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Power system transient stability

enhancement by optimal control of

static VAR compensators
J Machowski
Warsaw University of Technology, at present with
Kaiserslautern University. Germany

D Nelles
Kaiserslautern University, 6750 Kaiserslautern.

The conventional regulators of static VAR compen-

A stud), of power system transient stability enhancement sators are designed as proportional plus integral con-
through the effective use of static VAR compensators is trollers regulating voltage magnitude. They are very
presented. The optimal control strategy resulting from the effective in forcing the voltage error to zero in steady-state
direct Lyapunov method and Pontryagin's maximum system operation. In transient state they are incapable
principle requires a control signal based on the state of providing very much damping 4'5 because voltage error
variables not available at the compensator bus. It is proved has no information on system dynamic response.
that this optimal signal can be replaced by the time More robust regulation can be obtained when the
derivative of an electric quantity derived from local voltage error is supported by frequency deviation and
measurements. A control algorithm based on this quantity when an adaptive control with self-tuning regulator is
gives smooth and very effective regulation. Tests done for used. An example of such a modern regulator has been
two-machine and multi-machine systems have confirmed described in Reference 6. In a less sophisticated alterna-
the validity and robustness of the proposed control tive solution (Figure 1) the conventional regulator is
algorithm. equipped with a supplementary control loop utilizing
another signal depending on power swing. In this solution
Keywords: online control strategies, security assessment, the voltage regulator has a long time delay and changes
transient stability, security enhancement, static VAR the thyristor firing practically only for persistent voltage
compensators, optimal control error. In the transient state the thyristor firing is changed
by the signal coming from the supplementary control
loop (PSS). Various supplementary s;gnals and control
algorithms have already been tried in order to maximize
I. I n t r o d u c t i o n the influence of the compensator on system damping.
Intensive progress in power electronics has provided the Among them are rotor slip 7, frequency deviation s, tie-line
electric energy transmission and distribution industry reactive power 9 and tieqine active power 1°'11. In this
with efficient tools for reactive power control 1-3. The paper the design of the supplementary control loop is
thyristor-controUed compensators (static VAR compen- formulated as a problem of optimal control theory. The
sators) have been successfully applied to the correction minimized function is defined as the total energy of the
of power factor, load balancing, voltage control and system measured with respect to the post-fault equi-
maximization of the power system transfer capability. librium point. Optimal control is derived using two
Modern static VAR compensators can change their different methods: the direct Lyapunov method and
output power from minimum to maximum in a very short Pontryagin's maximum principle. The obtained control
time. Therefore they can be also utilized to improve strategy requires a control signal based on the state
power system transient stability. Obtaining an effective variables not available at the compensator bus. It is
control algorithm to realize this goal is however not a proved that this optimal control signal can be replaced
trivial task. by the time derivative of a locally measurable electric
quantity. Implementation of the control algorithm based
Received May 1991; revised April 1 992
on this quantity is very easy. The obtained regulation of

,Vol 14 No 6 December 1992 0142-0615/92/60411-11 © 1992 Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd 411

I1,1 Network with line resistances and load at the
~ thyristor intermediate point
L/ref - AVR firing --.,.- For the considered network the active power can be
expressed for both generators by the following formulae:
PA(6) = PAO + b sin (6 -/~AB)
PB(5) = P B 0 - b s i n (6 +/~AB) (31
signal ~ , I where:
l l GAA
Figure 1. Conventional regulator of static VAR com- YAA - - + -- /~AA= atan ----
pensator (AVR) equipped with supplementary control ZAO ZAB BAA
loop (PSS) 1 1 Gss
YBB = + ,UBB= atan - - -
the compensator is very smooth and close to optimal. 1 GAB
Tests done for two and multi-machine systems have YAa = #An = atan (4)
confirmed validity and robustness of the proposed ZAB BAB
control algorithm. and b = ]EAHEalIYAB]is the magnitude of the power-angle
generator characteristic.

