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Name:-Rutuparna Panda
Class:-XII B
Roll no.:-25
SESSION 2022-23

This is to certify that Rutuparna Panda bearing
examination Roll No.: has successfully
completed the project in fulfilment of board
examinations during academic session 2022-23.

Teacher's sign Principal's sign

Examiner's sign

I would like to express my special thanks of

gratitude to my teacher (Mrs.Jyotirmayee
Tripathy) as well as our principal sir
(Mr.Bigneshwar Patnaik) who gave me the
golden opportunity to do this wonderful project
on the topic (DNA FINGERPRINTING),
which also helped me in doing a lot of research
and i came to know about so many new things I
am really thankful to them.

Secondly i would also like to thank my parents

and friends who helped me a lot in finalizing
this project within the limited time frame.
●DNA fingerprinting is a laboratory
technique used to establish a link between
biological evidence and suspect in a criminal

●A DNA sample taken from a crime scene is

compared with a DNA sample from a

●DNA fingerprinting was invented in 1984 by

Professor Sir Alec Jeffreys.

●DNA fingerprinting involves the

identification of differences in repetitive
DNA. Repetitive DNA is a specific region in
DNA in which a small stretch of DNA is
repeated many times.
●Through density gradient centrifugation,
these repetitive DNA are separated from the
bulk genomic centrifugation and the other
small peaks are known as satellite DNA.

●These sequence do not code for any

proteins normally but they constitute a large
portion of humans genome.The satellite DNA
is classified into many categories such as a
microsatellites, nanosatellites etc, on the
basis of length of segment, number of
respective units, the base composition (A:T
rich or G:C rich),etc

●The satellite DNA sequences also shows

high degree of polymorphism and forms,the
basis of DNA fingerprinting.

It is the variation in individuals at genetic

level. Polymorphism arises due to mutations.
It plays an important role in evolution and
speciation. In a population, if an inheritable
mutation is observed at high frequency, it is
referred to as DNA polymorphism. There are
different types of polymorphism, from single
nucleotide change to large scale changes.

In an individual, DNA from every tissue(e.g.

blood, hair follicle,skin,bone,saliva etc)
shows same degree of polymorphism Thus,
they become very essential identification tool
in forensic applications. As polymorphism
are inherited from parents to children. So, it
is useful in paternity testing.

Alec Jeffreys initially developed DNA

fingerprinting, also known as DNA typing or
DNA profiling, to find out markers for
inherited diseases. He used a satellite DNA
as a probe that shows very high degree of
polymorphism and called it Variable Number
of Tandem Repeats(VNTRS). The technique
involved Southern blot hybridisation using
radiolabelled VNTR as a probe.
Stage 1: Sample Collection
DNA can be acquired from any bodily sample or liquid. Buccal
smear, salivation, blood, amniotic liquid, chorionic villi, skin,
hair, body liquid, and different tissues are significant kinds of
samples utilized.

Stage 2: DNA Extraction

We need to initially get DNA. To play out any Genetic
applications, DNA extraction is one of the most significant
advances. Great quality and amount of DNA expands the
conceivable outcomes of getting better outcomes.You can
utilize DNA extraction enrolled beneath,
1.Phenol-chloroform DNA extraction strategy
2.CTAB DNA extraction strategy
3.Proteinase K DNA extraction strategy
In any case, we emphatically prescribe utilizing a ready to go
DNA extraction unit for DNA fingerprinting.The
immaculateness and amount of DNA ought to be ~1.80 and
100ng, individually to play out the DNA test. Filter the DNA
utilizing the DNA sanitization unit, if necessary.From that
point onward, measure the DNA Utilizing the UV-Visible
spectrophotometer. Furthermore, perform one of the
accompanying strategies recorded underneath.

Stage 3: Restriction Absorption, Enhancement or DNA

Three regular strategies are utilized:
1.RFLP based STR investigation
2.PCR based investigation
3.Real-time PCR investigation

Stage 4: Analysis of Results

As we examined, utilizing the southern blotting,
Agarose gel electrophoresis, narrow electrophoresis, ongoing
intensification, and DNA sequencing, the outcomes for
different DNA profiling can be gotten in which rt-PCR and
sequencing are much of the use in forensic science.

