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Order form for geographical

analysis and transaction details

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‘A market approach for valuing wind farm assets– geographical analysis and transaction details’, August 2017 (1 articles) 1,900

‘A market approach for valuing solar PV farm assets– geographical analysis and transaction details’, Autumn 2017 (1 article) 1,400

‘A market approach for valuing wind farm assets– geographical analysis and transaction details’, August 2017 and
‘A market approach for valuing solar PV farm assets– geographical analysis and transaction details’, Autumn 2017 (2 articles)

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By filling in this form and purchasing a copy of the article or the articles (‘A market approach for valuing wind farm assets –
geographical analysis and transaction details’ or/and ‘A market approach for valuing solar PV farm assets – geographical analysis and
transaction details’, August/Autumn2017) you accept the following terms and conditions:
• The articles and all of their contents are property of Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab (“Deloitte”) and protected by DK and International
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