II. System model 11.2 "Purely reactive network

The study system is illustrated in Figure 2. Two For the simplified network model without network
equivalent generators are connected through a long resistances and load at the intermediate point it is obvious
transmission system with the static VAR compensator at that:
the intermediate point.
Stability of the two-machine system is determined by PA0=PBo=0, /tAB=0 and PA(~) = --PB(3) (5)
one relative power angle 5 = 6 A - 6 B and one differential Then equation (1) takes the following form:
Md23 Mdt 5 = Pm - PA(t~) (6)
dt 2 = p m - p(3) (1)
where inertia constant M and power Pm still depend on
where Pro, P(3) are the relative mechanical and electric ratio r -- MAIM B.
powers and M is the relative inertia constant of both
generators such that: 11.3 State-space mode/
The compensator susceptance Bs(t) is controlled by the
PmA -- rPmB PA(6) - rPs(6) output signal of the regulator and can be expressed in
Pm -- , P(b) = ,
l+r l+r the following way:
M 1
M---- " ~ A (2) Bs(t) = itl (7)
where r=MA/MR is the ratio of the individual inertia where ~(t) is the control function and Xsc=XAXR/
constants. (X A+ XB) is the short circuit system reactance seen from
For a particular case when the second generator is the the compensator bus used here as the impedance unit.
infinite bus (MB= oo and r = 0 ) equation (1) reduces to The choice of such a particular impedance unit is very
a differential equation describing the first generator. convenient for the simplicity of all further formulas.
For typical data the maximal available compensator
power is much less than the short circuit system capacity
GA C GB and ~(t) is a very small number
GI ~MIN ~ ~(t) ~< 0~MAX (8)
vc cA
constrained by two limits resulting from capacitive and
ZAA ZA C ZB a -70 inductive power ratings of the compensator.
For a purely reactive network with a compensator at
Es E, the intermediate point, the active power of the sending
machine reduces to:
PA(~) = bAB sin/~ (9)
&A &B &a B ZS
~,, F--- where
bAB= !EAllEBI (10)
is the magnitude of the power-angle characteristic and
Figure 2. Study system XAB is the transfer equivalent reactance resulting from

412 Electrical Power & Energy Systems

the star-mesh transformation of network model including III. Optimal control s t r a t e g y
compensator susceptance The optimal control strategy of a static VAR compen-
sator has already been discussed in References 13 and
XAB = XA + XB-- BsXAXa (11) 14. Here the optimal control strategy is derived for the
Substituting for Bs from equation (7) in this formula, it state-space model ~¢ using the direct Lyapunov method
is easy to obtain from (10) that: and Pontryagin's maximum principle.
bAB = - - = _ - - II1.1 Direct Lyapunov method
XAB X A Jr- X s I -- ~(t)
The direct Lyapunov method can be used for power
1 [ ~(t) ] system stability analysis in the following way. The
=b. b 1+ Lyapunov function and stability region are constructed
1 --~(t)- 1--~/ for the post-fault equilibrium point and at the same time
where b=IEAIIEBI/(XA+X~) is the magnitude of the for the post-fault and post-control state when the motion
power-angle characteristic of the system without compen- of rotors is absolutely free. The system is stable if during
sator. Taking into account that a(t) is a very small a given fault the system trajectory does not leave the
number it is possible to simplify the above formula to post-fault stability region determined by the Lyapunov
function. A good assessment of the stability region
bAB= b[1 + ~t(t)] (12)
for the system described by equation (14) can be
because ct/(l-c t)~ ~. Formula (9) now takes the follow- obtained ~5,16 from the energy-type Lyapunov function
ing form
V=½MA(O2-[PmA((~--6s)+b(cos(~--COS6s)] (15)
PA(6) = b[1 + ct(t)] sin 6 (13)
where b is the magnitude of the power-angle characteristic
This means that ~(t) has an approximately additive for the post-fault equilibrium point. The first component
influence on the magnitude of power-angle characteristic. of equation (15) is equal to the kinetic energy of the
An example of power-angle characteristics for extreme system and the second component is equal to the
values of ~t(t) is depicted in Figure 3. The important fact potential energy of the system calculated with respect to
should be noticed that the active power of the generator the post-fault equilibrium point 6s. Function (15) is the
is strongly influenced by the compensator only for large first integral of (14) for ~(t)=0.
power angles. For very small power angles the com- The stability region of the considered system is
pensator has no influence on the active power of the determined by the following inequality
The considered system model can be summarized as V(6, o9) ~<Vc (16)
the set of the following state space equations: where Vc is the value of the Lyapunov function at the
unstable equilibrium point (~o= 0, 6 = 7t- 6s).
--~---(O The Lyapunov function is equal to zero at the
dt post-fault equilibrium point and is maximal at each point
of the stability boundary. The control system should move
do)_ 1 [ P m _ b s i n 6 ] _ l [bsin6]ct(t) (14) the transient point as much as possible to the vicinity of
dt M the post-fault equilibrium point and therefore should
with two state variables 6, ~o and one controlled input minimize the value of the Lyapunov function as much as
~(t). possible, taking into account constraints ~MAX, 7M~N
imposed on the control function a(t).
P(5) The control strategy minimizes the value of the
Lyapunov function if, along the system trajectory, it
maximizes the negative value of the time derivative of
the Lyapunov function.
The time derivative of the Lyapunov function along
/~.." '"...~ CLMIN the controlled part of the system trajectory can be

