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Journal of Power Sources 498 (2021) 229884

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State of health (SoH) estimation and degradation modes analysis of pouch

NMC532/graphite Li-ion battery
Xiaoxuan Chen a, Yonggang Hu a, Sheng Li a, Yuexing Wang b, Dongjiang Li a, c, d, Chuanjun Luo e,
Xujin Xue f, Fei Xu e, Zhongru Zhang a, Zhengliang Gong g, Yangxing Li h, Yong Yang a, g, *
State Key Laboratory for Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces, Department of Chemistry, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen,
361005, China
Institute of Electronic Engineering, China Academy of Engineering Physics, Mianyang, 621999, China
Forschungszentrum Jülich, Fundamental Electrochemistry (IEK-9), D-52425, Jülich, Germany
SVOLT Energy Technology Co., Ltd. No.2199 Chaoyang South Ave. Baoding, Hebei, China
Do-Fluoride (Jiaozuo) New Energy Technology Co., Ltd, Jiaozuo, 454150, Henan, China
Do-Fluoride Chemicals Co., Ltd, Jiaozuo, 454150, Henan, China
College of Energy, Xiamen University, Xiamen, 361005, China
54135 Belle Meade Circle, Belmont, NC, USA


• The cycling performance and degradation mechanism of NMC532/graphite battery are studied.
• Thermodynamic attributes of capacity loss are simulated by an electrochemical model.
• EVS technique is extended to high C-rate charging scenarios by EMF-extraction method.
• An online SoH estimation model is established by tracking features in IC/DVEMF curves.
• The SoH-estimation model can work well with partial-cycling data.


Keywords: Electrochemical voltage spectroscopy (EVS), which includes differential voltage analysis (DVA) and incremental
On-line SoH estimation capacity analysis (ICA), has been used extensively in revealing the aging mechanism and evaluating the oper­
Aging mechanism ating state of Li-ion batteries. The EVS technique is conventionally limited to low-charging-rate scenarios such
Electromotive force
that the polarization effect has a negligible influence on the spectral characteristics. This makes EVS analysis
Incremental capacity
Differential voltage
both time-consuming and unfeasible in real-world scenarios. In this work, for the first time, we have expanded
Electrochemical model the EVS to realistic C-rate operating conditions by combining it with a programmed electromotive-force (EMF)
extraction method to adapt the EVS-based SoH estimation model to any arbitrary charging scenarios. By tracking
the features in the EVS curves, the model can properly estimate cell SoH even with partial (dis)charging data,
with a maximum error of less than 3%. Furthermore, an electrochemical model is established to identify the
thermodynamic attributes on capacity loss. The degradation performance of the NMC532/graphite battery
system under different operating conditions was comprehensively studied based on the comparison analysis
between the modeling and experimental results.

1. Introduction electric vehicles (PHEVs/HEVs/EVs). The ternary nickel-manganese-

cobalt (NMC) layered oxide material system has been promising for
Lithium-ion batteries, as reliable energy sources with high energy positive electrodes of lithium-ion batteries owing to the larger specific
density and high power density, are widely used in plug-in/hybrid/ energy/power densities compared to LiFePO4 and lower cost than

* Corresponding author. State Key Laboratory for Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces, Department of Chemistry, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,
Xiamen University, Xiamen, 361005, China.
E-mail address: (Y. Yang).
Received 28 December 2020; Received in revised form 29 March 2021; Accepted 1 April 2021
Available online 18 April 2021
0378-7753/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
X. Chen et al. Journal of Power Sources 498 (2021) 229884

