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Review Article

Exercise in polycystic ovarian syndrome: An

evidence-based review
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine disorder affecting female adolescent and adulthood globally. The most annoying
complications of PCOS are obesity and infertility. Exercise is proved to be a best therapeutic and supportive management in PCOS patients
in reducing infertility. Exercise reduces the risk and restores fertility and quality of life in PCOS patients through inducing hormonal changes
of testosterone, androstenedione, combating obesity, metabolic syndrome, reducing inflammatory markers, and increasing immunity. Earlier
systematic reviews and meta‑analyses have proved the effectiveness of exercise in PCOS. This current systematic review will add to the current
evidence of cumulative effects on exercise and shall be an update to the current proof of physical activity in PCOS patients.

Keywords: Depression, exercise, fertility, physical activity, polycystic ovarian syndrome, quality of life, resistance
and endurance training

INTRODUCTION resistance (IR) and its compensatory hyperinsulinemia are

proposed as significant etiological factors of PCOS.[4] All these
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine factors are said to be substantial cause for hyperandrogenism
disorder affecting chiefly the women at reproductive in PCOS patients.[1] Overweight and obesity worsen these
ages (late adolescent and early adulthood). It is caused by the underlying hormonal imbalances by increasing androgen and
imbalance of female sex hormones.[1] The prevalence rate is excess blood insulin levels thus making the clinical features
about 9.13% in Indian adolescents and 3.7% in young women.[2] very evident in women with PCOS.[5]
A study carried out in an urban population in India showed
a prevalence rate of about 22.5% of Rotterdam classification PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF POLYCYSTIC OVARIAN SYNDROME
and 10.7% by Androgen Excess Society criteria.[3] The clinical
features comprise of reproductive manifestations such as The exact etiology of metabolic syndrome is unknown, but
reduced frequency of ovulation, menstrual irregularity, the excessive visceral fat contributes to the development
reduced fertility, abdominal obesity, sonographic evidence of clinically significant disorders such as IR, dyslipidemia,
of ovarian cysts, and high levels of male hormones such as high blood pressure, impaired fibrinolysis, glucose
testosterone and androstenedione.[1]
Disha Shetty, Baskaran Chandrasekaran1,
PCOS is associated with metabolic features including Arul Watson Singh2, Joseph Oliverraj2
elevated levels of insulin secretion and resistance, diabetes Alva’s College of Physiotherapy and Research Center, 2Department of
Physiotherapy, Alva’s College of Physiotherapy, Moodbidri, Mangalore,
and cardiovascular disease risk factors such as abnormal
Center for Sport Science Medicine and Research, School of Allied
cholesterol levels and free plasma lipids.[1] The causative
Health Sciences, Manipal University, Manipal, Karnataka, India
factors behind PCOS are unknown. The probable cause
may be related to the dysregulation in female reproductive Address for correspondence: Mr. Baskaran Chandrasekaran,
Center for Sport Science Medicine and Research, School of Allied
hormones as demonstrated in earlier studies.[1,2] Insulin
Health Sciences, Manipal University, Manipal, Karnataka, India.

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How to cite this article: Shetty D, Chandrasekaran B, Singh AW,
10.4103/sjsm.sjsm_10_17 Oliverraj J. Exercise in polycystic ovarian syndrome: An evidence-based
review. Saudi J Sports Med 2017;17:123-8.