//.... expressed in the following way:

dV (?V d6 ~V d~)
12- - + --- (17)
dt 26 dt &o dt
- rt -1[12 5 where on the basis of (15):
0V (~V
- [ P m - b sin 6], -Moo (18)

~\". . .
03 &o
After substituting into equation (17) the relevant com-
ponents from equations (18) and (14) we obtain:

I2 . . . . co[b sin 5]c~(t) = - ¢OPA(CS)~(t) (19)

Figure 3. Influence of compensator susceptance on Supplementary control of the compensator forces a

power-angle characteristic permanent decay of total system energy V(6,co) if the

Vol 14 No 6 December 1992 413

function clearance {31 the controlled system trajectory tends to
the post-fault equilibrium point 6s. Switching points
0(& co)= - I/=coPA(~)~t{t)=co[bsina]~(t) (20) appear on the horizontal axis when e)=0 and on the
is positive. This means that e(t) must always have the vertical axis when flo(~) = PA{6)=/,sin ~ = 0.
same sign as function (oPa(a). Therefore the control
system must realize the following strategy: 111.2 Pontryagin's m a x i m u m principle
The above control strategy (21) can be also obtained
:¢MAX for signal > ~MAX
from Pontryagin's maximum principle 17. The proof is as
~(t)=~signal for ~MiN<~signal<.~A x (21) follows.
/ A system is described by differential equations (14) and
V~MIN for signal <<.C~MIN
the minimized function is equal to the total system energy
where: (15). The Hamiltonian for this system is given by:
signal = KRcoflo(6) (22)
H= [em-bsint~]~, 1 - [bsin/i]~(t)Ol +coO2 (25)
depends on rotor slip co and nonlinear function: M
rio(a) = [b sin 6] = PA(6) (23) where Ox and ~2 are adjoined variables satisfying the
following canonical equations:
K R is the gain of the regulator.
For control strategy (21) the above function (20) is equal (?H
- <,
to &o
~b(~, co)= KRCO2[b sin 6] 2 ~H 1
~2 = -- ~ = M [ b c o s 6 J E 1 + ~(t)34'~ (26)
and is always positive.
The maximum damping effect can be expected when
the continuous control in equation (21) is replaced by Due to Pontryagin's maximum principle the following
the following bang-bang control: boundary condition must be satisfied for the post-fault
equilibrium state (6 = 6s, m = 0, c~= 0):
3¢(t)=J'0~MAX) for [carlo(a)]>0
LC~Mh~ for [cofl0(6)]<0 I//l(O)=0) = -- (~V ,
CU.)If or ta = 0
in which c~(t) is equal to one of its extreme values.
Both control strategies (21) and (24) require the change 2(6 = 6 s , = o) = - I27)
of co(t) from plus to minus and vice versa in two cases: ~5 ]fora=a~
(1) when co changes sign and (2) when flo(b)=PA(b)
Hence, taking into account boundary values ~V/&o = O,
= b s i n 6 changes sign. The point of system trajectory
co=0 resulting from equation (18) for the post-fault
for which ~(t) must change sign is called the switching
equilibrium state we obtain:
point. For the considered system model all switching
points occur on both axes of the phase plane. This is ~l(co=0), ~b2(6=@ :~=0)=0 (28)
illustrated in Figure 4.
More careful consideration of equation (26) leads to a
The stability region obtained from the Lyapunov
surprising conclusion that canonical equations of the
method is surrounded by the curve V(6, co) = Vc. The first
considered nonlinear system can be analytically solved
part of the system trajectory { 1,2, 3} is forced by a fault
and the solution is expressed by the following formulae:
in the network. Starting from the moment of fault
O 1(t) = Mco(t ) (29)
O2(t) = - [PmA-- b(l + ~(t)) sin d] (30)
It is easy to check that for this solution the boundary
condition (28) is satisfied and therefore the optimal
control c~(t)can be determined as the function maximizing
Hamiltonian (25). In formula (25) function c~(t) occurs
explicitly in the second component and therefore H
reaches a maximum if the following function
~b(6, co) = -M[bsin6]c~(t)Ol=co(bsin~)~(t) (31)

5 is positive and maximal. This condition is identical

to that obtained from the direct Lyapunov method
(equation (20)).

