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Hti? Thermal Imaging Camera Instruction Manual Hti7 Dongguan Xintai Instrument Co.,Ltd HT-18 Contents Read images — Pesormance index Product Deserption — Instruction to stucire — 52, Key Deserpton— 5:5. Key Deception — 5. nts Operation 9 7. "nage region mens inraduction — 10 6. Invoauaton to “image” submend = 1 1 View image 82, Dek images 8 nvosucton to “color pate” sub-menu: 2.1 Color Palette Description — 10, nvoauctan lo emissivity” sumer —- 10.1 Emissivity Descipton — 102. Emissivity sting £033 The Emisivty Valu of Common Materia — “1. neduetion to Seti” Submenu Pee 1. Overview ‘This products an inared camera thal ntgraes surface omperaire| ‘moasurement and reakime thermal image. The rastionalinfres thormometer needs to moasure every component ons by ore whl tis nt necessary for infrared imaging camera, tus saving time, The potenti problems may be displayed on color display serean clearly, Moraover, the ‘central point measurement cursors used to locate qully and accurately to measure te tmporature of he target objoct In order ta increase the cieertiaton, the product e provides wih a viable light camera. The thermal mages and vble images are stored the device and canbe read tough USB er stored na computer to generate a report or frit The product canbe usd nf of mada reatmen, he thing, archaeology, Vai, agreutu, geology, anergy, smelting, stacrone (© Tho radiaton cooticlent may be adjusted to neease the measurement (© The highest temperature and lowes emperture cursor may guide the (© The selectable coor plot ee 2. Considerations and Safety Maintenance Please reas the instruction for carefully in onder to ensure corect, ‘measurement eeu {Doni use the device in explosve, Mammable of corrosive environment (@ re product belongs to precision electronic and senaitve apes! devas Dnit impact and drop ito avold damage (@onissmante and remodel the products. (@7on the product works, hare is ight sound af eleking evry several second, This is normal phenomenon tha the lens captures images (@P ease use damp doth or woak soap ce (Dont use abradan,sopropanaor solvent to clean, Specsl optical ls cleaner fe used to clean he screen the enclosure ofthe devin, 3. Read images USB cable No: Whes connecting the computer, select “Sa "Safe Eject Devic’ ane thon unplug the cable. ‘val problems such as Mle storage oor. theo is a problem such as not beng able o store, find te had ck n your compte and fx Po ed 4, Performance index Dispay sceen 32" faange TFT asplayseear narod image resaiaion 2206160 ibe image resoktion 300,00 pct [ico resokdon 240x320 Fad angeisnorest fons longth | 27~35705m ara ena oar [Temperature measizenentrange | 200 w 3000 LAF STPAL 7h )12C ‘Aaja Fom OTTO Focus rece Fd [oer Daoea weet tack New epton “Theineaaton a eral ae w 25% atptangh and vate mage Power sap Buin charge 1560 atery Janome power ime [rong tse Product siangth = wh = Roigh | SOm= 0Smnaaamm Work tmporatirs twas Storage temperature 206 wad Retave numa =asaRH Peed 5, Product Description 5.1, Instruction to structure Poe $f rt ine Peed 1 Micro use fu) | Please open the cap in use 5.2. Key Description current emissivity Ccenval pont Tre lowest Maximum 1. Cobo eae: used to mark the color correponding othe lative tempera ture rom owt high nthe fal of version 2. The central pint temperalur cursor: ued onda the ceria position Inthe seen area. The arsr enor plays whl. The temperature values splayed op lot comar of th seen 5. The highest ompaalre cursor: used to nda he highest ampere ture postion nthe seresn area. wi move wi highest temperature, The cursor displays eo ieptayed at boll let comer ofthe screen, poston nthe seen area wll ave wh tha movement of he lowest, perature, The cursor esplays 2d. The termarature value delay a ‘he contra poston ofthe seoen, 5.3. Key Description Onioff key Menu key Selection key Entry key down key cay 6. Initial Operation 6.1 Charging the procuct is proves wth builtin 18650 Ithium baton, \inen the batery power ie notsuifiient. lease charge through Miro US intertace in tine {52 Ont hoy hols down “key power ono ~ "kay to swich the dogros of fusion between inferrod ‘hormal images and visible images (he dogroe of fusion is 0%, 25%, 50%, 7 fan 100%, 15.4 Image capture: press the