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Shuhail Mohammed (01000374)

American National College - PHL -2430

July 10, 2022

Everything around us is what influences us in the deepest way. There are various
things around us that have an impact on us. Each and every object has its own identity. The
world around us is made up of all these things.We live in a world where there are varying types
of circumstances. We often see bright and happy colors all around us, but sometimes we see dark
and depressing ones. If you see black, then your life becomes depressing, while if you see
yellow, then it becomes happy.One of the most important factors that people can consider when
it comes to bringing a positive outlook to their lives is interaction. This is because it can change a
lot of things. Five years ago, I lost my grandfather. He was an old and weak man, but I thought
that he should have stayed longer. Looking at his room made me feel like he was resting on his
own. There were many reasons why I didn’t go into his room. I had always hoped that I would
see the reality of his situation, but I was afraid that I would not be able to take it.

One day, I decided to go into his room and see what was happening. After opening the door, I
found that his room was still full of his belongings, and it was bright. I thought that he had died,
but it didn’t. I could see life outside his room, and it was still bright. I started to have faith in my
thoughts and my judgement. These two things would eventually help me to see the things that I
want to see. If you are constantly feeling that things are not going to improve, then you have to
start believing that things will eventually change. Having an optimistic outlook can help you feel
that things are finally starting to get better. The brain is the only entity that is responsible for the
outcome of our actions and feelings. We can manipulate this by thinking that we have more
positive days than bad. We can also go through old photos and albums to capture the moments
that we have left. Having a positive outlook can help you feel that things are finally starting to
get better.

Everyone has weak points, and it is not a shame to admit them. There have been many instances
where kids from poor backgrounds have excelled despite having no money and no platform to
aspire to. If they had thought that they would never be able to achieve anything, then they would
have probably given up. They would often struggle to buy a notebook due to how they saw
something different. They wanted to step up and leave everything behind.We must always try to
avoid making mistakes, but even if we do, we shouldn't be ashamed of ourselves. There are no
guarantees when it comes to being perfect.
According to Alexander Pope, all of us are human, and making mistakes is proof that we are.
Learning to accept that mistakes are not crimes can help us become better people. One of the
most important things that people can learn from mistakes is forgiveness. According to him, "To
forgive, divine." This is a great way to improve the quality of life. We just feel that a baby is so
cute, and then when we hold his hand, we feel that he is also someone who can connect with us.
This is a great way to start building a healthy relationship. When we hold his hand, the baby
begins to feel relaxed and smile. If we try to take the first step toward making a change in our
lives, then it does not mean that we are needy or weak. We must remember that until we try
something new, we will not know if it is worth it. There are risks involved, and at times, we may
feel that we have no choice but to give it a try. At that point, we must have faith in our
surroundings and in ourselves. Doing something new is not going to help us if we are scared. We
must also get up and move on. It is all about how we interpret the world around us. To be happy
in life, we must first feel that the things around us are also positive. We must additionally be
joyful and spread joy in order to have a positive influence on others. One must step up and
analyze the things that are around us in order to bring about a change. According to Shirley
Maclaine, people are not the victims of the world around them, but rather, they are the victims of
the way they see it.

When I turned 18 years old, things suddenly changed for me. My parents had allowed me to
make my own decisions, which significantly affected my life. There were people who didn't care
about others, and there were various vices such as poverty, violence, and hatred. This was a
shocking experience for me, as I had lived in a world where I had always been able to control
myself. Three years ago, I had a frightening encounter with armed men who were planning on
robbing a bank. During this time, I had visited the bank to make some transactions. The men
who entered the bank were carrying guns and were very threatening. My parents had told me
to open a bank account so that I could save my allowances and earnings. They wanted me to be
a responsible person who could handle my finances. At that time, banks were known for having
long queues. I had to be at the bank at dawn to be one of the first customers to get served. The
experience of opening a bank account was more interesting than anything that I had
experienced before. At around 9 in the morning, the bank was full of people who were eager to
finish their transactions. However, when a group of masked men entered the bank, they started
shooting at them. They then ordered everyone to lie on the ground. I had never heard gunshots
before, and I trembled as the men started shooting at me. Suddenly, the screams of men and
women started to subside, and the bank started to quiet down. The men who entered the bank
then demanded the manager's permission to open the main door. Unfortunately, two of the
security guards were shot and killed by the robbers.

The amount of blood that I had witnessed during this incident shocked me. It made me feel like
the robbers were not only killing their victims, but they were also killing people without any
conscience. Eyewitnesses also alerted the police as they heard the gunshots. They then
informed the officers about the situation. Although the robbers had taken money from the
bank, they were still holding several hostages. They blackmailed the police into giving them the
opportunity to escape. As a hostage, I was one of the hostages. The robbers told the other
hostages that they would get killed if they tried to take any foolish steps. This was very
unsettling, as I had only seen movies about this type of incident. Even though I had only seen
these types of movies, I had never thought that it could happen to me in real life.

The robbers then told the police to either step back or they would shoot all of the hostages. I
do not remember what happened next, but I believe that I was shot on the ground. As I was
lying on the ground, I thought about my parents. My parents' image had suddenly appeared in
my head, and I had a prayer. After a few minutes, everything started to quiet down, and I could
smell the heavy blood scent. Unfortunately, two of the hostage-takers were also shot by the
police. Although I could not tell if they were still alive or dead, I was still able to survive.
Ambulances then arrived to attend to the injured officers. As my parents had just arrived at the
scene, I stood there in disbelief. The experience made me realize that my naivety about the
world had to go away. I also learned to appreciate the people who were close to me, as I could
not imagine how their families were feeling. The experience made me realize that there are
people in the world who are cruel and want to harm others. This incident has left me with a lot
of doubts about my relationships with people. Being an adult has also become more difficult
due to the responsibility of making decisions and following proper consequences.

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