111.3 Equal-area m e t h o d
The equal-area method is often used to give simple
explanations of transient phenomena in electric power
systems s'19. A useful illustration for physical interpre-
tation of the above control strategy is given in Figure 5.
A fault in the transmission line suddenly changes the
Figure 4. Stability area and optimal switching points active power of the generator from the value at point 1

414 Electrical Power & Energy Systems

PA(5) impossible in the case of continuous control when in the
5 vicinity of all switching points o)=0 the compensator
susceptance is changed slowly.
Further consideration of control implementation relates
to continuous control.
ct(t) =0 " ~'

CE(/) =CEMIN~ i N 15 IV. I m p l e m e n t a t i o n based on local

X \ t pmA I~ i ~,-x'~ 20 For practical implementation the above optimal signal
(22) must be replaced by another signal based on an
/ /
electric quantity measured at the compensator bus.
-~ I "5/)/~,; _ _~ IV.1 Conditions determining electric quantity
2 3 r~
An electric signal used to imitate the optimal control
13 signal must contain information about system dynamic
response. Therefore it should be sought among signals
of the following form:
signal = K Rdq (32)
where q is an electric quantity derived from local
For constant electromotive forces the time derivative
of any quantity q can be expressed in the following way:
dq 0q d6 0q dc~ 0q 0q dc~
Figure 5. Physical interpretation of the optimal control -- = • + ....... ~o+ . . . . (33)
strategy dt 06 dt 0c~ dt 06 0c~ dt
The first condition which must be satisfied by the selected
quantity can be expressed in the following way:
to a smaller value at point 2. The resulting acceleration
power involves kinetic energy proportional to the area Oq >> Oq (34)
{1,2, 3,4}. In the case without any control (~=0) this 08 0~
area is larger than the maximal available deceleration
area {4, 18, 19} and the considered system is unstable. In This means that the first component of (33) dominates
the case when an optimally controlled compensator is over the second component and the dynamic behaviour
used the system behaviour is as follows. of signal (32) depends mainly on rotor slip
When the fault is cleared, the control signal (22) is dq Oq d 6 0 q
positive and the maximal available capacitor is switched -~ . . . . . . e) (35)
dt - 06 dt 06
on. This enlarges the maximal available deceleration area
to {4, 5, 20} and the system is stable. The rotor slip co is When this condition is not satisfied then, as results from
reduced to zero at point 6 where area {4, 5, 6, 8} is equal (33) for small o9, there is an effective feedback between
to area { 1,2, 3, 4}. In backward motion ~o changes sign control signal ~(t) and its time derivative d~/dt. Supple-
and the maximal available reactor is switched on. The mentary control can be unstable. Depending on the sign
reactor reduces the active power of the generator and the of partial derivative 0q/0~ there are two different kinds
kinetic energy {7,8,9} lost by the rotor during its of system dynamic response.
backward motion and necessary further back swing is For negative value of 0q/0~ the feedback between the
small. The acceleration area opposing this back swing is control signal and its time derivative is negative. Then
enlarged by optimal control at the next switching point for a small positive disturbance d ~ / d t > 0 the system
{ 10} when PA(6) changes sign and the maximal available response dq/dt resulting from (33) is negative. This in turn
capacitor is switched on. Resulting maximal acceleration produces negative control signal c~(t)= signal = KR(dq/dt )
area is {9, 10, 11,21}. Rotor slip co is reduced to zero at resulting from (21) and (32) and the same time negative
point 11 where area {9,10,11,12} is equal to area value of dc~/dt. For negative value of d~/dt the system
{7,8,9}. In forward motion m changes sign and the response dq/dt is positive which in turn produces a
maximal available reactor is switched on. This decreases positive control signal and positive value dc~/dt again.
the kinetic energy from the acceleration power in forward The supplementary control loop forces permanent oscil-
motion and at the same time contributes to a smaller lations called hunting phenomenon. This is illustrated in
forward rotor swing. Figure 6.
Figure 5 also provides the important information that For a positive value of ?~q/&~the feedback between
from a practical point of view, continuous control is more control signal and its time derivative is positive. Then for
suitable than bang-bang control. For deep power swing a small positive disturbance, dc~/dt>0, the system
(point 15) close to the critical condition the sudden response dq/dt is positive and gains the initial change.
change from capacitor to reactor decreases the generator Control signal c~(t) grows up involving deceleration
power to below the mechanical power (point 16) and the power and at the same time a negative slip co which
system becomes unstable. Such system instability is opposes a further increase of dq/dt. The system oscillates

Vol 14 No 6 December 1992 415

on the value of ?q/£~. When the relative wflue of ? q ? ~
is small then the required smoother length and time dela3
are short. The averaging process has practically no
influence on the power system transient stability. How-
ever when the relative value of ?q/?:~ is large then the
required smoother length and time delay involved arc
long. The averaging process delays all switching points
and makes the regulation less effective.

