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Abbreviations Exercise

Independent study exercise: Use textbooks and your clinical placement approved abbreviations list.
Write the correct meaning or abbreviation for each of the following in the space provided.
ac Before meals
ADL Activities of daily living
bid Twice daily
tid three times a day
qid Four times daily
prn As needed, as necessary
stat immediately
CBR Complete bed rest
c with
mL mililiter
cc cubic centimetres
NPO Nil per os, nothing by mouth
mcg (or µg) microgram
PO Per os, by mouth
pr By rectum
°C centigrade
pc Before meal
qd daily
WNL Within normal limits
pwb partial weight bearing
O2 oxygen
BRP Bathroom privileges
gtts drops
s without
TPR Temperature, pulse and respiration
prn when necessary, as necessary
q2h Every 2 hours
qhs every night at bedtime
DAT Diet as tolerated
ROM range of motion
drsg dressing
q Every
fx Fracture
BM Bowel movement
NS Normal saline
SOB Shortness of breath
d/c discontinue or discharge
I&O Input and output
sl sublingual
Tsp Teaspoon
mEq milliequivalents

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