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12, 2021 - Notes

Nicomachean Ethics and Modern Concepts

Preliminary Consideration
> Every activity aims at some good. The highest good is the end (telos or goal) of that
activity. Therefore, the goal (or end) of human activity is the highest good for “man”.
This argument is based on Aristotle’s metaphysical and theoretical assumption of a
teleological point of view.
> Our knowledge of this highest good should have a great influence on the way we
> We must begin our investigation of the highest good by distinguishing between (a)
that which is good for its own sake, and (b) that which is good for the sake of
something else.
> The highest good belongs in the category of that which is good for its own sake.

> There is general agreement that happiness (eudaimonia), like living well and doing
well, is the highest of all human goods.
> The most common assumption about happiness is that it can be produced by a life
of either (a) pleasure and wealth, (b) honor, or (c) contemplation.

The Function of a Human Being

> This function is based on reason. Thus, the highest human good must involve a life
characterized by rational activity as opposed to the mere capacity to reason.
> But reasoning is not enough. We must reason well with virtue or excellence.

> For Aristotle, the good life is the happy life. Aristotle’s idea of what it means to
have a good is objectivist rather than subjectivism. It is not just a matter of how a
person feels inside, although that does matter. It is also important that certain
objective conditions be satisfied.
> Aristotle argues that what separates human beings from the other animals is
reason. The good life is one in which a person cultivates and exercises their rational
faculties by, for instance, engaging in scientific enquiry, philosophical discussion,
creation, or legislation. If he were alive today he might well include some forms of
technological innovation.

Technology and Good Life

> Technology has infiltrated every aspect of our lives, changing how we work, how
we learn and how we think. It is inevitable that our devices begin to reflect our civic
aspirations and even our desires to connect with others and to contribute to the
world around us
> Technology can have a direct influence on the nature of happiness and well-being
itself. It can augment human intelligence, judgment, worldview, and perception. It is
a force that the human science community cannot afford to ignore.
> According to Borgmann, technology should be recognized as impacting personal
choice concerning the good life.

> Technology leads to a good life as it is responsible for advancement in all sectors of
the economy. It is because it provides us a means to achieve something faster and in
an easier manner.
> Modern technology has led to the evolution of several devices such as the
smartphone, computers, etc. that makes our work to be completed in a convenient
> Technology has also led to the generation of robots via artificial intelligence that
automatically performs work. Also, it has generated digital payment systems.
> However, technology can also affect us in the negative way if we misuse it.
Technology needs to be balanced with human labour to achieve something and
should not be allowed to overpower humans.

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