LiCoO2. However, a greater number of complex degradation modes research areas nowadays due to their nonlinear matching ability,
(DMs) and higher chemical/thermal instability can be introduced into enabling the model-free intelligent algorithm, i.e. neural network family
the system with increasing Ni content, especially in dynamic real-world or deep learning, to work well without a priori knowledge of battery
scenario [1]. Therefore, estimations of the battery operating state, that chemistry [14]. Although the data-driven approach has simpler struc­
is, the state of health (SoH) and the remaining useful life (RUL), must be ture and reduced complexity, it is irrelevant to electrochemical princi­
accurate enough for reliable and optimal utilization of a battery before ples and nonparametric. Consequently, it is unreliable when the test sets
severe operation failure. are less than massive. An extreme-learning-machine based SoH esti­
It is well known that the DMs of batteries are highly dependent on mation algorithm is developed and compared with the classic BP neural
operating conditions, for example, ambient temperature, charge/ network in Ref. [15], where ohmic internal resistance and polarized
discharge rate (C-rate), specified service range (State-of-Charge, SoC), internal resistance are denoted as health indicators. The maximum
depth of discharge (DoD), and cumulative charge-throughput. To attain estimation error of the proposed strategy is less than 2.5%, demon­
the optimal service life, it is crucial to determine how each factor affects strating a better performance and faster speed than the BP neural
the aging behavior of a cell. Loss of lithium inventory (LLI) and loss of network algorithm, but the condition of impedance measurement is
active material (LAM) as two major DMs, are generally considered as the harsh and time-consuming.
thermodynamic attributes of irreversible capacity loss [2–5], while the Obviously, no matter what method is taken, it is always challenging
rate-dependent polarization behavior is the dynamic attribute of to make a trade-off between model complexity and prediction accuracy.
reversible capacity loss. LLI is associated with the solid-electrolyte Notably, the effectiveness of a data-driven approach would be enhanced
interphase (SEI) formation, “dead” Li accumulation caused by significantly if the input features were extracted properly. Among
Li-dendrite growth, and transition metal reduction at the anode, etc. The others, the EVS technique [16,17], consisting of incremental capacity
structural degradation, irreversible phase transition, dissolution and analysis (ICA) and differential voltage analysis (DVA), has exhibited its
channel-blockage, etc., are considered the primary causes of LAM. superiority as a simple-implemented and non-intrusive technique
Post-mortem techniques that unravel the degradation mechanisms at the acquiring mechanism-related features to be potentially combined with
material level has been extensively studied [6–8], which can provide data-based approach.
useful insights into the battery failure mechanism, but incapable of EVS is based on the principle of the Gibbs phase rule. Accordingly,
providing temporal solutions for practical battery monitoring or prog­ the enhancement of peaks in the IC and DV curves visually reflects the
nosis. Therefore, non-destructive techniques for cell degradation anal­ emergence of the two-phase region and single-phase region, respectively
ysis are gaining increasing interest recently, which further fall roughly [18–21]. Owing to the electrochemical information carried by EVS, this
into model-based and data-driven approaches. As for model-based technique has been used extensively in identifying aging mechanism and
approach, the degradation behaviors of the cells are simulated by estimating operating states (i.e. SoH and SoC) of the batteries [22–27].
identifying and adapting the key parameters that reflect the operating However, this technique is only reliable when the system is under
state. Based on the characteristic of the available history data, a suitable equilibrium state, which requires a cell being (dis)charged at low and
model, i.e. equivalent circuit model (ECM), empirical model or elec­ constant current, in order to obtain a reliable pseudo-OCV curve. This
trochemical model will be chosen for extrapolating the current-status limitation consequently makes the application of EVS in real-world
data towards cell’s future performance. Appropriate optimization al­ scenarios unfeasible. As C-rates increase, features on differential
gorithm or filtering algorithm, i.e. Genetic algorithm (GA), Kalman filter curves are increasingly obscured due to heterogeneous (de)intercalation
(KF), least square method (LSM) and Particle filter (PF) are usually [28] and electrochemical polarization. To solve this dilemma, charging
involved to dynamically update the model parameters [9,10]. Kim et al. at a low C-rate (i.e., 0.05C) is commonly adopted as a compromise be­
[11]. proposed an on-board SoH estimation model based on dual tween the theoretical electrochemical equilibrium state and a feasible
extended Kalman filter (EKF) algorithm, where two EKFs were employed solution employed in battery management system (BMS). For example,
in parallel on an equivalent circuit model. An alternative feedback gain Li et al. [25] developed a linear regression SoH estimation model based
was additionally applied to measure and minimize the noises. The al­ on tracking evolution of moving-average processed IC curves with cell
gorithm was of high complexity and the maximum absolute capacity ageing, with 5% maximum absolute estimation error until around 88%
estimation error of the model is 5%. Electrochemical model has drawn a SoH. However, the model have limited modeling ability during high
lot of attention due to its explicit simulation of time-domain chemical C-rate operating scenarios as the features in IC curves are easily smeared
processes, where a set of coupled partial differential equations are used out by unavoidable data noise. In this work, for the first time, EVS-based
for analyzing mass transport and charge transfer process that evolve SoH estimation has been extended to high C-rate (dis)charging condi­
with cell aging. Electrochemical model generally includes tions, by introducing a novel EMF-extraction method into the technique.
Pseudo-Two-Dimensional (P2D) model and single particle model (SPM). The rate-dependent polarization attributes of capacity loss is accord­
The real-world implementation of this model is precluded at the stage, ingly mathematically ruled out from the typical discharge curves with
due to the intractable computational burden. Also widespread is the proposed method. By identifying the feature points (FPs) in the
equivalent circuit based models (ECM), where the cell dynamics is obtained IC/DVEMF curves and tracking their evolution with cell aging,
reduced as circuit elements analogs such as resistors, capacitors and the model achieves excellent SoH estimation accuracy with less than ±
constant phase elements (CPEs). The model can output quick voltage 1.5% mean absolute error (corresponding to ± 7.5% relative error, as
responses with dynamical input current signal, but the electrochemical metrics of 20% useable capacity scale). The model is further validated by
processes and internal states of the cells are often neglected, making it the experimental results of over 15 months life cycle tests on 40 com­
hard to be coupled with thermal or mechanical properties of a cell. A mercial NMC532/graphite cells, where we find it can work well under
monotonic relationship between identified SEI resistance and remaining various operating conditions, even with partial charging data.
capacity was discovered in Ref. [12] with an ECM. The model was Like the studies reported in the literature, we selected the capacity of
effectively validated by aged and new cells with a SoH estimation error the cell as the health indicator to determine the SoH of a cell in this
within 3%. Guo et al. [13] proposed a second order RC ECM, where work, which is expressed as the ratio of the actual capacity vs. the initial
transformation function and nonlinear least squares algorithm were Q
capacity (SoH = Qinitial
× 100%.). The equilibrium state is determined by a
applied on charge curves to iterate the time-based model parameters.
novel EMF-extraction method, without interrupting the regular cycling
The model was validated by cells of different chemistries and operating
process, allowing us to rule out the rate-dependent polarization attri­
temperatures and the SoH estimation error at all stages of life is under
butes from the thermodynamic ones (i.e., LLI and LAM) of capacity loss
3% around 500 cycles.
of the cell. The rational design of RPT will be discussed in the experi
On the other hand, data-driven approach becomes one of the hottest