© 2017 Saudi Journal of Sports Medicine | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow 123
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Shetty, et al.: Evidence of exercise in PCOS

intolerance, and endothelial dysfunction.[6] Pathogenesis combating metabolic syndrome in PCOS patients by marking
of multiple sclerosis (MS) in PCOS women may be due to improvements in apolipoprotein, adiponectin in the process
(i) IR, (ii) hyperinsulinemia and (iii) glucose intolerance, which of lipid turnover, and uptake in skeletal muscles.[16]
are caused mainly due to dysregulation of insulin signal
transduction pathways, and (iv) failure in fatty acid uptake Endurance exercise also increases capillary density,
in muscle and liver.[6] mitochondrial density, number, hyperplasia of muscle
fibers, neural sensitization, motor learning, and adaptations
PCOS, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (COS) is associated with the thereby increasing exercise capacity and reducing exercise
development of cardiovascular disorders and type 2 diabetes. intolerance in PCOS individual.[17] Improved blood flow
IR, one of the dynamic components of MS, is observed in to skeletal muscles, mitochondrial proliferation, and
about 50%–80% of women with PCOS.[7] Insulin receptors sensitivity to activity enhance the stability of essential
are present in significant amount in ovaries and impairment protein involved in insulin signal transduction in PCOS
of insulin signaling in theca cells increases the production patients.[10]
of androgens.[8] IR impairs insulin action in tissues, such as
skeletal muscle, adipocytes, and liver. In skeletal muscle, the EVIDENCE SEARCH STRATEGY
primary effect of insulin is to stimulate glucose uptake and
metabolism. In insulin‑resistant state, the glucose uptake is The literature claiming the effectiveness of exercise in PCOS
markedly reduced in skeletal muscle. Hence, poor exercise is searched through electronic databases such as ProQuest
capacity due to reduced muscular efficiency, early fatigue, and Ovid and public databases such as PubMed Central and
and hence exercise tolerance are inevitable in PCOS patients.[9] Biomed Central. The MeSH items used for searching online
are exercise training AND PCOS, physical activity AND PCOS,
Obese individuals exhibit marked skeletal muscle IR as
exercise AND fertility OR ovulation. Only full‑text articles
compared that of lean individuals who are related to higher
published in English are reviewed. Two authors (DS and AW)
body mass index in PCOS women.[10] Weight loss in obese
hand searched the articles, and any consensus among the
individuals improves or reverses IR in skeletal muscle of PCOS
authors was solved through third author (JO). The research
women. Obesity tends to aggravate the clinical presentation
findings are shown in Table 1.
of PCOS. Indeed, the incidence of hirsutism and menstrual
irregularity is greater in the obese population as compared
to nonobese PCOS.[11] Owing to the above reasons, quality of
life with PCOS individual might get worse as it progresses.
Based on the literature reviewed in Table 1, the dosage of
exercise recommended in PCOS for potential health benefits
may be as follows:
Weight reduction may lead to a decrease in glucose intolerance
Exercise training session
which in turn may lead to improvement in reproductive and
metabolic derangements in PCOS.[12] Exercise training has Warm‑up: At least 5–10 min.
shown significant improvement in irregularity of menstrual
cycles and ovulation in about 50% women diagnosed Conditioning phase:
Aerobic training:
• Frequency: 5 days/week for 12–24 weeks
with PCOS which improves body composition.[13] Further

• Intensity: 20–60 min of aerobic (high‑intensity interval

weight loss may reduce pulse amplitude of luteinizing
hormone (LH) in turn reducing androgen production.[14] The
training 70%–70% VO2 peak repetitive exercise bouts
of 10 min, six episodes/session with 15 min of active
key factor responsible for these effects is the reduction of
hyperinsulinemia and IR.
pause 55%–60% VO2 peak between the bouts. Continuous
Exercise has shown to modulate insulin sensitivity and lipid practice sessions 60%–70% heart rate (HR) max inculcating
large muscles such as running or cycling for 30–60 min)
• Time: 30–45 min. Fatigue‑free level
metabolism in skeletal muscle. Exercise improves insulin

• Mode: Treadmill or bicycle

sensitivity by increasing intramyocellular triacylglycerol
concentration.[15] Improvement in insulin sensitivity could
be due to more efficient lipid turnover resulting in increased • Progression: 10% VO2 peak or HR max every 2 weeks.
muscle lipid uptake, transport, utilization, and oxidation. After 4 weeks, new VO2 peak test to be determined from
The literature states the efficacy of exercise training in maximal or submaximal exercise testing.