IV.2 Selection of electric quantity

Many electric quantities have been considered as candi-
dates for supplementary control. Only two of them have
been selected for presentation in the paper. These are the
t negative value of the second power of voltage magnitude
and the second power of current magnitude:
qu(t) = -rUI 2 (39)
q~(t) = +II] 2 (40)
Figure 6. Compensator hunting for small rotor slip co
and negative value of ~q/'t?~ The respective control signals are:
signalv = KR di [ - IUI2] (41)
but slower than in the previous case. When partial
derivative Oq/&~ is small, the system is stable because the
feedback between d~/dt and ~(t) is too weak to force any signall- K d [+IIAI 2] (42)
visible oscillations. - Rdt
If condition (34) is satisfied then signal (32) based on For the purely reactive network above, quantities can be
(35) can be expressed in the following way expressed by the following formulae:
s i g n a l ~ KR6Oflq(6) (36) qv(t)= -]UI 2 = - U U *
where: XAX B 1
z -b •
X , + X n (1--~) 2
~q (37)
/(]q(6) = (26
IEAI+ +2COS6 (43)
is a function depending on p o w e r angle and system x. IE.I x , IE.I
After comparing (36) and (37) with (22) and (23) it is ql(t) = + IIA12= I A I *
easy to conclude that the locally-measured signal (32) is = B2AIEA] 2 + B~.IEBI z + 2BAABABIEAIIEB] COS 6
equivalent to the optimal control signal (22) if the selected
quantity q satisfies the following condition: (44)

/~q (6) = Cq/~O(6 )

where BAA, BAtI are equivalent susceptances obtained
from star-mesh transformation. They both depend on
and therefore ~(t).
?q Both quantities (39) and (40) satisfy condition (38) for
~6 = CqPA(6) = cq[b sin 6] (38) all power angles because their partial derivatives
flu(6)= ?qw ~'lUI z XAX B 2b
where Cq is any constant value not equal to zero. ?.6 = - ,?6 = X A + X l l ' i r i 2 ] ~ ) 2 " sin6 (45)
Generally, the above requirements (34) and (38)
imposed on the electric quantity should be satisfied for (?IIAI 2
any power angle. There are however two facts which can ill(6) = -(?qJ = + -- -- 2BAABAB]EAI IEB] sin 6 (46)
weaken these difficult requirements. From a practical
point of view, condition (38) can be satisfied only for are proportional to (sin 6) as required for optimal control.
large power angles. For small power angles the compen- It must be remarked that for inductive network, BAAis
sator susceptance has only a slight influence on generator negative but BA!! is positive and/3~ has the same sign as flu.
power (Figure 3) and at the same time has only a slight From the point of view of condition (34) both
influence on stabilization or destabilization of the power quantities, (39) and (40), have different properties. For
system. Exact determination of the control signal for the voltage-oriented quantity (39), it is easy to derive the
small power angles is not very important. Small per- explicit formula for ~qu/&~ and realize that it has large
manent oscillations resulting from violation of condition negative values and condition (34) cannot be satisfied.
(34) can be suppressed by smoothing the control signal For the current-oriented quantity (40), the explicit
and averaging its value for a certain period. This can be formula for Oq~/#~ is very complicated and does not
done by a low-pass filter introduced into the supplementary provide any direct information. From numerical compu-
control loop. The required smoothing period, and at the tations for various system data it can be found that aql/¢~
same time the signal delay, involved by the filter depend does not have large values and condition (34) is satisfied.