X. Chen et al. Journal of Power Sources 498 (2021) 229884

mental section, and a more detailed description of the EMF-extraction Table 2

algorithm can be found in previous publications [29–33]. With such Cycle life test condition for NMC cells.
refinement of EVS, this technique is feasible for the fast online predic­ Temperature Charging Discharging SOC range Voltage range
tion of battery SoH without compromising precision. rate rate (%) (V)
The contents of the paper are organized into four major sections: 1) 30 ◦ C 0.2 C 0.5 C 0–100 3.0–4.2
Degradation performances of 40 commercial NMC532/graphite cells 1C 0.5 C 0–100 3.0–4.2
under different operating conditions, abuse conditions included, are 2C 0.5 C 0–100 3.0–4.2
qualitatively studied by over-15-month cycle-life test. 2) Typical 0.5C 0.2 C 0–100 3.0–4.2
0.5 C 1C 0–100 3.0–4.2
discharge curves are transformed into the polarization-free VEMF-Q 0.5 C 2C 0–100 3.0–4.2
curves using an EMF-extraction algorithm. Irreversible capacity loss 0.5 C 0.5C 0–30 3.2–3.55
(ΔQir ) is determined and further used as a quantitative indicator to 0.5 C 0.5 C 30–70 3.55–3.75
evaluate the degradation regularities of the battery system. 3) EVS 0.5 C 0.5 C 70–100 3.75–4.2
0.5 C 0.5 C 2.5–3.25
analysis is performed on the VEMF-Q curves to acquire the IC/DVEMF –
0.5 C 0.5 C – 3.6–4.25
curves. A numerical model for SoH estimation is established by tracking 60 ◦ C 0.2 C 0.5 C 0–100 3.0–4.2
the evolution of the feature peaks (FPs) in the differential curves. 4) An 0.5 C 0.5 C 0–100 3.0–4.2
electrochemical model based on porous-electrode theory is established 1C 0.5 C 0–100 3.0–4.2
to determine the individual thermodynamic attribute (LAMNE, LAMPE, 2C 0.5 C 0–100 3.0–4.2
0.5 C 0.2 C 0–100 3.0–4.2
and LLI) of capacity loss. 0.5 C 1C 0–100 3.0–4.2
0.5 C 2C 0–100 3.0–4.2
2. Experimental

2.3. Full-cycle life tests under multivariate stresses

2.1. Chemical system and cycling protocol

Once the activation process and the initial RPT were completed, the
The cells used for aging measurements were commercial pouch cells
cycle life tests, set to CC-CV charge/CC discharge mode, began on the
with a nominal capacity of 10 Ah and the chemistry of LiNi0.5Mn0.3
cells according to the protocol shown in Table 2. The charging/dis­
Co0.2O2 (NMC532)/graphite (DFD Co., Ltd., China). Two identical cells
charging cut-off voltages were 4.2 V and 3.0 V, respectively. The
(same manufacturer and same batch) were aged under the same con­
charging stresses included 2 temperatures, each of which corresponded
ditions to verify the efficacy of the test results. The characterization
to 7 different charge/discharge rates; herein, a total of 28 cells are
process was implemented by applying RPT periodically along with
needed. All the tested cells were regularly re-characterized every 20 d.
cycling tests. Detailed information about the battery system is listed in
Table 1. The cycling tests were performed with automatic multichannel
5 V-100 A Neware cycling equipment. An environment chamber was 2.4. Partial and charge-abuse cycling tests
used to control the ambient temperature. To study the impacts of various
operating conditions on the degradation behavior of the cell, factors Degradation performances under partial charging and abuse sce­
including ambient temperature, charge/discharge C-rate, SoC and DoD narios were studied for 12 cells corresponding to 5 different cycling
range are considered in the testing matrix. Specific test conditions are conditions, including 3 partitioned SoC intervals and 2 voltage intervals.
detailed in Table 2. Considering that the end-of-life (EoL) of a cell is A CC-CV charge- CC discharge mode was used to age the cells, and a
commonly defined by 80% SoH, cycling is manually ended once EoL has current 0.5 C-rate was applied for the CC step; the cut-off voltage
been attained in each test. depended on the specific experimental settings. One set of cells was
cycling within a voltage range of [2.5 V, 3.25 V] to reproduce an
excessively low-voltage charging process and another within a voltage
2.2. Reference performance tests (RPT) range of [3.6 V, 4.25 V] to reproduce an excessively high-voltage
charging process. The partial charging test was designed by cycling
All the tested cells were first subjected to five activated cycles at the cells within three partitioned SoC intervals: [0, 30%], [30%, 70%],
room temperature to form a stable SEI. RPT tests were subsequently [70%, 100%], corresponding to low, mild and high charge regions
performed at regular cycle-number intervals on the cells. Every RPT was respectively. All the above-mentioned test conditions are also shown in
composed of a series of constant-current-constant-voltage (CC-CV) Table 2.
charge/constant-current (CC) discharge procedures to periodically
derive the EMF curves. The detailed protocol was as follows: A 0.5 C 3. EMF determination and EVS technique implementation
charging rate was used in the CC-mode, followed by CV charging at 4.2 V
until the charging current dropped below 0.05C. CC discharging at During each RPT test, a set of cell voltage curves versus discharge
different C-rates (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.5, and 2 C) continued capacity at regularly increased C-rates (corresponding to 0.1 C, 0.2 C,
until a cut-off voltage of 3.0 V was achieved. The initial maximum 0.3 C and 0.5 C in this work) are plotted, as shown by the solid lines in
available capacity Q0max was directly obtained from the first RPT, and Fig. 1 (a). Equilibrium potential of the cell can be mathematically
Qtmax was acquired by the following EMF with cell aging. determined by performing polynomial regression-based extrapolation
on the curves. We tentatively define the discharge curves as “flat po­
Table 1 tential region” (the part that before the black dotted helper line) and
Specifications of tested battery system. “steep potential region” (the part after). We notice there is a good linear
relationship between the experimentally determined voltages and the
Item Specification
applied currents at various discharge capacities in the flat potential re­
Cathode material LiNi0.5Mn0.3Co0.2O2
gion, as shown by Fig. 1 (b). This implies that the equilibrium voltage
Anode material Graphite
Nominal Capacity (at 0.3 It rate, 3.0 V–4.2 V) 10 Ah ± 2.5% can be obtained by linearly extrapolated the V–I function toward the
Max. charge current 10 C zero current case at each capacity. Similarly, the linear relationship
Max. discharge current 15 C exists between discharge capacities and applied currents at different
Charging cut-off voltage 4.2 V ± 1% voltage in the steep potential region, which means that the maximum
Voltage range 2.75–4.2 V
capacity can be obtained by linearly extrapolating the curves toward I =

X. Chen et al. Journal of Power Sources 498 (2021) 229884

Fig. 1. (a) Cell voltage curves at various C-rates during a RPT test (solid lines) and extrapolated EMF curve (the dotted line); (b) Cell voltages at various discharge
capacities as a function of applied current rate in the “flat potential region”; (c) Cell capacities at various discharge voltages as a function of applied current in the
“steep potential region”; (d) Examples of the evolution of discharge curves of different cycling numbers; (e) and the corresponding extrapolated EMF curves; (f)
Evolution of discharge capacity (Qtd ) and maximum cycling capacity (Qtmax ) at the given time (t) as a function of cycle number, where ΔQir and ΔQapp refer to the
irreversible capacity loss and apparent capacity loss, respectively.

