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Introduction to Philosophy of

Human Person

Name: Cheena Mikaela P. Cossid________ Section: Reverence_________

Instructions: Answer the following questions logically. Give your responses a rational and
ethical analysis.

1. How do you understand the concept of anthropocentric? Mention both its favorable and
unfavorable effects to our environment, localize your examples to your own barangay.
(7 humans
It emphasizes more on pts) and how everything is connected to them. It also related to Humanism which is a stance that
focuses more on individuals and moral and how everything is created by people. There are many advantages of anthropocentric
like for example in our community, we have a hard time going to school because of a bumpy road, which worsens whenever
there’s rain because it becomes muddy. It frequently causes inconvenience whenever we take that certain road. Fortunately,
the barangay chairman fixed this problem by cementing the road so it’s all good now. On the disadvantage side, humans are
also greedy and lazy beings; they tend to take advantage or do things whatever they please because some things don’t directly
affect them. Example of this is just by simply not throwing trash on its proper place or even burning them (my grandma also did
that in the past). This “small” actions can contribute to bigger problems like worsening the global warming and pollution.

2. What does eco-centric mean to you? As a teen, how will you bring the practices of eco-
centric to your community? (8 pts)
Eco-centric, on the other hand, emphasizes more on the ecosystem and our environment. Here, since the nature is
the focus, people must take care of it. Example of this is the coastal clean-up held in our community that we do at
least once a year. I can bring back eco-centric practices to our community by repeating events we had like recycled
house making contest in our barangay last August and a Super Mom Pageant last week, both events promote the use
of recycled garbage like plastic, metal caps, and even organic materials like dried leaves that fuels our creativity and

3. Problem in our environment has been a long overdue, which among eco-centric or
anthropocentric approach is by far the most ideal? Can these two approaches can work
harmoniously? If yes, how? If no, why? (15 pts)
If we base on the current state of our world, eco-centric is more needed. I think that humans really reach the point
where we become too full of ourselves that we forgot what is really happening in the surrounding, our actions have
affected the world to the point that even scientists staged a worldwide climate change protect. We’re talking about
professionals here, even some scientists from NASA are also warning everyone. “The scientists of the world have
been ignored. And it gotta stop. We’re going to lose everything.” said by Peter Kalmus, a NASA climate scientist.
Ironically, many of them were forced to stop their protest and get out. Their actions clearly says that we must take
drastic actions against climate crisis or else we are doomed. For me, these two approaches can work together but no,
because one approach will take over the other one. People in our world is hopeless. After the worldwide protest,
‘though it stir things on the internet for a while, but after that nothing really changed. I think people want change,
but they are not willing enough to take aggressive action to avoid the possible deaths of millions of people.

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