416 Electrical Power & Energy Systems

For a better comparison of both quantities Figure 7
illustrates a typical plot of partial derivatives Oqu/#~ and
#qt/#a obtained for a purely reactive network and typical
system data. All values of Oqt#got and #qt/#~ are divided
by magnitudes of functions (45) and (46), respectively.
Such relative value of #q/#ot is small for the current- !
oriented signal and large for the voltage-oriented signal.
Comparison of system dynamic behaviour with supple-
mentary control based on both quantities is illustrated
in Figure 8. In the case of voltage-oriented signal, Figure as
8a shows system responses with very fast oscillations,
typical for hunting phenomenon. There are many
needless switching points and the control function
oscillates around a value similar to that required by
optimal control strategy. A low-pass filter with long
length, used to smooth the control signal, suppresses
most of the oscillations (Figure 8b) but some switching ~6
points are missed and others appear with delay. In the
case of supplementary control based on current-oriented
signal (Figure 8c) the regulation process is very smooth
even for a very short filter length. Response time of such
a filter is short and there is practically no time delay
between switching moments detected by algorithm and
required by optimal strategy.
There are also other electric quantities which could be
considered as candidates for supplementary control. One
of them is the voltage-oriented quantity IIIUIcos q~l used
in Reference 20 for detection of power swing in out-of-step
relaying systems. More detailed analysis of the usefulness
of this quantity for the considered control system leads
to the following conclusions. A control system based on
I IUI cos q~ll is subject to hunting phenomenon but not so
much as for IUI 2. Quantity I IuI cos ~01 satisfies condition
(38) for medium and large power angles. For small power
angles (depending upon the ratio of both equivalent
electromotive forces) the sign of the control function can
be wrong. Therefore, the improvement in system damp- °t' f
ing obtained in the case of this quantity is worse than in
the case of the current-oriented signal.
Much worse damping is also obtained for power-
oriented signals described in former publications. A
power-oriented signal does not satisfy condition (38) for

8q / eq
-~--d/ a8

q = _lZl z Figure 8. Comparison of system dynamic response

/ 6 (rad) with voltage and current-oriented control: (a) results
for voltage-oriented signal with short filter length
(TF=2Oms); (b) results for voltage-oriented signal
with long filter length (TF=lOOms); (c) results
for current-oriented signal with short filter length
(TF=20 ms). Small squares mark all switching points
(1,2 .... ) resulting from optimal control strategy. Black
points mark all switching points detected by given
algorithm (1 ', 2',...)

a power angle larger than n/2 because derivative 0P/~15

changes the sign for this angle. Power-oriented control
contributes to system stabilization only for power swings
not exceeded 6 = n/2. For larger power angles 6 > n/2 the
wrong compensator element is switched on and negative
damping is produced. Therefore for deep power swings
Figure 7. Relative values of Oq/#c~ for voltage and the power-oriented control can contribute to system
current-oriented signal destabilization.

Vol 14 No 6 December 1992 417

Current-oriented signal seems to be the most suitable The question is whether the current-oriented signal can
supplementary signal for static VAR compensator detect switching points (48) with satisfactory accuracy.
control. Currents of both generators (Figure 2) are given by:
IV.3 Control algorithm based on Ill ~ for network liAr2 = IA I* = IY~AIIEAI2 + IY~BIIE.I2
with resistances and load at compensator bus --21YAAHYABItEAIIEBIcos(6--~AB+#AA) (50)
For a network model with resistances and load at the
compensator bus there is PA(6)#--PB(6) and formulae II.12 = IBI~ = Iy2BIIEBI2 +IYA2BIIEAI2
(2) cannot be simplified as has been done for the purely --21YBBI[YABIIEAIIE.Icos(6--~AS+~BB) (51)
reactive network. Equation (1) with formulae (3) must
be considered. On the basis of (35) it can now be written that:
d 2
IV.3.1 Optimal control strategy diJIAI-- o.flLd6) (52)
For a network with series resistance RAa function (15)
does not constitute a Lyapunov function and cannot be and
used formally for stability analysis. Validity of previously
obtained control strategy (21) can be confirmed by the dtlI,12 ~ ~o//n(6) (53)
equal-area method. The illustration is similar to that
shown in Figure 5. The only difference is that now the
power-angle characteristic must be drawn for relative
power P(6) given by equations (2). Switching points of ,qA(6) = 21YAAIIYABIIEAIIE,Isin (6-/~AB +/~AA) (54)
algorithm (21 ) will now appear for moments when oJ = 0
and moments when function ft.(6) = 21YrmllYARIIEAIIERIsin (6 -]-,/"/AB #BB) -- (55)
Comparison of (54) and (55) to zero leads to the
/~°(6)=P(5)= i b+r [sin (6--1tAR)+rsin (6+t~Aa)] (47) conclusion that signal (52) detects switching point (49)
with an error of less than ~AA and signal (53) with an
is equal to zero. For flo(6)=P(6)=O from formula (47) error of less than (2#Aa -/~Bs). For negative value of ItAB
it is obtained that: this means that the optimal switching point is situated
between points detected by both signals (52) (53). Figure
6(p=o)=atan[: +i tan (#AB)I (48) 10 illustrates this fact and shows that function//o(6) for
optimal control always lies between function flA(5) and
fla(6). For small r = M A / M n function flo(6) is closer to
and optimal switching point P ( 5 ) = 0 appears for the
flA(CS) and for large r = M A / M n is closer to fla(6). The
power angle dependant on ratio of (usually unknown)
average value offlA(6 ) and fla(5) gives a good approximation
inertia constants r = MA/MB.
of flo(5).
On the basis of the last conclusion the following
IV.3.2 Modification of control signal
quantity and control signal can be accepted for the
The ratio of inertia constants satisfies (0 ~<r ~< 1) and for
its extreme values we obtain from (48) that: supplementary loop:
I/At 2 + lIB] 2
/tAB ~< 5~p : o) ~<0 (49) q= (56)
this means that optimal switching points P(6)= 0 always
appear for very small values close to zero. For the d
inductive network the argument ftAB is negative and siqnal, = K R dt [IIAI2 + IIRj2] (57)
switching points appear on a vertical line close to the
origin of the phase plane (Figure 9).
t .._._
. . ~ B o
/ !3A(6]
reactor ~~apdcffor I
( /"
I .X \/
5 ) ='~' . ~". [~B
~AA+ ~A8 ..}'/
w)=Vc /Z~."/ V" ~/Z '. ~" 3~/Z 6