0, as shown by Fig. 1 (c). By combining these two parts of the curves

together with moving average [29], a complete EMF curve can be ΔQapp = Q0d − Qtd . (2)
accordingly determined, as shown by the outermost red dotted line in The capacity differences between ΔQir and ΔQapp are caused by po­
Fig. 1 (a). Herein, the effect of polarization is removed theoretically from larization effect, where in most cases, are defined as reversible capacity
the typical discharge curves. The maximum cell capacities (Qmax) at the loss by established literature, while the amount of ΔQir is totally
cut-off voltage 3.0 V can be derived from the EMF curves under any depending on thermodynamic failure origins LLI and LAM.
operating state, as marked in Fig. 1 (a). EVS is performed on the obtained EMF curves of all cycling condi­
As an example, Fig. 1 (d) and (e) show the discharge voltage curves tions. Fig. 2 exemplarily shows the representative IC/DVEMF-analysis
and the corresponding extrapolated EMF curves at 120th, 480th and results at 0.5 C charging rate, 30◦ C and various discharging current
840th cycles at 1 C, 60 ◦ C, respectively. Although both of the results rates. Locally enlarged feature-peaks/valleys shifts are indicated by
indicate the performances of capacity and voltage decrease with cycling, black arrows and insets in each figure. After 1000 times cycling, there
it is obvious that EMF curves contain more intrinsic and detectable are apparent deformations occurred on DVEMF curves. Interestingly, the
ageing information. As for aged cells, the voltage plateaus between 3.6 V level positions of the lowest DVEMF peaks remain rather constant as the
and 3.2 V in discharge curves almost coincide with the fresh cell, while peaks move upwards with cell aging. The other DVEMF peaks of higher
when polarization effect is ruled out from the results, as can be seen from SoC shift towards the higher voltage region. The peaks indicated in the
EMF curves, the discrepancies of the plateaus are distinguishable within IC curves regularly shift to lower SoC region as moving upwards with
the same voltage range. increasing cycle numbers. According to the above analysis, cell’s
As shown by Fig. 1 (f), the capacities extracted from the original degradation performances under various cycling conditions are regu­
discharge curves and extrapolated EMF curves are defined as discharge larly reflected by the shift of FPs in IC/DVEMF curves. Owing to the in­
capacity (Qtd ) and maximum cycling capacity (Qtmax ), respectively. formation of specific electrochemical reaction contained in IC/DVEMF
Having the evolution of both Qtd (the blue curve) and Qtmax (the black curves, a functional correlation between curve features and capacity loss
curve) with cycles, we observe the certain regularity with state change is highly desired.
of cells only well exists in Qtmax evolution, making it a better indicator of
capacity degradation performance. Therefore, quantitative ageing 4. Aging analysis under various operating conditions
analysis is performed upon the evolution of EMF curves by defining the
irreversible capacity loss (ΔQir ) as [30,31]: 4.1. Quantification of degradation state under full-range cycling condition

ΔQir = Q0max − Qtmax . (1) According to equation (1), the irreversible capacity loss at different
Also, the apparent capacity loss is defined as: temperatures as a function of cycle number can be determined from the
EMF results. The left and right columns show the evolution of ΔQir with

X. Chen et al. Journal of Power Sources 498 (2021) 229884

Fig. 2. The evolution of EMF-derived IC (dQ/dVEMF, (d)–(f)) and DVEMF (dVEMF/dQ, (a)–(c)) results as a function of cycle number at 30 ◦ C, 0.5C charging rate and
various discharging current rates ((a), (d), discharging at 0.2 C-rate; (b),(e), at 0.5 C-rate; (c), (f), at 1 C-rate).

the variation of charging and discharging current rate respectively. Surprisingly, the cycle life of the cells is almost unaffected in the cases of
Whatever the C-rate is applied, a linear aging rule is generally observed cycling under an SoC below 30% or a voltage below 3.25 V, even though
from ΔQir at 30◦ C, whereas the cycle life is influenced more by charging this voltage range is below the rated value. The decline rates of
than discharging rate. The linear degradation regularity under room Qret
max under each partitioned SoC or voltage interval is sorted in
temperature is mainly attributed to the continuous SEI growth on the descending order: [3.7 V, 4.25 V] > [70%, 100%] > [30%, 70%] > [0,
SEI-covered graphite surface, which has been confirmed increasing 30%] ≈ [2.5 V, 3.25 V]. Fig. 3 (f) reveals that for cells cycling in [30%,
linearly with the cycle number [33]. In contrast, an exponential aging 70%] SoC, even over 1200 charging cycles, the ΔQir is limited to within
characteristic lies in 60◦ C cycling data. The switch from linear to 6.09%, whereas for cells cycling in [70%, 100%] SoC, the ΔQir reaches
non-linear aging regularity under elevated temperature is also in line 23.35% for the same cycle number. More strikingly, for cells cycling in
with former publications, where the onset of non-linear capacity un­ the voltage range of [3.7 V, 4.25 V], ΔQir was 26.80%, even when the
dershoot was attributed to particle fracture and electronic isolation of charging times were less than 480.
active electrode material [34,35]. Moreover, the high-voltage-driven The above results suggest that cycling conditions notable impact the
side reactions those occur at electrode-electrolyte surface will be cycle life of cells. Cycling within an excessive high-voltage range
speeded up at higher temperature, according to the Arrhenius law [36]. dramatically impairs the lifespan of the cell from initial cycling stages,
This can result in increase of cell impedance and further triggering the shortening the cycle life to less than 500 times. Considering that LAM is
potential failure modes such as leakage of electrolyte and/or gas evo­ rarely detected in the early aging stage [38], LLI is mainly responsible
lution, making a cell reach its EoL earlier [37]. for capacity loss before the second aging stage. Subsequently, with LAM
being more significant with cell aging, its impact on cell performance
appears in an accelerated manner joining with LLI until the EoL. This
4.2. Quantification of degradation state under partial cycling and charge- result is an important contribution to the existing literature, where
abuse condition stress-induced microstructure damage accompanied by repeated Li+
(de)insertion into active material particles is reported as the primary
Cell’s aging regularities during partial cycling and abuse conditions cause of capacity undershoot under high-voltage cycling [39]. In com­
were also studied. Fig. 3 (e) and (f) show ΔQir and maximum capacity parison, cycling under a high SoC range, which is also regarded as
retention (Qret
max = Q0 .) upon the fragmentary cycle life test as a function
considerably damaging the cell, exhibits a completely different degra­

