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Faculty of Information and Communication Technology







1.0 Introduction 3-4

2.0 Good Point 5 - 10

2.1 Contains of Graphic 5

2.2 Booklet Printing 6

2.3 Tidy and Clear 7

2.4 Contents and Title 8-9

2.5 Contact Information 10

3.0 Bad Point 11 - 14

3.1 Limited Language 11

3.2 Contact Information is Not Obvious and Limited 12 - 13

3.3 User Manual Without Color 14

3.4 Repeating Similar Points 15 - 16

4.0 Conclusion 17

5.0 Reference 18

1.0 Introduction

The user manual is the best creator as we can use this when we know zero percent about

the IT product. This can be a guideline for the users to know more about the product and prevent

tragedy happen. But today’s society will only be looking for user manual when they face the

problem, maybe in installing the product or even getting spoiled. It is too late and also not the

right way to use it. Sometimes we feel simple, but the general situation is not simple. For

example, hair dryer, as we know we can stop it at any time, but what is the right way to turn off

the power? Whether it is just switched off the power? According to the user manual, The answer

is no! Before switching off the power, we need to turn the "SPEED" selector button to "OFF"

indicator so that we can maintain the quality of the product for lasting longer. This is one of the

reasons that product is vulnerable, not because of the technical problem, but the human factor.

The illustration above is one type of IT product that selling in Malaysia and we are going to use

this product’s user manual to complete the assignment. This product is Pensonic hair dryer model

PHD-2001 and created with useful functions. There are some specifications like wattage up to

2000W, 3-heat adjustment (no 5), 2-speed selection (no 6), the cool shot button for freeze style,

overheat auto shut off the device, hang-up hook, removable concentrator and diffuser, the last is

the removable filter cover is provided, for clean it up easily. Its versatility, flexibility, and wide

range it makes most of the users give a higher rate.

2.0 Good Points

2.1 Contains of Graphic

A user manual with the graphic or illustrations inside is a plus for the user manual. Most of the

people are more likely to the user manual that includes graphics and it will attract the user to read

it. In addition, the manual covers have the illustrations of the product, it makes a strong and

positive first impression. The user can quickly distinguish in the user manual and find the user

manual because of the illustrations on the covers. Instead, the illustration in this user manual is a

simple line art that makes it look neat and clean! The size of the illustration is just good! In "part

introduction", the next illustration makes the user clearer and easier to understand. If there is no

illustration next to "part introduction", it is difficult to explain to the user.

2.2 Booklet Printing

This user manual is designed and printed in the booklet format. The paper that is commensurate

with the quality of the product, the well-designed booklet is always attractive to the user. Some

of the user manual which is printed on a piece of paper and folded into a small size will confuse

the user. The user doesn’t know where should they start to read it, as it is full of sentences on that

single sheet of paper and there have no contents table. However, booklet printing will give a user

a clear instruction with a sequence. Besides the design of the booklet also provides users with the

advantages of easy to carry and keep.

2.3 Tidy and Clear

This user manual is made up of three colors; that is white, black and grey. The background color

is white, the font in black and grey is only used in name of brand. White space is the best design

for the user manual, since it is referred to the amount of white area that was allocated between

the text and the graphic on the page. The more white space there was between the text and the

graphic, the better the focus of the attention from the user. All the instructions are in point form

format. Compare with text in the paragraph, point form is much shorter and clear, easy to read

and understand what is going to express. In fact, the words used are simple and no adjective in

the sentences, this can cut down plenty of unnecessary words. It is good since user manual is not

the platform to reveal your English level. Furthermore, if there are made up of long sentences,

modern had no time to look through one by one. In addition, there is no IT jargon in this manual,

the phenomenon of leaf through dictionary and misunderstanding of actual meaning will not

happen. Due to the sentences are short and not messy, so it looks comfortable and can build up a

good mood in reading as well as make user read these instructions completely without set one’s

nerves on edge.