:".....!\.\- ..::h "" " "

'.... .\ / ./
--~B ""'~//

Figure 10. Function fl(6) for the optimal control
strategy flo(6) and for both electric currents flA(6),
Figure 9. Switching pointsforsystem with local load /~B(6)

41 8 Electrical Power & Energy Systems

For switching points (~o=0) on the horizontal axis
(Figure 9) signal (57) does not make any mistake.
Switching points ( P = 0 ) on the vertical line (Figure 9)
are detected with a time error depending on the ratio
r = MAIM B and arguments ]JAA, ~BB" This small error is
made in the region of small power angles where exact
determination of control signal is not necessary.
The load at the compensator bus has an influence on
the derivative ~q/&t which is decisive for stability of Figure 1 2. Measuring unit: (1) anti-aliasing filter and
supplementary control. Numerical computations for analog-digital converter; (2) one-cycle Fourier com-
various loading conditions provide the following in- pu tation of magnitude for fundamental frequency; (3)
formation. Active power demand at the intermediate one-cycle fourier computation of fifth harmonic; (4)
point only slightly affects the relative value of Oq/d~. differentiator; (5) interrupter; (6) buffer; (7) low-pass
Derivative Oq/O~ is more sensitive to reactive power. filter (smoother)
Capacitive load at the intermediate point increases ?q/?:7.
Inductive load at the intermediate point makes Oq/~
negative for large power angles and positive for small jumps of the relevant time derivative, marked in the figure
power angles. For any reasonable reactive power demand by dotted lines.
condition (34) is satisfied and system regulation is stable In the control system of the static VAR compensator
even for a very short smoothing filter. any big jump of the time derivative dq/dt would
unnecessarily switch on and off the capacitor or reactor.
IV.4 Measuring algorithm Obviously such an action has no influence on the power
The proposed control algorithm utilizes the second power system damping and should be avoided by eliminating
of electric current magnitude. In the digital technique from the control signal all sudden changes resulting from
there are various algorithms suitable for this computation. faults and switching operations in the network. Simple
They differ with computational effort, time response and application of high-stop or low-pass filters does not give
sensitivity to harmonics which can appear in measured satisfactory results. For a large sudden change any such
quantity. For a contol system a very fast algorithm is filter responds with more or less fuzzy impulses and
not necessary. More desired features are the computa- obviously does not eliminate unnecessary switchings.
tional simplicity and insensitivity to harmonics. From A measuring unit which completely eliminates all
this point of view the algorithm based on a one-cycle sudden changes is illustrated in Figure 12. The input
Fourier transformation could be recommended 21. signal i(t) travels through an anti-aliasing filter and is
•In formula (33) it has been assumed that system sampled in an analog-digital converter. A digital signal
parameters are constant and that the time derivative is processed by two Fourier algorithms computing the
dq/dt of a given quantity q results only from the change second power of the magnitude for the fundamental
of power angle 6 and control function ~(t). This is true frequency [15ol2 and the fifth harmonic 1125o12. For slow
only in the post-fault condition. At the moment when a changes of electric current the anti-aliasing filter does not
fault occurs and is cleared the system parameters are pass the fifth harmonic and the output signal of 1125012
changed very suddenly, forcing large and sudden changes is equal to zero. The output signal 115o[2 is differentiated
of given electric quantity. Figure 11 illustrates a typical and transmitted through a buffer memory to a low-pass
behaviour of q = ]I]2 in the case when a fault is cleared filter smoothing the control signal. When a sudden
without automatic reclosing. There are two very short change of input signal i(t) occurs the anti-aliasing filter
responds with a fuzzy impulse which obviously contains
higher-order harmonics. The Fourier algorithm 1125012
response is an approximately one-cycle impulse which is
used to interrupt the transmission of the basic signal
115012 to the low-pass filter. The low-pass filter then
obtains from the buffer memory an old sample and the
sudden jump is missed. When the output signal 1125012
disappears, new samples of the basic signal 115012 are
again transmitted.