124 Saudi Journal of Sports Medicine / Volume 17 / Issue 3 / September-December 2017

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Shetty, et al.: Evidence of exercise in PCOS

Table 1: The current evidence behind effects of exercise on Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome women
Source Study design Participants Method Exercise intervention Inference Evidence
Intensity Duration Freq uency grade
Aerobic exercise training on PCOS
Almenning Pilot three-arm 31 PCOS Assigned to HITT - 4 sessions of 10 week 3 days/week Insulin resistance 1b
et al., 2015[18] parallel RCT patients high-intensity 4 min. With 90% HR Control group: reduced and improved
interval training, maximum: 3 min of >150 min of flow-mediated
traditional 70% HR calisthenics vasodilatation
strength training, Resistance training:
and control 8 exercise/three
sets/10 reps
Kong et al., Parallel RCT 31 PCOS HITT compared HITT - 8 s cycle: HITT - 20:40 min Both 4 days/ No difference in body 1b
2016[19] patients to moderate 12 s rest. Continuous rest week for weight reduction
to vigorous, exercise 60%-80% 5 weeks Testosterone and
continuous VO2 peak estradiol reduced in
exercise HITT
Physical enjoyment
more in HITT and less
Miri et al., Animal RCT 30 PCOS rats Relation between Moderate (70%-75%) 60 min Six sessions/ Higher testosterone 2b
2014[20] versus ten exercise and sex and low (50%-55% week, and androstenedione
controls hormones in rats VO2 peak) 8 weeks in PCOS rate
No difference in body
Hutchison Dual-arm RCT 44 individualsMitochondrial Moderate (70%) or 60 min Six 5 min Significant 3b
et al., 2012[16] (16 PCOS, biogenesis vigorous (90%-95% intervals with improvement in
13 non-PCOS and lipid after VO2 max) 2 min insulin resistance
overweight) exercise in whereas no change
overweight PCOS in mitochondrial
and normal biogenesis and lipids
Brown et al., Two-arm RCT 37 PCOS Individualized 50% VO2 peak in 60 min/session 12 weeks Decreased large VLDL 2b
2009[21] (exercise patients exercise treadmill chylomicrons
compared with prescription from Improvement in HDL
usual care) STRRIDE study Improvement in insulin
versus usual care resistance
Abazar et al., Case-control 24 PCOS Compared with 60%-70% HR 60 min 3 weeks for Reduced body 3b
2015[22] patients aerobic exercise maximum 12 weeks composition and lipid
and usual care profile in PCOS
Benrick Case controlled Not specified Compared Ran on treadmill Not available 5 days/week Exercise decrease 4
et al., 2013[23] animal trial PCOS-induced resveratrol 1-1.5 km/day and 5 weeks adipose and insulin
rats alone and with resistance than
exercise revertol
Both did not reduce
the bone mass loss in
PCOS individuals
Covington Case–control 16 individuals Effect of aerobic 55% VO 2 max 16 weeks 5 days/week Improved lipolysis 2c
et al., 2015[24] (8 PCOS and (8 PCOS and exercise on (progressive energy and lipid uptake
eight control) eight control) lipolysis expenditure) regulation
Improved insulin
Resistance exercise training on PCOS
Vizza et al., Two-arm parallel 15 PCOS Assigned to Not specified 60 min for Four Increased BMI, lean 2b
2016[25] pilot RCT patients progressive 12 weeks sessions/ body mass, and
resistance week reduced HbA1C
exercise and no Reduction in
exercise (usual depression
Cheema et Nonsystematic 108 PCOS Relation to 60% 1 RM (15 reps) 2-3 Two sets of PRT improves insulin 2a
al., 2014[26] review exercise, progress to 70%-85% nonconsecutive 5-8 types sensitivity
hormones, and 1 RM (8-12 reps) days/week of 3 sets for Regulates weight and
insulin resistance 12 weeks fertility


