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Dragon Masters 2: Saving the Sun Dragon

Chapter 1: Dragons in the Sky

1. Where do the dragons practice flying?
2. What can Worm do that no other dragons can?
3. What did Drake and Worm do while the other dragon masters and dragons were
practicing flying?
4. Why does Kepri have light power?
5. How did Vulcan show off?
6. Why do you think Kepri fell?

Chapter 2: A Sick Dragon

1. Who saved Kepri from falling?
2. Who made the orb in the tunnel?
3. What can make sun dragons sick?
4. Where are the caves of the dragons?
5. Who was waiting for them in the training room?

Chapter 3: King Roland’s Threat

1. How did the King know one of the dragons was sick?
2. When Griffith told King Roland that he would find a cure for the sick dragon, what did
the king say he would do if Griffith didn't?
3. What were they planning to do to find a cure for Kepri?

Chapter 4: The Wizard Potion

1. Why does Drake love to be outside in the Valley of Clouds?
2. How can a Moon Dragon help a Sun Dragon?
3. What did they give to Kepri to cure her?

Chapter 5: Ana’s Story

1. How did the dragon masters eat because of what happened to Kepri?
2. Why did a king’s soldier come to the dining room?
3. Why are the adventures of Ana’s father dangerous?
4. Why do you think Worm asked Drake to go to his cave?

Chapter 6: Worm Calls

1. Why did Drake suddenly wake up??
2. How did they open the door?
3. What do you think happened at the end of the chapter?

Chapter 7: Far- Away Lands

1. Where did Worm bring the dragon masters?
2. Why were Vulcan and Shu left behind?
3. Who do you think the boy is?

Chapter 8: A Strange Boy

1. Why did the boy have a dragon stone?
2. What kind of dragon do you think Wati is?
Chapter 9:
1. How does Wati look like?
2. Why did Heru go to the pyramid?
3. What did Heru say about earth dragons?
4. What did Wati do to Kepri?

Chapter 10: Robbers

1. How many robbers came into the chamber?
2. What did the robbers do when they saw the dragons?
3. What did Wati do to the first robber?
4. What do you think will happen to Ana?

Chapter 11: Flying

1. How did Worm save Ana?
2. What did Worm do to the robbers?
3. How did they leave the pyramid?

Chapter 12: Ana’s Decision

1. Why did Ana decide to leave Kepri behind?
2. What did Heru say about his family?
3. Why should they go back to the Kingdom as soon as possible?

Chapter 13: One-Last Goodbye

1. What happened to Ana’s stone?
2. What did Kepri tell Ana through her mind?
3. What did Kepri and Wati do together one last time?

Chapter 14: Home

1. Who were waiting for them when they returned to the kingdom?
2. Why was the other wizard there?
3. Who’s the dark wizard?
4. Why did Drake lie to King Roland?

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