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Dear Fellow,

Please note that this PPT is a rough outline only. You must have answers to
all the questions by the end of your fellowship period. This will support you in
your final write-up.
For now, kindly save one copy of this PPT for your reference, and in another
PPT file, start with your Baseline ppt (we encourage you to be creative with
your PowerPoint, the PowerPoint should not be in a question-answer
format.) In your baseline ppt, try to address as many questions as you can
(You need not answer all the questions right now for your initial submission.
Just answer what you know/what information you have so far).
Once you have prepared your Baseline PPT, upload it into the google drive
we shared [Please ensure that the name of your PPT file is YOUR FULL
NAME before uploading]. You will continuously update this Baseline PPT so
that all the questions are fully addressed by the end of your fellowship
period. Each week, there will be a review of your PPT to track your progress.
Name of Indigenous
Name of community, Location
Name of Fellow
Fellowship Timeline and Plan
and plan)
(make a detailed tentative timeline

Activity Date
Start desktop research
First site visit to community
Second site visit to community
Write-up process
Describe Indigenous Knowledge Idea:
• What is the exact indigenous knowledge?
• Where is this being practiced in Nepal?
• Add photos that accurately depict the knowledge
Describe Community:
• What is the name of the community?
• Where is the community located? (Palika, District, Province)
• How long (how many years) has the indigenous knowledge been
practiced in the community?
• How frequently is the Indigenous knowledge implemented by the
• Has the Indigenous knowledge always been successful in the
• If not successful, what was the reason for the failure?
• How have the community members and their lives been
positively/negatively impacted by the knowledge?
• Add photos of the community
Nature of the Indigenous Knowledge
• Is the knowledge secret/hidden/confidential in the community?
• Is the knowledge sacred?
• Is the knowledge individually held or communally held?
• Is the knowledge orally transmitted to community
members/people or is it documented?
• Has the knowledge already been documented in some form
(traditional manuscript/ancient text/publications etc)? If yes,
what form(s)?
• Are there any restrictions in the disclosure of the knowledge?
• What other important characteristics about the knowledge are
Utility of the Indigenous Knowledge
• Does the knowledge require a technical know-how?
• How relevant is the knowledge in today’s day and age?
• Can the indigenous knowledge help in green
recovery/sustainability/climate change?
5:00 pm, FRIDAY, JULY 30, 2021

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