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Shetty, et al.: Evidence of exercise in PCOS

Table 1: Contd...
Source Study design Participants Method Exercise intervention Inference Evidence
Intensity Duration Freq uency grade
Lara et al., Case-control 43 PCOS Evaluated 70%-90% (1 RM) for Three 16 weeks Increases sexual 3a
2015[27] study women resistance 8-15 reps nonconsecutive excitement,
exercise over days lubrication, and
sexual function emotional status
and emotional regulation
Ramos et al., Case-control 43 PCOS Quality of Life 60% 1 RM with 5% Not specified 16 weeks Improved functional 3a
2016[28] study versus 51 after resistance every week 3 series capacity domain of
healthy exercise training of 10 reps/set SF36
females for 16 weeks
Physical activity and lifestyle modifications on PCOS
Thomson Three 41 overweight/ Assigned to one Walking/jogging, 25 min 5 days/week Diet with aerobic or 2b
et al., 2016[29] randomized obese PCOS of three groups: resistance training combined aerobic and
parallel group patients Diet, combined (not specified) resistance exercise
trial diet and aerobic is better than diet
exercise, alone in reducing
combined diet, depression, improved
aerobic and exercise barriers
Conte et al., Systematic 456 PCOS Exercise Not available Not available Not available Of 73 studies initially 3a
2015[30] review patients compared with recruited, only
usual care seven studies were
included. Though
training seemed to
be antidepressive,
inconclusive evidence
Ennour-Idrissi Meta-analysis of 18 RCTS (1994 Physical activity Not available Not available Not available Significant 1a
et al., 2015[31] RCTS PCOS) with no physical reduction in sex
activity hormones (estradiol,
androstenedione) after
physical activity in
PCOS patients
Stener- Two-arm RCT 72 PCOS Individual effects Self-paced brisk 30 min Three days/ Anxiety and 2b
Victorin et al., of acupuncture walk, cycle faster week for depression reduced
2013[32] and exercise than normal walk 16 weeks across all the group
over usual care >120 beats/min Fertility domain
improved with
exercise group
Banting et al., Cross-sectional 217 women Relation between Not available Not available Not available PCOS women are 2c
2014[33] (154 PCOS) physical activity better in physical
and mental activity but more
health in PCOS anxious than non-
patients PCOS
Costa et al., Single time 14 obese Ef fect of ARE Warm-up - 5 min 40 min 1 day GPS and HR monitor 2c
2015[34] observational PCOS in aerobic Pleasurable intensity with affective words
trial individuals capacit y. GPS - 40 min through phones
and HR monitors Cool down - 5 min improved physical
were used to activity intensity and
gauge physical joy in PCOS patients
ARE=Affect regulated exercise, PCOS=Polycystic ovarian syndrome, RCT=Randomized controlled trial, HR=Heart rate, RM=Repetition maximum, Reps=Repetition, GPS=Global positioning system,
HITT=High intensity interval training, VLDL=Very low density lipoprotein, HDL=High-density lipoprotein, BMI=Body mass index, HbA1C=Glycated hemoglobin, PRT=Progressive resistance training

Resistance exercise training: and triceps curl, abdominal curl ups, split squats, leg
• Frequency: 2–3 days/week for 12–24 weeks curls, and extensions). 2–3 sets of 8–12 repetition/set.
• Intensity: Initial 60%–70% of 1 repetition maximum 1 min rest between set. Avoid Valsalva maneuver during
comprising three sets of 8–10 resistance stations lifting
(lateral pull down, military press, chest press, biceps • Time: 30–45 min. Fatigue‑free level

126 Saudi Journal of Sports Medicine / Volume 17 / Issue 3 / September-December 2017

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• Progression: Repetitions or sets can be increased based
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