of cycle number. The discontinuous steps and differences between the dation regularity. There is almost no obvious increase in ΔQir during the
same-condition-tested samples are considered to be related to gas gen­ initial stage, whereas the cell cycle life is still reduced by 50% by its EoL,
eration and venting during the long-term electrochemical reaction that indicating that LAM occurring in the later aging stage is the dominant
brings inconsistent pressure to the cells. It should also be noted that all DM in this case.
the results discussed in this section are based on the tests terminated
earlier due to Li-plating triggered thermal runaway, which lead to a lack 5. Model-based approaches for cell aging analysis
of long-term cycle life data. As can be seen from Fig. 3 (e), cycling under
an excessive-high voltage range (over 3.7 V) significantly impairs the In order to identify and quantify capacity loss due to individual DM
available capacity of the cell, and over 70% SoC takes the second place. and further estimate SoH of the cell, a porous-electrode-theory based

X. Chen et al. Journal of Power Sources 498 (2021) 229884

Fig. 3. Evolution of irreversible capacity loss (ΔQir ) as a function of cycle number at various charging/discharging current rates (0.2, 0.5, 1 and 2 C) and tem­
peratures (30 ◦ C and 60 ◦ C). (a)–(d) complete cycle life test; (e) and (f) partial and abuse cycle test. The numbers before “C” and “D” refer to the charging rate and
discharging rate respectively and the last number refers to the serial number of sample.

electrochemical model and a numerical regression model are estab­ 5.1. Mechanisms rationalization by the selection of FPs with kinetic
lished. As for each decoupled DM is directly determined by one or a few models
parameters of the model’s governing equations, adjustment of the pa­
rameters can influence DMs in proportion and furthermore result in part 5.1.1. Electrode degradation mode attribution with the electrochemical
of detectable capacity change. By comparing modeling results with test model
sets under various charging stresses, the specific DMs occurred as cell LLI, LAMNE, and LAMPE, as three major DMs are modeled in the
degradation are therefore determined by the electrochemical model, frame of porous electrode theory, which assumes that the electrode and
which was established using COMSOL Multiphysics version 5.2. electrolyte phases are continuous and the underlying microstructure of
Furthermore, given the distinct peaks in the IC/DVEMF curves reveal the electrode can be reasonable neglected [40,41]. Previous researches
particular patterns related to LLI and LAM as cell aging, degradation tend to focus on how LLI and LAM contribute cooperatively to yield
diagnostics is conducted by tracking the evolution of FPs over its life­ enhanced capacity loss, while often short of quantitative studies on the
time. The numerical model is built-up to online estimate SoH at specific individual impact of each DM as cell aging. With investigating key pa­
SoCs during the cycling process. rameters of the electrochemical model and detecting the resulting ca­
pacity change, it is possible to study LLI or LAM individually. Detailed
theory of the model can be found in Refs. [40,42,43]. A list of param­
eters can be found in the Supporting Information (see Table S1).

X. Chen et al. Journal of Power Sources 498 (2021) 229884

We notice that electric potential in the solid phase, which can be c

determined using Ohm’s law as Eq. (3), is directly limited by LAM: ν+ ∇μ+ + ν− ∇μ− − ν0 ∇μ = − nF∇ϕ. (6)
( )
∇ σ eff ∇ϕs = as Fj. (3)
where ν refers to the stoichiometric coefficient, determined by the
where numbers of Li+ that take part in electrode reaction. To simulate the in­
crease of LLI by this model, ν is decreased by 10% periodically.
σ eff = σεbrug
s (4) Outputting capacity fade during this process, the EMF and IC/DVEMF
curve owing to LLI are respectively obtained, as shown in the first row of
The effect of tortuosity accompanied with porous media has to be
Fig. 4.
considered into bulk conductivity of homogeneous solid matrix to obtain
As can be seen from row 1 of Fig. 4, when LLI is the only DM during
an effective conductivity σeff, as shown in Eq. (4); as, ϕs and j are defined
cycling, there will be no evident change on the shape of EMF curve.
as specific interfacial surface area, solid-phase potential and exchange
According to Ref. [44], peak β can be defined as the signal of phase
current density respectively. By setting εs with each period decreases to
transition process from hexagonally packed phase (customarily named
90% of that as before, meanwhile remaining all the other parameters
‘H’ phase) to orthorhombic phase (customarily named ‘M’ phase) of
unchanged, the model’s output reveals the part of capacity loss induced
NMC electrode. We notice that peak β shifts to higher voltage with LLI
only by LAM. The parameters of cathode and anode are adjusted sepa­
during cycling, without variation on the height, which means this pro­
rately to distinguish LAMPE from LAMNE. The induced capacity loss and
cess is immune to the lack of Li+ within limits. As can be seen from
the accordingly differential results are summarized in Fig. 4 row 2 and
DVEMF peaks, region II is not shortened until region I totally disappears.
row 3 respectively.
After that, if LLI continues emerging, region II will start to shrink at a
To parameterized LLI, the mass conservation during the electrode
relatively low rate. Interestingly, region III remains fixed no matter how
reaction is considered:
much LLI is generated, which thereby stabilizes the position of peak α
ν− M−z− + ν+ M+z+ + ν0 M0 ⇌ne− . (5) throughout.
Row 2 of Fig. 4 demonstrates the case that LAMPE, which increases at
where M-, M+ and M0 are species with specific charge involved in the 10% per cycle, is the only DM that results in capacity fade. Unlike the
reaction. Gibbs free energy of n moles of electrons is expressed by -nFϕ. result of LLI, the length of region II on DVEMF curve is gravely curtailed
The energy balance between the generated electrons and the reactants by LAMPE, while region III is completely unaffected. Moreover, it is
follows: worth mentioning that LAMPE is the only factor that can cause “retrac­
tion” on region I, manifesting as tail-end value of DVEMF curve going