Stage 5: Interpreting Results

By looking at DNA profiles of different examples, varieties and
likenesses between people can be distinguished.
Outstandingly, the whole procedure is presently nearly
automatic. We don’t need to do anything, the computer gives
us conclusive outcomes.

Few representative chromosomes has been

shown to contain different copy number of
VNTR. For the sake of understanding different
colour schemes have been used to trace the
origin each band in the gel. The two
alleles(paternal and maternal) of a chromosome
also contain different copy of VNTR. It is clear
that the banding pattern of DNA from crime
scene matches with individual B not with A.

●DNA analysis in forensic tests

●Can be used to establish paternity tests
●In criminal investigations
●To determine the frequency of specific
genes in a population which gives rise to
●Can be used to trace the role of genetic drift
in evolution
●Personal identification
1.It is an easy and painless method for the
subject being tested. It is less invasive then
taking a blood sample.

2. It is an affordable and reliable technique.

3. It can be conducted in a relatively short

amount of time.

4. Anyone at any age can be tested with this

method without any major concerns.

5. There is a large variety of uses such as in

legal claims, missing persons cases,
identification for the military, and paternity and
prenatal testing.
1.The sample of DNA can easily be ruined
during the process of DNA fingerprinting,
causing the sample to become completely
useless for testing

2. The process itself is complex and tedious,

and can give results that may be hard to

3. The test needs to be run on multiple samples,

a numerous amount of times for ideal accuracy.
Commonly, labs run each test twice with four

4. Privacy issues could occur if the information

isn’t kept secure at the lab. Personal
information legally can only be released with a
written order. This personal information if
leaked, could potentially complicate insurance
processes, health care and job prospects for an
Develop cures- DNA Fingerprinting can be used
to develop cures, by studying the DNA
fingerprints of relatives who have the same
disorder, or comparing groups of people, DNA
patterns of the disease can be detected. This is
the first step to developing cures for harmful
Evidence in crime- DNA Fingerprinting is used
by the FBI and the police to solve crimes at the
Molecular level. Since 1987, more than 150
cases have been solved with the help of DNA
Diagnose inherited diseases-DNA
Fingerprinting can be used to detect early
diseases in order to prepare treatment against
the disease.
Personal identification- Every cell in one human
contains the exact same DNA fingerprint, now
that technology has become advanced people
have started to collect samples to identify
missing people or casualties.
Fingerprinting has many practical uses and is
extremely beneficial to our society. It can be
used for learning and preventing diseases, it
plays a big role in Genetics, it helps for knowing
a person’s identity, and it can be used as
evidence in criminal cases.

●Colin Pitchfork was the first criminal based on

DNA fingerprinting evidence.He was arrested in
1986 for the rape and murder of the two girls
and was sentenced in 1988.

●Simpson was cleared of a double murder

charge in 1994 which relied heavily on DNA
evidence. This cases highlighted lab difficulties.
Since it was invented in 1984, DNA
fingerprinting most often has been used in court
cases and legal matters. It can:
●Physically connect a piece of evidence to a
person or rule out someone as a suspect.
●Show who your parents, siblings, and other
relatives may be.
● Identify a dead body that’s too old or
damaged to be recognizable.
DNA fingerprinting is extremely accurate. Most
Countries now keep DNA records on file in
much the same way police keep copies of actual
It also has medical uses. It can:
●Match tissues of organ donors with those of
people who need transplants.
●Identify diseases that are passed down
through your family.
●Help find cures for those diseases, called
hereditary conditions.
It was an amazing experience doing this
project. I gained a lot of information about
DNA Fingerprinting. It helped me to clear
many of my doubts. It is a really interesting
topic. In today's world DNA fingerprinting
is playing a very important role.

Use of DNA fingerprinting has nowadays

increased as DNA analysis is a key to
linking suspects to biological evidence and
to identifying individuals in crimes and
disasters. Another important use is the
establishment of paternity in custody and
child support litigation.



Thank you

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