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The Project Quality Management Plan documents the necessary information required to
effectively manage project quality from project planning to delivery. It defines a project’s
quality policies, procedures, criteria for and areas of application, and roles, responsibilities
and authorities.
The Project Quality Management Plan is created during the Planning Phase of the project. Its
intended audience is the project manager, project team, project sponsor and any senior
leaders whose support is needed to carry out the plan.

6.2 Applicable Codes and Specifications:

These codes to be followed as reference for the requirements, tests, frequency, limits and
ECP Egyptian Code of practice
ASTM American Society for Testing and materials
B.S. British Standard Institute
Any Other relative applicable codes

6.3 Explanation of the abbreviation:

Term/Abbreviation Description
Project Audit A Project Audit aims to verify if the project is being managed
properly according to the organization’s standards and guidelines,
and that the project plan is being followed. The main purpose of
the Project Audit is to identify any project management errors that
may have occurred during the execution of the project.
Quality Assurance A part of quality management focused on providing confidence
that quality requirements will be fulfilled (ISO9000).
Quality Control A part of quality management focused on fulfilling quality
requirements (ISO9000).
Quality Management Quality management includes all the activities that organizations
use to direct, control, and coordinate quality. These activities
include formulating a quality policy and setting quality objectives.
They also include quality planning, quality control, quality
assurance, and quality improvement. (ISO9000)
PQP Project Quality Plan (this document)
NCR Non-conformance Report
PIP/ ITP Project Inspection Plan I Inspection and Testing Plan
PCP Project Commissioning Plan
PEP Project Execution Plan
QMS Quality Management System
Table (13): Explanation of the abbreviation

 Project Manger:
1. Report to Business Unit Director on quality performance and issues
(Project Director/ Deputy Project Director)
2. Establish and ensure implementation of the execution strategy, policies and
organizational structure required for on time, on budget, safe and to
specified requirements completion of the Project
3. Lead all Project Departments and resources to achieve all Project Objectives
4. Select key staff and delegation of duties to principal staff members
5. Set the agenda and schedule for principal meetings, convene and chair meeting.
6. Authorize principal Project documents

 Quality Manager:
1. Lead effectively a team of Senior and Quality Engineers to achieve project
specified inspection and testing requirements on-site and off-site
2. Development, maintenance and monitoring of implementation of PQP
3. Scheduling, conduct and reporting of audits of subcontractors and suppliers as
deemed necessary
4. Lead continual improvement practices for the Project lifecycle by direct
involvement, supervision or support to achieve performance objectives and
5. Development, maintenance and monitoring of implementation of PIP/ITP

6. Expediting and review of sub-contractors' and suppliers' plans and procedures

7. Establishment, maintenance and monitoring of document control system and
overseeing the functioning of the process

 Quality Control Engineer:

1. Report to the Quality Manager
2. Being fully conversant with specified requirements and the PIP
3. Scheduling inspections of works to match progress
4. Ensuring the attainment of specified requirements
5. Raising NCR's for non-fulfilment of specified requirements in completed works
6. Expediting corrective and preventive action proposal responses to NCR's raised
and their action upon acceptance
7. Re-inspecting works to ensure corrective and preventive actions taken
are adequate

 Site engineer
1. Exercising full control over the workforce on site.
2. Ensuring that work is executed in accordance with the contract drawings and
specifications, agreed procedures and method statements.
3. Preparation of designated procedures.
4. Monitoring all Sub-contractors work closely to ensure that the Quality of the work is
as per specification and is completed on time.
5. Completing all necessary Q.A. documentation related to the work under his direct
control and co-ordinate daily site inspections.

6.5 Quality Assurance

It is the group of plans and procedures necessary to ensure that, end product will satisfy
required function and that construction procedure will follow required specifications and
contract documents to achieve satisfaction of owner and users.

It is considered as a proactive or preventive process where actions or procedures are put to

follow before the start of works.

The focus of the Quality Assurance is on the processes used in the project. The Quality
Assurance aims to ensure that the processes in the project and the work packages are used
effectively to develop quality project deliverables.