Fig. 4. Representation of the 3 independent DMs. DM1: Loss of lithium inventory (LLI); DM2: Loss of positive-electrode active material (LAMPE); DM3: Loss of
negative-electrode active material (LAMNE). The black curves represent the pristine state and colored curves are corresponding to the indicated aging cycles. From
left to right: (i) EMF curve (voltage v.s. capacity during discharging); (ii) dQ/dVEMF v.s.VEMF (IC curve); (iii) dVEMF/dQ v.s.dQ (DVEMF curve) Three plateaus originated
from the differential curves as indicated as I, II and III. The peaks on DVEMF curve are indicated as β and θ, those on IC curves are indicated as α and γ respectively.

X. Chen et al. Journal of Power Sources 498 (2021) 229884

back and up simultaneously. full-cycling but also daily segment charging data within a maximum of
Row 3 of Fig. 4 shows the case that LAMNE, which increases at 10% 3% estimation error for across the entire SoC range during dynamic
per cycle, is the only DM that results in capacity fade. Cell’s EMF cycling process. Nevertheless, the FPs used to train the numerical cor­
manifests completely different tendency comparing to other two situa­ relation are conveniently identified and captured by BMSs, which sug­
tions. This mechanism is in line with the modeling EMF result shown by gests the application prospects of this model.
row 3 (i), where we observe the curve is hardly affected by the increase
of LAMNE during the initial period of charging process, but can be 5.2.1. Feature point acquisition and correlation analysis
reduced significantly at higher SoC region. As for the IC curve, inter­ From a computational perspective, DVEMF values are simply the re­
estingly, the intensity of β peak decreases with LAMNE while the position ciprocals of IC values at the same point. However, from an 3rd FOI
of which does not shift, whereas θ peak shifts to lower potential without electrochemical mechanism perspective, IC and DVEMF curve can pro­
any intensity change during this process. In the case of DVEMF curve of vide different insights of cell aging: the peaks or valleys in IC curve
LAMNE, all of the FPs shift to lower voltage monotonously with the in­ correspond to specific electrochemical reaction, whereas those on
crease of LAMNE, however, the peaks’ shift under LAMNE do not lead to DVEMF curve reflect the phase transformation of active material during
any shrinkage of region I. Li+ (de)intercalation [18,45]. In order to integrate structure change and
reaction characteristics into the model, features of both the curves need
5.1.2. Reveal cell aging mechanism: a comparison of experimental against to be introduced. Herein, three FPs with monotonic characteristic as
modeling results cells degrade are defined, where two of them are extracted from IC curve
From the modeling results, it is clear that convolution between LLI/ while the other one is extracted from DVEMF curve. Again, due to the
LAM or LAMPE/LAMNE can lead to totally different variation trends upon differential analysis in this work is based on EMF curve, this model has
IC/DVEMF curves, therefore the shift of FPs is of great probability being the ability to determine thermodynamic capacity fade that independent
neutralized when more than one DM exist. However, when each indi­ from the reversible (polarization induced) part, which can theoretically
vidual DM is decouple by the electrochemical mechanism model, FPs yield better SoH estimation accuracy.
will move drastically with cycling. These three FPs are supposed to be captured by a BMS according to
Seeing from the experimental results of 30◦ C shown by Fig. 2, α peak the defined SoCs, which are respectively equivalent to 30%, 57% and
shifts to lower SoC meanwhile the peak height is enhanced; while a 89% (Noted that the SoCs here are by the values of the first cycle and
reversed trend is detected on γ peak, for which the position remains only for denoting the position of FPs), as shown in Fig. 5. The data under
constant and the height is decreased. Moreover, owing to LLI is the only I/2 charging rate are selected as an example to train the SoH estimation
factor that causes translation on β peak of IC curve, we take this as an algorithm. Obviously, when the applied (dis)charging rate is changed,
indicator to resolute the effect of LLI. The position of β peak of experi­ the coefficients of this algorithm accordingly need to be adjusted for
mental results is almost unchanged in the process of cycling, indicating adapting to specific usage scenario. In this model, the cell SoH can be
that LLI is not the main DM for NMC532/graphite cells aging under determined either with complete or segment cycle data: on the one
room-temperature operation. In contrast, as for cycling results at 60◦ C, hand, as long as one of the FPs’ SoC is reached, the current SoH can be
as indicated by Fig. S1, α peak and γ peak are observed increasing determined at this FP. This makes the model applied for the segment
simultaneously, and the corresponding SoCs both shift to lower values. charging data with flexible initial SoC. On the other hand, if more than
This observation is in accordance with the case of our modeling results one SoCs of the FPs are reached, the cell SoH can be outputted at the first
that LAMPE is the rate-determining step under higher temperature SoC positon and further re-corrected at the rest of SoC point(s).
cycling, whereas under the room-temperature situation, LAMPE is Accordingly, the maximum estimation error of actual SoH can be nar­
comparable with LAMNE or even less, resulting these two DMs serve as rowed down by extracting the overlap.
rate-determining step by turns during each cycle. Relevancy between feature points and cell’s SoH are verified by grey
In a word, the mechanism model is capable of distinguishing DMs relational analysis [46,47], in order to rationalize the algorithm that
one from another theoretically and attributing the relevant capacity using shift of FPs to estimate SoH of cells. The compare sequence Xi and
fade. It should be noted that a quantification analysis needs to be further reference sequence Y, which in this case refer to the shift of each FP and
performed on the porous-theory model, if a precise correspondence of cell’s maximum capacity respectively, are noted as:
the modeling results to realistic experimental results is required. In order
xi = {xi (k)|k = 1, 2, …, n}. (7)
to further quantify the impacts of the DMs on cell SoH, a numerical
model will be introduced in the next section. The key issue of the model
y = {y(k)|k = 1, 2, …, n}. (8)
lies in the selection of proper feature sets which can directly reflect cell
aging. where i is the number of experimental datasets and k is the number of
5.2. On-line SoH estimation with detection of FPs using data-driven model Thus, the correlation coefficient ξi(k) between xi(k) and y(k) can be
calculated by:
Nowadays, it is prevalent to use machine learning or deep learning to
estimate cell SoH, where raw current or voltage signals are usually used minmin|y(k) − xi (k)| + ρmaxmax|y(k) − xi (k)|
i k i k
ξi (k) = .
as input features without any manipulation. This limits the improvement |y(k) − xi (k)| + ρmaxmax|y(k) − xi (k)|
in the prediction accuracy because learning highly correlated and
i x

