)

LINES have different thicknesses that artists call their weight.

Thick lines are heavy and Thin lines are light.

Understanding the
line quality

Heavily Weighted Lines (thick)

objects appear coming forward

Lightly Weighted Lines (thin)

object appears receding (going back

Different types of lines




Understanding the effects of different types of lines in an art work

Lines create a sense of emotion to an art work

Lines create direction, literally or implied, to convey a feeling


Juan Luna

Vertical Lines

Create a sense of growth or height

These lines move up and down without a slant and can give the appearance of height because they are
perpendicular to the earth, extending upwards toward the sky.

In fashion vertical lines create a long and lean silhouette

People Power Monument

Eduardo Castrillo

Horizontal Lines

Create a sense of relaxation

These lines move right to left and suggest a feeling of rest or repose because objects parallel to the
earth are at rest

Stagnant to the eye and may create a feeling of laziness or being boring

Reclining Nude


Diagonal Lines

Diagonal lines are neither vertical nor horizontal and convey a feeling of movement.

Objects in a diagonal position feel unstable because they are either about to fall or are already in motion
Diagonal lines create a sense of tension with the edges of the paper and thus the picture becomes

Fisherman with Catch

Ang Kiukok

Parallel Lines

Create a sense of excitement

Fast moving eye

Untitled comic strip

Menny Eusobio Martin

Zig-Zag Lines

Create a sense of chaos

Fast moving eye

These lines slant and are diagonal lines connected at each point. These lines can portray action and


Vicente Manansala

Spiral & Curve Lines

Create a sense of infinity/never ending movement

Feminine and graceful s-curves

Very organic and free flowing feeling is created

The curve of a line can convey energy. Soft, shallow curves recall the curves of the human body and
often have a pleasing, sensual quality
The Nose Flute

Carlos “Botong” Francisco

Element of Art:
SHAPE & Form


A shape is a closed line or closed contour line

A shape is flat or two-dimensional. Only has width and height.

Shapes are defined by other elements of art such as line, form, space, value, color, and texture


a form is a three-dimensional geometrical figure (i.e.: sphere, cube, cylinder, cone, etc.), as opposed to a
shape, which is two-dimensional, or flat.
TYPES of SHAPE and Form


are mathematically determined


are shapes seen in nature or vague or abstract shapes

Understanding Form

Form refers to the visible elements of an art piece, independent of their meaning.

For example, when viewing Juan Luna's Portrait of a Lady, the formal elements therein are: color, space,
lines, shape, etc., while the feelings of mystery and intrigue the piece evokes are informal products of
the viewer's imagination.

Interpret the Painting based on SHAPE and Form

How is Shape and Form important in this painting?

Fiesta sa Obando,

Aris Bagtas

The Element of Color


Properties of color
Psychology of color

The reflected light on an object as seen by the human eye.

Color adds interest and mood to a work of art.

3 Properties of Color

Hue = the name of the color

example red, yellow, blue, etc.

Intensity = the strength and vividness of the color.

example color blue as "royal" (bright, rich, vibrant)

or "dull" (grayed).

Value = the lightness or darkness of the color

Also remember:
Tints- are created by adding white to a color

Shades- are created by adding black to a color

Psychology of Color

Color psychology is the study of hues as a determinant of human behavior. 

Color influences perceptions that are not obvious, such as the taste of food. 

Colors can also enhance the effectiveness of placebos. For example, red or orange pills are generally
used as stimulants.

There are four psychological primary colors - red, blue, yellow and green. They relate respectively to the
body, the mind, the emotions and the essential balance between these three.
Body atlas shows where we feel different emotions; a study published in the Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences, researchers proved that emotions have direct physiological connections to the
parts of our body.

Warm color and cool color

Warm Colors

Warm colors are made with orange, red, yellow and combinations of them all.

Cool Colors

Cool colors are blue, green and light purple have the ability to calm and soothe.
Principles of art

Understanding the Principle of Art

The Principles of Visual Art are the set of rules or guidelines of visual art that are to be considered when
considering the impact of a piece of artwork.

They are combined with the Elements of Art in the production of art.

The principles are Movement, Unity, Harmony, Variety, Balance, Proportion, Contrast, Emphasis,
Rhythm and Pattern.


Movement shows actions, or alternatively, the path the viewer's eye follows throughout an artwork.

Movement is caused by using elements under the rules of the principles in picture to give the feeling of
action and to guide the viewer's eyes throughout the artwork.

Example of movement
“Andres Bonifacio “

Carlos "Botong" Francisco


Unity is the wholeness that is achieved through the effective use of the Elements and Principles of Art.

The arrangement of elements and principles to create a feeling of completeness.

Example of Unity

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