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FS PAGE 8-9-12


• The school campus and classroom impacts the learning of students because it is the usual place
where a teacher facilitates learning. For example, if the school has an unpleasant smell, the
students wouldn't want to stay in campus and study because they would be distracted by the
awful smell and they would only think about going home. If the classroom is also dark, crowded
and has hot temperature, then these are considered hindrances not only for the learning
process but also for the teaching method. If students are bothered by these distractions then it
is also possible that the teacher is also unable to teach under these circumstances. I therefore
conclude that the physical condition of the learning place affects the students and teachers not
just physically but also mentally.

• From what I have observed, the school buildings and the surrounding grounds such as noise,
lighting and temperature affects the learning of students. The environment should reflect the
teachings imparted to the students because it also has a fair share in shaping our learners. For
example, the classroom I visited posted the names and positions of each class officer on a
separate “cartolina' and placed them up the walls on both sides of the room. This is also one
way of giving them responsibility for keeping order and harmony in class plus they get a sense of
their own role or 'identity' in a classroom setting.\


1. I guess it is okay for me to teach in the school I observed because first of all, I am already familiar with
the place, and somehow it possesses a few good traits and qualities. It may not be as well-equipped as
other schools but Upper Bicutan National High School already has something going on. Yes, there is always
room for improvement of facilities but it's in my nature to never back down on a challenge. I enjoy fulfilling
the goals I set for myself whether it is long or short term goals. If I am destined to teach in this school,
then I will gladly take the opportunity and enjoy the profession of my choice.

2. A campus that is conducive to learning is one that is safe, clean, noise free and one that is concerned
with the development of a student in every aspect, physically, psychologically and spiritually. The
community where the school is located also impacts the atmosphere of a campus. If the community is not
peaceful for classes to take place then even if the campus is clean and well-equipped the safety of
everyone in the campus comes first. So if one aspect is missing, then the good balance for a functional
learning campus is gone. Every campus should at least possess all these qualities

3. I have learned from previous classes that a classroom must be business-like yet non-threatening. It is
where people have respect for each other and do not discriminate based on differences. Well, that is just
for the psychological part. Now the physical aspect of the learning environment that is conducive to
learning is one that is clean, organized, well-lit & ventilated and of course spacious. It must also be free
from noise or at least block the outside noise. All distractions are nonexistent or reduced for a better
atmosphere in acquiring knowledge.
4. For the psychological part, I will first set my rules clearly on the first day of class. I must know the limit
of being friendly to the students for both our benefits. I will be fair in handling any situation and will not
let anything cloud my judgment. For the physical environment, I will encourage my students to be
responsible for keeping the classroom clean and in order. I will make sure my class is free from
distractions. I will see to it that the room is well-lit and in ideal temperature.

5. In this activity, I learned the negative and positive effects of computer shops that are near to the school.
From what I have observed whenever I enter computer shops to get any of my projects printed out, the
ones playing video games are mostly students. It is seldom seen that these students would be researching
for their projects or term papers. It is sad and unfortunate that they spend hours playing but less or even
no studying habits at all. With the advantages for other students like me who need to print out projects
or research on the internet there are also disadvantages for students who are addicted in playing online

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