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1. Mensuration Formulas for RECTANGLE

● Area of Rectangle = Length × Breadth.

● Perimeter of a Rectangle = 2 × (Length + Breadth)
● Length of the Diagonal = √(Length2 + Breadth2)

2. Mensuration Formulas for SQUARE

● Area of a Square = Length × Length = (Length)2

● Perimeter of a square = 4 × Length
● Length of the Diagonal = √2 × Length

3. Mensuration Formulas for PARALLELOGRAM

● Area of a Parallelogram = Length × Height
● Perimeter of a Parallelogram = 2 × (Length + Breadth)

4. Mensuration Formulas for TRIANGLE

● Area of a triangle=(1/2)(Base × Height)=(1/2)(BC×AD)

For a triangle with sides measuring a, b and c, respectively:
● Perimeter = a + b + c
● s = semi perimeter = perimeter/2 = (a+b+c)/2

● Area of Triangle, A=
● (This is also known as “Heron’s formula”)

● Area of isosceles triangle =

● (Where a = length of two equal side, b = length of base
of isosceles triangle.)

● Area of an equilateral triangle =

● (Where, a is the side of an equilateral triangle)
5. Mensuration Formulas for TRAPEZIUM

● Area of a trapezium = (1/2) × (sum of parallel sides) ×

(distance between parallel sides)
● = (1/2) × (AB+DC) × AE
● Perimeter of a Trapezium = Sum of All Sides

6. Mensuration Formulas for RHOMBUS

● Area of a rhombus=(1/2)×Product of diagonals

● Perimeter of a rhombus = 4 × l
● (where l = length of a side)

7. Mensuration Formulas for CIRCLE and SEMICIRCLE

In the following formulae, r = radius and d = diameter of the

● Area of a circle = πr2= (πd2)/4

● Circumference of a circle = 2πr = πd
● Circumference of a semicircle = πr+2r
● Area of semicircle =(πr2)/2
● Length of an arc = (2πrθ)/360, where θ is the central
angle in degrees.

● Area of a sector = (1/2) × (length of arc) × r = (πr2θ)/360

Mensuration Formulas for 3D Figures

8. Mensuration Formulas for CUBOID

In the following formulae, l = length, b = breadth and h = height
● Total surface area of cuboid = 2 (lb + bh + lh)
● Length of diagonal of cuboid= √(l2+b2+h2)
● Volume of cuboid = l × b × h

9. Mensuration Formulas for CUBE

In the following formulae, a = side of a cube

● Volume of cube = a3
● Total surface area of cube = 6a2
● Length of Leading Diagonal of Cube = a√3

10. Mensuration Formulas for CONE

In the following formulae, r = radius of base, l = slant height of
cone and h = height of the cone (perpendicular to base)
● Slant height of a cone = l =√(h2+r2 )
● Curved surface area of a cone = C = π × r × l
● Total surface area of a cone = π × r × (r + l)
● Volume of right circular cone =1/3 πr2h

11. Mensuration Formulas for CYLINDER

In the following formulae, r = radius of base, h = height of

● Curved surface area of a cylinder = 2πrh

● Total surface area of a cylinder = 2πr(r + h)
● Volume of a cylinder = πr2h

12. Mensuration Formulas for SPHERE

In the following formulae, r = radius of sphere, d = diameter of
● Surface area of a sphere = 4πr2 = πd2
● Volume of a sphere = (4/3) πr3 = (1/6)πd3

13. Mensuration Formulas for HEMISPHERE

In the following formulae, r = radius of sphere

● Volume of a hemisphere =(2/3)πr3

● Curved surface area of a hemisphere = 2πr2
● Total surface area of a hemisphere = 3πr2

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