adequate effective features is the only way to ensure high accuracy. In where ρ denotes the distinguish coefficient which satisfies ρ∈[0,1]. A
contrast, this work manipulates the raw discharge data with EMF- lower ρ value corresponds to a larger distinguished ability. The grey
extraction algorithm, and explicitly assigns the shift of PFs in IC/ relational grade ri, which reflects the level of comparative sequences’
DVEMF curves to specific electrochemical reaction process. Feature relevancy, is therefore calculated by Eq. (10):
manipulation is an effective way to get robust correspondences when
data volume is rather limited. 1∑ n
ri = ξ (k), ​ k = 1, 2, …n. (10)
Three FPs in IC and DVEMF curves corresponding to the major DMs n k=1 i
have been determined by the above-mentioned mechanism model.
Based on this mathematical expression, the grey relational grade
Based on establishing the mathematical correlation of FPs’ shift with
capacity loss during cycling, a numerical model is obtained to realize between each FP and cell’s maximum capacity is calculated as presented
in Table 3. The result suggests that using FPs for correlation analysis is
online estimation of cell SoH. This model can work well with not only

X. Chen et al. Journal of Power Sources 498 (2021) 229884

Fig. 5. Schematic diagram of the position of three feature points on IC and DV curves and their corresponding SoC value.

Table 3 Table 4
The grey relational grade between each feature point and cell’s Algorithm parameters of the linear regression model at each F.
maximum capacity. FPs c1 c2 m
Factor Grey relational grade (%)
1st valley 0.1259 133 0.3723
1# peak height 76.0 2nd peak 0.103 − 137.9 0.1186
1# peak position – 3rd peak 0.8993 − 1.025 − 2.643
2# peak height 82.2
2# peak position 80.9
3# peak height 90.8 5.2.3. Validation with partial charging and parallel testing result
3# peak position 85.7 Fig. 7 (b), (c) and (d) display the results of verification experiments
for the multi-stage SoH estimation model. Cell 2 was subjected to full
statistically significant, which enables a high-confidence estimation for life-cycle discharging process following the same duty cycle as cell 1,
SoH with tracking of position and intensity change of the FPs as cell whereas the other 6 cells underwent partial discharging within respec­
aging. tive SoC intervals, noted as cell 3, 4 (discharging under the SoC interval
of [30%, 0]), and 5, 6, 7, 8 (discharging under the SoC interval of [100%,
5.2.2. Establishment of multi-linear regression model for the cell SoH 30%]). In the above samples, the data of cell 3 and cell 4 can only be
estimation applied to the numerical relationship derived by the first FP, while the
In order to associate the cell SoH with the shift of three FPs in IC/ data of cell 5, 6, 7, 8 are suited to the relationship derived by both the
DVEMF curve, a multidimensional linear regressions model is established second and the third FPs. Evidently, cells that are used for practical
based on least squares method (see Methods for details in the supporting applications are hardly subjected to complete SoC cycles, therefore, it is
information). One sample cell that was subjected to complete cycle life vital to verify the algorithm can even work well with daily segment
test was used to establish a correspondence between FPs and SoH, charging data of random SoC range. On the other hand, as for cells
dubbed as cell 1. The shift of peak position of the 3 FPs of cell 1 with cycling under a wider range, their SoH will be firstly estimated when the
cycling number are separately calculated, as summarized in Fig. 7 (a). SoC reaches a value corresponding to the first FP (SoC = 89%); as the
Evidently, all three FPs can be identified in the case of cell 1, thus a full- (dis)charging proceeds, the SoCs that corresponds to the second and/or
SoC-range functional relationship can be obtained, as shown by the red third FPs are reached, the cell’s SoH therefore can be re-assessed and
solid line in Fig. 7 (b), (c) and (d). The other cell that underwent the calibrated, if necessary.
same duty cycle, dubbed as cell 2, is used for validation of the proposed Fig. 7 displays the results of linear regression model corresponding to
model. To further verify the robustness and generalization capability of each specific SoC’s FPs and the findings of SoH evaluation. The model is
the model, 6 more cells, dubbed as cell 3 to cell 8, that with various applied to construct the trend lines (red) from cell 1’s fitting algorithm
initial SoCs are taken to one of the correspondence obtained from cell 1, that are shown with 97% confidence bands (red dotted). The scattered
limited by the specific applicable range. points represent the testing set of other cells. It is observed that the
To consider the impact of both position and height shift of FPs into deviation among the test sets and the fitted linear curve is within ± 1.5%
the proposed algorithm, the linear regression model is extended to 3-di­ error range with respect to the full scale (corresponding to ± 7.5% if
mensions. Function parameters at each FP are determined, as summa­ taking 20% useable SoH as metrics), indicating a promising result of the
rized in Table 4. The resulting distribution surfaces that cover entire SoH model. A robust signature exists between cell aging and the shift of FPs
evolution process during cell aging are obtained, as shown in Fig. 6. on the de-polarization differential curve (IC and DVEMF).