V. Test results
idq Simulation tests for a two-machine system have been
dt done for various loading conditions including a load at
F the intermediate point of the transmission system and
loads at the generator terminals. Currents IA, In used in
t the control signal (57) have been calculated in lines at
v - the compensator bus. Tests have confirmed that for
I various loading conditions the current-oriented signal
properly detects all switching points. It can operate
! smoothly with a very short low-pass filter and switching
moments are only slightly delayed. Proposed current-
Figure 11. Example of the wave form of electric oriented control is not very sensitive to system parameters.
quantity q = Ill2 and its time derivative It can operate stably and effectively with the same gain

Vol 14 No 6 December 1992 419

for various system parameters resulting from line outages G3
and abnormal network states.
An example of results obtained from the two-machine
system with a load at the compensator bus and loads at
generator terminals is shown in Figure 13. The considered
post-fault condition is close to the critical condition and
saddles on active power waves, typical for deep power
swing, can be observed (Figure 13a). In the forward
motion the maximal available capacitor is switched on
(Figure 13b and Figure 13c) until switching point co = 0
is reached. In backward motion the maximal available
reactor is switched on, this decreases energy lost by the
system (Figure 13c), The back swing of the rotor is very
deep and switching points P = 0 can be also observed.
The control signal is smoothed by a low-pass filter which
gives only a short delay in the appearance of switching
points ( o = 0 (Figure 13d). Switching points P = 0 are
additionally delayed due to an error made by the Figure 14. CIGRE test system
algorithm in detection of P(6) = 0 (Figure 13c and Figure
13d). All these errors have only a slight influence on a 6(G7)
power system damping and the proposed algorithm
operates almost as the optimal control strategy.
Simulation tests for multi-machine systems have been
done for a three-machine test systemr"l'L ten-machine
New England test system 22 and seven-machine C I G R E
test system 16. Results showed that a controlled SVC can
effectively damp the power oscillations on a transmission 2 4 6 8 I0
A12 14 f/s

link where it is installed.

In this paper two results for C I G R E test system (Figure b 6(G6)
14) are presented as examples for multi-machine systems.
The compensator is situated at bus B8 being the
intermediate point of the long transmission link between
generators G6, G7 and the rest of system. The fault is
assumed in line L7 near bus B6. Results are shown in
Figure 15. 4 6 8 I0 12 14 f / s
In the first case the fault is cleared without automatic C B shunt(B8)
reclosing and line L7 is switched off together with the
fault. Inertia constants of both faulted generators G6 and

' 6 (rod) C P(pu) VVY
P(pu) PM d

b 216 (red)
d cu(rad/s)
2v V V vj,0v w,/:
tP(PU) DH ~ r a d ) e ~,6 (G6)
1.0 /
os ,Cc~) G

-osf W~~ k~"L£4ys Tr-

Figure 13. Example of test results: (a) power angle Figure 15. Example of results for ClGRE test system:
and power for system without any control; (b) power (a), (b) and (c) power angles of G6, G7 and
angle, power and compensator susceptance for system compensator susceptance in the case of fault clearance
with proposed control; (c) trajectory on plane P versus without reclosing; (d) and (e) power angle in the case
6 and (d) trajectory on plane co versus 5. Small squares of fault clearance with automatic reclosing of line L?.
[ ] and black points • mark switching points co = 0 and Small squares and triangles mark curves with and
P = 0 respectively without control of SVG, respectively

420 Electrical Power & Energy Systems

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22 System engineering for power emergency operating state
The financial support received from Deutsche Forschungs- control Davos, Switzerland September 30-October 5 (1979)
gemeinschaft is gratefully acknowledged. CONF-790904 P1, UC-97c

Vol 14 No 6 December 1992 421

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