2.4 Contents and Title

This user manual is intimate, it provides contents for the user. Contents are clear and give a big

help for the user. It contains parts introduction, technical specifications, before using, how to use

the hair dryer, cleaning and maintenance and important guidelines. From these, we can easily

find out what had been included and where is it according to the page number. The title for a user

manual is very important. If it is not stated clearly, can make user hardly to find it out. Luckily,

the title is in bold format, easy to see and clearly differentiate between title and instructions.

2.5 Contact Information

Another close action of this user manual is providing the website, email and care line. If the user

wants to know any others products of this brand or search reviews of the product, the user may

browse If the user has any feedback about the product, they may send their

comments through the email as or even visit their company

distributed by PENSONIC SALES & SERVICE SDN. BHD. Meanwhile, if you do not want or

have no time to wait for the reply, you may call toll-free Care Line at 1-800-881-770. It

introduces a 24-hour system. From this, the user can feel relieved when they are using the

product. When they are a request for repair or services, it will always be carried out by

PENSONIC Customer Care or Service Centre, it is guaranteed!

3.0 Bad Points

3.1 Limited Language

It is very bad that this user manual is just providing single language, that is English. Although

English is national language in all over the world, how can you make sure that all the user is

English educated? Furthermore, this product is selling in Malaysia. Malaysia is made up of three

major races. In addition, we are close to Thailand and Indonesia also. So, as a better user manual,

it should involve at least two and above languages. Add in different languages is a plus for user

manual. At the same time, this can make the user manual more flexible and bring in more

convenience to the customer. The user can save their time in looking for the meaning of some

fewer words. On the other hand, if I am a user, if there are only provided English version and I

am not an English educated, I will just ignore and refuse to read it. What has been written inside

will never be noticed, for example, some warning or important guidelines. This can be a major

cause of happens an accident.


3.2 Contact Information is Not Obvious and Limited

Base on my view, the arrangement of the contact information is not the best design. From the

picture, we can notice that all the website, email, and care line information are flock together. It

is not conspicuous and easy to overlook. The user will notice about this information only when

they are needed. Furthermore, contact information should be one of the important information in

the user manual, so that font size is too small and not in bold. On the other hand, contact

information should contain a few addresses of PENSONIC Service Centre. It is because the

customer will come from every state of Malaysia; if the company is just providing only one

address (one state), the customer might not want to send it to centre even the product is damage

and they are an urgent need. Most of the people will like to buy a new product instead of sending

to service centre.

Sample of Contact Information

3.3 User Manual Without Color

As a perfect user manual, color is welcome to embellish in the user manual. From this user

manual, it is just made up of some dark color that makes you feel bored and vapid. We are not

requiring that all must in colorful version, but we can use a little color to make it looks good and

comfortable. As the sample below, the main title and subtitle are differentiating with the different

color, the user can easily notice that “Installing the SIM or USIM card” is under “SIM or USIM

card”. Reminding and warning icon is given to two colors so that user will not be a

misunderstanding between two similar notice. Instead, the graphic can be given the same color

but various darkness, this can make a version with top and deep, easier to understand about the

structure of the product.

3.4 Repeating Similar Points

There are some similar points that have been repeated for several times in this part of “Important

Guideline” that is related to water. As the normal electronic appliances, we know that it should

keep away from the water, once damage and it will be rendered useless. Whenever, if the writer

of this user manual will like to remind user again is not fault, but once is enough. There are some

examples: “Do not allow the motor or other electrical components to be exposed to water.”

“Never use hair dryer inside the bath, under a shower or over a wash basin full of water.” It is

unnecessary to use several ways to describe a similar announcement.

4.0 Conclusion

In conclusion, we have proposed 5 good points and 4 bad points came along with the

recommended solutions for this user manual. Based on the pros and cons stated above, overall

this user manual is a good user manual in our opinion, the information provided is still useful and

sufficient. The good points are more obvious and more than the bad points in this user manual.

But there is still some progress space that needs to improve. If the company can take these ideas

in part of the improvement plan, We believe that this user manual will be the best between the


5.0 References






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