X. Chen et al. Journal of Power Sources 498 (2021) 229884

Fig. 6. Three-dimensional linear regression surface of cell 1’s estimated SoH at three FPs under 0.5C charging- 0.5C discharging.

Fig. 7. (a) Shift of the normalized peak intensity of each feature point in IC/DVEMF curves as a function of cycle numbers of cell 1; (b)–(d) Correlation between cell
SoH and peak intensity of the first, second and third FP respectively. Solid lines in the diagram correspond to the fitting results of the specific FP from cell 1 and
dashed lines correspond to ± 1.5% error bounds.

5.3. Integration of aging mechanism with data-based SoH evaluation ● EVS analysis: EMF curves are differentiated to obtain IC/DVEMF
model curve respectively as a function of cycle number.
● Establishment of data-based model: If-else statements are firstly
Based on the two modeling methods discussed above, we not only implemented on the differential curves: if a cell’s current SoC is over
established an online SoH estimation algorithm, but also revealed the 30%, its FP is supposed to be extracted at one of the three specific
aging mechanism by an electrochemical model. It should be noted that SoC values during discharging process, and further taken into Eq.
the lower limit for the initial discharging SoC of tested cells must fall (S1) to obtain the estimated capacity. The SoH distribution plane can
upper 30%, as otherwise, the cells need to be charged in prior to be be re-adjusted and calibrated once the SoC of a cell falls at other
suited to the algorithm. The block diagram of the proposed integrated lower specific value as the cell discharging. Else, the cell is supposed
analysis process flow is presented in Fig. 8, which can be summarized in to be subjected to charging process to assure that the data falls in the
the order of these steps as follows: algorithm’s scope of application.
● Establishment of kinetic mechanism model: by adjusting single
● Dataset generation: a testing protocol covering various charging simulation parameter in porous-electrode theory model framework,
stresses is designed for studying cell aging regularity under different the major DMs, including LLI, LAMPE and LAMNE are decoupled.
(dis)charging rate, temperature and SoC/voltage intervals. Based on Nevertheless, each DM’s contribution on cell’s capacity fade is
the testing results, with a mathematical extrapolation algorithm, individually determined by this model.
EMF curves that correspond to different charging scenarios are ● Aging analysis: quantifying irreversible capacity loss and maximum
determined. Therefore, the polarization disturbance can be ruled out capacity retention with the cell cycle-life-test data.
from the dataset and the capacity loss obtained from EMF curve is
introduced solely by the thermodynamic origins LLI and LAM.

X. Chen et al. Journal of Power Sources 498 (2021) 229884

Fig. 8. The flowchart of the analysis process of the mechanism-numerical model.

6. Conclusion (2) Li plating plays the main role in performance degradation under
room-temperature cycle-life aging, while LAM (structure break­
In this work, the aging behaviors under various charging stresses of down) and LLI (Li plating) are both of primordial importance
NMC532/graphite battery system are comprehensively investigated under elevated temperature cycle-life aging. Advanced and
through an over-15-month life cycle test, including abuse and partial effective post-mortem techniques are highly desired to distin­
charging scenarios. EVS technique is combined with a novel EMF- guish DMs from microscope insights.
extraction method, which makes IC/DV analysis no longer restricted (3) Cycling under high SoC interval has less adverse effect on the
to low C-rate (dis)charging conditions for maintaining the quasi- lifespan of cells comparing to under a high voltage interval.
equilibrium state, instead, it can be applicable for any dynamic oper­ Cycling under bottom SoC interval or low voltage interval both
ating conditions. A vital degradation indicatorsΔQir is obtained from have rather small impacts on battery performance. High charging
EMF analysis, are defined for quantitatively evaluating cell degradation currents has more significant influence on capacity degradation
performance under different operating conditions. Nevertheless, the FPs than high discharging currents.
in IC/DV curves are proved related to major thermodynamic DMs (LLI,
LAMNE and LAMPE) by an electrochemical model. The complex aging Furthermore, a numerical model for online estimating the cell SoH is
mechanism is revealed based on comparison of tested dataset with the proposed, based on tracking the shift of three FPs corresponding to
electrochemical model, which can be summarized as the following different SoCs in EMF-derived IC/DVEMF curves. Grey relational analysis
points: is carried out to reveal a clear correspondence between the shift of FPs
and cell’s SoH at three specific SoCs. Accordingly, the model is estab­
(1) Battery degradation under room-temperature exhibits a linear lished with multiple linear regression algorithm, which is capable of
dependency on the charge throughput, while under elevated online estimating cell SoH within 3% absolute error bounds, demon­
temperature, a transition from linear to non-linear characteristic strating considerable potential being applied on BMS.
is observed in the later aging stage. The earlier appearance of the
turning point with lower charging rate is a strong signal for LLI to CRediT authorship contribution statement
be the most dominant degradation mode.
Xiaoxuan Chen: Conceptualization, Data curation, Software,

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