1. Needed inspections
a. Excavation

1. Excavation shall be allowed to progress to the designed formation level

less 50mm (unless specified otherwise). The remaining 50mm shall be
carried out by further careful excavation to avoid disturbing the formation

2. After reaching the designed formation level, Consultant’s representative

shall be requested in writing to inspect and approve the formation prior
to the commencement of any subsequent activities.
3. Great care shall be taken to minimize noise, vibration and dust pollution,
which can cause nuisance and damage, particularly if the site is located in
a built-up area.
4. Sides of all excavations should be properly supported using an appropriate
method as detailed in the Method Statement.

b. Filling
1. Prior to commencement of filling, the Consultant’s representative shall be
requested in writing to inspect and approve the fill starting level.
2. Filling shall be carried out using approved materials in accordance with the
specification which can either be selected from the material on site or
imported from selected and approved sources.
3. Filling shall be carried out as per approved method and as per the contract

c. Inspections, checks and tests before placing concrete

1. Inspect the formwork, reinforcing steel and embedment works and make
a detailed inspection of the work as follows:
2. Compaction test results of soil on which concrete will be placed are
following project specifications.
3. Subsurface treatment. e.g. Blinding layer concrete has been performed and is

sufficient thickness.
4. Forms have corrected coordinated of center lines and control points, correct
elevations and grades and correct orientation and vertical and horizontal
5. Forms have adequately sized, spaced and. nailed ribs, and strong backs.
6. Forms have adequate size, number and spacing of form ties and have
adequate bracing, shoring, spacers and supports.
7. Form joints have no cracks or holes that will allow undesirable grout leaks.
8. Form surfaces are clean, have proper form coating and satisfactory
to produce desired appearance of final concrete surface.
9. Chamfer strips, can’t strip, construction joints, keyways, water stop and
expansion joints are placed properly and workmanship is satisfactory.
Pockets formwork shall be correctly sized and located, properly fixed and
shaped in such a way to be easily dislocated. No burning is allowed to clear
the pockets.
10. Performed tiller material is an approved type and correctly installed.
11. All clean-out and inspection doors are securely replaced.
12. Concrete weather protection is available (at request).
13. Horizontal and vertical construction joints have been cleaned as required by
project specifications and surfaces wet down and cemented before fresh
concrete is placed. Standing water is removed before concrete is placed.
14. Method of placement is following design documents, equipment such as
cranes, chutes, concrete buckets, conveyors and pumps are ready for the

d. Inspections, checks and tests during concrete placement

1. Inspect the placement method of the concrete to prevent segregation and

to meet the design requirements.
2. Perform slump test and temperature test.
3. Take concrete samples for test.
4. Review the concrete delivery ticket to ensure that mixing time has not
exceeded the time limit.
5. Initiate the field and laboratory concrete test samples record for each set
of samples.
6. Forward the record with the samples to the laboratory.
7. Check that grout or bonding agent is uniformly distributed on horizontal
construction joints (where applicable).
8. Check that mortar leakage from the forms is a minimum.
9. Check that concrete is sufficiently vibrated to prevent rock pockets,
especially at corners and embodiments. Each lift is correctly consolidated
with the one adjacent lift.
10. Check that rate of placement is controlled to prevent cold joints due to
excessive time between lifts or steps.

11. Check that vibrators are inserted near vertically and at the spacing and time
intervals consistent with good practice.
12. Check that finishing operations are initiated at the proper time.
13. Check that reinforcing steel, embedment and forms are not moved
during placement.

e. Inspections, checks and tests of concrete after placement

1. Ensure that the concrete is protected from adverse weather and extreme
temperatures, curing compound or wet jute could be used (according to
project specifications).
2. Ensure that the concrete support systems remain in place until the concrete
has attained sufficient strength to support all applied loads.
3. Check that removal of formwork in accordance with test results and design
4. Check on finishing (be worry of “honeycombs”) ensure protection/painting if
5. Review and document the results of all cube tests.
6. Check that grouting shall be specified in project drawings and specifications,
the application shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
7. Applied loads shall not be allowed for concrete foundations unless ensuring
that the required concrete strength in accordance with the design
requirements has been attained.

f. Quality Control
It is the tests to be conducted to ensure compliance of materials and construction
procedure with standards and project specifications. construction quality control
starts once the product has been manufactured and is normally performed by the
contractor to be able to monitor and control quality of a construction project.

2. Checklist for Concrete Pouring

YES NO Comment
Check slump test as specified [ ] [ ]

Check accurate pouring [ ] [ ]

Check nonexistence of [ ] [ ]
Check proper finishing of [ ] [ ]
Check appropriate curing. [ ] [ ]

Check the proper adjustment [ ] [ ]

of joint.
Table (14): Checklist for Concrete Pouring

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