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Міністерство освіти і науки України

Дніпровський національний університет імені Олеся Гончара

Навчально-методичний центр заочної та вечірньої форм навчання
Кафедра англійської філології

Контрольна робота
з дисципліни: Основна іноземна мова

Перевірила: Аксютіна Т.В

Виконала: Лавро Т. І

Студентка групи УА-19-1з

Exersise 11, page 138.
a. Opening Paragraph – the name, type of job, purpose of work, short description
of the work
b. Main body - Includes several headlines that described the sections that
followed. For example: job description, type, required qualifications, work
experience, skills, personal qualities, sometimes specified salary
c. Conclusion - summary of the sections listed in the main part, the summary of
what is described in the main part, possibly recommendations

Letter of application
a) Introduction - the name of the work or place claimed by the author, the reason
for writing the letter, clarification of how the author learned about the
b) Main body - The title of the job and the responsibilities that apply to it, the
type of qualifications and skills that will be required in the process, personal
skills and qualities that describe the candidate, the required work experience,
and an explanation of why you are applying for this position
c) Conclusion - notes, thanks for your attention
Exersise 13, page 184
In this paragraph, one of the topics that we discussed was the education system at the
university. For example, The structure of higher education system in Ukraine is based
on the education systems of the developed nations of the world in accordance with
recommendations from the UNESCO, UN and other international organizations.
Higher education is an integral part of the Ukrainian education system as laid down
in the Law of Ukraine “On Education”. The four-level system provides thorough
academic, professional and practical training with the following degrees: Junior
Specialist, Bachelor, Specialist, Master. 
Accredited education establishments provide instruction according to their
accreditation level. However, the higher the accreditation level of an education
establishments is, the more options it can offer its students, who can graduate it with
a diploma or degree of any chosen level. 
Exersise 13, page 210
Ancient superstitions and rituals or relics of the past? 
There are superstitions in all cultures, including Ukrainian. Let me tell you about
The strangest superstitions concern good and evil, crops, weddings and even funerals.
Consider the most famous ones: for example, the superstition that seeing a bride in a
wedding dress before the ceremony is unfortunate. Also, it is believed that how many
times the cuckoo crows, so many years you are allowed to live. That you can’t look
with a girlfriend in one mirror - you will share the groom. It is not advised to pass
things over the threshold, you need to step on it with your foot. Our grandmothers
also believed that whistling at home meant poverty. And if you sprinkle salt - this is a
quarrel. In addition, there is a belief that if you drop a knife on the floor, a man will
come to visit, a spoon - a woman. Breaking a mirror is considered a bad omen - it
means a lot of negativity in the family. 
Summing up, we can say that we have many signs and beliefs that seem absurd or
funny, if not taken seriously. Remember that any extremes can be harmful, maintain a
critical opinion and balance. 
Exersise 22, page 234
1. in a style that will appeal to students 
2. an informal, friendly tone 
3. should contain headings 
4. must be included in your writing 
Welcome to DNU. Our university can offer the applicant a lot of directions: both
philological and physical and mathematical.  
Personally, I study at the Faculty of Ukrainian and Foreign Philology and Art
History, and what exactly our building is famous for is the best dining room. There
you can buy sweets, coffee, tea, cookies, buns and waffles, but in addition - you can
have a full lunch with hot dishes: delicious side dishes, salads and meat. As for the
prices, they are very reasonable. For those who like snacking, there are food
supermarkets near the university. 
Since this is a campus and there are dormitories, then of course students may be
interested in the issue of clothes and shoes. Of course, there is a small shopping
center in the nearest radius, but I would advise you to get to the city center by
minibus and there already go to the famous MOST City or Passage. 
Of course, students are a time of limitations and, let's say, survival. I advise you to
save on everything you can, except for food. It is better to eat simple, but healthy.
Your stomach will thank you later. 
And finally, why DNU is cool. Because you study with great peers and you are all in
the same boat, helping each other and maintaining morale from session to session. 
Exersise 1, page 139

1. B  
2. C  
3. A  
4. B 
5. A  
6. B  
7. B 
8. D  
9. C 
10. C 
11. B  
12. D  
13. D  
14. C   
15. C 
1. arrive  
2. it not been  
3. wish you wouldn’t 
4. will notice 
5. it not for 
Exersise 2, page 140
1. C 
2. D 
3. G  
4. A  
5. H  
6. E 
Exersise 3, page 140
1. B  
2. B  
3. C  
4. C  
5. F  
6. A  
7. A  
8. F  
9. A  
10. D  
11. E  
12. D  
13. E  
14. D  
15. F  
16. D  
17. E 
Exersise 4, page 142
Task 1: 
1. G  
2. E 
3. F  
4. D 
5. B  
Task 2: 
6. C 
8. G  
9. B 
10. A 
 Exersise 1, page 185
1. C     
2. B    
3. A  
4. D 
5. B 
6. B  
7. C 
8. A 
9. C  
10. A 
11. D  
12. B  
13. A 
14. D 
15. C 
 b). 1 both of whom work/who both work 
2. shouldn’t have taken/stolen/etc 
3. did they know/realise 
4. to whom 
5. was the success of 
Exersise 2, page 185

1. just/merely/only/simply 
2 fact  
3. overall/whole  
4. if/whether  
5. on  
6. main/key  
7. in  
8. also 
9. however 
10. the/certain/some 
11. When 
12. while/but 
13. of 
14. well 
15. that/which 
Exersise 3, page 186

1. B Third paragraph 
2. C Fourth paragraph: "However, it is only now..." 
3. A Sixth paragraph: "A baby born with cataracts, removed at 
the age of two, ..." 
4. B Seventh paragraph: "But, because complex functions such 
as abstract thought..." 
5. C Eighth paragraph: "By playing with and talking to her 
6. D Last paragraph: "She claims neurological evidence is 
available that shows ...” 
Exersise 4, page 187

1. 4  
2. 10,000  
3. personal organiser 
4. conversational skills 
5. prolong life 
6. underused 
7. (to) store information 

 Exersise 1, page 235

a) 1. C  
2. A 
3. C 
4. D  
5. A 
6. B 
7. C 
8. C 
9. A  
10. D 
11. B 
12. B 
13. C  
14. A  
15. D 
1. C  
Exersise 2, page 235

1. before  
2. once  
3. with  
4. from  
5. there  
6. then 
7. out  
8. Some 
9. other 
10. that 
11. to 
12. yourself 
13. being 
14. unless 
15. after 

Exersise 3, page 236

1. D  
2. C  
3. A 
4. A  
5. D  
6. B  
7. A  
Exersise 4, page 237

1. unclear  
2. student  
3. oil painting  
4. traditional  
5. inspiration 
6. conventional 
7. light and colour 
8. depicting 
9. impression 

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