Image capture key: When the capture Is succesful the screen wil display "store photo?” prompt. "yes is selected, plage press "MENU! key 1o detomine to save the image. “pot ls goacled, prose "SELECT" key lo determine nolo Save the 6.5 The function to hide highestlowest temperature column atthe screen bottom: under the operation eter normal star: up, press ‘2 “kay and ta seraen bottom wil epi hghestowest temperature column. Press” A. can alsa hide 15.5 image output The saved images trough capture may be checked and output by connecting with a computer through Mlero USB. Pee Hig 7. "Image registration” menu introduction a> Coll ‘As shown inthe gue, prea he "MENU buon oer he main menu, and Pros the navigation key (up, down, el an ight buttons) opto the ross th“ENTER” button ow he image lending mode (Nola: here i no oporation for more than 6 cand, he image blending mode willbe automaticaly exes), Soe 8, Introduction to “image” sub-menu 8.1. View image (Eliza) Ee) srizas-toson: i Gy srzeosoee GG srs ame “image” option inthe main ‘As Shown inthe figure, pross MENU" key ts anu, Then pees” D> "key toanterimage it, Press” \ “or” V kay In navigation to stect he mage. Then seas "SELECT key o vew image Wen wowing the mages, press" <] “key o view the precous image, Press D> "to view the nat mage. Press "ENTER key o rtm. Press| 8.2, Delete images ‘nen viewing the images, th screen wil show ne prompt of "Delta prot? * by pressing” “ey. I'ye"is selected al be moment, prose MENU" key to 9, Introduction to “color palette” sub-menu 9.1 Color Palette Description The anu af oar plete can change he fle clr af ired thera Image. The produc provides fv ype a er plo used lo improve the col canal betwen high omperlire and ow lemperair, ut te black & white and white & lack color pales proviso ‘ven tear col The folowing she mage othe same object wth selection of ferent Ranson ron oxide ea Cale eer White heat heat ey 12 9.2 Application of color palette As shown inthe fut, pss "MENU kay to ontr the main me Be MES “cole plete opton and ses * D> Got MEI ay oer the oor pale it Press we MED * A “and V “keys navigation to setc te color pat, Then press "SELECT key o select the color pale Prose” "key to enter the emissny lt. Pros" A" ana" keys in navigation key oselct he emis ‘Then press "SELECT key to determine selection fh emissivity. Pross <1 “hoy agan to rot ey ac Ito select "settdetinad” emissivity, please press "SELECT hey to enter the et state, Press" "keys to select he numero be changed. ter the changes completec press "ENTER" key to enter, Then press” A "and V “keys to change the value. PressMENU™ ay 1 ext om the menu 10.3 The Emissivity Value of Common Materials ‘Subsance | Thermal redaion] Substance [Thermal ration iron | 0.90-0.08 | siaccaom | 0.98 Coneete | 0.98 Human in| 0.98 Cement | 0.96 Foam (075-080 2 0.90 (Crsreoat asi] 0.96 Ean 1092-095 | Paine 0.80-0.98 Water 1092-095 | wate pant | 097 ies 10.96-0.98 | siaxcnber | 0.94 Sno 0.83 Plasie 0.85-0.98 lass (090-095 | Timber 0.90 ‘cwranics | 0.90-0.94 | Paper (070-084 awe | 0.94 Ceomium | 0.81 Gyeaim | 080-000 | Copper one | 0.78 ort 10.89-091 | Fericoxio | 0-78-0082 Brak (0.93-0.8 | Texte 0.80 15 ey Lit 11, Introduction to “Setting” Sub-menu 11.1 Time Setting Press D> kay agin onlrthe sting” sub-rem > Pross= AV “ove yar ronthtaynurmint ¥ NO “Aer seeing post SELECT (!) Autoshutiown D/AMP. im |Smn sovtooner cots 20min t . Low Feat dws Dene 1G; intensity Pfvtensiy [Medium sel ofr tbe exange. i Prost A" "key to change lEnaish the val. Ar conptg he Langu! anguage [Chinese change, press ENTER’ ene, @ tarsuase —Pftanavase rine z [German = ‘clsive °, plant "Rr te args Sopa C unt Fanrenhet press” <1 “ey tum, Press 24 hour "MENU" ext tom be mem AD) Time tormat P| Tine Format] 24 Hou Year 2017 Monty 12 Day 2 © Settime Dsettime | Pe¥. a Minte 48 Second 15 on See 11.2, Enable/disable of the highest and lowest, temperature cursor [As shown nthe fs ‘cursor pon (sp. point (set seting ater entering he “sting sub-menu, sl he 1" key inthe nasgaion key to ante corsor Press” APY * key neat ‘enable’ of‘lsabe th opton & Then press SELECT Fay determine seecton s [Rar a stings cores, gress key tru. Press VENU” key ed om the menu On. #Blo 8s @%e HMrena Roney

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