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CONDITIONS: tools, materials and equipment needed to

satisfy the CONTENT and Assessment CRITERIA

METHODOLOGIES : 3 or more should be teaching
ASSESSMENT METHOD: 3 or more method to evaluate/
collect evidences
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats

Task management skills are activities and principles that help

you organize your work to complete tasks on time and with
high standards. 

task skills — the ability to perform individual tasks. task

management skills — the ability to manage a number of different
tasks/operations/activities within the job role or work environment.

contingency management skills — the ability to respond to

irregularities and break downs in routine. job/role
environment skills — demonstrating the ability to deal with
responsibilities and expectations of the workplace, including
working with others.

job/role environment skills — demonstrating the ability to deal

with responsibilities and expectations of the workplace,
including working with others.
The Evidence Planning tool is a quick way to help articulate
and improve what you are trying to accomplish. It gives you
an easy way to define and share what it is that you're trying to do,
and the assumptions and evidence upon which this is based.
underpinning knowledge and skills are the fundamental principles, methodologies and skills
required to achieve performance outcomes. More specifically the knowledge identifies what
a person needs to know to perform the work in an informed and effective manner.

What is a critical competency? A critical competency is a skill that is absolutely essential for
success in a particular role or performing a specific task. Without it, the outcome

The range of a distribution with a discrete random variable is the difference between the
maximum value and the minimum value. For a distribution with a continuous random
variable, the range is the difference between the two extreme points on the distribution curve,
where the value of the function falls to zero.

What is a critical competency? A critical competency is a skill

that is absolutely essential for success in a particular role or
performing a specific task. Without it, the outcome may be
weaker and not reach full potential.

Trainees must be provided with the following:
- Computer
- White board
- CD
- Tapes
- Learning Packages
- Ball pens
- Whiteboard marker
- Manuals
- The Philippine TVET Trainers-Assessors Qualification
- Procedures Manual on Developing Competency-Based

Skill—A task or group of tasks performed to a specific level of

competency or proficiency which often use motor functions
and typically require the manipulation of instruments and
equipment (e.g., use of vacuum cleaner in cleaning carpeted
floor). Some skills,
however, such as counseling, are knowledge- and attitude-
Competency—A skill performed to a specific standard under
specific conditions.

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